Pokemon from Scratch

Chapter 292 Super Demon God Hoopa!

The town of Pure White is located in the dungeon of the East End, where the Iron Knights are imprisoned.

After losing the power of Warcraft, they are just stronger humans.

Outside the dungeon, the knights patrolled with the stinky flowers, using the numbing powder and hypnotic powder of the stinky flowers to make these knights completely incapable of resisting.

Gorehowl sat quietly in the corner of the dungeon. At this moment, he still had some difficulty accepting the fact that the Iron Blood Fortress had been destroyed.

He looked outside the dungeon and landed on those stinky flowers, feeling a sense of powerlessness in his heart, what was the purpose of his hard work for so long.


Just as he was meditating, the sound of the iron door opening suddenly sounded.

Looking over, he saw a knight in sackcloth leaving the dungeon where he was held and walking towards the outside of the dungeon.

After seeing this scene, Xuehou raised a force all over his body, rushed to the iron gate, and tightly clenched the iron railing with both hands, "Where do you want to take him?"

"Don't worry, you will all have your turn."

"As long as you haven't committed any serious crimes, you have nothing to fear."

The guard turned his head and said to Blood Howl, and led the Jagged Knight outside.

After hearing the guard's words, the Jagged Knights in the prison had different expressions, obviously thinking carefully about the guard's words.

Caesar was originally the guardian knight of Marquis Homer, and he was also one of the few guardian knights who violated the order of Marquis Homer.

Even so, he has no regrets in his heart at all. The knight oath he made back then was to protect the civilians in the Iron-Blood Fortress, and he was just fulfilling his oath.

Fortunately, those civilians have been saved, which made him feel a lot more at ease. He made what he thought was the most correct decision, and now he can face himself calmly.

After walking out of the cage, a ray of sunlight suddenly shone on his face, making him feel dazed for a while.

"Cesar, long time no see."

At this moment, he suddenly heard a familiar voice coming from his ear.

"Matthew?" Caesar was startled, and looked at the original deputy head of the Knights in front of him with complicated eyes.

He thought for a while and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't listen to you at the beginning. Facts have proved that Marquis Homer is indeed not worthy of allegiance."

"Indeed, but it's not too late for you to realize this now." Matthew smiled slightly, "You still didn't disappoint me in the end."

"Are you talking about protecting civilians? This is what we should do." Caesar shook his head disapprovingly, "But it's still too late. I'm sure I won't be able to be a knight anymore."

When he finished speaking, his face was a little gloomy. He knew that as a captive, the path of knighthood had been cut off. Even if he chose to protect civilians in the end, he was still a member of the Iron-Blooded Knights.

"No, it's not too late."

"If I tell you that Master Aiwen is willing to retain your knighthood, will you swear allegiance?"

After hearing Matthew's words, Caesar was completely stunned. Sir Aiwen is willing to retain his knight status?

After thinking of Lord Aiwen, his heart trembled suddenly, and the figure of the one fighting alone to save the civilians could not help appearing in his mind.

At that time, he was thinking that it would be great if he could be loyal to such a lord, but now, is Lord Aiwen willing to accept their allegiance?

"How? Will you?" Matthew smiled.

Caesar finally came to his senses this time, and blurted out: "Is it really possible?"

"There shouldn't be any problem." Matthew nodded, "By the way, you shouldn't have done anything wrong, right?"

"Wrong thing?" Caesar was taken aback, "What do you mean?" He felt that the only wrong thing he did was to be loyal to Marquis Homer.

"Let's go, I'll take you to see Master Aiwen."

Matthew took a deep breath, he still knew a lot about Caesar.

Although the quality of the knights in the Iron-Blooded Knights varies, but his old friend has always been the one who abides by the way of knights the most.

With a complicated expression on his face, Caesar followed him to an open space, and a wooden table was placed in the center of the open space, and the figure he was familiar with was leaning on the chair behind the wooden table.

"Caesar?" Ivan raised his head.

"Yes." Seeing this, Caesar quickly knelt down on one knee, "Greetings to Mr. Aiwen."

"Well, then you can now take the oath of allegiance."

"This is the oath, you just need to read it according to it."

