Pokemon from Scratch

Chapter 291 Territory Grand Plan

Back at the castle, Aiwen didn't care about taking a rest, and called all the officials over.

Feisen, Phyllis, Darby, Matthew and other officials have been preparing for a long time now, and each of them holds a roll of parchment in their hands.

"Master Aiwen, all the serfs and civilians who have arrived in the Elf Territory have been settled properly," Fesenhui reported.

Afterwards, he handed Aiwen a list of affairs that appeared in statistics, including all the things that happened in the territory after Aiwen left.

"Thank you for your hard work during my absence." Ivan took the business form, opened it and looked carefully.

In the past half a month, everything in the territory was carried out according to Aiwen's plan, and the elf cultivation area, pure white town and land reclamation were still proceeding in an orderly manner.

Of course, more specific matters must be reported by the heads of various departments in person. While he was checking the affairs of the territory, other officials of the territory also rushed to the round table and sat in their own seats at the round table.

"Now, each department reports the recent situation separately." Aiwen habitually sipped his juice and looked at the officials below.

Originally, at this time, the Minister of Finance Phyllis would be the first to speak. After all, the finance of the territory is closely related to the development of the territory. Only when the financial situation is clarified can the next development plan be formulated.

But this time, Matthew, the head of the ranger, was the first to stand up. He left his seat and suddenly knelt on the ground on one knee, "Lord Aiwen, I have something to report."

Seeing Matthew kneeling on one knee, both Suter and Peter couldn't help raising their heads, with pensive expressions on their faces.

"Well, tell me."

"Master Aiwen, I want to intercede for my former partner."

After hearing Matthew's words, both Suter and Peter showed such expressions.

"During the battle of the Iron-Blooded Fortress this time, the Iron-Blooded Knights, acting as the accomplices of the Iron-Blooded Marquis, did make a big mistake."

"During the ensuing battles, they all recognized the true face of the Iron-Blooded Marquis and played an important role in calming down the Iron-Blooded Fortress."

"I would like to ask Lord Aiwen to forgive their crimes and retain their knight status. They are willing to be loyal to Lord Aiwen and serve the elves!"

Matthew buried his head very low. As the deputy head of the Jagged Knights, he didn't want to see his former companions destroyed like this!

He knew that even if the knights of the Iron-Blooded Knights were captives and chose to fight back in the following battles, it would be the best choice to be demoted to civilians, and they would never be able to become knights again!

Now, he wants Master Aiwen to give them another chance. These knights are very good fighters, and knights are their final destination!

"Knight of the Iron-Blooded Knights" Ivan pondered, and then looked at Suter and Peter.

The two looked at each other and stood up one after another, "Master Aiwen, when the chaos was finally put down, some iron-blooded knights did take off their iron-blooded armor and saved many civilians."

Matthew looked at the two people beside him, with a look of gratitude in his eyes, "Master Aiwen, I am willing to take these knights to guard the border of the Black Forest!"

"In that case, I can indeed give them a chance."

"But before that, they must also be judged accordingly."

"If it is true that they have not committed a crime, I can keep their knighthood and add them to your ranger."

Aiwen nodded. The elf leader really lacks enough manpower. I believe that under the power of Kirulian, no one can hide their crimes. "Of course, I will give them a fair trial for other Jagged Knights."

"Thank you, Mr. Aiwen!" Matthew showed surprise on his face, and after another salute, he returned to his seat and sat down.

The next person to report was Phyllis. Due to the elf cultivation area plan announced by Aiwen, there were a lot of orders for elf potions and elf food for elves during this period.

The lords of the eastern and northern borders have come to find them one after another. The caravans and carriages that the elves led to and from have not stopped at all recently.

This time the iron-blooded fortress was successfully captured, and all the lords received a considerable amount of financial supplements. In order to survive the winter, they also used this wealth to start buying food.

In the end, most of the gold coins flowed into the Elf Territory, which greatly supplemented the finances of the Elven Territory. With these financial revenues, Phyllis was also actively preparing the resources needed for the winter.

