Pokemon: Exposure Champion Ash, Shocked The World!

Chapter 285 In The Future, Ash May Use Beauty Tricks!

When the purple-haired boy in the picture said these words...

Audiences all over the world showed shocked expressions.

【Region Elite Trainer chat group. 】

Daye: What, what's the situation? It's so cute, shouldn't it be a boy??

Aaron: I was also confused. I always thought that I would be a good brother, but I didn't expect...it would be like this. It was beyond my expectation.

Lorelei: You guys are dumb straight guys, I recognized Stephanie from the very beginning. It's just that the dress is different, and it's more like Stephanie's son.

Phoebe: emmmmm, I don't think I can blame the idiots. At this age, except for Miss May... most of the Stephanie sons are Airport.

While talking, Hoenn Region's Ghost Elite Trainer Phoebe couldn't help looking at May in the picture.

Just a glance...

Phoebe has already noticed that May's waves are rough.

Look at yourself again...

Totally Yimapingchuan - ah!!!

That's it for ten years old - come on.

If I were 20 years old like myself...

Would not it be.....…

Phoebe unimaginable!!

When I heard Phoebe bring this up...

Cattleya, the super power elite trainer of Unova Region, was stunned in place.

She also noticed May's choppy waves.

Remind me of my Yimapingchuan......

Can't help feeling ashamed.

If I put away my Gold big wavy hair and dress up as a man, this group of people

I guess I can't help myself!!

Ohh Ohh ohh!!!

This topic......

Immediately, half of the female Elites in the Elite Trainer chat group were completely silent.

And male Elite......

Still in deep doubt.

This purple-haired boy...

Looks like a boy!!

why stephanie son


Silver Conference Stadium 1

"It's really Stephanie's son!!"

"I told you before, why don't you believe me.

"It's really surprising, woo woo woo, can I no longer identify anyone's gender?"

The audience in the entire Stadium was discussing extremely intensely.

The Fighting Elite Trainer Bruno and Super Elite Will in the guest seats were already dumbfounded.

"how so."

The two straight men looked at Karen next to them with disbelief.

On the other hand, Karen showed a faint smile.

what about you.....…

Why don't you believe me!!!

Video continues—

【It turned out to be a girl!!】

[When the purple-haired boy exposed all this, Ash and his partners were very surprised. 】

After all, even May didn't see it......

"Reintroduce me, my name is Anabel."

【 Anabel's smile remained the same, and after Ash and his partners reacted, they quickly made an introduction. 】

【Ash and Anabel knew each other earlier, after learning about Anabel's special ability, he couldn't help bragging to his friends:】

"Xiao Gang, Anabel is very powerful, she can communicate with my Pikachu, Beedrill and other wild Pokémon."

"Communicate with Pokémon in the wild?"

[May's younger brother Xiaosheng first widened his eyes, and then showed a particularly shocked expression, unexpectedly...someone can communicate with Pokémon??]

[In Xiaosheng's impression, the only person who can act as a translator between humans and Pokémon is the suspicious Meowth of the idiot trio of the Rockets. 】


Now someone can do it.

Hearing Ash praise herself, Anabel showed a gentle smile, and her pale purple eyes seemed to have a clear and bright light.

"Actually, it's very common. I can simply understand Pokémon's emotions, and it's not as powerful as everyone thinks."

"Ash, on the other hand, just stepped forward to protect Pikachu, but he was actually hit by Seviper's Toxic tail. This move is quite painful, but Ash cares most about Pikachu... It's really shocking. .”

"This girl..."

As a trainer with deep qualifications, Diantha smiled slightly, and could sense that...

The girl Anabel has a special affection for Ash.

Like against Latias last round...

At the beginning of the favor, Ash made a move to save Latias.

And what makes Anabel feel good this time is that Ash loves Pokémon, just like her!!


Many trainers with good emotional intelligence have already noticed it.

"This little sister is quite interesting."

Zhimi, the water system Elite Trainer in the Carlos Region, smiled.

He is not like Daye and Aaron who are big straight men...

As the Mega five-star chef of the Michelin restaurant in Pokémon World, Zhimi knows how to detect facial expressions...

He can know the customer's satisfaction with the ingredients based on the customer's micro-expression.

On the same grounds...

He can judge the little feelings between boys and girls based on some micro expressions!!!

Video continues—

[Ash and Anabel seem to be a special fit, and both of them love Pokémon very much. 】

[During the conversation, Xiao Gang suddenly said:]

"By the way, Ash, I'm about to start challenging the Battle Tower in the Frontier Zone.

"This young man!! Not authentic."

don't know who it is...

Suddenly said something on the Stadium.

But it did get the approval of many, many people.

Ash is still talking to his sister!!

Xiaogang, you nanny, how could you suddenly change the subject.

Can't we let others chat for a while?

Really are!!

image continues


[Anabel was quite surprised when he heard that Ash was going to challenge the Battle Frontier Battle Tower. 】

"That's right, then Anabel, let's go first."

[Ash, who always puts Pokémon and battles first, is naturally not very interested in Stephanie's son Anabel, and he is just a new friend. 】

【 Ash barely waited for Anabel's explanation, and rushed out of the house, and Anabel... also showed a helpless smile. 】

Screen rotation——

When Ash and his partners rushed to the Battle Tower.

