Pokemon from Scratch

Chapter 290: The Change of the Elven Collar

In the iron-blooded fortress, horse-drawn carriages were constantly being transported out of the city.

These carriages are all covered with thorns, and they are piled high on the uncovered carriages.

And around these carriages, a large number of civilians with their families and their families followed, forming a long line.

These thorns are intended to be transported to the elf land, and these free people intend to follow the convoy to the elf land.

As long as I can survive, I will go to the Elven Territory and become a subject of Master Aiwen.

This is the promise these civilians made in the arena, and now they plan to fulfill this promise and go to the Elf Territory.

After all, for a lord who is willing to take risks for ordinary civilians, which civilian would not respect him or want to follow him? !

It is a very risky thing to live in an unknown place, but there is no confusion on the faces of these civilians, and they are full of confidence.

"Is another group of civilians leaving?"

On the city wall, the knights sighed as they watched the civilians leaving with the carriage.

Once upon a time, the Iron-Blooded Fortress was one of the busiest cities in Lizhi City. Every winter, a large number of civilians would enter the Iron-Blooded Fortress to avoid the beast tide.

But now, the city is obviously much deserted, and civilians who left the city can be seen everywhere, which is in stark contrast to last winter.

"After all, this city has left too many bad impressions on them."

"There is also Earl Aiwen. He is indeed a lord worth following. I still can't forget the scene in the arena."

Another knight sighed. If he wasn't a knight of the Lizhi City Knights, he might have chosen to join Earl Aiwen.

I heard that the number of reserve knights who came to the Lizhi City Knights to sign up this year was very small, and many reserve knights went to the elves to lead them.

"Well, it's really shocking. Few lords can be like Earl Ivan."

"However, it is not impossible to join the elf collar. I heard that our disabled and retired knights have all gone to the elf collar."

The knights continued to discuss, and when it came to those disabled and retired knights, there was light in their eyes, and the elves would remember every knight who had guarded this land.

"Master Kevin, the Iron Blood Fortress is almost gone."

On the city wall, the knight adjutant whispered to Captain Kevin beside him.

Without enough population, the decline of the Iron-Blooded Fortress has become a reality, and this majestic city will completely lose its former prosperity.

"Well, but that's not bad."

"In the future, the Iron-Blooded Fortress will become the frontline of defending against the attacks of Warcraft."

"Compared to a prosperous city, the Iron-Blood Fortress is actually more suitable as a defensive castle."

"Just like Earl Aiwen's plan, if all the monsters can be blocked in the Lizhi Mountains, then the rear of Lizhi City will be safe."

Kevin shook his head indifferently. In the future, the Knights of Lizhi City will completely station in the Iron-Blooded Fortress, so it is not entirely a bad thing for these civilians to leave.

Following the whispered discussions of the knights, the carriage gradually left the Iron-Blooded Fortress and headed towards the border. At this time, a large army had already gathered in the border area and planned to return to the Elf Territory together.

The border of the Iron-Blooded Fortress Territory.

Large troops are gathering, and the troops that transported monsters and supplies have already left first.

They waited here mainly to wait for the serfs in the territory of the Iron Blood Fortress to gather.

The population happens to be the most lacking in the Elfland right now, so Ivan's order is to bring as many people as possible back to the Elfland safely.

"Captain Suter, another serf has come to the camp."

"This should be the last batch of serfs in this territory."

"Wait for Master Aiwen to return from the Resolute Mountain Range, and then we can return to the Elven Territory."

In the camp, the knights were patrolling dutifully. Jorah patrolled the air with the dragonfly, and when he saw the knights and serfs appearing in the distance, he immediately came down to report.

"Okay, prepare yourself well. These serfs are the precious wealth of the elves. We can't let any one of them make mistakes."

Su Te nodded in satisfaction, and then looked at Barton beside him, "I will leave the task of coordinating these serfs to you."

"Yes, Commander Suter!"

"I will properly convey Master Aiwen's will to them."