"Well, it seems that the financial problems of the territory have been completely resolved now." Aiwen nodded. After having money, many plans can be put on the agenda.

Afterwards, he turned his gaze to Feisen, "How is the talent introduction plan of the Elven Leader doing?"

Talents are always in demand. Although Chunbai Town has established a very large workshop area, there are not many workshops in it, mainly because of the lack of various craftsmen.

"Master Aiwen, I have started to recruit a large number of various craftsmen according to your instructions."

"It's the pharmacists who have come here to seek refuge most recently, and these pharmacists have been handed over to Master Ole for management."

"As for other craftsmen, including stonemasons, bricklayers, etc., Master Tonil has also summoned a lot, but the recruitment of blacksmiths is not smooth, and many blacksmiths are the key worship of the lords."

"In addition, among the civilians who came from the Iron-Blooded Fortress this time, there are quite a few craftsmen. I have already focused on statistics, which should be able to greatly supplement the workshop area."

Aiwen nodded slightly. Among the many craftsmen, what he wanted most was a blacksmith, so that he could carry out large-scale manufacturing of elf balls.

Now, the rudiment of the Fairy Union has been established, and the Pokéball, as an important symbol of the Fairy Union, is time to step onto the stage of history, which will greatly consolidate the status of the Fairy Union!

It's just that the number of qualified blacksmiths in this world is indeed very rare. In addition, without modern mechanical assistance, it is still very difficult to turn the ball into a poke ball, and the requirements for blacksmiths are even higher.

Although during this period of time, the elf collar also recruited some blacksmiths, but these blacksmiths have only mastered the most basic forging technology, which is still far from his requirements.

However, as long as they can carry out professional teaching, these blacksmiths may still meet the requirements, but now they suffer from the lack of suitable teachers to teach these blacksmiths to perfect their forging skills.

Although the armored tyrannosaurus can easily do this job, it is also because the iron armored tyrannosaurus itself has great power and control over the flames, and it is completely unable to hand over its experience to those blacksmiths.

Ai Wen sighed slowly in his heart, "The next thing we can only expect is a master blacksmith among the civilians from the Iron-Blooded Fortress."

"Master Aiwen, maybe I can help with this." Matthew suddenly said, "When I was in the Jagged Knights, I dealt with those blacksmiths, and I can recognize them."

"Well, it's hard work for you to go to the residential area. The master blacksmith is very important to the territory."

Aiwen nodded, and then looked at Uncle Darby, "How is the situation of the Ministry of Agriculture?"

For the current era, agriculture is still the foundation of territory construction, and most people still focus on food and clothing in their lives.

The main reason why the population cannot increase in this era is the low food production capacity. Towns with thousands of people in each territory need dozens of surrounding villages to provide food for them.

Each village has a population of hundreds of people. Even if they are all engaged in agricultural cultivation, they can basically only grow food for the same number of urban residents in front of them. The food production capacity is really too low.

In this case, the lack of productivity will seriously affect the development of the territory. Only by solving the problem of food and clothing for most people can we free up enough productivity and allow them to invest in the construction of the territory.

Now, what Ivan is doing is this, allowing the elves to participate in agricultural production.

The output of only one person is enough to feed thousands of people, feed more people with as few farmers as possible, liberate a lot of manpower from the farmland, and turn it into workshop production!

"Now the autumn harvest task in the territory has basically been completed."

"Relying on the receipt of goods this year, a large number of serfs have been successfully promoted to freemen and transported to Pure White Town."

Darby reported the basic situation of the Ministry of Agriculture, "Master Aiwen, what should we do with the serfs who just came to the territory."

There was hesitation on his face. Under normal circumstances, when serfs came to the territory, they would directly distribute tasks according to the situation, and the most tasks among them were naturally to reclaim wasteland.

But it is winter now, and the task of reclaiming wasteland seems to be put on hold for a while. After all, it is very difficult for crops to grow in winter.

