Pokemon: Exposure Champion Ash, Shocked The World!

Chapter 90 Ash Vs Hoenn Champion Steven, Shocked, Butterfly Snorlax! ?

On the player channel, Unova Region's Pokémon Krookodile, relying on its domineering aura and terrifying sharp teeth, scared Gouhao into tears.

You're not even a contestant.

What are you doing in the player channel!??

Krookodile scares away a go, but it's a pity that he didn't step forward to take a bite, but with the terrible bite force of Krookodile, even an armored vehicle can easily crunch. If he really bites a go, it's probably a one-hit kill. .

In the player tunnel, only Iris and Ash- are left.

"In the next match, I will beat Miss Cynthia."


Ash and Pikachu said confidently.

"Ash, Pikachu! Come on."

In front of Ash, Iris could cry heartily. After hesitating for a while, Iris left the contestant channel and came to the special guest seat.

I originally thought that if I failed, I would go home and return to the Unova Region.

But now Iris wants to see Ash's eight masters knockout match.

As far as Ash can go, she is willing to watch as long as possible.

Palace Gate Stadium Auditorium

"Huh? Are Ash and Unova Alliance champion Iris that close?"

"It looks like you didn't pay attention to the previous video. As I said before, Ash and Iris used to be travel buddies.

"Wow, it's actually like this."

"Both are champions who became famous at a young age.

"This pair can knock!!"

"Eh? It's still possible."

Carlos Region, Sprouts.

Seeing the audience at Gongmen Stadium talking about the young and famous Ash and Iris having a particularly good relationship, Ser Lena couldn't help but "thump" in her heart.


There will be such a thing!

But if you think about it carefully, Iris and Ash really haven't matched yet.

One is the new champion Trainer of Unova Region, and the other is the first generation champion Trainer of Alola Alliance, both are good at fighting.

Would it be really suitable???

no no no!!

Ser Lena shook her head hastily.

Let go of the thoughts in your head completely.

Now Ash's goal is to become the world's number one Pokémon master, so he shouldn't care about these things.

And Ash hasn't shown his heart yet, so he can't back down so soon!!

We must refuel and work hard to move forward.

At least meet Ash in reality...

Palace Gate Stadium——

Under the discussion of the audience, Ash in the video officially stepped into the Stadium.

When he entered the player channel for the first time, Ash faced nothing but the first rookie Trainer of the Indigo Plateau Conference Pokémon Alliance, and was beaten by the crab boss.

And currently...

What Ash is about to face is the Hoenn Region champion Trainer, the third Mega Trainer in the world

Steven Stone!!!

When Ash just stepped into the palace gate Stadium, the Host shouted loudly:

【"This time, the first generation champion of Alola Region, born in Kanto Region, has defeated the powerful Rival one after another since signing up for the World Championships. He is... the most eye-catching new star in this knockout round—Ash!!"】

In the past, when participating in the Indigo Plateau Conference, Ash's supporters were only Kanto Region Qibi Gym Trainer Xiaogang and Cerulean Gym Trainer Misty.

And now!

When the voice of Host fell, the whole audience cheered!

【Region Elite Trainer chat group. 】

Sidney: Well, it's finally time for Brother Ash's battle.

Jenny: Hey, Sidney, you are also a trainer of the Hoenn Alliance, how can you support foreign enemies?

Sidney: What's the problem? Isn't Ash's charisma top notch? He's been a Hall of Fame master since he was 10 years old.

Aaron: Sidney can't, then I can! Brother Ash, goddammit.

Drake: Hahaha, young is good. But although I also support Ash, don't ignore it, Steven is the strongest Trainer in our Hoenn Region, and he is not so easy to deal with.

Daye: Yes, Mr. Steven is unparalleled in the world. As one of the four Trainers of World's Mightiest, it is not so easy to deal with. Even though my Attribute is restraining Mr. Steven, I still have no chance of winning.

Wikstrom: As a Trainer who is proficient in Steel Pokémon, Mr. Steven's knowledge of Steel Pokémon is our role model. Ash is probably in danger this time.

Cattleya: After all, Brother Steven is the champion of Hoenn, and his status is similar to that of Miss Cynthia. Ash is also more ominous, I don't know if Iris's plot template will be reproduced.

Bruno: I'm also rooting for Ash, although Steven does have a good chance of winning.

