The next morning, Aoki embarked on a journey again.

The goal this time is Fuchsia City, where the Gym training is challenged.

Four Elites in the future Johto Region.

In the forest, a dirt road.

Aoki walked on it, chatting with Misty and Sabrina from time to time.

Just as Aoki was getting closer, there were three people hiding in the forest.

No, to be precise, two people -- only Pokémon.

This is naturally the Team Rockets trio.

"James, Jessie, the guy across from him seems to be that tough kid."

Meowth was the first to see Aoki, with a hint of panic in his eyes.

He was already scared by Aoki.

"Really" is that awesome brat.

Jessie and James felt numb when they saw Aoki.

Both of them were afraid of being beaten, and until now, they have not dared to offend Aoki.

This was clearly to capture Ash, but I didn't expect to encounter Aoki by accident.

What to do next?

"This... I think our trap is still pretty good, we can't beat it, but we can sneak attack." James said suddenly.

When he said this, he didn't believe it himself, so he was worried that Aoki would not be able to do anything.

Jessie and Meowth were thinking too.

""It seems to be true, maybe he can successfully catch his Pokémon. "

Having said this, the trio laughed excitedly.

"Shiny Metagross, the Flying Dragon, was promoted to be a cadre, and took up the post as a branch minister, it's a great feeling.

Aoki walked to the trap and actually found it, but pretended to know nothing.

Even Sabrina, who had been notified by Aoki, pretended to keep walking forward.


The three stepped on the trap together, and then fell down at the same time.

Just the moment he fell, Aoki used Teleport to leave.

The trio of Team Rockets didn't know it, and thought that Aoki was really in the game, so they ran to fish excitedly.


"Fantastic, finally caught.

"Shiny Metagross, Tyrannosaurus, is ours.

The benefits of the three special police officers have already begun to imagine.

It's just that when they came to the trap, the three teamed up and found that there was no one in the trap.

"Meowth, why is there no one?"

"I don't know, it has already fallen."

Just when the three of them were talking, Aoki Teleported behind them again.

The trio didn't find it, and they still looked at the deep pit in front of them, but they couldn't see anything.

Aoki stretched out his hand and patted the two of them lightly.

"Who do you say will be caught?"

"Of course it's that awesome brat."

The trio said a word at the same time, but suddenly felt something was wrong.

who is talking?

The voice seemed familiar.

Jessie, James, and Meowth turned their heads mechanically and saw Aoki just in time, their hair standing on end.

"Li... a powerful little devil."

Aoki didn't say anything, just a smile on his face that made people feel cold.

"No, Ekans, I'll leave it to you."

"Koffing, please.

The two released their own Pokémon at the same time.


Aoki just said a word, and Metagross flew rhyme from the other side, using Confusion to control the three.

For Elite Metagross, controlling these people with Confusion, plus Pokémon, is a breeze.

This is the gap between the strengths of the two sides.

It's over, I can't move.

The trio could not speak, but they had already secretly said that they were not good.

Aoki looked at the three people floating in the air, stretched out his hand, and slapped James.

"Oh, why are you making trouble with me? I obviously don't want to cause trouble.

While speaking, he slapped again.

| James was almost speechless, why did he only beat him, and he was so ruthless.

"I said, don't make trouble, you have to make trouble, and you have to trouble me, a little too much.

The trio regrets it now. If they knew that Aoki is so powerful, they shouldn't offend Aoki.

I was taught a lesson by Aoki again.

Aoki taught James a lesson, then walked over to Jessie's side.

Jessie looked at Aoki in front of her, shivering with fright.

"Seriously, Jessie, you're pretty good looking, don't blame me for being rude now that you've delivered it to your door. 59

Aoki tidied up his clothes.

Misty knew, and Aoki was making fun of Jessie again, so she didn't say anything.

0・・Ask for Flowers・・・

But Jessie and Aoki are really here, the SWAT is so scared and so nervous.

"You... don't mess around, I tell you, I won't give in, even if you get my people, you won't get my heart. 39

Aoki's face darkened and he just stared at Jessie.

"Who's going to get your guy? I'm just too tight on my collar, so I want to tidy it up, do you think I'll take a fancy to you?"

This time, it was Jessie's turn to look bad, with resentment in her eyes, and her heart was completely furious.

"What do you mean? Look down on me? I'm telling you, I'm very pretty, and the old lady looks down on you."

James and Meowth were horrified.

"Jessie, please don't say it anymore, we're done for making him angry."

"Yeah, this little devil is very scary, we really can't afford to offend him."

Jessie also reacted at this time, as if she could not offend Aoki.

No, definitely don't offend Aoki.

Aoki didn't speak, just had a big smile on his face.

This smile made people feel a chill in their hearts.

SWAT is a trio of Team Rockets.

"This... we were wrong, we shouldn't offend you, please let us go.

Aoki doesn't speak, but uses her Psychic to turn the Team Rockets trio, along with her two Pokémon, into dolls.

Yep, that's Sabrina's trick.

"I'm so sorry, you are too crazy, I see that you are very upset, so I decided to let you guys play with me for a few days. 99

Aoki grabbed the doll and tied it together with a string, tossing it back and forth.

None of the three Team Rockets could speak.

But the heart was already frightened.

"It turned into a toy, shouldn't we be a toy forever?

"I don't want it, I don't want to be a toy at all.

"Meowth doesn't want to be a toy either."

It's a pity, I can't hear the voices of the three of them.

"Let's go, we should continue to set off and try to reach the next town as soon as possible.

Aoki strode forward.

"Brother Aoki, wait for me."

Misty immediately followed Xi,

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