"Ordinary crops in the farmland are really difficult to grow."

"However, this is not absolute. In fact, some tree fruits that like cold will grow better in winter."

Aiwen smiled slightly and said that in the past winters, the civilians and serfs in various territories would store enough food early and spend it in the cellar.

After all, in addition to the cold environment in winter, they will also be attacked by the beast tide in winter, so they are not suitable for planting fruit at all.

This is actually a waste of labor to a large extent. During these more than three months, civilians and serfs were basically in a state of no work.

No job means no income, and without income, they will become poorer and poorer, so their spending power will also be greatly affected. Their other efforts are simply to survive the winter.

However, in this winter, Aiwen does not intend to stop the civilians and serfs from working, and the order of the entire elf realm will not be greatly affected.

"A fruit suitable for planting in winter!" Darby was taken aback.

The other officials also looked at Aiwen at this time, and they could tell that the lord did not seem to intend to stop Pure White Town, even if it was winter.

"Well, that's right, life in the elves will continue as usual this winter."

"Relying on the defense of the rangers and the protection of the knights, I can guarantee the safety of the territory this winter!"

"You all have to pass on this matter, especially Phyllis. I need you to contribute a part of the territory budget to ensure that the people in this territory can live a normal life in winter."

Ai Wen affirmed the speculation of these officials. Seeing that the officials looked at each other, their faces were solemn. This was also a very big challenge for all the officials in the territory.

"Okay, let's talk about the specific situation later alone, do you have anything else to say?" His eyes scanned the other officials present.

Seeing that everyone didn't speak anymore, Ai Wen coughed lightly and continued: "If that's the case, I'll announce one more thing."

"In addition to the nine departments I already have, I intend to add a new department, the Ministry of Education."

After hearing Aiwen's words, everyone present couldn't help being stunned for a moment. The Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Construction are very easy to understand, but the word Ministry of Education makes them a little strange.

"The Ministry of Education is the department responsible for the management of territorial education."

"Next, I plan to fully popularize education in the territory, especially those apprentice trainers, all must master the most basic reading and writing."

Aiwen looked at the officials present very seriously. Universal education is the most effective means to promote the development of civilization in any era.

Now that the territory's finances are abundant, and at the same time it's an important time for the development of the territory, it just happens to start the plan of popularizing education, which is expensive but has slow results.

The development of a modern industrial society is inseparable from a large number of high-quality workers with basic cultural qualities. At the same time, trainees who want to become formal trainers also need to master a lot of knowledge related to elves.

Although there are already a large number of trainee trainers in the territory, most of them are just illiterate villagers. If this is the case, they will definitely not be able to become a qualified trainer!

In his next trainer plan, the most important step is to let these trainee trainers have the quality of trainers.

"Master Aiwen, you want to teach everyone in the territory to read?" Phyllis was startled.

If it was normal, she would definitely make a rebuttal now, but this person has come down many times, and Mr. Aiwen seems to have never done anything unsure, which made her swallow the words that came to her lips.

"That's right, the first thing we have to do is the first batch of literacy and literacy work in the territory."

"During this process, we need to build a large number of schools and recruit teachers. This part of the financial expenditure, Phyllis, you are ready!"

Opening her mouth, Phyllis finally nodded heavily, "I understand Mrs. Ivan."

"Tonil, has the school I explained before I left been built?" Ivan looked at the Minister of Construction.

Master Tony stood up quickly and replied: "Master Aiwen, the school has been built according to your instructions, and you can check it at any time."

Hearing what Master Tonier said, some people in the field showed surprise on their faces. They thought it was the place where the elves were raised, but it turned out that it was the school.

If that's the case, is Master Aiwen planning to gather everyone in the school for unified education?

"Master Aiwen, although there is already a place, where will our teacher recruit?"

"There are nearly 10,000 elf leaders now, and the number of teachers needed to popularize education is not a small number."

Phyllis frowned and said, in fact, even if it is Li Zhicheng, the salary of tutors engaged in education is very high. Now that Master Aiwen's plan has ended, she has already begun to calculate in her heart.

