Although there was no explosion of thunder and blinding lightning, when the sky and earth fell into darkness, people's emotions were even more depressed and uncomfortable.

The tornado on the sea in the distance gradually formed, and there was a crying mournful wind, and the people on the beach fell silent, watching the wind that gradually rolled up.

The waves of the sea beat fiercely, shooting the people sitting on the yacht fishing into the sea, and the tourists who were surfing were bombarded by the huge waves below the surface of the sea, and they could faintly hear the cry for help.

This subtle cry for help finally made people react, and after I don't know who shouted 'go and save people', the people with elves quickly released the grass and water elves, using vines or letting the water elves go directly to the sea to find people.

Under this kind of big wave, even the flying elves may be swept into the sea by the storm and sea water when they are close to the sea level, for the flying elves, if they are accidentally pulled into the sea and cannot fly, it is almost certain death, some ordinary people call out their domestic flying elves to save people, they are found by knowledgeable trainers and quickly stopped, to the point that there are a few fewer tragedies.

However, the tide is too big, even the slightly weaker water elves can not swim smoothly to the sea to save people, and the people standing on the shore retreat to the beach little by little, while anxiously looking into the sea.

"What's going on? Why there are such large storms and huge waves on the light red beach, it is impossible to predict in advance for this level of wind and waves. "

"It's like... It seems that it is not a naturally occurring wind and wave, you look at the six tornadoes over there, how can there be so many tornado scrolls in nature, and it is still close to the coast. "

"You mean... These are caused by the skills of the elves? "

"Looking at this situation, it should be the dragon skill 'Dragon Tornado', but the 'Tornado' that can cause such power, either there are powerful trainers fighting on the other side of the sea, or ..."

"Or a powerful wild elf has appeared!"

The two trainers looked at each other, and their eyes flashed with worry, if it was a skill issued by the trainer's elf, it was okay, as long as the trainer was not a madman, he would never attack the dense crowd of tourists on the beach, but if it was a wild elf, then it would not have any humanity at all.

Especially from the power of this "tornado", whether the elf is wild or has a trainer, this level of elf is no longer something that ordinary trainers can defeat, at least now on this beach, there is absolutely no trainer who can deal with this unknown elf.

Shafiya on the side heard the words of the two trainers, her ears moved, and she looked around anxiously looking for her father's figure.

However, due to the sudden change in the weather, the people around were crowded together and chattering, Shafiya was not old and small, watching the adults block their sight one by one, and became even more panicked.

"Be careful!!"

I don't know who shouted, I saw that the turbulent sea in front of me suddenly set off a huge wave of more than ten meters high, the huge waves were intertwined layer by layer and shot towards the coast, and the yacht like a lonely boat in the sea was directly overturned and sunk to the bottom of the sea by the terrible wave.

The crowd screamed, wanted to turn their heads and run but it was too late, not to mention that so many people crowded together there was no way out, the huge waves slapped the beach, knocking all the nearby crowds to the ground, and more poor people were about to be taken into the sea because of the low tide of the waves, at this time some trainers reacted, and quickly let their elves catch those who were caught in the sea, the cry of children, the angry and corrupt screams of adults, and the scene became chaotic for a while.

Shafiya's face was panicked and she didn't know what to do, she still clearly remembered that her father told her to stand here and not move, but here seemed to be becoming more and more dangerous, the wave just now slapped less than ten meters in front of her, if the next huge wave was adding force, it was estimated that it would drag her small body directly into the sea.

Although Shafiya can swim, the more people who can swim in this environment, the faster they die, which is already beyond the strength that humans can resist.

"Go and call the master of the Taoist Hall in Light Red City."

"The Taoist Hall Master of Light Red City, Ah Ju, has been away from here for a long time, and he is not there at all!"

"Then there are people who know the local trainers in Light Red City, quickly go to find those trainers, and let the local alliance send rescue forces, this level of disaster must be caused by the elves, I am afraid that the elf will appear in a short time!"

Reasonable people hurriedly and anxiously ordered, conveying the clearest and clearest instructions in the current chaotic situation, and after the others heard that there might be a terrible elf appearing, the crowd became even more riotous, and people crowded people and ran out of the beach.

This is the power of elves, even if it is not a legendary elf, as long as it is strong enough, it is enough to make most ordinary people panic, and even make some trainers helpless.

In this world, the most dangerous thing is never a natural disaster, but the terrible skills of those elves!

"Slow down, slow down, don't squeeze, be careful of stampedes."

The trainers present felt that they were no match for the wild elf who had not yet appeared, but they spontaneously organized themselves and began to direct the crowd to retreat.

At this moment -

"Look, what's that?"

With this heart-rending shout, the crowd subconsciously looked into the sea and saw that in the middle of the six tornadoes that seemed to connect heaven and earth, a monster nearly ten meters long appeared from the sea!

"Oh my God, it's a tyrannosaurus!! And also a wild tyrannosaurus with this power... I'm afraid it should be the leader of a certain tyrannosaurus group in the deep sea, why did it appear on the seashore! "

A trainer saw the true face of the elf, and he spoke out in horror.

The tyrannosaurus is an extremely brutal elf, and after seeing that the elf that caused this weather anomaly is a tyrannosaurus, everyone with elven knowledge knows that it is impossible to be good, and this tyrannosaurus will definitely attack!


Sure enough, after the tyrannosaurus appeared, it was a roar up to the sky, and the terrible threat made people's scalps numb even if they were far apart, their limbs trembled, and its murderous eyes looked at the shore, and then people found that this tyrannosaurus turned out to be one-eyed, and one eye had long been blind!


With a roar, the crowd on the shore screamed and fled, wanting to get away from this terrible ferocious beast, while the tyrannosaurus rode the wind and waves, it set off huge waves, surrounded by six tornadoes, like murderous monsters that only appear in ancient mythological stories.

Shafiya stood on the spot trembling, watching with horror as the huge ferocious beast gradually approached the shore, and also saw the monstrous waves rolling towards her.

She also wanted to escape, but her legs were rooted in the beach like lead, and she couldn't lift it no matter how hard she tried, and the threat of the tyrannosaurus made the little girl completely lose the ability to escape.

The murderous tyrannosaurus quickly climbed to the shore, it opened its hideous giant mouth, and saw this little girl who did not run with one eye, as if his majesty was provoked, and roared with sharp teeth that were biting at the girl.

"Shafiya !!"

Seeing that the little girl was about to be bitten off by the violent carp dragon that had climbed ashore, a man in his thirties who was walking against the current in the crowd shouted bitterly, and with tears in the corners of his eyes, he wanted to throw his Pokeball, but he knew that it was too late.

Right now -

"Hmph, it's really rare to see a violent carp dragon of this strength in such a place, and Hakron uses 'Dragon Wrath'!"

A man's voice came from the air, and it seemed to Dr. Odamaki that it was nothing less than a natural sound.

Immediately after that, I saw a flame-like brilliance descending from the sky, but there was no temperature in that flame, and it had the anger of the dragon!

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