Aoki abused the Team Rockets trio for days, and the harassment released them.

After all, it is the Team Rockets trio, and they are still good people, so there is no killer.

If it were another Team Rockets, Aoki would definitely kill these guys before it's more troublesome.

A few days later, Aoki came to a nearby forest.

As soon as he got here, Aoki learned about the situation here, there was a group of Diglett, which was destroying the project.

The site superintendent had to recruit and train, trying to evict these Digletts.

Although there are many trainers to pick up the job, their Pokémon are not willing to help.

Because once the construction is completed, countless Pokémon will lose their homes.

"Aoki, you are here too."

Aoki turned his head and saw several familiar people.

Ash, Brock, and Gary.

"Long time no see." Six Three Zeros

Aoki said hello.

"Aoki, are you also here to accept the mission? For some reason, none of our Pokémon are willing to help."

Ash also felt a headache.

He also accepted Xiao tasks, but neither Pikachu nor other Pokémon were willing to help.

Brock and Gary are about the same.

"Oh, I know about this, because this project will destroy the homes of many Pokémon, so Pokémon are unwilling to help." Aoki said.

"So that's the case, then I won't help anymore."

As soon as Ash heard the reason, he immediately decided not to intervene, and even to help Diglett.

But before that, there is one more important thing.

"Aoki, let's have a fight.

"I want to have a fight with you too."

Both Ash and Gary took the initiative to challenge Aoki.

"No problem, then a fight, my fire dinosaur, Ivysaur, Wartortle, will never lose.

Aoki will not refuse, of course, the treasure box delivered to the door, don't want it for nothing.

Ash is really the best protagonist.

Gary was still speechless after hearing Aoki's words.

Did these two have such good luck yesterday?

There are actually three statues of the royal family.

"Then my Pokémon is Pikachu.

Ash is the same pie Pikachu as always.

Aoki looked at Pikachu in front of him, the god of peeling.

"Then, Ivysaur, it's up to you."

The battle is imminent.

This battle is still very simple.

But Ash still improved.

The old Ivysaur could push Ash's Pokémon sideways.

This time, it paid a price.

Wartortle is incapacitated, Ivysaur and Fire Dinosaur, all take a little damage.

"I lost again.

Ash sat on the ground and felt sorry for the SWAT. He had challenged so many times, and every time he failed, it was revealed.

"Okay, Ash, don't feel too sorry, at least you won one game. 99

Brock patted Ash, which naturally comforted Ash.

Ash also gathered up his energy and stood up immediately, extremely excited.

"That's right, I won a game anyway, I've improved a lot more than before, and strive to make more progress."

Gary was next to him, and he was really speechless, but he was too embarrassed to say this.

In the six-on-six Pokémon showdown, he only won one game, so he was too embarrassed to say it.

If it was him, I would be embarrassed to say it.

But I have to say that Aoki is really powerful, the SWAT is Ivysaur, and the fighting power is very strong.

"Aoki, I want to challenge you too, do you have any other Pokémon?"

Aoki glanced at Gary in front of him, and his strength was not very strong. Even if he got the treasure chest, he probably wouldn't have much.

After all, Gary is not the protagonist.

But since they have already taken the initiative to challenge, I will accompany him to play a game, just to pass the time.

"Well, let's play a one-on-one match. 99

"No problem, one-on-one, I'll send Wartortle. 33

Gary made a deliberate pose, and then dispatched Wartortle.

Name: Wartortle

Strength: Superior

This Wartortle is well-bred, and it is worthy of being carefully selected by Professor Oak.

Usually should eat a lot of energy cubes.

But unfortunately, Gary can buy energy cubes, which are relatively common.

The blocks specially prepared by Aoki are all high-level, and the effect is very significant.

"Ivysaur, it's still you."

Although Ivysaur had already fought a battle, Aoki still believed in it.

"Wartortle, use the Water Gun.

Wartortle immediately spits out a Water Gun.

"Ivysaur, use the vine whip."

Ivysaur still uses the vine whip, the power of the vine whip is very strong, and the sound of breaking the sky can be heard in the void.

And then through the gap Wartortle's Water Gun, continue to rush to dry the Wartortle.

"Wartortle, get out of the way."

Gary has seen Aoki fight, and if he gets caught, it's definitely over.

At that time, parasitic seeds, flying leaves and sharp knives will teach you to be a human being in turn.

"Ivysaur, use the cane whip while running, and grab it for me.

"Wartortle, use the horn to turn.

Wartortle immediately retracted into the shell, then spun around and charged towards Ivysaur.

The speed of the number is very fast, and it can also avoid the attack of the vine whip.

Apparently, Gary's Wartortle is much better trained than Ash.

It's just a pity, I still can't stand the aura of the protagonist of the portrait.

"Ivysaur, don't hide, use Sunfire.

The rays of light on Ivysaur's back continued to gather sunlight, and soon formed a huge ball of light.

"What? Have you learned about the flames of the sun? No, hurry up and dodge. 93

Gary's face changed, and his attributes were restrained by Ivysaur.

If this is hit directly by the flames of the sun, it will definitely be finished.

It's a pity that it was still a step behind. The speed at which Mianwocao gathered the sun and flames was beyond Gary's imagination.

Wartortle was just about to retreat when Ivysaur's solar flames fired, hitting Wartortle head-on.

After the sun dissipated, Wartortle fell 5.1 to the ground, incapacitated.

It's a pity, if it's for the top Gary, Aoki will definitely receive the treasure chest.

But with such a weak Gary, Aoki didn't want to claim the treasure chest.

A bronze treasure chest, and a diamond treasure chest in the future, normal people know what they should choose.

It's a pity that Gary isn't Ash, or he's another protagonist's treasure chest.

Aoki pondered for a moment, and the ordinary treasure chests had already been opened.

The last time I dealt with the hunter organization, I got two diamond treasure chests, plus the protagonist's treasure chest this time.

No, don't rush to open the treasure chest.

After all, the next Gym challenge is the Elite competition, and you can get a diamond treasure chest at that time.

Open several diamond chests together.

(95000 flowers plus update, plus update will end soon, continue to kneel and beg everyone for flower support.),

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