Barton straightened his back, "It's their luck to be a serf in the elves."

After speaking, he quickly left the camp and walked towards the gathering point of the serfs.

Originally born as a serf, he has a natural sense of closeness to the serfs, and he is also the best example of promoting the serf policy in the territory.

From being a serf to successfully breaking away from slavery, then to subduing the elves to become a patrol member, and finally joining the Knights, Barton felt in a trance just thinking about it.

He wants to tell his story to all the serfs. The elf collar is the hope of all serfs. As long as they abide by the rules of the elf collar, they can all get the freedom they want.

Nana Nai ~ Chia Chia ~ Ho Ho ~

At this time, Barton was followed by Stinky Flower, Big-tailed Beaver and Skunk Poof.

Perhaps because they have been on the battlefield, the three elves have matured a lot.

At this time, there is a tie written on their necks, with the logo of the elf leader on it, which means that they all belong to the knight order of the elf leader.

Moving fast, Barton soon saw the knights coming in the distance, and the serfs behind them.

From the faces of these serfs, he could see numbness and gloom, but there was not much confusion and worry about migration.

For the serfs, they are commodities and can be traded by the lords. For them, this migration is just a transaction between the lords.

They don't have the freedom they yearn for. They go to new territories, work under the oppression of the lords, and spend their lives in a daze. This is the fate of most serfs.

After seeing this scene, Patton's face was silent. He was just like these serfs in the past, without any light in his life, but now it is completely different!

Taking a deep breath, he quickly walked up to them, intending to have a good talk with these serfs. He had done this kind of thing many times.

"Barton, you're here, then I'll leave this place to you." The Cavaliers leader laughed.

Barton nodded with a smile, "Thank you for your hard work, leave it to me here, you go and have a good rest first."

Afterwards, he walked directly towards the serfs, who still had no expression on his arrival.

"Do you... want to become free citizens?"

Button took a deep breath, and suddenly shouted to the serfs in front of him.

This time, after hearing the words "free people", the faces of the serfs changed, and they looked at Barton suspiciously.

But after seeing that Barton was just a knight, they lowered their heads numbly.

Want to be a freeman? They naturally wanted to, but they all knew it was impossible.

Serfs are the private property of the nobles, and no noble will spare their labor force that can be commanded without any payment.

"Have you ever heard of the elf collar?" Barton continued to shout.

This time, the reaction of the serfs was even more flat. For the serfs, it was the same wherever they went.

"If I tell you that you have the hope of becoming free citizens in the Elven Land, do you believe it?"

Looking at the serfs below who looked up one after another, Barton actually asked himself in his heart, would he believe him if he were them?

"If you are interested, just sit down and listen to my story."

With a slight smile, Barton began to talk about the first time he met Ivan's adults, a scene he will never forget in his life.

On the grass outside Chengguo Village, Lord Aiwen gave him the first ray of light in his life, giving him hope in his life again.

Gradually, the attention of the serfs in the field was attracted, and they began to listen to Barton's story seriously, their faces constantly changing.

Although they still didn't believe what Barton said in their hearts, and just regarded what he said as a fabricated story, they still couldn't help feeling longing deep in their hearts.

However, the story is always just a story. A serf successfully became a freeman, promoted all the way to a patrol member, and finally became a knight. All this is really too illusory.

"Okay, my story is over."

"As long as you can accumulate enough military exploits in the elf collar, you can get rid of your status as a serf."

Finally, Barton looked at the serfs in front of him, "And now, I want to tell you that this story is absolutely true!"

"Of course, when you arrive at the Elfland, you will know that everything I said is true, so please don't give up hope and follow us back to the Elfland safely."

After hearing his words, the serfs were stunned for a moment, and then slowly lowered their heads. Apparently they still believed that this story was not true, but just a story fabricated by the knight in front of them to make them obedient.

It is not easy to bring the serfs back to the territory safely. During this process, many serfs will try to escape. Although the chance of escape is very low, many serfs are willing to try.