Sidney: Me too, no why. The champions of our Hoenn Alliance are really disappointing. One is running around the world digging stones every day, and the other is holding a large-scale celebration of the boring Contest competition every day.

Sidney: Can't you be like Dandi and focus on your own championship career!! I hope Brother Ash, wake up Steven [I haven't dug a stone yet. Do it right


Region Elites and audiences all over the world have their own opinions on the outcome of this match.

Those who think that Steven Stone won are naturally because of Steven's handsome appearance and the status of the veteran Region champion Trainer.

Among the top five of the eight masters, they are all peak trainers that audiences all over the world have heard and seen.

However, starting with your champions, brothers, they are all new generation champions.

The first A Lan was smashed by Mr. Dandi, the king of World's Mightiest, almost in a single thought.

The big score of 2:6 is really embarrassing.

And Iris...

It was Miss Trainer Cynthia, the champion of Sinnoh Region, who lost 5:6.

With the successive failures of the two rising stars, it is almost certain that Ash will not be able to beat the veteran champion Steven Stone.

But the other side doesn't think so...

Ash has the approval of the once-in-a-century hero Greninja.

Possess a world-class Charizard that has defeated the legendary Pokémon.

Volt Tackle killed the super ancient legendary titan Regice with one blow, and defeated Alola's patron saint Tapu Naming with a power of 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt in the Alola Region's first-generation Alliance competition.

And later defeated the Elite-level Galar Alliance Gymnasium Trainer Caidou, Mary, and Carlos Region Chief Choucho Drasna.

Even in the transposition battle, Lucario's Dayu Helix Pill instantly killed the original eight masters' Boxing Gym Trainer Chibana's Trump Card Mega Giant Aluminum Steel Dragon!!

Although Ash is the last eight masters.

But as the host and the audience around the world recognize, he is the most anticipated new Mega star!

Real wins and losses!

It hasn't been revealed yet.

Alola's first-generation champion AshVS Hoenn Alliance champion Trainer Steven Stone.

Who wins and who loses is still the biggest suspense!

Video continues—

Galar Alliance Stadium.

[When Steven and Ash entered the venue at the same time, the referee began to read out the rules for this time:]

"The rules of this competition are 6vs6 Pokémon battles with all members. Players can change Pokémon at any time. When all six Pokémon on one side lose their fighting ability, the game will end. In addition, the Mega evolution, Z moves and extreme giantization system throughout the game, It can only be used once, so now, please send out the first Pokémon."]

[In the Stadium, Steven Stone took the lead in sending out the big bird Pokémon covered with iron Normal and hard silver armor. 】

Skarmory, Steel Armor Bird Pokémon, Flying+Steel.

It will build a nest in the thorn bushes, and the wings of the chicks that grow up with the thorns will become extremely hard.

Skarmory's feathers are hollow, and although it is covered with a layer of Oreburgh armor, it can fly at a speed of up to 300 kilometers per hour. Fly high in the air with lightness and freedom, and cut Rival with its blade-sharp wings.

The steel crows of Galar Region will sometimes fight fiercely with Skarmory for the territory, and Taillow and Swellow can also compete with the huge Skarmory!!

Trainer Steven Stone, who is proficient in steel, starts with Skarmory.

And Ash's side.....

Already holding a Poké Ball.

Just when audiences all over the world were expecting which Pokémon, the video frame froze, and a new blue screen appeared in the blue Soaring in the sky.

The blue screen began to play magical content.

On the blue screen——

[The screen gradually becomes brighter, and through a voice next to it, audiences all over the world understand the back island of the image. 】

[Ash and his team, who are challenging the Orange Alliance, came to a mysterious island. Because of a small misunderstanding, they got to know Casey who was in charge of planting fruits on the island. 】

【After talking with Casey, everyone realized that this is a Seven Grapefruit Island that is rich in grapefruit!!】

[On this island, Wendan is bigger and sweeter than other places. 】

【And the Wendan Thief recently appeared, just in the blink of an eye, a piece of Wendan forest will be cleaned up like a storm, without leaving any branches!!】

【During the conversation, the residents of Seven Grapefruit Island found Thief who was stealing pomelo. 】

【When everyone went to the destination, they found a huge Pokémon, its body color was close to blue or navy blue, and its belly was snow white!!】

"Is this... Snorlax?"

