Pokemon from Scratch

Chapter 293 The Road to Kinghood

In the backyard of the castle.

Now that the goal of becoming stronger has been set, it is natural to act immediately.

Now he has a lot of high-level monsters under his command, but the only king-level monsters are Snow Demon and Biting Land Shark.

Aiwen leaned on the wooden chair, with a quill and a notebook floating in front of him. While planning the next training plan for the elves, he was also working hard to improve himself.

After recording the elves' pre-training data, he released the mind control, and put the quill and notebook back on the desk.

Looking into the distance, there are two suns hanging on the horizon at this time, which is Sakura's sunny day move.

At this time, Sakura's body is exuding a faint milky white light, and through the gift of flowers, it is constantly condensing the energy of the sun.

The power of the gift of flowers continues to spread out to the surroundings, covering all the cherry blossoms and cherry blossom treasures in the field, helping them absorb the energy of the sun.

ying ying ~

The cherry-like bodies of the Cherry Blossom Treasures are constantly swaying, absorbing the energy of the sun into the little cherry behind them and storing it.

After they have accumulated enough solar energy, they can successfully complete the evolution and evolve into cherry blossoms that also possess the characteristics of the gift of flowers.

Now, the entire Lizhi City has completely banned the consumption of cherry blossom treasures, and they will be continuously transported to the elf collar to be continuously cultivated into cherry blossoms.

Sakura's gift of flowers can increase the attack and special defense of the elves in groups, which can exert a very terrifying power in the legion.

In particular, the Knights of Lizhi City are all riding armored rhinos. If they are blessed with Sakura's gift of flowers, their combat effectiveness can definitely be greatly improved.

Therefore, after learning about this, Li Zhicheng also bred a lot of cherry blossoms, and then handed them over to the elf cultivation house for cultivation. This is another major cultivation business of the elf cultivation house after the cultivation of walking grass.

ying ying ~

Sakura is also observing the Sakura and Cherry Treasures below.

Especially the cherry blossom treasures, it can already feel that these cherry blossom treasures are already on the verge of evolution.

Perhaps after absorbing enough energy today, they will be able to successfully evolve into cherry blossoms.

Whoa, whoa, whoa~

The lily root doll is also in the gift of flowers at this time.

The gift of flowers is itself a use of the energy of the sun.

Feeling the gift of flowers on its body, it is also trying to fully grasp the energy of the sun.

Whoa, whoa, whoa~

The Lily Root Doll yelled a few words in a low voice, the power of nature surged in her body.

Relying on the ability to integrate with nature, it constantly tries to integrate the solar energy contained in the gift of flowers into its own body.

Immediately, the temperature around the lily root doll's body began to rise rapidly, causing the leaves on its head to curl slightly due to the energy of the sun.

After a while, the milky white light on Lily Gen Doll's body began to dissipate, and at the same time, life energy surged, allowing it to recover quickly. This injury was nothing to it.

ying ying ~

Not long after the lily root doll stopped, it suddenly heard the cries of the cherry blossom treasures in the distance.

Immediately, its spirit was shaken, and it trotted over quickly, looking expectantly at the Cherry Blossom Treasures in front of it.

Without letting Lily Root Doll wait for too long, a bright white light suddenly burst out from the body of a Cherry Blossom Treasure, and life energy surged continuously.

After seeing this scene, Lily Gen doll observed with more concentration, and at the same time, her eyes fell on another small cherry on the short stem on the head of Cherry Blossom.

At this time, this little cherry that stores the evolutionary energy of the Cherry Blossom Treasure constantly has energy gushing out, which contains strong solar energy and life energy.

The two forces continuously merged into Yinghuabao's body, and as the little cherry became more and more withered, the evolution light on Yinghuabao's body became more and more brilliant.

In the end, under the impetus of this evolutionary energy, Sakura Bao's figure began to change, and pink cherry blossoms began to bloom on her body, and she successfully evolved into a cherry blossom!


The evolved Sakura screamed happily, the petals on her body were fully opened, and a faint milky white energy wave was wrapped around her body.

ying ying ~

Seeing that another companion has completed the evolution, Sakura and Sakura in the arena danced happily.

Whoa, whoa, whoa~

Baihegen doll quietly watched the evolution in front of her, with thoughts in her eyes.

