The wrath of the dragon descended from the sky-

A dull and depressed roar sounded, the violent carp dragon obviously did not expect that there would be an attack in the air, the entire huge body was swept away by the dragon's anger, and the scales on the body were all exploded and blood flowed all over the ground.

However, after the tyrannosaurus rolled out more than ten meters, it raised its head again and roared into the sky, as if it didn't care about physical trauma at all.

"It is worthy of being a tyrannosaurus that has been fighting with various powerful elves all its life in the deep sea, judging by its body and the luster of its scales, it should be old, perhaps its own group is dominated by a new and younger tyrannosaurus, and it can only stay away from its own territory in the deep sea and come to the coast to find its last glory in life."

Miryusuke stood above the head of the Hakron in mid-air, his hands in his pockets, and calmly stared at the tyrannosaurus at his feet a hundred meters away from him.

The crowd that was running in panic and screaming around them gradually slowed down at this time, their eyes looked at Harkon and Ryusuke in the sky in amazement, although they were still running back, but the speed had slowed down, human curiosity and hilarious instinct made them want to see this battle between trainers and powerful wild elves.

“...... Isn't that a particularly famous trainer called Ryusuke Miyusuke? "

Some people recognize Ryusuke, although most of the trainers are little known before participating in the local convention, and few people recognize that only by achieving a good rank in the conference can you become famous for a lifetime, but Ryusuke is very well-known on the Internet for various reasons, although that popularity is both good and bad.

"Is that the Ryusuke who has a relationship with many girls?"

Someone in the crowd whispered.

Miryusuke seemed to hear someone say bad things about himself, he turned his head sideways to look at the crowd, and the Hakron also twisted the dragon's head with his movements, although compared to the brutality of the tyrannosaurus, the Harkon is already a very beautiful dragon, but being stared at by a terrible dragon like this still makes humans have instinctive fear, and the crowd subconsciously retreats.

"Hmph, what a bunch of boring guys... Forget it, this tyrannosaurus must be of interest to Dr. Ohki, and the elves of the old leader level who leave the group in the deep sea are very rare, so let me capture it for Dr. Ohki as research material. "

Ryusuke is not a ruthless person, Dr. Ohki is obvious to his help, and when he can, Ryusuke will also help Dr. Ohki collect research materials and various rare elves.

The tyrannosaurus on the beach has been roaring at the sky, although it has the attribute of flight, but whether it is flight speed or flexibility, the tyrannosaurus and the real bird elf are far apart, this tyrannosaurus has rich combat experience in his life, knows that he does not have an advantage in air combat, and finds that no matter how he roars the sky The Harkdragon does not come down, and the 'threatening' feature is useless, it cleverly ignores the Harkdragon, but continues to rush towards the little girl who did not eat just now.

"If I let you succeed, where will my face go!"

Watching the tyrannosaurus continue to pounce on the little girl, Ryusuke's gaze froze, and he ordered the hack dragon to fall from the sky, straddling the middle of the tyrannosaurus and the little girl, and the horn at the dragon's head was fiercely pressed against the forehead of the tyrannosaurus by the speed of gravity.

The scream came, the tyrannosaurus twisted its body frantically, its huge body slapped on the beach, splashing more than ten meters high of wild sand, with the cover of the wild sand, the tail of the tyrannosaurus also pumped the body of the hack dragon.

It didn't matter if Harkon snorted, and Ryusuke was half-crouched on top of Harkron's head, and at this time he had already bent down to hug the little girl, and said to Harkron: ... Use "Dragon Tail" to get it out of the way! "

The tail of the Harkon flashed with a light blue light, imitating a hard alloy, and fiercely pumped its tail on the body of the tyrannosaurus, leaving a deep blood stain while also pumping the huge dragon back into the sea again.

The body surface of the Harkdragon looks light and slippery, but it is actually fine scales, and as a dragon elf, it also has a strong defense, just like most attribute skills are not very effective on dragon elves.

"Little girl, are you okay."