Ai Wen nodded slightly, then suddenly raised his hand, and a piece of parchment was suddenly wrapped in blue light and floated in front of Caesar.

After watching this scene, Caesar was obviously stunned for a moment. He raised his head and looked at Aiwen who was sitting on the chair. At this time, the Lord Lord's eyes were shining blue.

"Master Aiwen is a person with a special ability!" He was stunned, and then he heard that Aiwen had come to him-don't try to lie, it is meaningless in front of me.

"Yes, yes, Master Aiwen!"

Caesar quietly swallowed, and picked up the parchment in front of him while kneeling on one knee.

He is naturally very familiar with the etiquette of oath of allegiance for knights. He has practiced countless times in order to become a knight.

Only this time, his allegiance will be another lord, a lord who really deserves his allegiance. Thinking of this, he began to pledge his allegiance as a knight.

Aiwen listened quietly. At this time, Kirulian was floating beside him. This oath was specially drafted by him. Depending on Kirulian's energy, it is completely possible to judge whether he really wants to be loyal. .

Hee hee hee hee hee~

After Nishizawa took the oath of allegiance, Kirulian directly told Ivan to take over through telepathy.

After seeing this scene, Aiwen also showed a smile on his face, "I accept your allegiance, Knight Caesar."

After finishing speaking, he took the scepter representing the status of the lord, and lightly tapped it on Caesar's shoulder, which represented the establishment of the status of the lord and knight.

"Congratulations Caesar."

Matthew is really very happy now, happy for his companions.

"Then... the next one." Ivan nodded to Matthew.

In the following time, a number of knights were brought over, all of whom were knights who had guarded civilians mentioned by Matthew.

The time always seemed so long while waiting, the figure of Blood Howl stood in front of the iron cage, watching a famous knight being taken away.

Without exception, these knights who were taken away never came back, which made the knight leader's face very gloomy.

Is there nothing to be afraid of if you haven't committed any serious crimes?

So, what kind of crime is it to take the initiative to lead the knights to charge and be captured?

After thinking of this, Xuehou let out a miserable laugh, thinking that those knights might have already been executed.

"Next, Gorehowl."

The guard glanced at the list in his hand, and walked towards the cage of Bloodhowl

When it was his turn, Xuehou heaved a sigh of relief, and followed the guards to the outside.

"Captain Bloodhowl."

At the door, Matthew stood here waiting as always.

Seeing Xuehou who had walked out of the prison, he greeted in a low voice with emotion on his face.

In fact, the head of Gorehowl was very kind to him. When he defected, the Gorehowl knight personally hunted him down. He actually suspected that the other party had let him go on purpose.

"Matthew." Xuehou's gaze flickered, "I regret it a bit, I should have taken you back in the first place."

Hearing this sentence, Matthew fell into silence, and said after a while: "I don't regret it, I have nothing to do to the Jagged Knights."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and walked in front. Seeing this, Xuehou silently followed, and soon came to an open space.

Suddenly, Xuehou was completely stunned. He saw a large number of figures standing in the open space. Naturally, these figures were very familiar to him, and they were exactly the knights he thought had suffered an accident!

"Are you all okay?" He opened his mouth, but he didn't realize what was going on!

"At the Iron-Blooded Fortress, they chose to protect the civilians."

"Now, all of them are knights loyal to Lord Aiwen."

Matthew explained on the side, making Xuehou's expression change again, and a complicated look appeared on his face.

He opened his mouth, and now he didn't know what to say for a while. The actions of these knights obviously betrayed the Marquis of Homer, but he couldn't say any accusations for a while.

Closing his eyes in pain, the scene in the arena appeared in his mind. Was Marquis Homer really right? In fact, his heart has already been shaken.

"Huh? The leader of the Iron-Blooded Knights, Blood Howl?" Ivan looked at the Blood Howl in front of him.

"Yes, yes." Xuehou's expression was complicated.

"Okay, now the trial begins."

"Now I ask you to answer, I hope you can answer truthfully."

With that said, Aiwen controlled the pen and paper in front of him to float up, and looked at Blood Howl.