If it wants to successfully complete the evolution, it needs the solar energy contained in the Sun Stone combined with life energy to induce the sublimation of life.

The evolution is also completed by relying on the energy of the sun and life energy. Lily root dolls feel that the process of the evolution of cherry blossoms into cherry blossoms is very meaningful.

At this time, its mind kept recalling the picture of the continuous fusion of solar energy and life energy before, and secretly tried it on its own body, causing its body to emit strong energy fluctuations.

"It's not enough, it's still not enough." Lily root doll thought silently, looking up at the sun in the sky.

Due to the evolution of another Sakura Treasure into a Sakura, the effect of the gift of flowers has been improved again. Seeing this, the Lily Root Doll secretly senses the energy of the sun again.

"Unfortunately, the Sun Stone was still not found this time." Ivan, who watched all this from a distance, sighed slowly.

This time, he got a lot of gems from the Iron-Blooded Fortress, most of which were Dark Stones, which he buried in the cemetery.

Relying on these dark stones can make the ghost attribute energy contained in the cemetery more intense. For this reason, Aiwen also specially built a stone tower around the cemetery.

In addition to the Dark Stone, there are also some Water Stones, which he put in the Big-tailed Beaver Lake.

Now that the east coast of the Black Sea has stabilized, all the poisonous elves have been moved to the territory of the Dragon King Scorpion.

Relying on the stinky flowers to continuously absorb the toxins contained in the land on both sides of the river, and the agate jellyfish to purify the water source, this pure river will soon be able to lead directly to the South China Sea.

At that time, the big-tailed raccoons in the big-tailed raccoon lake will be able to enter the South China Sea through the pure river, and at the same time, the water-attribute elves in the South China Sea will also be able to enter the river channel led by the elves.

"However, relying on the mastery of solar energy and life energy, it is also possible for the Lily Root Doll to complete evolution."

"Wait until the Lily Root Doll learns the sunny day moves and thoroughly grasps the energy of the sun, then you can try to evolve the Lily Root Doll."

Ivan thought with anticipation that the spring of the coming year would be a time he and the Lily root doll had set.

It is winter now, which is not suitable for the evolution of grass-type elves who need to rely on the energy of the sun. In spring, when everything recovers, it can create a good evolution environment.

Thinking in his heart, he looked at the first side of the grass.


At this time, the cherry blossoms are training on the grass.

From time to time, other grass attribute elves will gather.

It's early winter now, and the weather is getting colder, but the place where Sakura is training is a rare and warm place.

Therefore, the surrounding grass-type elves like to stay near the grass, secretly absorbing the energy of the sun in the sky to help them grow.


Smelly Flowers and Walking Grasses gathered together.

At this time, they all exude faint green energy fluctuations.

At the same time, it can be seen that Overlord Flower used the green grass field move at this time, covering all the grass attribute elves in it.

With the green energy fluctuations emitted from these elves, the green grass under them is also slowly growing, and they are also shrouded in green light.

There is a strong vitality in this green energy, which is the growth move that can make plants grow quickly. With the nourishment of the growth move, the growth speed of plants can be rapidly increased, which is called a farming artifact by Ai Wen.

As for the growth moves, most of the grass attribute elves can master them, and they themselves contain a certain amount of growth energy, and the plants where they live will also be nourished.

However, it is still very difficult to truly successfully master the growth moves. Now among all the elves in Aiwen, only giant vines and a few vine monsters have mastered it. How difficult is it to recruit.

But even so, Aiwen did not give up letting these grass-type elves try, and at the same time, he was constantly trying to study growth moves to help these grass-type elves easily master growth moves.

As long as there are a few grass-type elves who have mastered the growth moves, they can completely nourish a large amount of land on their own, and the food grown can feed more people.

In addition, the growth move is a very powerful auxiliary move, which can greatly improve the attack and special attack of the elves, and can also greatly improve the fighting power of the elves!

At that time, with the help of sunny weather, cultivated land moves, grass field and growth moves, the strength of the grass attribute elf army can also be greatly improved, and the combat effectiveness of the legion can even compete with the beasts!