If they escape successfully, they will be able to gain freedom. Although they still cannot get rid of slavery during this process, as long as they are free for a period of time, that is enough!

"You don't seem to believe this story." Barton looked around, "What if I say that I am the serf in the story? Do you believe it?"

The serfs were stunned again when they heard that, and then many serfs shook their heads slightly. They looked at the light knight armor Barton was wearing, and at the monster beside him, feeling that this was completely impossible.

But at the next moment, all of them widened their eyes, only to see the knight in front of him suddenly stood up, took off all the clothes on his body, and exposed his back.

At this time, there was a very obvious mark on the back of the knight in front of him. They were really familiar with this mark. Every person who became a serf had this mark on his back. This is the mark of slavery!

After seeing this scene, all the serfs in the field stood up, their faces were full of disbelief, and they felt that their minds were in chaos!

The knight in front of him actually had the imprint of being a slave, which meant that the knight was indeed a slave before, which reminded them all of that story involuntarily!

"Is...is that story true?" A serf asked with a trembling voice.

No story can be more memorable than seeing it with your own eyes. The knight in front of you was really a slave before!

"Yes, I was a slave half a year ago."

"At that time, I was living in Keith Town, and I was brought back to the Elven Territory by Master Aiwen."

"Master Aiwen promised that as long as we can grow enough food, we will be able to get out of slavery."

"Actually, I didn't believe it at first, but the surprise came faster than I imagined."

"Originally, I thought it would take a whole year or even two years to complete, but with the help of Stinky Flower and Big Tooth Fox, I finished it in half a year."

"I don't think it's just me. As long as this year's elves are not too lazy, other serfs should have already left their slave status."

"Of course, it should be very difficult to go directly from serf to knight like me. Among all the serfs, I should be the only one who has achieved it!"

"However, my existence does prove one thing. Elf leaders don't care about your background, even if you are a serf, you can still become a knight or even an official!"

Barton's eyes showed emotion, "So now, all of you, don't give up hope. As long as we have hope in our hearts, we can all live the life we ​​want!"

At this moment, the scene became extremely quiet. After an unknowingly long time, a low sobbing sound suddenly broke the silence, and the serfs' eyes were already filled with enthusiasm.

"Great, really great." The serfs didn't know how to express their excitement at this time.

Even if it is winter now, even if it is cloudy and there is no sunshine today, they still feel warm all over their bodies, and a ray of light shines into their hearts.

The wasteland between the Iron Blood Fortress and the Determined Mountains.

At this time, a large number of thorns have been planted, and the figure of elves can be seen from time to time.

The towering walls of the Iron Blood Fortress became the best protection, completely isolating this wasteland among the Lizhi Mountains.

"In this case, the basic order will be established." Looking at the elves who often walked by the knight camp in front of him, Ivan nodded with satisfaction.

For the knights who often feed them in the camp, the elves have become accustomed to their existence, and they have been able to basically coexist harmoniously with each other.

moo moo moo moo~

At the same time, you can see the figure of an armored rhino running past.

In addition, there are figures of elves such as the Great Wolf Dog, the Roentgen Cat, and the Muke Eagle flying by.

Compared with the original Chengguo Village, the foundation of the Iron Blood Fortress is much better, and these elves of the knights can fully take on the role of guards.

At the same time, the Bite Land Shark's group is composed of many different groups, and it is absolutely possible to continuously absorb other elves who have entered the elf cultivation area, making the group even stronger.

"Earl Ivan, are you leaving soon?" Kevin looked at Ivan in front of him and exhaled.

"Well, after all, there are still many things waiting for me to deal with in the territory."

"Winter is coming soon, and I need to explain some things."

Aiwen shook his head helplessly. As a lord, he really had too many things waiting for him to deal with, and it was a bit of a headache to think about it. After looking back, he had to hurry up and build the city hall.

"Well, if that's the case, I won't keep you either."