Xuehou's expression froze, and looking into Aiwen's eyes at this moment, he immediately felt an invisible pressure.

In an instant, he also recognized Ai Wen's identity as a person with special abilities, his face was slumped, and a thought of resistance rose in his heart, and he slowly put it down, and answered seriously.


The quill was floating in the air, writing continuously under Aiwen's control.

This is a way for Aiwen to exercise his mind power. He can exercise his mind power while working, and the effect is very good.

And this scene undoubtedly put a lot of pressure on Blood Howl in front of him. Although he has heard that some humans can master incredible power, this is the first time he has seen it!

"Can you read and write?" Ivan continued to ask.

"Reading and writing are the foundation of a knight." Xuehou looked at Aiwen unexpectedly, not knowing why he asked this.

"Very well, now I make a judgment."

"The leader of the Iron-Blooded Knights was reduced to a serf."

After hearing his trial, the expressions of all the knights present changed.

Although they all knew before that the head of the group would definitely be sentenced severely, but because of the pardon of themselves and others, they still had a glimmer of hope.

Thinking of this, they all sighed slightly. In fact, they all knew that demoting to serfdom was already a good result. If it was another lord, they would definitely be executed immediately!

Thinking of this, they couldn't help turning their heads away, and their eyes fell on Matthew. At this time, Matthew's face was very calm, and he didn't seem to have the slightest intention of pleading.

"Serf?" Xuehou closed his eyes in pain.

This result is already considered good, but for him, the former head of the Knights, it is no different from killing him himself!

"However, I can give you a chance."

"In my territory, serfs can be promoted to freemen as long as they can accumulate enough merit points."

"Therefore, you can also accumulate merit through labor reform. I can suspend your execution first. After you accumulate enough merit, I will commute your sentence and exempt you from being demoted to a serf."

Aiwen's words sounded a bit awkward, but when they heard that they were finally exempted from being demoted to serfs, all the knights raised their heads and looked at the lord they were loyal to in amazement.

"As long as you accumulate enough merit, you can be promoted to a free citizen." Xuehou murmured what Aiwen said.

Then, he saw a book suddenly floated in front of him, and the words Serf Promotion Manual were written on it.

"There is nothing wrong, as long as you accumulate enough merit!"

"However, due to the crimes you have committed, the required merit must be higher than that of ordinary serfs."

"If you just farm and do coolies, it will be difficult for you to become a freeman in your life, so I suggest you become a teacher."

"According to the merit you need for promotion, you can accumulate the merit required for promotion after being a teacher for ten years, and I can guarantee that you will be given the status and treatment of free citizens during your tenure as a teacher."

Aiwen smiled and looked at the knight leader in front of him, and finally told his true purpose of this trial.

Sure enough, after hearing his words, the faces of the knights in the arena showed surprise expressions. After comparing them, they could feel that this was already a very big tolerance!

"Being a teacher? Is it the same as those tutors?" Xuehou said silently.

In the past, he looked down on those teachers who looked very weak, men would charge forward on the battlefield.

Does he want to do this kind of work now, but compared to becoming a serf, this is indeed an extra-judicial favor from the lord.

However, it was meaningless to him. If he hadn't worried about those knights, he would have killed himself long ago, and this was the only way for captured knights to preserve their dignity.

Thinking in this way, he glanced at his companions who were still retained as knights, and then looked at the serf promotion manual in his hand.

Since he, the leader of the most sinful knights, can receive extrajudicial mercy, then the other companions should be able to, as long as they become teachers, they can at least retain their status as free citizens.

Thinking of this, he felt a little more relaxed. He was a widow and he died. He still hoped that the knights under him could survive. After all, they were not alone.

"Goreroar, tell me your choice." Aiwen looked at the knight leader in front of him.

At the same time, it can be seen that the quill in the air also paused, quietly floating in mid-air, waiting to write again.

"Thank you Lord Aiwen for your extrajudicial grace, can you let me think about it for a while?" Xuehou lowered his head slightly.

"Okay, yes." Ivan nodded, and at the same time controlled the half-empty pen and notebook to fall on the wooden table, "Matthew, next one."

