Pokemon: Dominate The Alliance From Opening The Treasure Box

Chapter 289 Cut Hu Ash's Fire-breathing Dragon's Girlfriend (7)


After Aoki's fire-breathing dragon arrived, he let out a roar, provoking the fire-breathing dragon present.

The fire-breathing dragons stood up one by one, lined up in a row, and stared at Aoki's fire-breathing dragon.

Name: Fire-breathing dragon

Strength: Gym level

Name: Fire-breathing dragon

Strength: Quasi-Elite

Aoki glanced at it roughly, as expected of the fire-breathing dragon valley, and battles often occur.

These fire-breathing dragons are very powerful.

Although I haven't seen Elite or Champion, but only the Superior of the extreme dream.

Looking at the appearance of these Superiors, it is estimated that they are still very young, not long after Evolution.

As for the others, as long as they are a little older, the worst is Gym level, which can be used for Gym competitions, and many are quasi-Elite level.

The trump card of most families.

"Fire-breathing dragon, go teach me a lesson, I believe in your strength."

Aoki patted the fire-breathing dragon lightly.

He believes that 03's own fire-breathing dragon, a police officer of the same level, must be the strength of the special police.

The fire-breathing dragon was not afraid either, and walked over to find a fire-breathing dragon.

Then with one hand, the fire-breathing dragon was hit by a flying hook.

Although this is Ash's fire-breathing dragon in the original book, under the training of Aoki, there is no stunted growth, and the combat effectiveness is still the strength of the special police.


The fire-breathing dragon called out again.

The fire-breathing dragons in the valley looked at each other, and then walked out of the largest fire-breathing dragon.

This is the leader of these fire-breathing dragons, and the leader of the first grade.

The strongest under Elite.

Aoki's fire-breathing dragon strode up, then slapped it down, followed by a stalk, and the wild fire-breathing dragon was almost knocked down.

But after all, the strength is strong enough, the wild fire-breathing dragon was defeated, and then Aoki's fire-breathing dragon was also defeated.


This slap is also very powerful, even Aoki's fire-breathing dragon can't ignore this slap.

Aoki carefully compared, then nodded, or his own fire-breathing dragon was stronger.

The body of the wild fire-breathing dragon was almost inclined at 45 degrees, and it almost fell to the ground.

His fire-breathing dragon was tilted 30 degrees at most, and its strength and anti-strike ability had the upper hand.

Ji Ke happened to fall from the sky and was a little surprised when he saw the battle between the two fire-breathing dragons.

"I didn't expect your fire-breathing dragon to be so strong, you will challenge the leader here as soon as you come here."

"This is the strongest under the Elite level. As for the Elite level fire-breathing dragon, there are not many special police officers. It seems that it is here and can be ranked in the top ten."


Ji Ke's little Lisa watched silently.

It can be seen that Aoki's fire-breathing dragon is very young and SWAT is young.

But even at such a young age, he has such strong strength, which can be described as a bumper career.

It loves Aoki's fire-breathing dragon.

Aoki's fire-breathing dragon, and the wild fire-breathing dragon, fought for a while.

In the end, the wild fire-breathing dragon was slightly inferior and fell to the ground, losing its ability to fight.

"Is this a win?"

Although Ji Ke had seen it before, he was still shocked to see the wild fire-breathing dragon being defeated.

The leader of the common fire-breathing dragon was defeated.

As for those Elite and Champion levels, let's not mention for the time being, which one has not lived for several years.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo"

The fire-breathing dragon thought that he had defeated all the fire-breathing dragons, and shouted proudly.

Aoki heard the fire-breathing dragon's heart and patted the fire-breathing dragon's head lightly.

"Can you not be so complacent, there are still a lot of them that can be compared with the flames. To be a fire-breathing dragon, keep a low profile."

The fire-breathing dragon was originally crazy, but when he heard that he could compare with the flame capricorn, he was immediately worried.

After all, it really can't beat the flame pot.

It's also Aoki's Pokémon, and the flames are strong from the SWAT.

"But don't be too discouraged, one day in the future, you will be able to defeat the fire-breathing dragon here. 22

Aoki looked at this fire-breathing dragon valley and was thinking in his heart, should he challenge the fire-breathing dragons here?

It is said that to challenge a fire-breathing dragon, you must use a fire-breathing dragon.

But it is clear that his fire-breathing dragon, currently only at the quasi-Elite level, can beat the Elite or Champion level.

It seemed like there was only one way to do it.

For example, let the Tyrannosaurus challenge, or Metagross, and then Greninja.

You can't send the weaker ones, lest they go up and give the fire-breathing dragons their heads.

"Right, Aoki, why don't you let your fire-breathing dragon stay and challenge the fire-breathing dragon here, and my fire-breathing dragon seems to like your fire-breathing dragon very much.

Ji Ke opened his mouth and suggested.

Aoki rejected it without thinking.

His fire-breathing dragon, only by his side, can become stronger as soon as possible, even reaching the Elite level.

Here, what a waste of time.

But maybe you can find a girlfriend for the fire-breathing dragon, Ji Ke's little Lisa is not bad.

Name: Fire-breathing dragon

Strength: Gym level

Qualification: Elite

This is a well-qualified Pokémon, qualified to be with his fire-breathing dragon.

Such two small fire-breathing dragons born of these two fire-breathing dragons may have relatively high qualifications, and he will make a lot of money by then.

Well, the price has to be negotiated first.

His fire-breathing dragon can't be prostituted for nothing. If you want to go to his fire-breathing dragon, you must pay more.

Of course, it's better to get the approval of the fire-breathing dragon first, but if the fire-breathing dragon can't refuse, he forced the fire-breathing dragon.

"Fire-breathing dragon, what do you think of this girl? Would you like to accept her as your girlfriend?

The fire-breathing dragon looked at little Lisa, and she was well-bred, and she looked pretty good.

Maybe we can be together.

This is not unacceptable either.


The fire-breathing dragon roared at himself, expressing his willingness to agree.

Ji Ke's fire-breathing dragon was happy and ran over excitedly, and then leaned against Aoki's fire-breathing dragon.

Aoki's fire-breathing dragon clasped his chest with his arms, his domineering side leaked, and seemed to be enjoying the moment.

For some reason, Aoki suddenly felt envious and wanted to slap the fire-breathing dragon to death.

This kid is too arrogant, is there such a person?

He actually dared to show affection in front of him and be so kind that he completely ignored him.

Not to mention that he doesn't have a girlfriend by his side right now.

No, when there is a chance in the future, it must be repaired severely.

"I can leave the fire-breathing dragon temporarily, but it can only be a few days at most. He has to follow him. I can train the fire-breathing dragon well."

Ji Ke was about to say something, but after thinking about it carefully, Aoki's fire-breathing dragon was really well trained.

maybe don't need to stay here,

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