Pokemon: Dominate The Alliance From Opening The Treasure Box

Chapter 269 Mega Mega Gardevoir pushes six (5)


Ivysaur fell to the ground, incapacitated.

"Ivysaur lost his ability to fight and asked Ash to send a Pokémon.

"Ivysaur's strength is not good, and Gardevoir Calm Mind once, the gap is really big.

Brock couldn't help shaking his head.

After all, there is still a difference in strength.

"That's right, Aoki is the best breed I've ever seen, and the Pokémon are raised so well. 22

Professor Oak also sighed.

Aoki's Mega Gardevoir was clearly cultivated after coming to the Kanto Region.

The time is similar to that of Pikachu, but the gap is really obvious, which shows that Aoki has excellent talent in training.

"Then it's up to you, fire-breathing dragon.

Ash thought about it, and finally decided to send his ace.

Name: Fire-breathing dragon

Strength: Gym level

The aptitude of this fire-breathing dragon is also very perverted, and it has already reached the Gym level so quickly.

The previous fire-breathing dragon, forcibly evolved, was stunted, and its strength was even worse.

Great progress has been made during this time.

Too bad his opponent is Gardevoir.

"Gardevoir, respond to our Bonds, Bonds Evolution."

Aoki started to fool again.

Super Evolution in the original book, all the way to the Kalos Region.

Even if it has been discovered in advance, the most is to ask the public Region.

Now there are Johto Region, Hoenn Region, Sinnoh Region, and he still has a big advantage.

But it can't be exposed like that.

Gardevoir is super-Evolution very quickly.

Name: Mega Gardevoir

Strength: Quasi-Elite (Profound Truth Threshold)

Mega Gardevoir after Super Evolution is only one step away from reaching Elite level.

Coupled with Calm Mind, it greatly increases its special attack and special defense.

The battle was obvious, and it was easy to deal with a fire-breathing dragon, or even against Ash's entire team.

"Fire-breathing dragon, use Flamethrower.

The fire-breathing dragon let out a roar, and a hot Flamethrower whistled and slammed into the Mega Gardevoir.

"Mega Gardevoir, no need to make it, Thunderbolt."

Mega Gardevoir ran through electricity, and then there was a Thunderbolt.

The Thunderbolt jet collided with the flames, knocking out the Flamethrower in an instant.

Then it rushed to the fire-breathing dragon.

The fire-breathing dragon was struck by lightning and fell to the ground with a painful expression on his face.

However, the fire-breathing dragon persevered with his strong perseverance and did not lose his fighting ability.

"Fire-breathing dragon, I believe in you.

Ash shouted loudly.

The protagonist's cry, the fire-breathing dragon seemed to be infected, and immediately stood up with difficulty.

Not long after standing up, the fire-breathing dragon fell to the ground and lost its ability to fight.

The gap between the two sides is too large, and they have received a systematic attack, and the fire-breathing dragon is not an opponent at all.

"The fire-breathing dragon lost its ability to fight, and the two sides fought the battlefield.

After resting for a while, they switched venues and started the second half of the battle again.

"Tauros, please."

Seeing Aoki's Tauros, Aoki's face became solemn.

This Tauros can't be underestimated.

Not only the leader of Tauros, but it's also very powerful.

Rage acupuncture points.

Once it hits the key point, the attack power will be full, which is a huge blow to the Mega Gardevoir whose defense has not been strengthened.

But it's fine, as long as you don't get hit.

Tauros also only has some physical attacks.

Mega Gardevoir only needs to fight from a distance, the mages never fight warriors.

"Tauros, use dash. 3

Tauros was running fast, fast, and hooked in front of Mega Gardevoir in the blink of an eye.

"Mega Gardevoir, Teleport, then use Psychic Power."

Mega Gardevoir, a Teleport, dodged Tauros' attack.

Then use a psychic attack and hit Tauros head on.

Tauros rolled over and fell to the ground, incapacitated.

"No, the gap between the two sides is too big, Aoki's Gardevoir is very strong. 33

Professor Oak couldn't help shaking his head.

He could see that Ash was not only downplayed by this, but would also lose miserably.

It is estimated that Gardevoir will push six.

This is indeed the case.

Ash's next two Pokémon, Pidgeot and Kingler, were strong, but were still hit by Mega Gardevoir's Thunderbolt.

Both Pokémon lost their ability to fight, and Ash was also disqualified from the competition, unable to make it to the top eight.

"At the end of the game, Kingler is incapacitated, because all of Ash's six Pokémon are incapacitated, and the winner is Aoki from Hoenn Region."

Ash felt disappointed by the SWAT.

Although he knew that he had a high chance of losing, Ash still felt very sad when he actually lost.

And it was actually worn again.

Leaving the arena, Aoki looked at Ash next to him, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

"Ash, don't be too disappointed, you're not my opponent, that's for granted. 33

"Are you comforting me? It's clearly hitting me, I feel sad for the SWAT now.

Ash is really sad that he was defeated by Aoki, a Pokémon.

It's embarrassing to say it after that.

The first match, the top 16 of the Quartz Conference, was pushed by the police to six.

Facts have proved that in the future, some people will indeed say that 650, for example, is a small victory, and it is estimated that they will say Ash.

"Pickup. 19

Pikachu patted Ash and whispered comfortingly.

"Pikachu, you are right, I will never lose, and I will never lose in the future."

Ash's eyes were firm and arrogant.

Seeing Ash recovering again, Aoki didn't say anything.

In the end, it was Ash, a big nerve. Even if he was defeated by Aoki, he could recover quickly.

Aoki misses the next scene of defeating Ash.

At that time, I should get another protagonist treasure chest, alas, I really hope to get more protagonist treasure chests.

Ash, you have to work harder.

Aoki recalled a little, so far, he has obtained so many protagonist treasure chests, and the prizes in them are very rich.

It may be that killing Ash was more enjoyable, and even the system felt a little happy and gave so many rewards.

Aoki ", you rhyme is here, to celebrate your successful entry into the quarterfinals, let's rhyme today to eat good. 99

The three Sakura sisters took the initiative to come over.

Misty took another step slower, looking at his three sisters with resentment in his eyes.

These older sisters like to bully their younger sisters, and they also like to snatch her younger sister's boyfriend, which is simply too much.

But why doesn't she have three sisters,

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