Miryusuke hugged Shafia's waist with his left hand, his eyes still staring at the tyrannosaurus, but he also had the leisure to greet the little girl in his arms.

Shafiya seemed to be frightened and stupid, she closed her eyes and hugged Ryusuke tightly, her body trembling, and the tears in the corners of her eyes slipped down her smooth face, and she was already speechless.

After glancing at the girl in his arms, after seeing the other party's state, Ryusuke shook his head, ready to solve this violent carp dragon first.

"Well? This pose is..."

Seeing that the tyrannosaurus that fell into the sea again bowed up and made a breathing gesture, a large amount of energy began to gather in its mouth, and countless small lights converged in its mouth, and Ryusuke recognized the skill that the other party was preparing to use at a glance.

“...... It turned out to be "Destruction Death Light", since this is the case, Hakron we also use "Destruction Death Light"! "

The dragon roared, and the Hakron opened his mouth and gathered energy at a faster speed than the Tyrannosaurus, and almost at the same time, the mouths of the two dragons spewed out a shattered light that was enough to destroy the mountain!

"Boom ————"

The two destructive death rays collided together, not as people imagined, but a scene of shock wave and shock wave colliding, a huge ball of light like a nuclear bomb explosion from the junction of the beach and the ocean infinitely expanded, the blown hurricane and the aftermath of the spread will blow all the lively crowd away.

For a while, I only saw countless people flying in the air, falling to the ground one by one in the sound of 'ouch', fortunately, this is a soft beach, there is a risk of serious injury, but minor injuries are inevitable, and even some of them are unlucky and fractured.

The collision that destroyed the death light blew hundreds of people away, drowning what was left behind on the beach, but Miryusuke stood still on top of Hakron's head, and those terrible energy aftermaths were no different to him after Harkron's position weakened.

"Push this destructive death light back!"

Ryusuke drank lowly, and the Harkon seemed to sense the master's dissatisfaction, and the pillar of light that spewed out of his mouth suddenly doubled, and the huge ball of light that was 100 meters high and almost blinded the human eye was pushed away by the Harkon and bombarded the body of the tyrannosaurus.

"Boom ————"

The sea was blown up, the beach was blown away, a huge pothole 100 meters deep appeared at the junction of the coast and the sea, and the poured sea water poured into the pit under the laws of nature to fill it in an instant, but the terrible disaster caused by the destruction of the death light still made the people who were blown away see clearly, stunned to see the power far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

The tyrannosaurus was like a boiled shrimp, full of steam, pieces of scales fell off, and its body stood in the sea, but it still did not lose its combat effectiveness, and the tyranny in its eyes was even stronger, desperately trying to control the six tornadoes and let them wash up on the coast.

"If I can meet you when I was young, I can't say that I have moved my compassion to accept you and cultivate you well."

Miryusuke sighed softly, his face showing pity, but his movements were still fierce, "... Thunder elf let it lie down, "Thunder"! "

The roar of the thunder god came from the pitch-black heaven and earth, a lightning bolt connecting heaven and earth fell from the sky, and the instant white light almost illuminated the entire light red city, and the huge thunder slashed on the body of the tyrannosaurus, bringing far more damage than the previous destruction death light.


A rapid wail came, followed by an abrupt stop to the sound, and the body of the tyrannosaurus smashed heavily into the sea, splashing a splash.


Ryusuke snapped his fingers, and the Harkon raised his head and let out a dragon roar, only to see that the tornado that lost the control of the Tyrannosaurus directly dissipated, and even the dark clouds in the sky that seemed to rain down at any time retreated away under Harkron's ability to manipulate the weather, and the bright sun shone again.

If it weren't for the injured crowd, the brutal battle scene on the beach and the 'corpse' of the tyrannosaurus floating in the sea, it would have made people wonder if they were dreaming just now.

Shafiya, who was held in her arms by Ryusuke, raised her head and looked at him blankly, wielding the power of the dragon to destroy the sky and the earth with a wave of her hand, and making the clouds disappear with a snap of her fingers, this power that only appears in mythical stories made her little heart suffer a violent shock. _

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