Seeing this, Matthew glanced at the captain of the knights standing aside, nodded and walked down. Not long after, another knight was brought over.

When he saw the knights standing beside Ivan and the head of Gorehowl, the knight was obviously a little dazed, wondering what was going on now?

Compared with the blood roar just now, the knight's mind was obviously greatly affected at the beginning, and he was not given much time to react, and the trial began again.

The question this time is still the same as the trial of Gorehowl just now, from whether he has killed innocent civilians to whether he can read and write, and through Kirulian's ability, it is completely possible to judge the actual good and evil.

Afterwards, Aiwen gave the final trial result, and when he heard that he was going to be demoted to a serf, the knight's face turned pale instantly.

He has a family and children. If he is degraded to a serf, then his small family will be implicated, and the generations to come will all have to bear the status of serfs!

And when he heard that through reform-through-labour to accumulate merit points, the execution is suspended, and after accumulating enough merit points, the sentence can be commuted and the penalty of demotion to serfdom can be exempted. He suddenly seemed to grasp the last straw.

"I am willing, Mr. Aiwen, I am willing. I have been able to read and write since I was a child, and I am completely qualified for the position of a teacher!" The knight responded hurriedly, as if he was afraid that Aiwen would take back this order.

"Okay, if that's the case, you can sign this employment contract."

Ivan nodded in satisfaction, controlled the pen and paper to float in front of the knight.

He didn't look at the content of the contract at all, he just picked up a pen and quickly signed his name, and a stone in his heart fell.

"Matthew, take him down, and then bring the next one over." Ivan said lightly.

So many knights were brought up constantly, most of the knights were judged as serfs, and then they accumulated enough merits by being teachers, which immediately made a lot of free teachers in the territory.

Until a knight who looked ordinary and couldn't be more ordinary was brought up, Kirulian, who was in charge of the inspection, suddenly frowned, feeling uncomfortable from this knight.

"Then. Let the trial begin." Ivan narrowed his eyes slightly.

Then he asked the first question, have you ever killed innocent civilians?

The knight gave an answer without any consideration, but according to Kirulian's feedback, he was lying.

After a pause, Aiwen asked the next question, and this time the faces of the knights in the field changed slightly, because the question Aiwen asked was completely different from before!

After a few more rounds of questions, Ivan's face remained calm, "Do you know wizards?"

This time, the knight obviously paused when he heard this question, "Who is the wizard? I've never heard of it."

"I haven't heard of it, are you sure?"

Ai Wen suddenly stood up from his seat, and at the same time, beside him, the figure of the dream monster slowly emerged.

The next moment, the Dream Demon's body suddenly emanated waves of mental fluctuations, making the knight's eyes blurred, and he fell to the ground and fell asleep in a short while.

woo woo woo~

The dream monster yelled a few words in a low voice, and then the figure suddenly jumped out and directly merged into the knight's body!

All the knights who saw this scene were stunned, and looked at Lord Aiwen who suddenly stood up, and at the same time recalled the question Aiwen asked in their minds.

"Could it be that he has something to do with the forces behind Marquis Homer?" This thought came to all of their minds.

After a while, the figure of the dream monster floated out of the knight, and nodded slightly to Aiwen, indicating that he had got what he wanted.

"Dream Demon, you've done a good job." Ivan nodded, and said to Matthew: "He is related to the wizarding forces, let someone take him down to guard."

When he heard about wizards, Matthew's face changed. He naturally knew about wizards. At this time, he didn't expect that wizards had been installed in the knight order long ago!

Blood Howl's expression was very ugly at this moment, he naturally knew very well about wizards, it was the wizard forces who bewitched Marquis Homer to betray his subjects!

"The next trial will be faster." Ivan glanced at Blood Howl, "Matthew, bring all the remaining knights up, and I will conduct the trial together."

Now that a person related to the wizard force has been caught, he can't wait to see what news the dream monster gets from the other party's dream.

"Of order, Master Aiwen." Matthew nodded.

Not long after, a large number of knights were brought up again, and it was the previous trial process.

Soon, the judgments of the knights came out one by one, some were happy and some roared unwillingly.