In fact, the heavenly kings and champions in the previous life were able to fight against the beasts by themselves, largely thanks to the fact that in addition to cultivating a few main forces, they also cultivated an army of elves.

At that time, with a few main elves as the core, coupled with a large number of other elves to assist, it can completely exert the power comparable to that of a divine beast. This has already been proven in countless battles.

Therefore, when Ivan was thinking about how to fight against the legendary elves, the first thing he thought of was to cultivate a grass-type army, and then use the sunny weather, plowing moves, green grass field and growth moves as the core to carry out legion battles.

It's a pity that this is just one of his ideas. To carry out legion warfare, it is not enough to simply have a legion of elves, they must be perfectly coordinated.

For example, the previous tactics of using three powders together cannot be regarded as a legion battle. Only the energy ball move of Lily Root Doll that incorporates a large amount of grass-type elf grass-type energy can barely be considered.

This reminded him of the time when the knights and armored rhinos charged forward when they attacked the Iron-Blooded Fortress, they completely fused the energies emitted by each other.

That can already be regarded as a legionary combat method. Although it is only the simplest legion fusion move, the combat power displayed far exceeds the limit that an individual can display. Even a king-level monster is difficult to resist head-on!

Of course, when it comes to real legion battles, the most famous one is still the special fighting style of the queen bee group. The attack command, defense command and healing command can perfectly display the combat power of the group.

In fact, the formation of many legionary tactics refers to the fighting style of the queen bee group, and integrates the energy of individual individuals. This is what Ivan intends to focus on in the future.

"Now the queen bee has also started raising young bees."

"I believe that by the beginning of spring next year, the number of three bees will be greatly improved again."

Aiwen thought in his heart that after the Queen Bee successfully absorbed the three bees from the Queen Bee Group of the Black Coast Forest, her strength was greatly improved.

Although the current bee queen's strength is only at the intermediate level of monsters, she can completely command the three bee groups to reach the advanced level of monsters.

When the queen bee raises more young bees again, her own strength will naturally rise to the level of high-level monsters, and then she will be able to compete with the quasi-king level monsters.

In today's Chengguo Village, there are footprints of three bees everywhere. Relying on the tree fruit forest in Chengguo Village, it is completely possible to continue to raise several times the number of three bees, and the strength of the bee queen is determined by the number of three bees. .

The strength of the Queen Bee becomes stronger, and the range of activities of the three bee groups will also become stronger. As the territory continues to open up wasteland, these three bees will be active in various places in the territory.

At that time, when the number of three bees reaches a certain level, the Queen Bee's power will be able to reach the level of the king. It can be regarded as the elf with the simplest and clearest king-level route among all the elves in Aiwen.

"The formation of the Elf Legion will be the next focus." Ivan exhaled slowly.

After learning the information about the super demon god Hoopa and the wizard organization, his sense of urgency to become stronger became stronger at this time.

In fact, the improvement of the strength of the elves has now occupied a large part of the financial expenditure of the territory, and he needs to convert the financial resources of the territory into the fighting power of the elves as much as possible.

Boom boom boom boom!

In addition to this piece of grass where the grass-type elves gather, the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus is also training in the distant rocky mountain environment.

The current Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus has successfully comprehended high temperature and heavy pressure moves, and can continuously exercise its body through high temperature and heavy pressure.

On a sunny day, the air at this time is filled with rich fire-attributed energy, which is continuously absorbed by the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus, making the flames wrapped around its body more and more intense.

At the same time, you can feel a heat wave emanating from the Iron-clad Tyrannosaurus. The intense temperature scorched the ground under the Iron-clad Tyrannosaurus, causing it to emit an unbearable rattling sound continuously.

Ho Ho Ho Ho!

There was a roar from the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus mouth.

Then, I saw his figure suddenly go down towards the ground, and after a while, there was a roar from the ground.

Ironclad Tyrannosaurus has ground and rock attributes, can move and fight freely underground, and exercises itself with the help of ground and rock attribute energy.

Now that he has successfully mastered the high-temperature and heavy-pressure moves, he thought of using the power of the earth to put more pressure on himself, using high-temperature and heavy pressure to temper his body in all aspects.

After continuous training, the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus now almost completely turned into a dark color. Compared with ordinary Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus, it looked like a strange-colored elf.