"You can rest assured here, now that the elf cultivation area has been established, we will definitely find a way to maintain it."

Kevin nodded. Following Aiwen during this time, he already knew how to run the elf cultivation area well. In fact, the construction of the ranger's defense line is not as difficult as imagined.

Of course, it's just the beginning now. When the real winter comes, it's time to test the results, and then the real challenge of the elf cultivation area will come.

Therefore, Aiwen also kept Lie Bite Lu Shark and the others. I believe that Lie Bite Lu Shark will lead these groups to guard here, and they will definitely be able to maintain the order of the elves.

"Then bite the land sharks and they will ask you to take care of them."

"Next spring, I'll be back to pick them up."

Aiwen looked at the elves waiting for the biting land shark and desert dragonfly in the distance.

Looking at his gaze, Lie Bite Lu Sha nodded slightly, and then saw some young elves like Little Fist Stone and Mandaw Ant suddenly come out of the group behind it.

Although it is absolutely necessary to keep the biting land sharks here, he intends to bring the obviously young elves in their group back to the elf collar first.

These elves don't have too much combat power, and staying here can't help too much, and the elf collar can provide these young elves with a safe growth environment.

Oh oh oh oh oh~

The desert dragonfly raised its head and confessed to its juniors.

The mandible ant is the initial state of the desert dragonfly, and the evolved form of the mandible ant is an ultrasonic larva, and finally it can evolve into a desert dragonfly.

"Desert dragonfly, I will help you take care of these mandible ants."

"Wait for the next spring, I will come back to pick you up, leave it to me before then."

Hearing Aiwen's assurance, the desert dragonfly nodded, flapped its wings and flew up, quickly rushed into the sky and disappeared.

Obviously, the desert dragonfly did not face the parting scene, and left here first. The next time we meet, it will be in spring.

woo woo woo woo~

The elves in the field couldn't help screaming in a low voice, their eyes full of reluctance.

Looking up at Aojiao and flying away the desert dragonfly, Aiwen explained to the biting land shark again, and led the young elves in the field to leave the elf cultivation area.

After returning to the Iron-Blooded Fortress, he went to the Stone Pagoda again. At this time, the Stone Pagoda had been very tightly protected, but it was a pity that the Snow Demon Girl could not open the relic of the spirit world again.

With a trace of regret, Aiwen took the iron-blooded fortress where the elves left, and returned to the camp where the border was located with the transported vehicles.

In the camp at this time, all the knights were ready to go back, the carriages were lined up neatly, and the carriages were filled with various supplies.

At the back door of the carriage were the serfs of the Iron-Blooded Fortress. They were dressed very poorly, but their faces were no longer numb and full of hope.

In addition, a lot of civilians gathered outside the camp. They dragged their families and planned to move to live in the elves to start a new life for themselves.

After seeing Ai Wen coming, everyone present quickly knelt down and saluted, looking at their lord eagerly.

"Well, let's all get up." Ivan nodded with a smile, rode a Roentgen cat to the front of the team, and waved his hands vigorously, "Let's go now, target the elf leader!"

It took a total of three days from the northern border to the elf collar in the southeast corner.

In fact, according to the distance, it doesn't take so much time at all, even if there are serfs and civilians in the team.

But the traffic environment in this world is really bad. There are no smooth roads to pass through. Many roads called roads are just stepped on for many years.

The lords will only build a few main roads in their own territory, but they will not build roads on the border.

Moreover, in order to build a road connecting several territories, these lords must cooperate with each other, which is really difficult to do.

Passing on such a road not only wastes a lot of time, but also is very difficult to walk. During the process of the procession, a lot of time has to be waited for the serfs and civilians to catch up.

It seems that the plan to build roads should be put on the agenda as soon as possible, Ai Wen thought.

In his next plan, the goods from the Elf Territory can be transported to the entire Lizhi City. In this case, a business route connecting various territories is very important.