It is already very difficult to manage the finances of a family, let alone the finances of a territory. Phyllis rubbed the space between her brows involuntarily.

If you want to recruit teachers from Lizhi City, it will definitely cost a lot of money, and it will take a long time to recruit teachers. It is estimated that most of the income of the territory will be filled in.

Hearing Phyllis's question, the others couldn't help but look over. If most of the finances were to be invested in universal education, it would inevitably reduce the financial expenditures of various departments.

"Don't worry, we already have many ready-made teachers, and we may not even need to spend a penny." Ai Wen suddenly smiled.

In an instant, everyone was stunned. A ready-made teacher who doesn't need to spend money? They frowned and thought, but didn't react for a while, but Matthew's expression suddenly changed.

"That's right, those captured knights."

"They were able to become knights, and most of them had a basic education."

Aiwen nodded to Matthew, "Under normal circumstances, I have the right to deal with them as defeated prisoners."

"Therefore, I decided to let some of the knights become school teachers after the trial, and use labor instead of ransom."

"As long as they are engaged in education for a certain period of time in the school, I will pardon them so that they can become free citizens in the territory!"

Seeing this, Phyllis's face showed surprise. In this way, most of the finances could indeed be saved. This also made her feel relieved, and she couldn't help admiring Lord Aiwen's decision in her heart.

"Thank you Lord Aiwen for giving these knights a chance!" Matthew stood up and saluted equally excitedly.

After all, the knights of the Iron-Blooded Knights whom he pleaded for before were only a small number, and he really couldn't find a reason to plead for those knights who followed and attacked them.

If the normal process is followed, these captive knights can be redeemed by the original lord with a ransom, while most of the knights who have not been redeemed by the ransom will definitely be demoted to serfs.

But now, the Iron Blooded Marquis is dead, which means that no one will pay the ransom for these knights. It can be said that Lord Aiwen really gave these knights a chance to replace the ransom with labor!

"If this is the case, the preparations for universal education will be complete."

"Then what we're going to discuss next is how to get the civilians in the territory to voluntarily participate in education."

Aiwen rested his chin with both hands and looked at the officials below. If mandatory orders were not adopted, this would be the biggest problem!

Those young children are fine, they don't have much labor capacity yet, and most families would definitely be willing to send their children to school if the school would provide education for free.

After all, being more literate will definitely be beneficial in the future, and all families know this, so there will be no hindrance.

The biggest problem now is those civilians who are already working. They usually have to run around for their livelihoods, and they simply don't have enough time to receive education.

"Perhaps... some rewards can be given to these civilians who participated in education?"

Suter thought for a while and said, he remembered that when he was training as a knight, he could get a sumptuous dinner as long as he completed the training.

Therefore, as long as some rewards are given to those civilians who complete the task, their interest will definitely be very high. These civilians themselves are running for their livelihoods, so why not help them solve their livelihood problems?

However, just after Su Te finished speaking, he suddenly found a sharp gaze falling on him. He looked over and was stunned for a moment, and suddenly a chill rose behind his back.

This gaze came from Phyllis. The meaning in Felice's eyes at this time was clearly a warning. If he said one more word, the extra money would be deducted from the military expenses!

"I'm just kidding, just kidding." Su Te waved his hand and smiled sarcastically.

"Well, this is indeed an idea." Ivan suddenly smiled.

Immediately, Phyllis' expression changed, and she almost stood up to refute, God knows how much money it will take to fill it in!

However, Ai Wen then said: "Of course, it is impossible to give rewards to everyone. We can set up scholarships, and only those who study hard and achieve some results can get them."

After hearing this, Phyllis sat back and gave Su Te a hard look, which made Su Te's face darken even more.

"In addition, compared to direct monetary rewards, I think the benefits that can be obtained after receiving education are the key to truly enabling these civilians to voluntarily receive education."

Aiwen continued to speak, making everyone's faces look contemplative, so the question is, what is the benefit of receiving education?