It relies on the body that has been successfully trained under high temperature and heavy pressure. At this time, it has very amazing strength and defense power, making the strength of the armored tyrannosaurus steadily reach the quasi-king level!

And this is just the beginning, the current Iron-clad Tyrannosaurus is far from reaching the limit of physical training, and this is also the path that Iron-clad Tyrannosaurus found, forging itself like forging iron, and finally stepping into the king-level!


The ground trembled continuously, as if an earthquake was coming.

But for this kind of scene, the surrounding elves are obviously very used to it, and they are still training on their own.

Hee hee hee hee~

Kirulian's figure floated in midair.

At this time, you can see ripples in the space in front of it, making the space slightly distorted.

At this time, it is trying to create illusions by distorting space, and at the same time using this method to exercise its mastery of space.

Hee hee hee hee~

At this moment, doubts appeared on the little guy's face.

Then I saw that it activated the teleportation move, and began to mobilize more space power!

Immediately, the space ripples on Kirulian's body became more intense, causing Nidorino and Nidona who were in this space around them to be in a trance.

At this time, the space in front of them suddenly distorted, and the original grass suddenly turned into a forest.

After seeing this scene, Nidorino and Nidona closed their eyes at the same time, and then saw their emotional energy surge.

When they opened their eyes again, they found that the illusion in front of them had disappeared without a trace. The two elves looked at each other with smiles on their faces.


It is not the first time they have tried to break the illusion through emotional energy.

Even if it is the illusion of the dream monster, it has only trapped Nidorino and Nidona for a while.

At the same time, through the tempering of the illusion, Nidorino and Nidona can also exercise their emotional energy, thereby enhancing the bond between each other and enhancing the strength of the fighting spirit!

Hee hee hee hee~

After seeing this scene, Kirulian pouted.

It can also feel that with the help of emotional energy, its illusion cannot trap Nidorino and Nidona at all.

But it thought about it again, if he could add emotional energy to the illusion, then relying on the power of space, mental energy and emotional energy to create illusion together, wouldn't it be very strong?

Thinking of this, it couldn't help but feel a little moved, and then the figure flickered and disappeared in place, appearing beside Ivan.

At this time, Aiwen was standing in front of the desk, looking at the nutrition box on the table. At this time, the elf eggs wrapped in purple crystals were soaking in the special nutrient solution, ups and downs from time to time.

After this period of cultivation, the elf life breath in the elf egg has stabilized, and has begun to produce autonomous consciousness.

Therefore, Aiwen will communicate with the elf eggs every day to cultivate feelings, and when the elf eggs hatch, they can be subdued very smoothly.

"It shouldn't be far from hatching." Ivan checked the elf eggs again, thinking expectantly.

Hee hee hee hee~

Kirulian yelled a few words in a low voice.

Then its eyes fell on the elf egg.

From the elf egg, it can feel a very strong emotional fluctuation.

It can be seen that the little guy in the elf egg should have very rich emotions, and the talent in emotional energy is not bad.

"Kirulian, how is the power of space training going?"

Ivan sat back on the chair, took a sip of the nutritional juice in front of him and said with a smile.

Hee hee hee hee~

Seeing this, Kirulian immediately explained her thoughts.

"Oh? Integrate emotional energy into the illusion?" Ivan narrowed his eyes slightly, "What is the role of emotion?"

Emotion will affect a person's judgment to a large extent. If emotional energy can be integrated into the illusion, it will definitely make it more difficult for the other party to crack the illusion.

As Aiwen and Dream Demon said, more knowledge about elves can make the elves in the illusion more realistic, so that the other party can't judge the truth from the fake.

The addition of emotional energy can also have a similar effect. Just imagine, if the elves and humans in the illusion can even restore their emotions, will it be no different from the real thing!

It is even possible to set up illusions specifically for emotional energy, and use emotional energy to arouse the other party's emotions to cause damage to their spirit, just like the illusion of the target's enemy or similar situations, which can arouse their anger!

In addition, the five senses of human beings are also closely related to emotions, because human emotions initially come from the sensory organs of the human being. They make the initial analysis of things and then transmit them to the brain, so that you can produce corresponding emotions.