Presumably, under the circumstances of common interests, and he, the earl of the elf land, should be able to negotiate the establishment of a business route.

Finally, the large army entered the territory of the Elf Territory, and a lively scene immediately caught everyone's eyes.

Even in this late autumn, the grass led by the elves is still green, and this is all due to the walking grass and other grass-type elves.

Although all the wheat had been harvested in the farmland that had been reclaimed, the farmers had already planted crops that could withstand the frost.

With the help of grass-type elves, these crops can grow well even in winter, and a lot of food can still be produced this winter.

After entering the Elven Territory, Aiwen returned to Chengguo Village first, and resettled all the serfs in the large army.

The current Chengguo Village has already established a set of management system for serfs. Uncle Dabi, the Minister of Agriculture, is the main person in charge. In addition to managing agriculture, the Ministry of Agriculture has also set up a serf management office.

All these serfs will be re-registered, and then allocated the corresponding land that needs to be opened up. After they have accumulated enough merit, they can be promoted to freemen.

Regarding these, the serfs had already listened to Barton's talk, so when they were arranged, these serfs were all very cooperative, looking forward to accumulating enough merit points as soon as possible to get rid of their status as serfs.

After handing over all these serfs to Uncle Darby, Ivan sent all the thorns pulled in the carriage to the elf food processing factory.

The current elf food processing factory and chemical fertilizer processing factory have each been built in Chengguo Village and Pure White Town, which can use the population of the two places as much as possible.

And if you want to make elf food, berries are the most indispensable. Only by adding various specially processed berries can you make elf food have various unique functions.

Of course, these are all general-purpose elf food, and more detailed formulas and materials are needed to make elf food that is specially eaten by specific elves.

After dealing with everything, Aiwen went to Pure White Town with the migrated elves and the civilians.

Only Pure White Town can completely digest these civilians. After such a long time of operation, the current Pure White Town is completely different.

At this time, outside of Pure White Town, the main officials of these territories were already waiting. Phyllis was still in a daze when recalling the treasures sent to the territories.

In particular, the trade road map and the trade lists of many other caravans and territories that Aiwen named to be handed over to her gave her the hope of completely opening the elf-led business road.

I believe it won't be long before the business of the elves will spread beyond the city of Lizhi, and this will definitely be a huge surprise for Phyllis, who is determined to become a big businessman!

Looking at Chunbai Town behind her, the purple-haired girl is still in a trance. It has been less than a year since she came to the Elven Land, and earth-shaking changes have taken place here.

Especially after the news of defeating the Iron-Blooded Fortress came, she was still in a daze. It was really inconceivable that such a powerful Iron-Blooded Fortress was wiped out in an instant.

The other officials in the territory were also in a trance during this period of time. This small frontier town, which was originally weak, has now become a powerful force that is not inferior to the iron-blooded fortress.

It didn't take long for Aiwen to bring the elves and civilians to the west gate of Pure White Town. After arriving here, the civilians have all reached their destination.

Next, they will live in the residential areas assigned to the town. In order to allow these civilians to better adapt to the life of Pure White Town, and to attract more civilians, Aiwen gave a one-year rent-free discount .

When they first came to Pure White Town, they could go to the residential area management office to register, and then they could get a one-year rent-free discount for the house.

Of course, in the coming year, they will have to pay a uniform rent. Of course, the common people can also directly buy the house as their permanent residence in Pure White Town.

I believe that in the future, the real estate business in Pure White Town will be good, and it will bring a very good financial income to the territory.

"Is this the residential area of ​​Pure White Town?" Seeing the neat houses in front of them, all the civilians opened their mouths in surprise.

The Iron-Blooded Fortress they live in is considered prosperous throughout Lizhi City. When they planned to go to Pure White Town, they were already mentally prepared.

But after arriving here, they were surprised to find that the prosperity of Pure White Town did not seem to lose to the Iron Blood Fortress at all, and because of the layout planning, it appeared to be more prosperous.

