Pokemon: Dominate The Alliance From Opening The Treasure Box

Chapter 290 Champion-level fire-breathing dragon (plus)

Ji Ke also did not intend to let Aoki's fire-breathing dragon stay.

No matter how you look at it, I feel that the fire-breathing dragons cultivated by Aoki are better than these ordinary fire-breathing dragons.

"Qi, can you show me the strongest fire-breathing dragon here?

Aoki suddenly proposed.

He still likes fire-breathing dragons very much, and by the way, he will look at the diamond treasure chest.

I opened the treasure chest before. In the future, I may rarely encounter diamond treasure chests. Now I have to take the initiative.

"No problem, I'll show you the strongest fire-breathing dragon. 99

Naturally, Ji Ke would not refuse, and immediately took Aoki to the innermost part of the fire-breathing dragon mountain shell.

- A huge fire-breathing dragon is lying in the valley, and there are many fire-breathing dragons nearby.

It's just that the huge fire-breathing dragon occupies the best position this time, and the other fire-breathing dragons have to stay farther away.

Obviously, this huge fire-breathing dragon is the leader of the fire-breathing dragon mountain shell, and its strength is also the strongest.

Name: Fire-breathing dragon

Strength: Champion level

The strength of this fire-breathing dragon is a little abnormal, and its body size is bigger than his fire-breathing dragon.

You must know that his fire-breathing dragon has been carefully cultivated.

In terms of strength, only his violent flying dragon can fight against this fire-breathing dragon.

Well, the Boss Lairon works too.

Of all his normal Pokémon, Boss Lairon is the strongest, and he hasn't done it for a while.

Previously, it was basically Eudemons, but now it may be possible to let Boss Lairon fight, just to restrain the fire-breathing dragon.

"This is the leader of the fire-breathing dragon mountain shell, and it is also the strongest fire-breathing dragon. He is also responsible for guarding this place."

Ji Ke's eyes were full of admiration.

"Hey, fire-breathing dragon, do you want to fight? I have a Pokémon and I want to challenge you.

Aoki shouted and defeated it to get the diamond chest, so don't blame him for being rude.

When the fire-breathing dragon heard Aoki's words, he thought it was him, and immediately stepped forward, ready to challenge the fire-breathing dragon.

"Hey hey hey, what are you going to? He can fight the Flying Dragon, are you sure you're not going to deliver the food? 99

Aoki's face darkened, his fire-breathing dragon was too arrogant, and he wanted to challenge this Champion-level fire-breathing dragon.

Isn't this looking for death?

Fire-breathing dragon - I heard that this fire-breathing dragon leader is as powerful as the storm-breathing dragon, and immediately gave up the fight.

It is not a fool, even if it wants to challenge, it should first challenge the weaker, and then gradually become stronger.

After all it is so young now.

Fire-breathing dragon thought so.

The giant fire-breathing dragon leader didn't even open his eyes and continued to sleep.

As for Aoki, the fire-breathing dragon, although he is young and powerful, he has not taken it to heart yet.

Aoki felt that he was looked down upon, and his face was even more ugly. He really should teach this fire-breathing dragon a lesson.

"Miss Ji Ke, this fire-breathing dragon is too crazy, I have to teach it a lesson, it's useless for you to stop it.

Aoki took out a Luxury Ball and went out gently.

Boss Lairon hooked.

Seriously, he hasn't used the Boss Lairon in a long time.

Now that you have met an opponent of Wen Shi, let Boss Lairon try it out. The current Boss Lairon is already strong in SWAT.

Name: Boss Lairon

Strength: Champion level (Original Dacheng)

I got a source crystal before, but unfortunately I didn't give it to Boss Lairon.

But even so, Boss Lairon, has already succeeded.

Mainly, I just recently got the blueprint of the divine beast energy block, and made a part of it.

Boss Lairon has already become a limit in the source, and recently it has just gone a step further.

The fire-breathing dragon saw Aoki's Boss Lairon, and the crevice climbed up, staring silently.

Aoki's fire-breathing dragon, it can't look down on it, but this Boss Lairon, the strength of the special police, can't be underestimated.

"Wait, Fire-breathing Dragon Valley, you should challenge with Fire-breathing Dragon, you use Boss Lairon..."

Just as Ji Ke was about to stop it, Aoki gave him a blank look.

"My fire-breathing dragon is less than one year old when it is fully counted. This fire-breathing dragon is at least ten years old. Are you trying to bully the baby?"


Ji Ke was speechless.

It seems to be true, the age gap of the fire-breathing dragon is too big, and it really starts to fight.


The fire-breathing dragon leader snorted, expressing his willingness to accept this battle.

It's just that the fire-breathing dragon here is too weak, he is the only Champion, and the others can't beat it at all.

Now that I have finally come across a powerful Pokémon, I must challenge it.

It's going to defeat Aoki's Boss Lairon.

"Then, Boss Lairon, I won't command you, the opponent is wild, and you have a head-to-head confrontation with it."

Aoki really didn't intend to intervene.

With the advantage in attributes, coupled with the advantage in strength, if Boss Lairon can't beat him, he can find a place to commit suicide.

Lest he lose face of his Aoki.

", Qi Dora..."

Boss Lairon immediately stepped forward and patted his chest, making sure to show his strength.

During this time, Aoki either used the weaker ones or the phantom beasts.

It has seldom appeared.

The fire-breathing dragon opened its mouth and was a flame, which engulfed the Boss Lairon in an instant.

Boss Lairon was in the flames, feeling the warmth of the flaming flames, but he didn't take it to heart.

Although the power of Huo Fan's attack is strong, the effect is greatly reduced.


Boss Lairon let the flames attack himself, condensed a huge rock, and swung it hard.

Even without the command of Aoki, Boss Lairon knew that the rock type had great restraint against the flames.

(Wang Wang Zhao) The fire-breathing dragon flew out immediately, easily dodging the Boss Lairon's rock artillery.

"What a powerful rock cannon, I didn't expect Mr. Aoki's Boss Lairon to be so strong.

"It's okay, after all, my Boss Lairon is very strong, and it's also my initial Pokémon.

Aoki was smug in his heart.

In less than three years, the Champion has already become a champion, and it is only one step away from the Champion.

Compared to those Region Champions, Boss Lairon has improved SWAT faster, all thanks to his training.

hit hard,

The two Pokémon battle SWAT is fierce, there is no training command, all rely on their own judgment.

However, as time passed, Aoki's boss Lairon gradually gained the upper hand.

After all, he still has advantages in strength and attributes, and it is difficult to lose.

(123000 flowers plus more.),

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