Sight, hearing, taste, touch, feeling, if you can master these five senses of a creature in the illusion, you can master the cognition of the creature to a large extent, so as to completely strip the judgment of the creature and make it have the ability to immerse in the illusion. among!

"It's a really good approach."

After a while, Ivan opened his eyes and affirmed Kirulian's thoughts.

However, although the idea is good, it is very difficult to really integrate emotional energy into the illusion, and he has no idea about it.

Hee hee hee hee~

Seeing this, Kirulian cried out happily.

Since this method is feasible, it can set the goal and then move towards this goal.

And the illusion ability is also the fastest way it can think of to improve its strength. The dream monster's illusion can even confuse the king-level Emperor Nabo.

Especially for those elves with relatively weak mental strength, the illusion can definitely play an unexpected role, just like the iron-clad tyrannosaurus, there is definitely no way to break free from the illusion.

"Well, if that's the case, we still have to start with emotional energy."

"What I can think of now is to observe the emotion of an elf, and then restore it in the illusion."

"This elf is best to be an elf with emotional energy. Well, Nidorino and Nidona are very good choices."

"You can first try to restore Nidorino and Nidona in the illusion, and use emotional energy to restore the strength of the two of them to fight."

After hearing Aiwen's words, Kirulian immediately used teleportation happily to leave the spot, planning to find Nidorino and Nidona, so as to restore the two elves in the illusion.

Meow meow meow meow~

The figure of the Roentgen cat in the distance quickly ran back from a distance.

At this time, the muscles on its body were constantly twitching, and electric arcs were constantly flickering.

After returning to Aiwen's side, it uttered a cry, took two breaths, and lay down beside Aiwen.

Just now, it is bursting out with a stronger speed by stimulating the body with electric current. For the Roentgen cat, speed is everything.

However, strenuous running puts a heavy burden on the body. After a period of training, it is necessary to stop and rest to let the muscles relax and adapt to the previous speed.

Of course, as the desperate Saburo No. 2 among the Aiwen elves, it is naturally impossible to rest. At this time, it is lying beside Aiwen, and the eyes start to flicker with electricity, and start to exercise the electric eyes.

In addition to having the power of perspective, the electric eye can also use it to see free electrons in the air, and use it to more precisely control the current to stimulate the body, thereby stably improving one's physical fitness.

At this moment, it happened to see Kirulian leaving, and couldn't help showing a confident smile on its face. It could feel that its current strength was very strong, and the ability of illusion was even directly ineffective for it.

Thinking of this, its gaze moved, feeling that its own strength could be regarded as one of the best among all its partners.

When thinking of this, it quickly stood up again, intending to continue the next round of electric body training. This step needs to rely on other electric attribute spirits to stimulate its body!

"Roentgen cat, wait a moment, let me check your body first." Seeing this, Ai Wen frowned slightly.

It came to Roentgen Cat's side, reached out to touch the muscles on Roentgen Cat's body, and suddenly there was a flash of electricity, and at the same time, a wave of heat could be felt.

Seeing this, he frowned and said seriously: "Roentgen Cat, now you have to take a rest first."

meow meow meow~

The Roentgen cat froze for a moment, then moved its body again, feeling pretty good about itself.

"Exercising is not like you."

"Even though you don't feel anything right now, the burden will keep accumulating."

"If you don't get enough rest, you can definitely do irreparable damage to your body."

Aiwen shook his head, "I am your trainer, and I am also an elf breeder. I believe in my own judgment."

"Now all you have to do is rest and wait until you recover before proceeding to the next step of training."

After hearing his serious words, the Roentgen cat opened its mouth, still wanting to say that it was fine, but after seeing Ivan's serious eyes, it closed its mouth again.

Afterwards, it glanced at the direction of the Ironclad Tyrannosaurus training, as if it wanted to say——compared to working hard, big brother is more terrible!

"Don't compare it with the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus. Its characteristic is its hard head, which can ignore the counter damage of moves."

"This feature of the armored tyrannosaurus has been trained to a limit, so no matter how much it exercises, it will not hurt itself."

"And your characteristic is perseverance. Although you can sustain it through perseverance, the damage caused by training is real. You must arrange training reasonably and achieve a balance between work and rest."

