Pokemon: Exposure Champion Ash, Shocked The World!

Chapter 89 Gouhao Is Scared To Cry! I, Ash, Console Iris Cute, It's Reasonable~

Palace Gate Stadium——

"One is the Haxorus with extremely powerful attack power in the Unova Region, and the other is the late blooming Pokémon in the Sinnoh Region. I didn't expect to meet the dragon Pokémon here. It's really emotional."

"That's right! In the first half, he showed the courage to treat death like home."

"In the heads-up battle between the Trump Card Pokémon of both sides, if one side wins, the morale of both the Trainer and the remaining Pokémon will be greatly increased. Thus, the subsequent victory will be won."

"Conversely, if it fails and the leader of the team is gone, the mentality of the remaining Pokémon and Trainer will change, thus gradually losing the possibility of winning.

"For this reason, the next battle between the champions Trump Card is quite interesting. Chief Guan!"

Audiences all over the world talked about it.

The battle between Haxorus and Garchomp is likely to be an important factor in winning Trainer!!

In the video——

[Although Haxorus had just played, he easily defeated Milotic without wasting any energy. 】

【Therefore, the two sides are still on the same level, and both are full of Contest Condition!!】

"Land down, stars of Soaring in the sky, Garchomp, Draco Meteor!!"

[Following Cynthia's command, Garchomp spewed a hot Pyro Ball into Soaring in the sky. 】

【The fireball exploded in Soaring in the sky, and then turned into scorching flame Meteorites and fell towards the Stadium. If it hits Haxorus, it will be quite painful!】

"Haxorus, Outrage!!"

[After Iris’s voice fell, Haxorus’s whole body began to be filled with scarlet light. After the light disappeared, Haxorus’ eyes turned into a terrifying scarlet, and then the ax blade on his teeth easily extinguished the oncoming flame Meteorite Cut it open. 】

Pretty domineering.

【Haxorus was running, cutting open the flame Meteorite falling from the sky, and soon arrived in front of Garchomp, brandishing the ax blade and attacking Garchomp three times. 】

[Garchomp also wants to defend the dignity of the Sinnoh Region dragon Pokémon, spread out the sharp blades of his arms, and fight fiercely with Haxorus. 】


The heads of both sides collided together at the same time.


Haxorus' ax blade collided fiercely with Garchomp's arm blade, and even rubbed out an amazing Ember.


The strong tails of each other collided with each other, and the air waves generated set off a large amount of smoke and dust in the Stadium.

All of a sudden, the two sides were fighting together regardless of the outcome, and audiences all over the world saw such a scene, and they were so addicted!!’

【This is the bloody battle of Dragon Pokémon!!】

[In the confrontation again and again, both sides retreated to Trainer's side at the same time, and at this time, the negative effect of Outrage appeared, and Haxorus showed a tired 120 posture. 】

[And several kun kuns began to appear above the head, obviously falling into chaos Contest Condition. 】

[ Cynthia's Garchomp was realizing that this was a good time, however, Haxorus directly hammered the ground on the head. 】

[The strong vibration made Haxorus Smelling Salts a lot, and it was immediately exposed to the chaotic Contest Condition. 】

【Region Elite chat group. 】

Daye: Let me go, can you still solve the confusion Contest Condition like this? I learned it. I learned it.

Drake: As expected of the new champion Trainer of Unova Region, it is extraordinary. To be able to get in touch with the negative effects of Outrage in this way.

Lucian: The well-deserved Unova champion!!

Drake: Iris, the new champion of the Unova Region, will definitely grow into an extremely powerful champion in the future.

Grimsley: Unexpectedly, in just one year, such changes have taken place in Unova Region. But Iris is a veritable champion who has been able to fight Miss Cynthia for so long.

Shauntal: Yeah, it's been pretty good.

Aaron: Same as brother Ash, they are both young champions, envious to death, when did I have such an achievement?

Sidney: Don’t think about it, you and I are both in our 20s, others are champions in their teens, you have long since lost that chance!!

The Region Elite Trainers couldn't help sighing.

Time has changed.

The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead.

Ash in the front and Trainer Iris, the new Unova Alliance champion in the back.

They are completely inferior to others.

Palace Gate Stadium——

"Well done, Iris, hahahaha!! You have to be young."

Uncle Alder was excited.

As the successor of Unova Alliance, Iris' performance has already made him quite satisfied.

"When he grows up in the future, he will be a powerful Rival."

Yulongdu has to admit that in the future, Iris must be his most powerful rival in the competition for the strongest dragon master.

The other party is the same as Ash, who became famous at a young age and has great potential!!

Video continues—

"It's not over yet, we can still fight, Haxorus!!"

