Pokemon: Dominate The Alliance From Opening The Treasure Box

Chapter 235: Mega Flame Recruitment debut (plus more)

After breaking up with Ash, Aoki embarks on a journey again.

A few days later, Aoki arrived on the outskirts of Fuchsia City.

Because the light red Gym is not in the urban area, but in the wilderness, well, it is not unacceptable that she often goes into the wilderness.

This time, Aoki is going to challenge Koga here, the future Elite training.

After entering the forest, it didn't take long for Aoki to realize that he was being targeted.

As someone who has watched anime, Aoki naturally knows that this is Agui's daughter and is going to find something.

Crazy ninja fan.


Suddenly there was a sound of breaking through the air, and a shuriken flew over from a distance.

It's just that the shuriken has not approached, and it floats in the air, as if it were still.

Aoki beckoned gently, Aya was controlled, and flew to Aoki's side.

"How the hell is this done?"

Aya struggled constantly, but couldn't get rid of Aoki's control.

"I'm so sorry, but turn me into a toy!"

Aoki's eyes gleamed.

Aya's body kept Minimize, and soon turned into a rag doll.

"Really, why do you want to die?"

Aoki teased, then grabbed the doll in his palm and continued to walk forward.

"Wait a minute, it's all my sister's fault, I don't know if I can let my sister go.

Ah Gui was hiding in the dark, and seeing his sister being turned into a rag doll also gave him a headache.

This is definitely a strong Psychic.

I used to always like to make trouble, but now I've been turned into a ragdoll by Psychic.

"Oh, is this your sister? It's not impossible to let her go, but she's crazy. 3

"If you want me to let her go, you have to beat me."

Aoki took out two special balls and threw them into the sky.

Tyrannosaurus and Metagross appear at the same time.

Of course, he didn't plan to use Tyrannosaurus and Metagross, just reminded Koga to be careful with Rhyme Elite Pokémon.

Koga's pupils shrank when he saw the Tyrannosaurus and Metagross that suddenly appeared, and his face changed instantly.

It's actually an Elite-level Pokémon.

Aya's younger sister is also really, accidentally offending Lu Elite training.

And also a Psychic.

"I understand, we have a fight, as long as I win, you will let my sister go.

Koga finally decided to fight Aoki first.


Aoki followed Koga to the inside of Gym.

"Three-on-three, gym.

"My first Pokémon, please, stinky Grimer. 99

Aoki wasn't too surprised.

After all, Koga is a Poisoned Elite, and he is definitely best at Poisoned Pokémon.

The Kanto Region is relatively strong, that is, the smelly Grimer.

Name: Stinky Grimer

Strength: Elite level

It is no wonder that it can become a four Elite in the future. This strength is strong enough. In another year or two, it may become a profound meaning.

"Then it's up to you, Huo Yan, don't let me down.

Since he agreed to use the flame, Aoki naturally couldn't go back.

Although the comprehension of the profound meaning is a little short, it is fine, and the flames are very strong in all aspects.

Put it in the game, that is, the effort has basically been full.

Not to mention, he has bought the super Evolutionary stone/ite of Flamingo on the Internet using hacking technology.

As long as you are careful, you will never lose this battle.

"Another Elite."

Koga's face is a little dignified, and this person in front of him is really not easy to mess with.

The special police are Metagross and Baofeilong. The special police are strong, and he can clearly sense that it is absolutely profound.

This little sister can really cause trouble.

"Smelly Grimer, use Sludge Bomb.

Smelly Grimer took the lead, spit out a mouthful of strong sludge, and spewed flames.

"Flame, Flamethrower.

The flame pot immediately spit out a strong flame.

The roaring flames collided with the Sludge Bomb and exploded.

The sludge was burnt out, but the flames were also extinguished.

"Stinky Grimer, use Minimize.

Stinky Grimer's body constantly Minimize, in order to improve his evasion rate.

"Minimize? Then flame din, use a mill.

Seriously, Minimize can also explain, after all, Minimize, you can dodge.

But Aoki was at a loss as to how the Hone Claws could improve his shooting percentage.

But he didn't bother too much.

"Have the Hone Claws learned it? That's no way, keep using the Sludge Bomb.

Koga looked ugly and stopped Minimize, lest Aoki continue Hone Claws, and he will increase his attacks at that time.

"Flame, Flamethrower."

The Flamethrower and Sludge Bomb collided again and the sludge was blown away.

Aoki frowned slightly.

The power of this Sludge Bomb is still very strong, there are some gaps in strength, and the flames are a little difficult to fight.

Looks like it's time to use Super Evolution too.

"Flame clamor, respond to my Bonds, go super evolution! 99

Lights emerged from Aoki and Huo Yan, and then converged with each other.

The shape of the flames also began to change.

"This is Bonds Evolution, and it turns out to be you, Champion of the Ever Grande City Convention."

Koga recognized Aoki immediately.

But obviously, like everyone else, he was fooled by Aoki.

Ultra Evolution is understood as Bonds Evolution.

After the light disappeared 630, Mega Flames appeared.

Name: Mega Fire Raise

Strength: Elite level (Profound Yi Dacheng)

"Mega Blaze, charge me, give Grimer a flash charge. 33

Mega Flames ran fast, with a flaming flame on his body, and the running speed was getting faster and faster.

"Stinky Grimer, destroys the light."

Smelly Grimer's mouth gathered golden rays of light, and then with a whistling sound, with a powerful momentum, the Mega flame pot rang out.

"Don't be afraid, dash for me and run into the stinking Grimer.

Aoki calculated it a little and knew that it was too late to dodge.

It's really that the Mega flame is rushing too fast, and it is difficult to change sides.

That being the case, it can only be tough.

Mega flame clamor no longer hesitates, and is strong in destroying the death light.

With its super-strong impact, it quickly smashed the destruction light into pieces, and then hit the smelly Grimer again.

Smelly Grimer didn't have time to dodge, he was hit by the Mega flame, and the endless flames burned.

The impact of the Mega Flame Goose's collision even knocked the smelly Grimer off the hook and fell heavily to the ground.

Like mud, motionless, lost the ability to fight.

Although he defeated Smelly Grimer, the Mega Flame Pot was also seriously injured by the SWAT.

(97000 flowers plus more.).

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