This time, the Roentgen cat didn't say anything more. After drinking a bottle of healing potion, it obediently lay beside Ivan, planning to take a rest first.

"That's right, that's it. Get a good night's sleep, and you'll be able to recover when you wake up." Ai Wen smiled slightly, squatting down and stroking the soft hair of the Roentgen cat.

At the same time, in his eyes, faint spiritual fluctuations emanated, constantly comforting the Roentgen cat, making its eyes more and more heavy, and finally closed them slowly, and fell asleep.

"Huh, it's a bit difficult, but the hypnotism seems to be successful."

Aiwen stood up, looked at the Roentgen cat who had fallen asleep, and rubbed his brows wearily.

Just now, he used the hypnosis technique among the superpower attribute moves, which can put the target into a sleep state. Of course, he succeeded so easily, mainly because the Roentgen cat was not fortified.

But even so, he is already very happy, which shows that he has mastered a method of using superpowers in addition to mind power.

Involuntarily, a picture of Her Highness Mira using teleportation appeared in his mind. For superpowers, teleportation can indeed be mastered.

Of course, mastering teleportation first requires very high mental strength, and he is still far behind.

Therefore, after returning, Aiwen also meditated harder, wanting to improve his spiritual power as soon as possible, with Kirulian's help, the efficiency is still very good.

And this trick of hypnotism was given to him by Kirulian through his telepathic ability. When his mental strength reaches the standard, he can go to Kirulian to learn teleportation moves.

Now that his elves are working so hard to become stronger, he naturally doesn't want to fall behind too much.

If he can master the teleportation moves, he will have some ability to protect himself, and he can further release the combat power around him.

meow meow meow~

On the ground, the Roentgen cat snored softly, and it seemed that it was indeed tired.

Seeing this, Ai Wen also picked up the coat on the wooden chair and covered Roentgen Cat with it.

With a slight smile, he looked around at the elves in the field, and then looked at the grass on the other side of the pure river.

At this time, in the sky, one could faintly see the dark clouds that were so thick that they couldn't melt away, covering the sky and covering the earth, making people feel suffocated for a while.

Seeing this, Ai Wen also walked towards the open space in the distance. The closer he got, the more he felt a cold breath coming towards him.

After a while, he suddenly saw snowflakes falling from the sky, scattered scattered on the ground, he stretched out his hand to catch a snowflake, and watched the snowflake melt in his hand.

Seeing this, he looked back at the two rounds of scorching sun in the distance. At this moment, in this extremely small field, there was a strange scene of sunny and snowy weather at the same time.

yo yo yo~

Seeing Ai Wen coming, the Snow Demon Girl greeted him happily.

At the same time, under its control, the cold wind blowing in the field quickly dissipated, and at the same time, the temperature around Aiwen increased a lot.

This is the temperature control ability of the snow demon girl. With the complete liberation of the ghost attribute energy of the snow demon girl, now it also drives the ice attribute energy of the snow demon girl to increase a lot.

Although she has not undergone special training, the ice attribute energy in Snow Demon Girl's body has naturally been raised to the quasi-king level at this time, and she can freely control the power of ice.

Especially now that it is winter, the snow demon girl's control over ice and snow will become stronger, so Aiwen also plans to improve the snow demon girl's power this winter, so that her ice attribute power can also reach the level of a king.

At that time, relying on the Heavenly King-level combat power with dual attributes of ghost and ice, the Snow Demon Girl's strength could be improved a lot, and her attack surface could be greatly improved.

In addition, if the Snow Fairy can combine ghost and ice attribute energy to fight, the combat power of ghost attribute elves can also be greatly improved in extreme cold conditions.

Elves with ghost attributes like gloomy and extremely cold illusions, and they are also considered to be feminine powers. Among them is a strange wind, which uses the extremely cold wind to attack the enemy.

If Strange Wind can be used together with the ice-attribute Blizzard move, its power will definitely be enhanced even more powerfully.

At the same time, Strange Wind possesses similar abilities to Primal Power, which can improve the user's physical fitness in all aspects, and can be used as the main training move of the Snow Demon Girl to bring out her ghost attribute talent.

In addition, the Snow Demon Girl needs to be careful about the power of the gray mist sealed in the keystone. Although the keystone helped her successfully seal the power of the gray mist, it still vaguely has a connection with the gray mist.

