Pokemon: Dominate The Alliance From Opening The Treasure Box

Chapter 269 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

The 268th chapter of the progress of Ash, and then abuse (4)

The Quartz Conference is in full swing.

Only this time, there are not too many powerful opponents.

Aoki entered the top 16 without getting a single treasure chest.

This year's Quartz Conference is far inferior to the last one, let alone the Ever Grande City conference.

The difference is quite obvious.

Last time, thanks to Hattori Hanzo, I arranged so many Elites and one Champion.

In this tournament, he has not encountered a quasi-Elite until now.

Maybe the finals can meet.

Strictly speaking, he was excluded last time, as well as the people who came to Kamizrai because of his hook.

There is only one training with Elite-level Pokémon in total, the rest are just accidents.

The round of 16 will be between Aoki and Ash.

The winner can advance to the quarterfinals.

As for the unfortunate "Six Five Zero" Gary, his own strength is stronger than Ash, but he was eliminated early because he underestimated the opponent.

Barely took a top 32.

Outside the arena, Ash looked at Aoki with excitement in his eyes.

"Aoki, this time, my Pokémon has become stronger, and I will never lose to you again."

"Well, let me see if your ace is really that strong.

Aoki is also a little eager to try.

This time Ash has improved, so if he beats him to get the protagonist's treasure chest, then the prize is definitely better.

"At the beginning of the game, two players were invited to send their own Pokémon. 1

"Go, Gardevoir, show your true strength before me.

The first Aoki sent was Gardevoir, a Pokémon called his wife.

"The first Pokémon we picked at Aoki was Gardevoir, a Pokémon with both beauty and loyalty.

"Since it's Gardevoir, I ask you, Pikachu, to use your strengths. 99

Ash, as always, chose Pikachu.


Pikachu jumped and fished excitedly, staring at Aoki just like that, electric current on his face.

It's going to get the first kill for Ash.

"Gardevoir, using Double Team. 99

Gardevoir dodged, and many shadows appeared on the playing field.

Even Pikachu couldn't tell the difference between the real and the fake, and was a little flustered.

"Pikachu, don't rush, use Thunderbolt and cover the field. 93

Pikachu immediately calmed down, and a super-strong Thunderbolt spread throughout the audience.

"Gardevoir, use Imprison."

Gardevoir immediately stretched out his hands, and an Imprison filled the air, which soon enveloped Pikachu.

Thankfully, he defeated the Saffron chest and gained a lot of skills, including Thunderbolt.

Gardevoir also learned Thunderbolt, which means that Pikachu can't use Thunderbolt.

Sure enough, Pikachu's Thunderbolt disappeared without a trace as soon as it was released.

Pikachu is a little confused.

Even Ash didn't know why.

"Pikachu, what's wrong? Encore Thunderbolt."

"This idiot doesn't know how to learn a little more, the Imprison skill, but the skill that blocks the opponent is the same as his own."

Gary yelled, and some hated that iron is not steel.

"But honestly, I didn't expect Aoki's Gardevoir to learn Thunderbolt too.

Brock's face was a little different, and he was more worried about Ash.

"Gardevoir, Calm Mind."

Gardevoir was immediately in Calm Mind, glowing with light, and his special attack increased.

"Pikachu, Encore Thunderbolt.

Ash didn't believe in evil, or he didn't think so much at all, he just thought he made a mistake for a while.

"Gardevoir, use Moonblast."

Gardevoir condensed a moon in mid-air, and then with light, hit Pikachu head-on.

Pikachu screamed, then hit the hook, rolled on the ground, and lost the ability to fight.

Gardevoir, after Calm Mind, was bursting with special attacks, and Pikachu couldn't handle it at all.


Ash immediately ran to the ring and hugged Pikachu.

"Alas, Ash is about to be abused again.

Brock shook his head helplessly.

Ash made a mistake and Aoki took the next game, and Gardevoir hadn't used up too much stamina.

The fight was already anticipated.

"In that case, it's up to you, Ivysaur.

Ash threw out his second Pokémon, the Evolution of Frogseed.

There was surprise in Aoki's eyes, he didn't expect Ash's Frog Seed to evolve O...

It seems that it is not the problem of the frog seeds at all, it should be Ash's own problem.

Well, it may be that he was disobedient after seeing the little fire dragon Evolution, so the seeds of the frog don't want to be obedient.

"Ash, did your frog seed evolve? How did you convince him?"

Aoki asked.

Ash's face froze instantly.

This kind of thing is really hard to say.

After a bit of understanding, and finally reminded by Brock, Ash knew his mistake.

Frog Seed was really worried that he would not be obedient after Evolution, so he kept suppressing himself and refused to evolve.

In the final analysis, he is too naive and his level is too low. After the Pokémon becomes stronger, he will not be obedient.

"It doesn't matter, Ivysaur, give me the cane whip. 19

Ivysaur immediately used the vine whip, stronger than before.

"Ash, your Ivysaur is getting stronger, that's the beauty of Evolution."

"Gardevoir, Teleport.

Shanai has one more Teleport, and easily dodged Ivysaur's attack.

The cane whip hit the ground hard.

"Ivysaur, watch your surroundings and use the vine whip at all times."

Ivysaur controls the vine whip, surrounds him, and looks around vigilantly.

Gardevoir appeared quickly.

"Ivysaur, use the cane whip again."

The vine whip carried the momentum of breaking the sky, and quickly rushed to the front of Gardevoir.

"Gardevoir, Confusion.

With light in Gardevoir's eyes, 5.1 used Confusion to control the vine whip and control Ivysaur.

"Ivysaur, broke free at once, and the sun and flames were ready. 59

Ivysaur broke free from Confusion, and the flowers on his back were glowing with sunlight.

"Gardevoir, use mental power again.

The light in Gardevoir's eyes was more exuberant, and Psychic fluctuated frequently.

Just like this gathering gap for a moment, Gardevoir's mental power exploded.

rumbling rumbling...

Where the spiritual power passed, a long ravine appeared on the ground.

"Sunshine flames fired.

Ivysaur also fires Sun Flame.

The two forces collided with each other and soon caused a huge explosion.

But in the end, the strong mentality was better, and the flames of the sun were dissipated.

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