Pokemon from Scratch

Chapter 295 Midas touch, evolution!

In the castle, officials reported on the recent construction of the territory.

Among them, the work of picking and planting winter berries is going very smoothly, and the work of popularizing education is also proceeding in an orderly manner.

"So. Is there still no news from the master blacksmith?" Ivan frowned.

In his elf alliance development plan, the master blacksmith played a very important role.

The birth of the Poké Ball definitely has epoch-making significance for this world, and can directly promote the development of the Pokémon Era.

Now with the establishment of the Elven Alliance, the entire Lizhi City has obviously entered the era of elves he envisioned.

But if the Poke Ball cannot be built, it will be difficult for the Pokemon Alliance's development plan to make a qualitative leap in a short period of time, which is not what he wants to see.

During this period of time, he actually tested the current blacksmiths in the elf collar with ordinary metals, but their forging techniques were very rough, and they were not up to the task of forging elf balls.

Perhaps in the future, with the help of machines and elves, these blacksmiths will be able to engage in related work, but they are obviously incompetent now.

"Master Aiwen, I have checked all the civilians, and there is no blacksmith."

"Although there were a large number of blacksmiths in the Warcraft Chamber of Commerce back then, when the Iron Blood Fortress was in chaos, these people all hid among the civilians and fled."

Matthew sighed. Obviously, these blacksmiths were afraid of being implicated by the Warcraft Chamber of Commerce, so they chose to hide, and it was even more impossible to follow the crowd to the elf collar.

"It seems that I can only think of other ways." Ivan frowned.

In fact, the easiest way is to go to other territories to recruit master blacksmiths, and you can even go to Lizhi City to ask for them.

But for these recruited master blacksmiths, he can't have absolute trust. Only the real ones can teach him the technology of making poke balls.

"Master Aiwen." Looking at the disappointed expression on Aiwen's face, Knight Caesar behind Matthew suddenly hesitated and said: "If Lord Aiwen is looking for a master blacksmith, I may know one."

After hearing his words, Aiwen's eyes lit up immediately, and he looked at the former knight of the Jagged Order.

These knights loyal to him have now all been assigned to Matthew's ranger team, and they have taken on the task of defending the border of the ranger's line of defense in the forest.

Caesar Cavalier is the captain of the border ranger team. This time he came here to report on the border patrol situation. At this time, he unexpectedly let him know the news of the master blacksmith.

"Well, this master blacksmith, or the original master blacksmith"

Caesar thought about his words, "Originally, Master McGinn is a very good master blacksmith."

"It was only later that he became obsessed with turning stones into gold for some reason, and began to collect all kinds of stones, and began to study turning stones into gold."

"Gradually, this master blacksmith disappeared from everyone's sight, and his works have never been handed down since then."

Hearing Caesar's reminder, Matthew also thought of the master blacksmith, and frowned, "Isn't he missing?"

Caesar shook his head, "We saw him once when we were patrolling in the Lizhi Mountains, and he was accompanied by the iconic giant rock snake."

"Wait a minute, you said that this master blacksmith has a huge rock snake?" At this moment, Ivan suddenly interrupted.

"Yes, Lord Aiwen."

Caesar quickly saluted Aiwen, "Master McGinn is not only a master blacksmith, but also a powerful knight."

"So that's it. Turning stone into gold?" Ai Wen narrowed his eyes slightly, "Now, can you still find this Master McGinn?"

"I can't be sure about that either."

"If Ivan really wants to find Master McGinn, I can try."

"We discovered the figure of Master McGinn a month ago. He should still be in the Resolute Mountain Range."

Knight Caesar quickly knelt on the ground on one knee, cupped his fists and said.

"Okay, then I will leave this matter to you." Ivan nodded, then looked at Matthew, "This matter will be carried out together with immigrants."

"After a while, you will lead a team of knights to the Iron-Blooded Fortress. While looking for Master McGinn, you will also bring the families of the knights to the elves."

After hearing Aiwen's words, Matthew and Caesar immediately knelt on one knee to take orders, and then exited the castle together, intending to summon the knights to the Iron Blood Fortress.

"The Big Rock Snake and the Midas touch."

"The body of the big rock snake may evolve into a big steel snake after undergoing high temperature and high pressure training!"

"To a certain extent, the rocky body of the big rock snake has indeed evolved into a steel body, but it is indeed turning stone into gold."

"This Master McGinn must have obtained the evolution method of the rock snake, right? He studied the method of turning stones into gold, in fact, to study the evolution method of the rock snake?"

In the castle, Aiwen fell into deep thought, linking the Big Rock Snake with Midas, which was the first thing he thought of.

The high-temperature and high-pressure training method can indeed make the rock body evolve into a steel body, and the current Iron-clad Tyrannosaurus is actually making similar attempts.

Although the rocky body of the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus can't really be transformed into a steel body, its hardness has indeed been qualitatively improved, comparable to steel!