Among them, those who committed relatively minor crimes, those who could read and write, all became teachers, while those who could not read and write were sent to reform through labor.

These knights are all very strong in physical fitness, just enough to fill the wasteland reclamation team, which can also accumulate merit, but the speed will be much slower.

Now relying on merit, Aiwen has established a relatively complete penalty mechanism, which is combined with the serf promotion system to make use of these human resources as much as possible.

Of course, those knights who committed serious crimes had no chance of becoming serfs at all, let alone reform through labor, and all they faced was death.

As long as the death penalty is properly retained and criminals face the threat of death, the crime rate can be reduced as much as possible. Aiwen still supports this statement very much.

"Gorehowl, it's finally your turn."

"As the original head of the Knights, you should be very good at management, right?"

"I need you to help me manage my teachers. Although I gave you a chance, I didn't really trust you."

"This is just my attempt. If one day I feel that this set of penalties is not suitable, I may abolish it at any time."

After hearing Aiwen's words, Xuehou's face changed obviously. He opened his eyes and looked at Aiwen, abolishing this punishment at any time? Does this mean that everyone will be relegated to serfdom?

At this moment, it wasn't just the roar of blood, the faces of all the knights who got the chance changed. They looked at their companions beside them, thinking in their hearts that they must take good care of them!

"Okay, now give your choice."

Xuehou closed his eyes in pain, and said in a hoarse voice: "Master Aiwen, do I have a choice?"

"Very good, work hard, the elf collar will not let you down." Ivan walked over, patted Xuehou on the shoulder, and led Dream Demon and the others away quickly.

"Master Xuehou, that's really great." Matthew smiled.

"Good? Good what!"

"Do you know how painful it is to want to die and have to live?"

Xuehou snorted coldly, then looked back at his companions who cast worried glances, and sighed slowly, "However, I still want to thank Lord Aiwen!"

After hearing the news about the wizarding organization, Kalec hurried to the castle.

Seeing Aiwen come back, he hurriedly asked, "Master Aiwen, I heard that you got news from the wizard?"

"Well, follow me to the study."

Aiwen nodded, and took Kalei back to the study, "Dream Monster, I'll leave it to you next."

After hearing his words, Dream Demon nodded and quickly activated his illusion ability, causing the surrounding environment to change rapidly.

In an instant, the original study room turned into a secret room, surrounded by darkness.

And at the next moment, clusters of flames suddenly appeared on the walls around the secret room, igniting the entire secret room brightly.

At the same time, in the center of the secret room, a large number of figures appeared. These figures looked very blurry. Obviously, the original owner of the memory did not know who these people were.

They all prostrated themselves on the ground, completely buried their heads on the ground, and at the same time, they could hear bursts of unintelligible whispers, which didn't seem to be the language of the Sinnoh Continent.

After an unknown amount of time, the picture finally changed. As the owner of the memory raised his head, the chaotic scene in front of the secret room became clear.

"Great wizard!" Kalei's pupils shrank.

At this time, an altar appeared at the front of the secret room, and a figure stood on the altar, who was the great wizard in Kalei's memory!

For such a great wizard's understanding, Kalei is limited to controlling an extremely powerful Darkrai in his hands, and he doesn't even know his name.

"Is this the black crystal that controlled Darkrai?"

Aiwen's eyes fell on the black crystal in the hands of the great wizard, and he could clearly feel the powerful energy fluctuations around the black crystal, as if it was going to distort the space!

According to Kalei's impression, every time Darkrai appeared from this black crystal, and when the great wizard issued an order, this black crystal would emit a wave of energy.

"Is it the same treasure as the Vajra Orb, White Jade Orb, and Platinum Orb?" Aiwen fell into thought.

Due to the legend of Arceus, the creation god, diamond orbs, white jade orbs and platinum orbs are not secrets, but he has never heard of black crystals.

While Ivan was meditating, the scene in the field was still changing. The great wizard on the altar prayed in a difficult language, while the figure below shouted like a fanatic.

"They seem to be worshiping something." Kalei snorted slightly, familiar with the scene in front of him.

In this ancient world of elves, many commoners have their own beliefs. It is very common for them to worship gods. Almost every city has their own gods.