Especially in the residential area in front of them, the spacious streets and the neat houses beside the streets made them feel like they had entered a castle.

Due to the complete independence of the residential area, it is very quiet, and its livability is definitely comparable to that of the castle area, which instantly captured the hearts of these commoners.

"I have decided that I must buy a house here, and I will settle here in the future!" A commoner said excitedly.

Seeing this, the other civilians also nodded, and then, under the leadership of the management staff of the residential area, they completed the registration and were assigned to their own rooms.

In addition to the fact that the residential area is very suitable for living, these civilians soon discovered that finding a job in Pure White Town seemed to be a relatively simple matter.

Among them, artisans and merchants with crafts can enter the workshop area and commercial area, or open a shop or find a job they like.

Those civilians without skills can also find their own jobs in the city. Even ordinary women can work in the elf food processing factory, where there is a shortage of people.

If you want to get a higher salary, you can join the forest reclamation team. Although the loggers there are a bit tired, the salary is indeed very high.

Of course, trainers are the most promising professions in Pure White Town or elves, and now you can see trainers with elves everywhere in Pure White Town.

After becoming a trainer, you have more job options. You can join the patrol team to become a patrol member, and you can also participate in many jobs that require the assistance of elves.

Each of these jobs that require the assistance of elves must have extremely high salaries, but the conditions are also very harsh, just like the transport team, which must require elves such as armored rhinos or tank skunks.

And if they want to join the construction team, they need to have an elf who can perform moves like rock walls. In addition, they were shocked to find that some fruit forests are actually recruiting fruit farmers with grass attribute elves!

It seems that in the entire Pure White Town, there is no elf with him, and he is embarrassed to find a job. After all, even an ordinary farmer has a walking grass by his side!

"Elf collar, it's really an incredible place, I feel like I've completely fallen in love with it!" The civilians couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

In fact, civilians who came to the Elven Territory would feel this way, so civilians would flood into the Elven Territory every now and then, but no commoner had ever chosen to leave!

After returning to the castle, Ivan placed the mandible ants in the rocky mountains in the elf cultivation area.

This place itself is a rocky land, and later it became the place where elves such as Iron Rhinoceros trained rock and ground attribute moves.

Perhaps it is because the elves often exercise moves here, coupled with the transformation of the surrounding environment by the moves of the power of the earth and the original force, there is relatively strong energy of rock and ground attributes gathered here.

Therefore, it is really appropriate to live here as ground and rock attribute elves such as mandible ants, small fist stones, and big rock snakes.

"From now on, you can live well here." Ivan smiled at the elves in front of him.

oh oh oh~

The elves looked at the rock for a while, and nodded happily.

They can feel that this place is full of rich rock and ground attribute energy, which is no worse than the territory they lived in before.

Ho ho ho!

Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus also patted his chest at this time, saying that he will leave it to it!

"It's because of you that I don't worry about it."

Looking at the confident Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus in front of him, Ivan sighed.

He was really afraid that these elves would train crazily under the leadership of the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus.

These elves are all children, I don't know if their psychology will be traumatized by then.

But seeing the full confidence of the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus in front of him, it was hard for him to refuse, so he could only let King Nido's leader watch them more.


The leader of Nido King nodded and said that he would watch.

It is the leader of a group, and it is very experienced in managing groups.

During this period of time, the leader of Nido King intends to exercise his ground attribute energy and strive to break through to the king level as soon as possible.

Therefore, it will also stay in this rocky mountain for training. In addition, King Nido also selected some tribesmen with good ground attribute talents to live here.

Nidoran, Nidoran, Nidorino, and Nidona, these elves only have the poison attribute before evolution, and the Nido king and Nido queen after successful evolution are the elves with dual attributes of ground and poison.

It is precisely because of this that the Nido King group basically only cultivates the talent of the poison attribute, and does not realize that their own group also has the talent of the ground attribute.