Thinking of this, he quickly returned to the desk, took out a quill and quickly drew the outline of a big steel snake on the parchment paper. It was the evolution form of the big rock snake, the big steel snake.

After finishing the painting, he rolled up the parchment, intending to let Matthew and Caesar take him to find Master McGinn. If the other party recognized the big steel snake, everything would be much easier.

Leaving the castle, he went straight to the elf cultivation area. At this time, on the grass near the castle, you can see that the elves are still training hard, hoping to make further progress before the battle.

After saying hello to the elves, Aiwen walked towards the distant rocky mountain, intending to see the situation of the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus and those ground and rock attribute elves.

Boom boom boom boom!

It's just that near the rocky mountain, you can hear the sound of iron hammering immediately.

Apparently, Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus is training in blacksmithing. If you want to make a Poké Ball, you can rely on Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus.

oh oh oh~

After seeing Ai Wen coming, several mandaw ants suddenly appeared in the sand.

As elves in the desert, they like the sandy environment the most. After seeing Aiwen, they immediately called out happily.

"Go on and play, I'll go find the Iron-clad Tyrannosaurus." Ivan greeted with a smile.

After entering the rocky environment, he saw a group of armored rhinos resting at the foot of the mountain.

Now the armored rhinos in the elf breeding area have also formed a very large group, and the leader of them is naturally the iron armored tyrannosaurus.

Without disturbing the armored rhinos who were resting, it came to the blacksmith's shop located in the rocky mountain. At this time, in the blacksmith's shop made of rocks, a dozen iron-clad tyrannosaurs could be seen.

A Ironclad Tyrannosaurus with a much darker body was trying hard to hit the iron, while the other Ironclad Tyrannosaurus scratched their heads and waved their fists from time to time.

These iron-clad tyrannosaurus were exactly the group that Aiwen had conquered at first. Under the strict training of his iron-clad tyrannosaurus, they finally completed their evolution one after another, and their strength was greatly improved.

Now, Ironclad Tyrannosaurus is handing over his blacksmithing training method to his companions, but it seems that the situation is not going well. Although he has a lot of strength, it is still too difficult for them to master the blacksmithing skills.

In Ivan's vision, if the armored tyrannosaurs can learn how to make poke balls, they can indeed be given the task of making poke balls, but it doesn't seem to be going well so far.

yo yo yo~

Beside Aiwen, the figure of Snow Fairy floated out.

It didn't like the hot environment of the blacksmith shop in front, so it stopped far away.

Immediately afterwards, it took out a popsicle from nowhere, put it in its mouth and licked it up, showing a happy expression.

"Snow Demon, you can rest here for a while." Ai Wen smiled at Snow Demon.

Afterwards, he walked quickly to the armored tyrannosaurus, and when he saw Aiwen coming, the iron armored tyrannosaurus also stopped their movements.

"Tyrannosaurus, thank you for your hard work."

Aiwen came to the forging table and picked up a cone that had been forged.

Next, you only need to install the mesh device and other parts to restrain the elves in this cone, and finally go through the furnace to successfully make the elf ball.

"Phew, it will definitely be another period of busy time." Ivan exhaled slowly.

Making a mesh device is a very delicate and complicated process, so far this link can only be completed by himself.

However, he is currently planning to find a few trusted craftsmen to help complete the task of making the mesh device. Those craftsmen who are good at making all kinds of jewelry will be very good choices.

The entire process of making poke balls is divided into five steps, high temperature quenching, cone forging, mesh device, other parts and tempering, so it intends to separate all steps like an assembly line.

Among them, the high-temperature quenching can be done by some ordinary craftsmen. As long as they can successfully master the temperature and quenching skills, it should not be difficult to complete after a period of training.

The step of cone forging can be said to be the most difficult, requiring professional blacksmiths to use special forging methods to forge. This is what Aiwen needs to solve the most. Those ordinary craftsmen simply cannot complete the task.

When forging cones, blacksmiths also need to distinguish the condition of the cones and determine whether a special capsule-like structure has been formed in them, which will further increase the difficulty of forging, and even master blacksmiths will need a period of time to adapt.

The mesh device and other parts are delicate tasks, involving more than a dozen parts that must be manufactured in strict accordance with the standards, which requires the establishment of more than ten factories specializing in the production of their respective parts.

It can be seen from this that it is very complicated to complete the assembly line production of poke balls, but this is also very conducive to the confidentiality of poke ball production to a large extent.

It is useless even if someone with a heart can get the production method of one or two of the parts. Coupled with targeted confidentiality work, it is basically possible to prevent the leakage of the production method of the Poké Ball.

Ho ho ho!

Ironclad Tyrannosaurus scratched his head, expressing that his companions were really stupid.

"This can only be done slowly." Ai Wen comforted with a smile, "I came here to see your exercise situation."

After hearing Aiwen's words, the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus immediately became energetic, and flames burned directly on its body, but it was a pity that the ribbon that had just been tied on its head was burned to ashes in the flames.

