Pokemon: Exposure Champion Ash, Shocked The World!

Chapter 284 She Is So Cute, Of Course It Is Stephanie's Wife!

When the "boy" in the picture stood in front of Ash and Pikachu.

The audience couldn't help but think of it in their minds at this time——

Isn't this boy... not scared?? That's a bunch of scary Beedrills!!

The video continues——

【The purple-haired boy stood in front of Ash and Pikachu, as if he wanted to communicate with Beedrill:】

"Beedrill, please wait a moment. You are so angry, I have no way to understand you. Come on, calm down, can you tell me, what happened?"

[The purple-haired boy said sincerely. 】

【Region Elite Trainer chat group. 】

Daye: What's the situation with this young man?

Aaron: He seems to be communicating with the Bug Type Pokémon.

Sinnoh Region's Bug Type Elite Trainer Aaron looked at the purple-haired boy in disbelief.

When the ordinary comes to nature...

Aaron also communicates with Bug Type Pokémon in the same way.

This boy also wants to try to communicate.....

Could it be that this guy is also an Elite Trainer who uses Bug Type Pokémon??

However, when it comes to experts in Bug Type Pokémon...

Aaron also just remembered the Bug Type Elite Trainer Yati in the Unova Region.

Ms. Zi Roland, the owner of the Santalune Gym in the Carlos Region.

As for the Bug Type Gym Trainer Bugsy in Johto Region Region...

Barely count it.

But even if you count these Gym Trainers.....

Aaron never remembered who this purple-haired boy was!!!

Zhimi: It's really strange. Could it be that this child can really communicate??

Lucian: If it's the Bug Type Pokémon Trainer, then it's still possible. Of course, it could also be that Mega is a powerful Psychic with telepathic abilities.

Lucian: However, as far as I know, the only human Psychic with telepathy ability is our sister Cattleya and Ms. Trainer Sabrina of Kanto Region Saffron Gym.

Through the speeches of Lucian and Aaron.....

The Region Elite Trainers couldn't help becoming interested in this boy...

Silver Conference Stadium——

463 All the audience and guests felt quite novel.

"The boy is trying to communicate?"

"Will this work?"

"Who knows!!"

Voices of discussion filled the Silver Conference Stadium.

The video continues——

[When everyone felt the novelty, Beedrill miraculously stopped under the communication of the purple-haired boy in the screen, and began to communicate with the boy. 】

"Hey, hey, is this real? Can you really communicate??"

Sinnoh Region's Bug Type Elite Trainer Aaron said something incredible.

And what happened next left Aaron dumbfounded!!!

【In the picture, after understanding the meaning of Beedrill, the boy showed a smile:】

"So that's the case, I understand."

【Following that, the purple-haired boy explained to Ash:】

"There is nothing anymore, because Beedrill just wants to drive you away, after all, this is Beedrill's territory, and it is still an important time to multiply Weedle

Never let others disturb you. "

[When the voice fell, through the gap between the Leafages, Ash and Pikachu saw a group of female Beedrill behind them, and the baby Weedle in the bushes. 】

[Ash, who realized what happened, hastily apologized to Beedrill. 】

【And the young man also acted as a translator and peacemaker, Beedrill finally forgave Ash, and then went to the doctor. 】

When this happened to Veilstone, audiences all over the world...

It was extremely shocking.

"Hey, hey, the negotiation was really successful? I've never seen anything like this before."

"Could it be that he is a Bug Type Pokémon expert like Mr. Aaron to read Beedrill's mood?"

"Maybe that's the case, but it's also amazing."

The audience discussed this matter in astonishment.

The boy who just came out...

Obviously succeeded in arousing everyone's interest.

Kanto Region, Rocket Hideout.

"Is this..... is the power of Changpan???"

Giovanni, the leader of the Rockets, saw that the boy could (abah) communicate with Beedrill so calmly.

Can't help but doubt it.

The power of Toki can be used to read Pokémon's thoughts with "Qi", so it is possible to communicate with Pokémon.

It can also be used to heal Pokémon when they are injured.

At critical moments, it can even explode and improve combat capabilities.

This is a special ability bestowed by the Viridian Forest, which is passed down once every thousand years...

Boss Giovanni is quite skeptical, is the purple-haired boy in front of him the successor of Viridian Power in this issue of Viridian Forest!!

Silver Conference Stadium 1

Surrounding the special abilities of the purple-haired boy.

Audiences all over the world are having heated discussions.

The video continues——

【After Beedrill left, Ash and Pikachu also breathed a sigh of relief. 】

But it's also weird...

Ash is the Mega True Rookie who can swing a stick and attack and fight hordes of Beedrills.

Just a few Beedrills

What is there to be afraid of??

It is completely possible to pick up the branches and hit the wild dance of the day!!


[The purple-haired boy communicates with Pikachu. 】

[However, when Ash's Pikachu met a stranger for the first time, he didn't have any sense of resistance, but enjoyed the teenager's touch very much. 】

Ash was very surprised by this.

"By the way, I just saw you talking with Pokémon, do you understand their language?"

Ash asked curiously.

The purple-haired boy continued to smile brightly, shook his head, and said slowly:

"Conversing with Pokémon? How is such a thing possible? I just rely on my own feelings to understand the mood and thoughts of Pokémon."

[The girl explained calmly. 】

Is it just relying on my own feelings to understand the mood and thoughts of Pokémon?

Audiences all over the world are at a loss...

Is this boy playing some kind of metaphysics?