And now that he knew it, the leader of King Nido would naturally pay attention to it, and those clansmen with poor poisonous attribute talents now finally had the opportunity to become stronger.

Especially after the leader of King Nido found the way to the king level, it also paid more attention to the training of ground attributes.

Most of the Nido kings and Nido queens in the group have ground attribute talents, and the leader of Nido kings also plans to train their ground attribute talents, or there may be one more quasi-royal combat power in the group!

"King Nido" Ivan looked at King Nido again, feeling a little unreliable.

The training that this guy needs to carry out may pollute the land, and these cubs will be in more danger.

Thinking of this, he looked at the earth platform turtle lying lazily on the ground in the distance. Among the few ground attribute elves, the earth platform turtle is the most reliable.

"Master Aiwen, are these the ground and rock attribute elves in the news?"

Not long after, the Minister of Construction, Master Tony, hurried over with his apprentices.

His gaze scanned, and he quickly locked on to the very tall rock snake. It has a body built with a lot of stones, and it looks like a big snake.

"Is this the Big Rock Snake? It does seem to be very suitable for the construction site." Tony nodded in satisfaction.

A picture of the big rock snake working on the construction site automatically appeared in his mind. This elf should be very good at digging holes and can help lay the foundation.

Then, he looked at the small fist stone in the distance. This kind of elf has a rather round gray stone body, no feet and only a pair of very strong fists!

Looking at Little Fist Stone's fist, his eyes lit up instantly. This kind of elf's beautiful body and strong hands will definitely be the best helpers for craftsmen!

"Master Aiwen, can I take them to the construction site?"

Tony said excitedly: "As long as I have them, I can definitely increase the efficiency of the engineering team several times!"

"No, they are too young to follow you to the construction site!"

"In addition, even if they have the ability to go to the construction site, they must be approved by them. Have you forgotten the laws of the territory?"

After hearing Aiwen's words, Tony smiled sarcastically. He was really excited just now, and naturally he would not forget the laws of the territory.

However, he still did not give up and said: "I will let my apprentices work hard to get the approval of Big Rock Snake and Little Fist Stone, and then register as trainers!"

"Well, if they agree, I have no objection." Ivan said with a smile: "Before that, you have to take good care of these elves."

"Master Aiwen, don't worry, we will definitely take good care of these future members of the construction team!" Tonyer solemnly assured.

Seeing this, Aiwen also nodded in satisfaction. He just worried about how to take care of these elves, and now Tonyer came to find him and just handed over this task to them.

After successfully settling these elf cubs, Aiwen left here with the elves and went to Persimmon Fruit Village.

The monsters transported back from the Iron-Blooded Fortress are being imprisoned here at this time, including those from the Warcraft Chamber of Commerce, as well as those from the Iron-Blooded Knights.

The forest rangers didn't dare to put all these unsure monsters in the elf breeding area at will, and had to wait for Ivan to come back before making a decision.

Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho!

Just when he approached Shiziguo Village, Aiwen heard a roar.

Some of the cries were very crazy, obviously coming from those untamed monsters.

These monsters have been hurt a lot by humans and are full of resentment towards humans. This part of monsters is the most difficult to deal with.

In addition to those monsters that have been tamed, these monsters will instinctively feel afraid when they see humans.

Although they are very obedient, it makes people feel distressed to be obedient. Mental trauma is the most difficult to deal with, and it takes time and love to heal.

For this part of Warcraft, Aiwen intends to select some kind-hearted trainers to take care of them, hoping that in the process of getting along with the trainers, they can find themselves a little bit.

The last part is the original mounts of those knights. This part will be treated separately according to their owners. Before that, their owners must be judged!

Whether it is to enforce the laws of the territory, or become a serf, or serve as a laborer, the relationship between the elves and the trainers is very close, and one is prosperous and the other is damaged.

ps: The 4D is completed today, the 15th day in a row.

The 200 monthly pass has been added, and there is no change owed at present, but the 300 monthly pass is coming soon, please ask for the monthly pass.

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