Most of the civilians now exchange labor for wages, and whether they can read and write seems to be less important in this situation.

"If not, we can create it." Ivan said and glanced at Feisen, "Feisen, is there enough staff in the city hall?"

Feisen obviously didn't expect Aiwen to ask this question at this time, and quickly replied: "The population in the territory is increasing now, and the manpower is indeed a bit difficult."

"Master Aiwen, don't worry about this. I can definitely recruit enough people. Now there are many officials from other territories who want to join our elf realm."

Ai Wen nodded, and suddenly said: "Then you don't need to recruit people specially. For the recruitment of the city hall, I plan to use the method of examination to recruit!"

None of the people present were fools. They just thought about it for a while, and immediately connected all the things together. They were all startled suddenly, and understood what Ai Wen meant.

Wait, Master Aiwen wants civilians to serve as city hall officials?

Thinking of this, they suddenly fell silent, but they thought that Master Aiwen was a commoner before he became a lord, and the current Minister of Agriculture Darby is also a commoner, and Peter and the others

Thinking about it this way, they felt that this matter did not seem so difficult to understand.

"Yes, I plan to select civilians to enter the city hall."

"In addition to not only the city hall, civilians from all other departments can also participate!"

"Especially the Ministry of Agriculture, I don't think most of the nobles can compare to those farmers and fruit growers in their understanding of planting!"

"As long as they have the basic cultural literacy and can work for the Ministry of Agriculture, coupled with their own agricultural knowledge, they are fully qualified for the work of the Ministry of Agriculture!"

"In addition, the same is true for the work of the city hall. As I said before, the elf leader does not know his background. As long as the ability is achieved, why can't we allow civilians to join the city hall!"

"Also, I plan to rebuild the city hall, divide more departments, and provide more jobs for civilians, and the exam is the best way to select these civilians!"

Ai Wen talked about his plan again, and this is also the most suitable selection system for modern society that has undergone too many historical tests, and can dig out talents as much as possible.

The officials in the field fell silent, thinking about what Ai Wen said in their minds, educating and popularizing all civilians, and recruiting civilians into the city hall

Phyllis closed her eyes slightly, and subconsciously began to calculate the gains and losses and benefits. After a while, she suddenly shuddered and opened her eyes suddenly.

Connecting these two words that Aiwen said together, some pictures that would appear in the future of the Elven Territory suddenly appeared in her mind.

At that time, when any department wants to recruit people, it will be able to find a large number of suitable people at any time, and in turn, only those who can pass the exam will be able to enter the city hall.

In this case, in order to have the opportunity to work in the city hall, in order to get a well-paid position

I'm afraid that when the time comes, everyone will take the initiative to ask for education, even if they can't do it themselves, they will still think about sending their children to colleges, so that there will be no resistance to the popularization of education in the territory!

The benefits of doing so are obvious. The emergence of a large number of talents can make the territory more prosperous, and various departments no longer need to worry about the problem of shortage of manpower.

In addition, the implementation of this system itself has a huge temptation for the civilians in other territories. At that time, in order to obtain a better life, more civilians will definitely come to the Elf Territory!

"But if this system is implemented, the boundary between nobles and commoners will be completely broken." Phyllis closed her eyes again, thinking with a heavy heart.

Except for extremely special circumstances, the officials of the territory can only be served by nobles. If a commoner wants to be an official, the first thing to do is to become a noble, and to become a noble needs to accumulate enough military exploits!

Now that Aiwen's system appears, it is tantamount to completely breaking the restriction that nobility can serve as administrative officials, completely breaking the existing system, and completely damaging the collective interests of the nobility!

Then she looked at Aiwen again. Perhaps only Lord Aiwen, a lord who grew up from a commoner, could think of such a system, but what would those nobles think of this system and Lord Aiwen?

At this time, she couldn't help thinking of the serf promotion system proposed by Aiwen before. Now it seems that the promotion method that is too easy is also a challenge to the existing system!