"It's indeed a bit like worshiping something, but it will be that god." Ivan nodded, looking at the mist behind the great wizard.

Because the owner of the memory didn't dare to raise his head at all, he couldn't see what was behind the great wizard, but he could vaguely see that there should be a statue there!

In the arena, the ceremony of worshiping the gods was still going on, and at the same time, one could see the great wizard on the altar also turned around and knelt down, with a wave of enthusiasm in his voice.

As the worship continued, when the worship was about to end, the owner of the memory finally raised his head completely, and at the same time, the fog deeper in the secret room was also quickly dissipating!

Then I saw a ferocious giant statue suddenly appearing in the very center of the altar. On the head of this giant statue was a huge braid soaring to the sky and two magic horns.

It has a big hole in its chest, and it has six arms, two legs and a long tail. There is a ring on each arm, and the whole body exudes an evil breath!

"This is the Super Demon God Hoopa!"

After seeing this giant statue, Ivan's eyes widened in an instant, with disbelief in his eyes!

Hoopa, the super-demon god, is just a powerful legendary elf that appeared in the myth of Carlos. It is said that it has the power to destroy the world. Only Arceus can stop the destruction of Hoopa, the super-demon god!

He knows the specific information about the super demon god Hoopa, but there is no doubt that this is a very powerful existence, and the power he masters even surpasses Sinnoh's creation three dragons!

"Master Aiwen, do you know the god represented by the statue?" Kalei asked suspiciously when he noticed the change in Aiwen's face.

"I have indeed seen its records in ancient books."

"If I remember correctly, this is a demon god, representing destruction."

Aiwen nodded slightly. When he was extremely shocked just now, he forgot to cover his expression.

"The ancient books represent the gods who will destroy the world?" Kalei frowned.

However, when he thought about what the wizards did, he had a hint of understanding on his face. This was indeed like the gods that the wizards believed in.

woo woo woo~

At this time, the illusion of the dream monster also ended.

When hypnotizing the knight, the dream monster specifically guided the knight into a dream about a wizard.

And this scene is the deepest in the knight's memory, so it directly appeared in his dream, and was explored by the dream monster's ability to enter the dream.

"Dream Monster, you have made great achievements this time."

"However, you will need to work harder to explore more memories about wizards."

After hearing the solemn words, Dream Demon nodded vigorously, and his figure quickly floated out of the study, intending to find the knight again.

"Lord Aiwen, if we want to get more information about wizards, we still need to capture Binhai City as soon as possible." Kalei's expression was serious.

It is not difficult to see from the beliefs of the wizard organization that this is an extremely dangerous organization, and now he is already a little worried about the citizens of Binhai City.

If a wizard organization preaches in Binhai City, it will definitely drag the citizens of Binhai City into the abyss of terror. Belief in such a demon god is scary even thinking about it!

"Lord Aiwen, do you need to tell His Highness Mira about this?" Kalei tentatively asked.

Seeing this, Ai Wen was silent for a moment and then shook his head slightly, "These are just our guesses after all."

"In addition, even if we don't take the initiative to attack Binhai City, in order to capture Yaknom, the wizard organization must find a way to invade Lizhi City."

"The Iron Blood Fortress this time is an example. In order to capture Yaknom, they are trying various methods. What we should do now is to defend against the attack of the wizard organization."

"I know you are worried about your own people, but the ultimate goal of the wizard organization to control Binhai City is still to attack Lizhi City, and they should not do things that will destroy their foundation."

"As for preaching, the citizens of Binhai City should believe in the sea gods, right? It's not that easy to change their beliefs."

Ai Wen patiently explained that now it seems that Marquis Homer chose to cooperate after knowing the power behind the wizarding organization, which solved some doubts in his heart.

Hearing that, Kalei also slowly calmed down, "I'm sorry Lord Aiwen, I was too excited, this matter really has to be done slowly."

He lowered his head slightly, and his expression was a little complicated. He knew what Ai Wen meant, and everything now was just a guess, which they got based on the knight's memory.

And if they wanted to attack Binhai City, which had a wizard organization, they had to send troops from Lizhi City at the same time. Now that winter was coming, Lizhi City would definitely not rush to send troops because of their speculation.