Charles Goodshow subconsciously said.

"Snorlax's Pokédex information shows that Snorlax eats non-stop when it is not resting. If it does not eat 400 kg of food a day, its stomach will not be full.

...asking for flowers...

"A long time ago, Snorlax, a big eater, would suddenly appear in the village and wipe out the rice warehouse in a blink of an eye. This behavior has been regarded as a kind of natural disaster since ancient times."

"It seems that the pomegranate fruit of Seven Grapefruit Island disappeared like this.

Miss Trainer Cynthia, champion of Sinnoh Region said.

"Well, it's recorded. Snorlax's destructive power and defensive power are top-notch. How will Ash deal with Snorlax who is constantly eating?"

Professor Oak became curious.

The blue screen continues—

Kanto Region, Orange Islands, Seven Grapefruit Island.

[When Snorlax appeared on Wendan Island, the administrators all showed panicked expressions. A total of five or six big men came on the stage one after another, but with all their strength, they still couldn't shake the mountain of Snorlax. Instead, they were taken lightly by Snorlax With a light push, a tablet is poured. 】

"Snorlax's weight, even in the Pokémon world, is one of the best, no less than Rock Pokémon."

Professor Oak explained.

"Then it really can't be lifted by manpower. If it touches the gigantic Snorlax of the Galar Region, it will be even more difficult."

Chibana said.

"That's really

It's at the level of natural disasters. "

Normal Snorlax is already pretty tough, but Gigamax...  

That's great!!

The video continues——

[Since the huge Snorlax cannot be stopped, everyone can only summon Pokémon Help Miss Casey to collect the Pokémon Fruits and then hide them. 】


【Ash's Vine Whip, Misty's Staryu Rapid Spin are harvesting a large amount of pomegranates quickly, and when they are about to hand them over to Miss Casey, Snorlax suddenly

Smelling the smell of food, he rushed over several hundred meters in an instant, and even Mega Rookie's Ash was knocked out. 】

"Even Ash can fly, what kind of Machamp is this!"

"Ash is a werewolf who can stand up to Pikachu Thunderbolt and Charizard Flamethrower, so he's not weak."

"This Snorlax! Not easy!"

The audience suddenly became tense!

This Snorlax looks very powerful.

In the video——

[Since Snorlax cannot be stopped from eating, Ash and his friends can only fight with Pokémon. 】

"Bulbasaur, Vine Whip."

[The garlic bastard on the island quickly pulled out two green vines and frantically whipped Snorlax, but the latter still didn't respond at all. 】

"This...it's just a massage at best.

"Garlico: We failed to break through its armor."

"It's really Gua Sha, Snorlax's thick fat NB's.

The audience complained.

[The unreconciled garlic bastard used the Razor Leaf again, but the sharp leaves were accurately predicted by Snorlax. After a few shots of Razor Leaf, it became the fruit knife of pomegranate fruit

, cut apart, more convenient

【And at this moment, Snorlax is no longer used to disturbing the garlic bastards it eats, a Body Slam crushes the garlic bastards into....... garlic paste!!!】

There is no solution.

audience all over the world

"This Snorlax is really tough."

"The defense and attack power are quite astonishing, even the fighting Pokémon may not be able to break its armor.

"Snorlax like this is very rare."

"But the matter should come to an end, because Snorlax has eaten all the pomegranates on this island, if you want to continue eating, you have to cross the ocean to the next island.

"Well, that's true. Snorlax will rest soon after eating. Next, everyone must collect the winter dandelions from other islands as quickly as possible to prevent Snorlax from breaking out."

now. "

"Now Snorlax, there must be nothing to do, I can't go across the ocean to eat pomegranate, hahaha."

"That makes sense!!"

While the audience was still laughing and discussing the matter, Snorlax in the video had already eaten all the pomegranates,

Audiences all over the world thought that Snorlax would lie down next to Rest.

But what I never expected is...

Snorlax actually started warming up on the spot, and then!

A brisk leap into the ocean!!

Start swimming fast!


Still a standard butterfly!

At this moment, all the fat people in the world are dumbfounded!!

PS: ①Thank you [15954..] for your tip

②All the main Pokémon in Ash Oak's backyard will return in this eight-master knockout round. Does anyone wish to see Pokémon bigger. .

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