"However... the current Lord Aiwen is no longer the former Lord Aiwen." She murmured.

If Lord Aiwen is still just an ordinary nobleman like half a year ago, she will definitely raise objections now, but as Lord Aiwen now, she does have the qualification to change some things!

At this moment, Aiwen also turned his gaze to Phyllis. Of course, he couldn't be more clear about what will happen when this system is proposed, but will he care?

For a modern person, the enactment of serfs and aristocrats is very repulsive to him. If possible, he would not mind completely abolishing these two systems and substituting the world into modern society.

Nodding lightly to Phyllis, he said without doubt: "This matter is settled like this."

"First of all, I will start with the trainee trainers for universal education. You should be the most clear about what knowledge will bring in battle, right?"

After hearing Aiwen's words, Suter, Peter, Made, Jorah and others looked at each other and nodded silently. They now have an elf illustration book and attribute restraint table in their hands.

Especially the attribute restraint table, as long as you can make targeted arrangements according to the opponent's attributes, you can easily win the battle.

Among them, what they remember most is the battle between Emperor Nabo and the dragon king and scorpion group. The steel attribute elves can be immune to poison attribute attacks. This advantage is really terrifying!

There is also a battle between electric and ground attribute elves. They even tried it out. A roentgen cat whose strength is close to that of a high-level monster can't hurt an armored rhino that is only a low-level monster!

In addition, although those attribute restraint relations are not so terrible, in the battle of elves of the same level, the advantage is still very obvious, and almost all the suppression of the battle can be obtained!

"Apprentice trainers, popularizing education shouldn't be too difficult." Suter and Peter expressed their views one after another.

Anyone who aspires to become a powerful trainer will definitely not be able to refuse this temptation. Compared to training elves, this is also the most effective way to improve strength!

"Well, besides that, I will announce the method to be promoted to an official trainer."

"In addition to the strength requirements, another requirement is to pass the formal trainer assessment!"

Su Te and the others were taken aback again. The current trainer system only has apprentice trainers and official trainers.

Among them, the requirement to become an apprentice trainer is to be recognized by an elf, but they don't know how to become an official trainer.

One of the things they could guess was the requirement for strength, but they didn't expect the other one to be an exam!

"It seems that most of the apprentice trainers will be in trouble." Peter could not help but mourn for his companions.

After he became the captain of the patrol team, in order to better perform his duties, he did some special study, but others didn't pay so much attention to it.

Presumably, after obtaining the conditions to become an official trainer, in order to become an official trainer, there will definitely be a wave of learning next!

Trainers have already become the most popular profession in the territory, and everyone wants to be a trainer, which can almost cover a large part of civilians.

And this can complement the previous civilian selection plan to a large extent. After all, some people's goal is official career, while some people's goal is to make themselves stronger!

Aiwen smiled knowingly, "Of course, an official trainer is not just a simple title, but also receives many other preferential treatment."

"The simplest point is the inclination of training resources. Those who can become formal trainers will be the key training objects in the territory!"

The breathing of Su Te, Peter, and the others became short of breath immediately, and this basic point made it difficult for all trainers to refuse.

After all, it consumes too many resources to cultivate a powerful elf. If these resources can be provided by the territory, it will definitely speed up the growth of the elf.

In addition, they also know that in the construction of the eastern part of Pure White Town, there are many measures to train elves, including the elf battle club and elf gym, which will obviously be supported.

"In addition, only formal trainers can enter the elf knight order, trainer management department, elf management department and forest ranger management department."

This is also very attractive to most trainers.

"The last point, I will definitely hold some elf battle competitions in the future, only formal trainers can participate!"

Hearing the battle, both Suter and Peter breathed a little faster, obviously very keen on the battle, which has almost become the most popular activity in the elves.

Especially every competition will have very rich prizes, even they will be greedy for these prizes, and secretly compete for them!

"Well, that's basically it."

"So now, let's move on to the Ministry of Education discussion."

Ai Wen smiled and saw everyone, "Now, do you have any comments?"