"What we have to do now is still to improve our own strength."

"Only when you become stronger, can you be fearless of all challenges."

After hearing Aiwen's words, Kalei nodded vigorously, and then retreated and walked outside the castle. He couldn't give up any chance to become stronger!

Looking at the back of Kalei leaving, Aiwen sighed slowly, and rubbed his eyebrows with some headaches.

Whoa, whoa, whoa~

After seeing this scene, the Lily root doll sitting on the desk immediately asked with concern.

At the same time, green lights flashed across its body, using life energy to help Ai Wen recover.

yo yo yo~

The Snow Demon Girl also floated over at this time, and came to Ai Wen's back to help him rub his shoulders and beat his back.

Ji Goo Ji Goo~

Kirulian's figure floated to Ivan's side, looking at him worriedly.

Through the induction of emotional energy, it can feel the complex emotions on Ivan, and there are unconcealed worries in it.

Thinking of this, it also released healing waves to help Aiwen soothe his spirit.

"Thank you, but this time... we may really be in trouble." Ivan said to the three elves beside him.

This incident involves the super demon god Hoopa, and the wizard organization is determined to capture Yaknom, so there must be some conspiracy behind it.

In addition, the super demon god Hoopa is a legendary elf that exists in the Carlos area. There should be no Hoopa in the Sinnoh area. He has some doubts that this wizard organization may be a large organization that spans continents.

This great wizard is probably just a person in charge of this organization in the Sinnoh continent. If this is the case, then the water hidden behind them is too deep!

You know, in the myth of Carlos, the super demon god Hoopa has the power to destroy the world, and only Arceus can stop the super demon god Hoopa's destruction!

The Sinnoh area is the lair of Arceus, and in the creation myth of Arceus, Aknom is the god created by Arceus to represent the will!

Connecting all these things together, a terrible guess immediately appeared in his mind, the wizard organization is likely to come for the creation god Arceus!

Whoa, yo, yo, jigoo, jigoo~

Seeing this, the three elves all surrounded Ai Wen.

But what they are facing, they will definitely guard Master Aiwen's side!

"thank you all."

"However, that's not something we should worry about right now."

"Arzeus is indeed a little far away for us."

"What we have to do now is to become stronger. As long as the strength is raised to the level of a king or even a champion, the legendary elves are not invincible."

Looking at the elf next to him comforting him as a trainer, Aiwen took a deep breath, and the fighting spirit appeared in his heart again. It is really useless to worry about it now.

In addition, let's not talk about whether his guess is correct, maybe it's just a coincidence.

Even if his guess is correct, the current wizarding organization needs to think of ways to capture Yaknom, which shows that the wizarding organization is not strong, at least the great wizard in Binhai City is like this.

In this case, as long as he guards Aknom well, he doesn't need to worry about the wizard's attack.

Moreover, the legendary elves possessed by the Sinnoh Continent are not only Yaknom, but also the existence of two other lake gods and the three creation dragons.

Relying on the power of Palkya, Dialga, and Giratina, it is beyond the reach of ordinary organizations, let alone Arceus, the creation god hidden behind!

If these existences can wake up from their slumber, even if the wizard organization really brings the super demon god Hoopa, Arceus can push them back to the Carlos area again!

Anyway, the sky is falling and the tall man is holding it up, and the only ones he needs to face now are the great wizard of Binhai City and his Darkrai, and he is still very confident in this point!

"Then the next goal is to raise your strength to the king level as soon as possible!"

"With king-level combat power, you can barely fight against Darkley. With a few king-level forces working together, you can completely hold Darkley back!"

"Combined with the power of Aknom at that time, even if there are some accidents in Lizhi City, which weakens Aknom's strength a lot, we can still fight Darkrai!"

Seeing that Aiwen regained his fighting spirit, Lily Root Doll, Snow Fairy, and Kirulian glanced at each other, and nodded happily. They will have to train harder next time, aiming at the king level!

ps: The 4D is completed today, the 17th day in a row.

The 400 monthly pass has been added, and there is no change owed at present. You owe me 100 monthly pass~

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