[The audience cheered for Iris's handling, and Iris's momentum is quite full. 】

【The Trainer I once dreamed of the most is standing in front of me at this moment. No matter what Iris says, I will defeat Cynthia head-on!!】

【Iris' determination was conveyed to Cynthia. After feeling Iris' strong fighting spirit, Cynthia expressed considerable respect to Iris. 】

"In that case, then..."

Cynthia showed appreciative eyes, took out a pink lipstick, wiped it on her lips, and then revealed a blue evolutionary Key Stone!

"I will use all my strength to defeat you! Garchomp, Meag evolves!!"

【The evolutionary Key Stone in Cynthia's hands flashes amazing Saffron-colored Lucas, at the same time, the Polk plane in Soaring in the sky drops the Mega Garchompite down!!]

【Evolution Key Stone resonates with Mega Garchompite, and the entire Stadium is filled with radiant and magical light!!】

[After the colorful light disappeared from Garchomp, Mega Garchomp appeared on the Palace Gate Stadium. 】

Compared with ordinary Garchomp, Mega Garchomp is taller and bigger, because the energy of Mega Evolution is too strong, his hands and wings melted and turned into a huge sickle shape!!

It looks even more brutal!!

Palace Gate Master Stadium————

Chibana: "It's getting more and more exciting."

Steven Stone: "When Ms. Cynthia uses the Mega Evolution stone, it means that she pays special attention to the competition and has officially become serious."

Wallacemi Teacher: "It's really wonderful, but Miss Cynthia has already dispatched Mega Garchomp, so what will Iris use next? Which of the three systems will be used to deal with it? I still have a little expectation."

Chibana: "I don't know if Haxorus will have a Mega Evolution. Of course, what I would like to see is a very large Haxorus."

Alder: "Hahaha, I want to see the Z move, Professor Kukui, what is the Z move of the dragon type?"

Professor Kukui: "The Dragon Z move is called Devastating Drake, and it is a very deterrent sonic attack."

Alder: "Okay, this is good. If you use the Z move to kill Miss Cynthia's Mega Garchomp, our Unova Alliance, it will start to flourish."

Uncle Alder began to look forward to it.

However, while the champion Trainers were discussing, the Iris in the video still didn't make any movements, but had a quite dignified expression.

[Even Mega Garchomp went all out to light up the dark green Dragon Claw, and when the Dragon Claw attacked directly, Iris just ordered Haxorus to use it to resist

[The sound of fierce collisions keeps ringing, and the energy of the dark green Dragon Claw and pink Psycho Cut is flying!]

【However, even in the face of Haxorus and Iris, who are constantly at a disadvantage in the face of strong attacks, they still did not move out of the system to fight!】

【Champion Trainers, I am in doubt. 】

"Why are you still unwilling to use the system? Mega Garchomp's sickle-shaped attack feels better and stronger than before. If you don't activate the system, Shuangluo Zhanlong can't stand it anymore."

Yulongdu obviously became anxious for Iris.

After all, the goal of both parties is to become the strongest dragon master.

Iris can also be regarded as the future competition Rival.

"Does Iris still want to keep the last card?"

Professor Kukui shook his head, and now he didn't quite understand.

"Eh....It's unlikely. Although it's only the first half, it's almost a life-and-death battle. If Iris' Trump Card Haxorus loses the ability to fight, almost no Pokémon can resist Mega Garchomp's terrorist attack So Iris has to intercept Mega Garchomp here.

Wallace spoke quickly.

"But why don't you use the system yet? Hurry up and activate the extreme giantization!! Play a few extreme giantization moves."

Chibana said.

"Is there such a possibility? I mean possible. It might be Iris. There is not a single bech weapon of the three systems."

Steven Stone said.

"Then you can still win the Eighth Master?"

Qibana's whole body is flaxen.

If you don't even have a system, you can reach the knockout round of the eight masters.

Then he, the strongest Gym Trainer in the entire Galar Region, whose goal is to be the Dragon Champion, won't even enter the Eight Masters knockout round next season, isn't it...

Very embarrassing!??

Qibana Bengbu live!

" Mr. Steven's speculation is indeed possible. Diantha interrupted the conversation, and then continued:

"First of all, Iris's dress doesn't have a giant wristband and Alola Region's Z-Ring. The only thing left is the evolution Key Stone hidden in other places. After all, the evolution Key Stone and my good Cynthia can be hidden in lipstick Here, mine is worn as a necklace."

"However, I remember that Professor Bratano once talked to me about Pokémon that can Mega evolve."

"The three royal families in the Unova Region, including the late bloomer Hydreigon and the dragon Pokémon Haxorus, cannot Mega evolve, which means that Iris may not have any battle props in the three systems.