Seeing this, the officials in the field all looked at each other, and all of them smiled. Obviously, they all agreed with Ivan's opinion.

"Lord Aiwen, how should the specific positions of the Ministry of Education be arranged?" Feisen said.

"Well, I will be in charge of the initial Education Bureau."

Ai Wen pondered for a while and said, the Ministry of Education will play a very important role in the future construction of the territory, and he hasn't decided who to hand it over to.

In addition, the most important thing for the Education Bureau is to manage the teachers and students of the school well. This can only be done by him now, and then he will find a way to find the person in charge.

"By the way, Dream Demon will help me manage the school together."

After hearing his words, there was a sudden trance in the air, and then the figure of the dream monster slowly floated out.

At this time, the dream monster was holding the elf illustrated book written by Aiwen, and with its sage breath, it really looked like a scholar.

woo woo woo~

After coming out, Dream Demon bowed to everyone very politely.

"Uh, Dream Demon assists in managing the Ministry of Education?"

Hearing Aiwen's arrangement, everyone present was undoubtedly a little confused.

Obviously they couldn't imagine how an elf could be related to human education.

woo woo woo~

Take the expressions of the officials below into your eyes.

The dream monster's eyes narrowed slightly, and the next moment it saw a burst of mental fluctuations suddenly emanating from its body.

Afterwards, everyone present was in a daze, and suddenly found that the environment around them had changed, and they came to a study room.

"Okay, class starts now."

Suddenly, a voice entered everyone's minds.

There was a ripple in the space, and the figure of the dream monster appeared, and at the same time, a floating book suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

This book is the most common word recognition book in the world. At this time, their eyes fell on the book, and they could clearly see every word on the book.

"Everyone, don't be nervous, this is the illusion of the dream monster."

"However, the content of the book it concretizes is completely real, you can flip through it."

At this moment, Ai Wen's figure appeared beside the Dream Demon, and explained to the officials below.

As he said that, a literacy book also appeared in front of him, and he flipped it quickly, and characters appeared in the book one by one, as if they were real.

These books were read by the dream demon, and then remembered in the back of his mind. At this time, they are visualized through the illusion, and they are exactly the same as the real books.

woo woo woo~

The dream demon became a little proud.

At the beginning, Aiwen told it that in order to make the illusion more real, it had to learn more knowledge.

Therefore, during this period of time, it also became an incarnation in order to learn the madman, and learned human writing and language under Aiwen's teaching.

After this period of training, it feels that its illusion ability has indeed been greatly improved, and it can't help but believe in Aiwen's words even more, and devote itself even more enthusiastically to it!

The current dream monster can read all kinds of human books without any pressure, and its memory is very terrifying, and it can completely remember it with a strong mental power.

So it can be said that the current dream monster has gradually turned into a mobile library, and can restore all the books it has read in the illusion!

It's a pity that the Dream Demon doesn't have the ability to turn the illusion into reality, otherwise it would be able to manifest the original books and act as a printing press.

Obviously, if you want to open a school, teaching materials are still a very big problem. Without printing presses, you can only rely on handwriting, so naturally it cannot be called efficient.

"It would be great if there were Tutu dogs, they are called elf printing presses." He couldn't help thinking in his heart.

It's a pity that there should be no such elves in the territory of Lizhi City. Maybe you can look for them in other places in the Sinnoh mainland after the trade.

If there are no Tutu dogs in the entire Sinnoh continent, then we can only go to the Kanto area on the other side of the ocean. There should be a lot of Tutu dogs there.

When his consciousness returned to reality, he looked at the shocked officials, "Now everyone thinks that Dream Demon is qualified to be in charge of the Ministry of Education?"

After hearing his words, the officials involuntarily glanced at the dream monster floating beside Ai Wen, and nodded silently. They had some doubts, wouldn't the dream monster have more knowledge than them?

ps: The 4D is completed today, the 16th day in a row.

The 300 monthly pass has been added, and there is no change owed at present, and you will owe me in the future!

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