Pokemon: Dominate The Alliance From Opening The Treasure Box

Chapter 208 Bill Lighthouse, fight again Ash (plus)

On the beach, Aoki lay in the sand, enjoying the sand bath leisurely.

Misty was also lying beside him.

Pokémon are training nearby.

Aoki didn't leave in a hurry, he was going to wait for Ash here.

After all, it won't be long before Ash is expected to come.

In addition, he also wanted to see the super-giant fast dragon.

That's right, the purpose of Aoki's stay is mainly for the super-giant fast dragon.

He really wanted to know if the strength of this super-giant fast dragon was as powerful as he imagined.

If it is Champion level, then accept it immediately, but if it is a divine beast, then goodbye, there is no need to talk about accepting it.

After all, no matter how powerful he is, he is still not sure of conquering Divine Beast One.

After all, there is still a big gap between Champion and the beast.

"Ah, where's my Krabby? Why isn't there?"

Aoki was enjoying a leisurely sand bath when he heard a familiar voice.

Turning around, isn't that Ash?

Still the same goofy look as before, but quite cute.

"Ash, long time no see."

Aoki lay down from the sand.

When Ash saw Aoki, he didn't care about Krabby he just captured.

"Aoki, I finally met you. I have already captured seven Pokémon. Shall we fight?"

"Aren't you looking for your Krabby?"

Aoki said speechlessly, forgetting his own Pokémon.

Ash Jue reacted, showing an expression of sudden realization.

"Yeah, I forgot, Krabby, where is my Krabby?"

"Ash, you've already captured six, and the seventh Pokémon should have already passed. Brock explained helplessly.

"Send it back, where will it go?"

Ash asked in confusion.

"Professor Oak's, of course, so you don't have to worry at all.

Aoki also helped explain a bit.

Ash showed an expression of sudden realization, and then he stopped worrying and looked at Aoki with confidence.

"Aoki, fight with me, I've already captured six Pokémon.

After speaking, Ash threw out his Pokémon.

Six Pokémon are standing in front.

t: "..."

As expected of the protagonist, he had already kidnapped Little Fire Dragon and Squirtle, this guy actually got it.

Frog Seeds, Charizard, Squirtle, Butterfree, Pikachu, Pidgeotto.

This is Ash's Pokémon, exactly the same as in the original, without any changes.

Uncle, the main character is treated very well.

Someone has forgotten that he has a pedigree, and he has also successfully collected the three of the royal family, and he is still envious of an Ash.

"Then, play a game with you, Ralts, the first game is up to you.

Naturally, Aoki couldn't refuse, and the protagonist's treasure chest that was delivered to his door should be enjoyed.

"Brushed. 5

Ralts immediately moved to the front.

"Then, Pikachu, it's up to you. 9

Ash was full of confidence and believed that he could win.

Pikachu also jumped the hook immediately.

"Pickup pickup."

"Pikachu, Thunderbolt.

Ash was still as excited as ever.

A strong thunderbolt emerged from Pikachu's body, roaring out continuously, and quickly headed towards Ralts.

"Ralts, Teleport, then use Confusion, toss a lot of sand."

Ralts teleported, easily dodging Thunderbolt.

Then use Confusion, controlling a large amount of sand that blocks Pikachu's view.


Pikachu panicked suddenly and kept looking around.

"Hypnosis. 99

While Pikachu was not paying attention, Ralts suddenly moved to the side and hypnotized Pikachu.

Before Pikachu could react, he had already fallen asleep.

"Pikachu, wake up quickly.

"Ralts, dream eaters.

There was a light in Ralts' eyes, a green light, posing from Pikachu's body.

Pikachu let out a scream and fell to the ground, incapacitated.

It is indeed Pikachu, it is really a magical Pokémon.

When weak, the strength is very poor.

But when it is strong, even the divine beast can fight with you.


Ash ran over immediately and caught Pikachu, and the SWAT cared.

"Don't worry, there's no need to worry too much, that is, if your physical strength is exhausted, you can rest for a while and eat something. 19

Aoki comforted.

0・・Ask for flowers・

After all, it is not an injury, so there is no need to worry too much.

Pokémon's resilience is still very strong.

"Brock, please."

Ash entrusts his Pokémon to Brock and continues to watch Aoki.

In the end, Ash took a fancy to Frog Seeds.

"Miao Frog Seed, the decision is you.

The seeds of the wonderful frog rushed to Qinlai immediately and looked at Aoki with great momentum.

The last time he met Aoki, he was easily defeated by Lu, this time he must find a place.

"Ralts, fantasy light."

"Frog seeds, carry them down hard, and then use the vine whip. 39

Aoki's mouth twitched, is this his best skill?

I didn't expect Ash to do the same.


Even Brock was speechless.

Aoki's wonderful frog seeds have been specially trained, so even if they make a move, they can still be shot down.

He didn't think Ash's Frog Seed could withstand Ralts' phantom light.

As Aoki had expected, the Frog Seed had just been hit by the phantom light and entered a state of chaos.

The vine whip didn't touch Ralts at all, it just thrashed violently, and even hit himself.

"Oh, what's going on?"

Ash is a little flustered, it shouldn't be, Aoki's frog seeds can do it, why can't his frog seeds do it?

"Ralts, Hypnosis. 17

Ralts showed no mercy, and immediately used hypnotism while the frog seeds were in chaos.

The wonderful frog seeds were immediately hypnotized and lost the ability to resist.

"Encore Dream Eater."

Ralts used Dream Eater again, wounding the Frog Seed, and Absorbing the Frog Seed's stamina.

Before the wonderful frog seeds could call out, they had already lost their ability to fight.

"Why didn't my frog seed come down.

Ash is still a little confused and can't figure it out.

"Ash, not every frog seed can hold it, but Aoki's frog seed is beautiful. 33

"Also, Ralts' fantasy light has a chance to confuse the seeds of the wonderful frog, and naturally he can't resist.

Brock explained helplessly.

Ash can understand, after all, the knowledge reserve is too poor.

(85000 flowers plus more.) Xi,

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