After Diantha finished speaking, the champions present were taken aback.

Then he looked at Iris, who was gradually showing disadvantages on the screen, but still did not show the system battle props, and couldn't help frowning.

This Y head!!!

It's too reckless!!

They have already entered the knockout round of the eight masters, and they still haven't prepared the system battle props yet!!?

"What is the Unova Alliance doing? Even our Alliance champion doesn't help prepare some battle props. People who don't know think that our Unova Alliance is very poor and can't get a single battle prop."

The normally amiable Uncle Alder couldn't help being indignant at this time.

Unova Alliance finally appeared

an excellent successor.

Little Y was reckless, relying on his immortal strength to hit the Eighth Master.

She may not understand the battle props system yet, but she is the champion and represents the Unova Alliance!

Don't those old guys from Alliance help with the preparation?

Uncle Alder was very angry.

He promises that when Iris debuts in the next season, he will prepare a system battle prop for her personally!!

Finished the knockout round of the eight masters in style.

Wouldn't it be embarrassing for Cynthia, the champion of Sinnoh, to have no system?

Video continues—

【During the fierce scuffle with Mega Garchomp, finally, under Mega Garchomp's terrible attack power, Psycho Cut's light blade was shattered

bandit. 】

【Fortunately, Iris reacted quickly, and Haxorus aimed a Dragon Pulse at Mega Garchomp's face and pasted it!】

Outstanding effect!!

Unfortunately, Haxorus is a Pokémon good at physical attacks.

Dragon Pulse, a long-range special attack, has limited power!

Even with close range hits, Mega Garchomp endured.

[At the same time, Iris used Ming Jing Zhishui to communicate with Haxorus through her close relationship with the dragon Pokémon. 】

"Haxorus, this is the final blow. Let us strike with all our might."

[Haxorus in the spiritual space understands, with Trainer's encouragement, it perseveres. 】

【On the other side, Cynthia announced the final attack!】

"Dragon Stars!"

【The hot Pyro Ball spewed out from Mega Garchomp again, and exploded in the Soaring in the sky, and countless flame Meteorites descended towards Haxorus. 】

[Haxorus was almost unable to retreat, and under the order of Iris, he used Dragon Pulse with all his strength. 】

[The blue-purple Dragon Pulse collided violently with the flame Meteorite falling down from Soaring in the sky, forming a terrible explosion, and the explosion set off a large amount of dust and sand, covering the

blinded the eyes of audiences all over the world. 】

[When the smoke dissipated slowly, Mega Garchomp remained motionless, while Haxorus was wounded and fell down. 】

[After Haxorus lost his ability to fight, the first half officially ended. 】

[Iris lost to Ms. Cynthia's remaining Pokémon in the next three, and finally lost 6:5. 】

Steven Stone: "Too bad, Iris is just a little bit worse."

Wallacemi Teacher: "No, let's use this failure as motivation to continue working hard.

Qibana: "Without the system, I can reach the position of the Eighth Masters. I should reflect on myself...... Is it slack."

Yulongdu: "As the champion, Iris is quite qualified. Uncle Alder should be very happy that there is a new successor."

Alder: "Quite an exciting game, Unova Alliance will keep it in mind."

Diantha: "If Iris has system battle props, the outcome is still unknown. I can only say that Iris has great potential and will definitely be a reliable champion in the future."

Cynthia: "I'm looking forward to it, we can continue to fight next time."

Although the game was lost to Cynthia, Iris' strength was recognized by audiences and champion Trainers all over the world.

No system to enter the eight masters.

And once pushed Sinnoh champion Cynthia to a corner!

Iris, the well-deserved new champion of the Unova Alliance!

The video continues———

[With Iris' defeat, after a friendly exchange with Cynthia, Iris held back her tears and walked out of the player channel. 】

【And at this time, waiting for her in the player channel is... Ash!!】

"Iris, what a pity."

【The moment I saw Ash, Iris held back the crystal clear tears, welling up in her eyes!】

"I lost, Ms. Cynthia is really amazing!! Very powerful... very powerful......

【While talking, Iris is quite unwilling, tears have burst into tears!】

【Only in front of Ash can Iris express her inner feelings happily. 】

【Ash and Pikachu looked at Iris like this, and at this moment, a certain go followed. 】

Just when he was about to disturb Ash and Iris, a white light flickered, and a red crocodile wearing sunglasses appeared in front of GO.

Terrifying momentum, wearing head sunglasses, like a gangster!

The sharp teeth gleamed coldly, as if they were about to bite the next moment.

Go ran away in fright.

Krookodile: This is Ash and Iris alone time, no dogs allowed!.

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