The pioneering head of Battle Tower also appeared.



【Region champion Trainer chat group. 】

Cynthia: Battle Tower...... At the level of Battle Frontier, Normal is guarded by the battle lord. Unexpectedly, this girl Anabel already has this image of Lucy.

Professor Kukui: Fighting against the Maharaja...what level of Trainer is it??

Cynthia: Mr. Palmer, the Maharaja of our Sinnoh Region Battle Tower, I once had a battle with him. His Dragonite and Rhyperior are very powerful, and he can probably have the same level as Lucian.


That is the strength of the chief Elite Trainer of Sinnoh Region.

Although everyone here is the champion Trainer of each Region.

Absolutely has the strength to surpass the chief Elite Trainer......

but age...

Definitely more than Anabel.

Such a young girl is now becoming the Battle Maharaja...

Such strength!!

It's not easy at all!!!

Steven Stone: The Kanto Region is full of talented people.

Alder: That's right, we are almost inferior to these young people. Anabel and Chitaro are no more than two years old, but the Maharaja who has already sat on the Battle Tower is even stronger than Mr. Spenser who fought against the palace before. , second only to Mr. Brandon in Battle Pyramid...

Wallace: Judging from the strength of Alakazam's performance before, I knew he was an extraordinary trainer, but I didn't expect to be the maharaja of Battle Tower at this age. The younger generation is awesome!

Yulongdu: Plus the ability to communicate with Pokémon... The Battle Frontiers in the Kanto Region are all monsters!!

Kanto, Hoenn and Sinnoh...

There is a Battle Frontier.

For this reason, these champion Trainers celebrate...

Battle for the position of Maharaja.

At such a young age, he has already become the battle lord.

Future achievements are also quite shocking.

Silver Conference Stadium Guest Seat 1

"The Maharaja of the Battle Tower is stronger than me...and he seems to be an expert at using Super Attribute Pokémon. If he fights...it will be extremely difficult.

0 for flowers... 0

Bruno started to crumble.

He also had to admit

He also has a 70% to 80% probability...

Not Anabel's Rival!!

"I didn't expect it at all, such a Stephanie...but the Maharaja of Battle Tower, it's amazing."

Even Professor Oak praised it.

Can communicate with wild animals.....

And also the Maharaja of Battle Tower...

Such an accomplished girl immediately amazed audiences all over the world...

They all admired it.

image continues

"The majesty of the Battle Tower...is Anabel? But just now, why didn't you say so?"

"You guys left so fast, I really don't have time to explain to you, sorry.

Ash was quite surprised, while Anabel on the side was still smiling.

[However, this topic did not last long. 】

【Both sides are friends, and now they are still the identity of the pioneering brain and the challenger, which arouses Ash's high spirits in the battle even more!!】

"Then now, the battle begins with the stake as a symbol of the Battle Tower. Both parties can use three Pokémon, and only the challenger has the right to change Pokémon at any time."

"When all three Pokémon on one side lose their ability to fight, the game ends, so now... let's send out their respective Pokémon."

[The referee dutifully stated the rules of this battle. 】

"Corphish, I'll leave it to you."

"Go, my friend."

[When the two beams of red light flashed, Corphish and Alakazam appeared on the battlefield at the same time. 】

"It's really interesting, the two Pokémon just now... just met."

Sister Karen spoke up.

When dealing with the idiot trio of the Rockets just now, the Pokémon used by Ash and Anabel are the current two.

"In terms of race, Alakazam has more advantages. If Ash's Corphish evolves into Crawdaunt and has the evil system, it will have certain attributes.

sex advantage. "

Will analyzed it seriously.


Attribute and race are only part of it.

The key is to look at the command ability of the Trainer, and the level of the normal Breeder of Pokémon.

victory or defeat

Hard to say!!


The video continues——

"Corphish, oh.


[The reckless Ash was ready to launch a fierce attack plan when the game started. 】

[It's obviously a lobster, but it's still a corphish using a crab fist, Red's pincers glow with dazzling white light, and layers of water flows upwards [quickly attacking the doctor towards Alakazam. 】


【Alakazam's eyes glowed with crystal blue light. When Corphish just jumped and attacked, he was just grabbed by Alakazam and couldn't move!!】

"Just throw it out."

【Following Anabel's order, the Corphish flew out backwards. 】

"Bubble Beam."

"Phantom light!!"

[Corphish in the process of flying upside down, adjusted his posture, and the brown Bubble Beam floated over from the sky from top to bottom. 】

【Not to be outdone, Alakazam raised two silver spoons, launched a colorful Psybeam, and competed fiercely with Bubble Beam in the air!!】

PS: Palmer of Sinnoh Region is also fighting Maharaja, and his opponent is Mr. Brandon of Battle Pyramid.


Brandon should be even more powerful. It belongs to the ceiling of the Battle Frontier leader. After all, there are three toilets in Legendary.

As for Anabel, to be honest... the identity of the Battle Maharaja is definitely at the Elite level.

I even think that when I lost to Ash, I felt that there was a certain amount of water...

You know, in the game series, Anabel has three holy beasts Raikou, Entei and Latios.

If the animation wants to show it, it can be compared with Mr. Brandon.


But in the end, no divine beast was sent out. As for the reason...

Damn it!!

Among the thirty-six tricks, Ash chose the beauty trick! Force!.

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