Is this vague feeling really that accurate?

The video continues——

【Ash feels that such ability is quite remarkable. 】

【He started to explain himself to the purple-haired boy. 】

[During the introduction of Ash, a huge water quality tornado suddenly rose from the relatively calm lake nearby. 】

[When the tornado dissipated and turned into little drops of water and fell on the lake with ripples, a Blue Gyarados appeared in front of the two of them. 】

When seeing Gyarados.......

The audience all exclaimed.

This guy.......

It seems that it is not easy to provoke!!


[Facing Gyarados who kept making astonishing roars, the purple-haired boy didn't seem to be afraid at all, but calmed Gyarados' emotions. 】

[Afterwards, in the process of communication, I discovered the difficulty of Gyarados——]

The body is stuck with a long spiked wooden stick!!

【Under the help of the young man, the spiked wooden stick was removed, and Gyarados, who relieved the pain, became docile immediately. After thanking the young man, he quickly escaped into the lake. 】

【Region champion Trainer chat group. 】

Yulongdu: Even such a fiery Gyarados can be tamed? This!!?

Yulongdu remembered the process of subduing Red Gyarados...

That's pretty much zero communication.

Wallace: It's unbelievable that Gyarados, who are usually so violent, can be tamed. This is something only the Excellent Water Trainer can do.

Steven Stone: Is this the case again? It was the Bug-type Pokémon Beedrill before, and now it is the water-type Pokémon Gyarados... The boy really has two brushes. Could it be that she has the same superpower as Hina??

Steven Stone, including several champions Trainer, was extremely impressed with the superpower.

After all, it is the setting from the popular theatrical version of "The Time and Space of Chaoke".

Cynthia: No, that is almost impossible. This is the Hoenn Region, or the plate of the Kanto Region. The superpower will only appear on the guardian of the ruins in the Sinnoh Region.

Cynthia: And the appearance of the purple-haired boy is also very different from that of Hina and the others... It is absolutely impossible for him to be the successor of the power of overcoming.

Professor Kukui: If not, the young man......maybe possesses the ability to communicate with nature. ,

The ability to communicate with nature...

Such ability...

The champion Trainers couldn't help but exclaimed.

if it is like this……….

Then this ability.

It must be too amazing!!

Silver Conference Stadium——

"This kid is quite powerful. If it's Stephanie's son, he should be quite a good match with Ash."

The super Elite Trainer Will in the guest seat couldn't help but praise.

"Ah? Kid? This, isn't Stephanie son??"

Sister Karen, the chief Elite Trainer of Johto Region Region, answered Will's topic full of doubts.

"AH!!! Boys!!!"

At this time, Bruno Elite also jumped out and said this clearly.

"Yeah, yeah, Karen, you're confused. Boy, you don't look like Stephanie.

Yulongdu on the side also started talking.

On the other hand, Karen showed a strange expression, but apparently she didn't want to continue explaining.

These stinky men...

Really stupid!!

Karen couldn't help complaining in her heart.

The video continues——

[While Ash was chatting with Pikachu, it was no surprise that Team Rocket's idiot trio reappeared and grabbed Pikachu in no time. 】

"Pikachu, go, Corphish."

Ash quickly dispatched the water-type Pokémon Corphish.

"I'm here to help, too, go, land."

Alakazam, Confusion included.

Alakazam's brain cells will continue to grow throughout life, and the infinite increase of brain cells creates a Mega brain with an IQ of 5,000.

Because the brain cells will continue to divide, and the number will increase until death, so it can remember anything [If you have experienced something before, you will never forget it!!

Alakazam, as a powerful and intelligent Pokémon...

It is the Pokémon that almost every high-IQ Psychic has tamed.

This boy......

It doesn't look easy at all!!

"Corphish, Bubble Beam

"Alakazam, fantasy light."

[Under the combination of Ash's Corphish and Alakazam, the Rockets' idiot trio, it is naturally impossible for the two elite Trainer's Rival. 】


【When the energy is intertwined, the Rockets' hot Air Baloon produces a violent explosion. 】

【 Haze fills Soaring in the sky, and the box equipped with Pikachu also breaks out of the hands of Team Rocket's goofy trio. 】

【Ash and the purple-haired boy ran to catch Pikachu together. 】

【Although the movements are quite consistent, both of them caught the falling Pikachu, but they were not careful...】

fell into the lake.

[In the icy lake, Ash and the boy were naturally soaked, and because of the sound of the explosion, Ash's partners Xiao Gang and May also rushed over after hearing the news. 】

After turning into a drowned chicken, the boy kept smiling and said to Ash:

"If you don't mind, how about coming to my house. My house is quite big."

【Ash and his partners naturally accepted the boy's proposal. 】

[The picture turns, in a two-story villa, Ash took off his clothes, and started to bake beside the blazing stove. 】


After Ash thanked him, he found that the other party did not take any action, so he couldn't help asking curiously:

"Eh? Why don't you take it off and dry it together?"

"It's not convenient for me here, I just go to another room and change it.

"Is May there?? It's okay, she won't care at all."

Ash said cheerfully.

The audience was speechless.

However, what happened next shocked many viewers.

"Ash, you may have misunderstood. I shouldn't have told you just now, but actually... I am a girl. w

When the voice of the purple-haired boy fell, whether it was Ash and his friends in the screen, as well as a large number of straight men, all showed expressions of astonishment.

A boy who just communicated with various Pokémon......

Is Stephanie son???.

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