"Snow Demon, thank you for your hard work. How is the cultivation of Limu fruit, garnet fruit and custard apple fruit?" Aiwen asked.

yo yo yo~

Seeing this, the Snow Demon Girl nodded immediately, and took Aiwen to a distant open space.

At this time, the open space by the pure river was already covered by a thick layer of snow, and as it approached, the temperature began to drop significantly.

And in the snow, one can see trees and fruits standing in the heavy snow, as if they are not affected by the ice and snow, they grow very lushly.

These berries are exactly the limousine, garnet, and custard apples in Aiwen's mouth. These three berries are all ice-attributed berries, especially the cherimoya, which has the effect of condensing the surrounding ice-attributed energy .

Therefore, even in this icy and snowy environment, these three kinds of fruit are still growing very luxuriantly, and even if they want to bear fruit, they need to be in such a cold environment.

In order to create an environment for these berries to bear fruit, the Snow Demon Girl directly used her power to continue to lower the temperature around the berries forest, causing heavy snow to fall in the sky.

"The custard apple fruit is finally about to bear fruit." Ivan stood in front of the only fruit in the fruit forest that looked very different.

The custard fruit is just the precious tree fruit he obtained through the mutation of the tree fruit, which has the effect of absorbing ice attribute energy.

Therefore, this kind of custard fruit is often used to resist ice attribute damage. When absorbing the ice attribute energy contained in the attack, it reduces the ice attribute damage it receives.

At the same time, this kind of fruit can absorb ice attribute energy, which makes this kind of fruit contain a very strong ice attribute energy. It is a top-level fruit material for preparing ice attribute medicines!

After successfully obtaining the custard apple fruit, he quickly planted the custard apple fruit, and let the giant vines carefully guard the custard apple fruit, and accelerated its growth through growing fertilizers, green grass fields and growth moves.

After some meticulous care, the growth cycle of the custard apple fruit has been greatly shortened, and now relying on the environment created by the Snow Demoness, it is finally about to begin to bear fruit.

It would take a few days for these custard apples to fully mature, and then rely on the seeds of custard apples to grow seedlings, and then a large number of custard apple saplings could be obtained.

Then distribute these seedlings to the serfs for planting. Perhaps at the end of this winter, another batch of custard apples can be harvested, which can completely spread the cultivation of custard apples.

At the beginning, Aiwen told Uncle Darby that the serfs could continue to work this winter, and he planned to let these serfs plant limago, garnet and custard apples, which are all suitable for planting in winter.

Among them, Limu fruit and Garnet fruit will be the main fruits planted. At the same time, each orchard will be arranged to plant a custard apple. grow.

And after the winter is over, it is completely possible to transplant the limu fruit and garnet fruit to other places, and then plant Hami fruit around the custard apple, so that the custard apple and Hami fruit can mutate into more precious chili fruit!

Chili fruit is a kind of tree fruit that is countless times more precious than custard apple, because directly swallowing it can directly increase the attack power of the elves, and the effect is very amazing.

If he can successfully obtain the chee lychee fruit, he will be able to formulate a potion that can continuously increase the attack power of the elves, so that the attack power of the elves will continue to increase!

yo yo yo~

The Snow Demon Girl was also very happy looking at the berries in the berry forest.

Especially the custard fruit, it can feel the extremely rich ice attribute energy around the custard fruit.

As long as you practice ice-type moves around the custard fruit, you can increase the ice-type energy in your body a lot.

And after the custard apple fruit is ripe, the pulp after removing the seeds can completely make a special ice attribute potion. The snow demon girl has already drank a bottle before, and the effect is very good.

"It will take a while for the custard apples, but the liams and garnets are ready to be harvested."

Aiwen looked at the other berries, and planned to ask Uncle Dabi to bring people over to pick the lime and garnet fruits in two days, and then use the seeds of these berries to grow seedlings and give them to the serfs for planting.

They only need to be able to grow a certain amount of Limu fruit and garnet fruit, and they can accumulate enough merit to be promoted to free people. After the spring of next year, Chunbai Town will get more free people to put into production.

ps: the 18th day of consecutive days.

The 500 monthly ticket has been added, and there is currently no owed change

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