Now Ironclad Tyrannosaurus's ability to control the flame is indeed very strong, especially in terms of high temperature. Frequent high-temperature quenching cones are very beneficial to its ability to control high temperature.

The other part of the heavy pressure needs to borrow the power of the earth. Ironclad Tyrannosaurus has been working hard on this point. It will drill into the ground every day for corresponding exercises, and at the same time increase its mastery of high-temperature and heavy-pressure moves.

"It seems that the limit is indeed almost reached."

"Next, we will try to evolve the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus."

Ironclad Tyrannosaurus' eyes lit up immediately after hearing this, and it has been looking forward to evolution for a very long time.

It has a hunch that as long as it can complete the evolution, it is very hopeful that the physical strength will be transformed again, and it will directly step into the king level!

"Well, under normal circumstances, if you want to complete the evolution, you need a special evolution item called a protective gear."

"According to my understanding of the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus, the main purpose of the protective gear is to transform your body, make your body stronger, and awaken the hidden power in your body."

"Although I don't know what materials and methods the armor is forged with, I think as long as you can make your body infinitely close to the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus, and then awaken the hidden power in your body, there is hope to complete the evolution!"

Ai Wen expressed his conjecture. Now that the body of the Iron-clad Tyrannosaurus has undergone high temperature and heavy pressure training, it is very close to the body of the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus. It can be regarded as having completed the strengthening effect of part of the protective gear.

Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho!

Ironclad Tyrannosaurus nodded vigorously. After clenching its fists, it could feel the explosive power contained in its body!

Now among all the armored tyrannosaurs, it feels that if it is purely physical, it has reached a limit!

"The next thing we have to do is to complete the remaining strengthening effects of the armor."

"Since the protective gear is a prop made of special metal, it means that if you want to strengthen it next, you should borrow the power of metal!"

"So I was thinking, you may be able to absorb some special iron ore to complete the next step of strengthening, and use yourself as a protective armor to forge, so as to exert the power of the armor!"

Aiwen talked about the next evolution method he had formulated for the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus. He continuously fused the power of various iron ores, using his body as a furnace, and successfully forged protective gear!

Without knowing the specific forging material of the protective gear, one can only try one kind of iron ore, and when the time comes to absorb the power of these iron ores, there may be the metal needed for forging the protective gear.

For Aiwen, Ironclad Tyrannosaurus has 100% trust. After getting the next evolutionary method, it immediately nodded vigorously and wrote it down, intending to try it in the next training process.

And when it comes to iron ore, when Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus was exercising itself under heavy pressure, it dug some iron ore, and now these iron ores can be used by Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus for exercise.

"Well, that's one of the evolutionary methods I thought of."

"In addition, elves like the big rock snake can actually evolve directly through high temperature and heavy pressure."

"Next, you may be able to help train the big rock snakes. If they can complete their evolution through this, it will also be of great reference to you."

After hearing Aiwen's words, the eyes of the armored tyrannosaurus immediately lit up, and looked to the ground in the distance, and immediately geared up.

Help the big rock snake with training? It is very good at this. I feel that this task is not a problem at all, and the big rock snake seems to be very good at digging holes. They can communicate well underground!

Ho ho ho!

Thinking of this, the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus couldn't wait to dig a hole, planning to find the big rock snake.

Ho ho ho!

When the other armored tyrannosaurs saw their boss leaving, they all scratched their heads and turned into the hole as well.

Feeling the constant vibrations coming from under him, Aiwen scratched his head, always feeling that this rocky mountain would be dug up and collapsed before long.

"It seems that the next step is to set the rules for digging holes for the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus and the Big Rock Snake." Ai Wen thought to himself.

Perhaps it would be a good choice to establish relatively fixed passages underground, allowing some rocky mountains and ground attribute elves to live in underground passages and caves, saving land resources.

In addition, the forge seems to have been built underground. He remembered that he had seen many movies in his previous life. Some forges were built underground, and they could even use the magma flowing underground to help forge.

After watching the iron armored tyrannosaurus leave, Aiwen also left the rock mountain. Helping the rock snake evolve must not be completed in a short time. He must further improve the rock snake's training plan.

In addition, if the rock snake wants to evolve into a big steel snake, there is another way to use the metal film as a prop. This is similar to the evolution of the armored Tyrannosaurus relying on protective gear, and it can also be a research target.

If that is what Master McGinn researched about turning stones into gold, maybe you can invite Master McGinn to study together. Presumably, as a blacksmith, he and Iron-clad Tyrannosaurus should also have a lot in common.

Time flies so quickly.

The carriage from the iron-blooded fortress slowly approached the elf collar.

At this time, there are already many people in Chengguo Village, outside the Elfland, welcoming the new convoy approaching.

Many merchants among them are waiting for the arrival of goods from the Iron-Blooded Fortress and along the way.

At the same time, there were also many civilians, who came to welcome their relatives. After living a good life in the elves, they wrote letters one after another to ask the convoy to take the caravan to the Iron-Blood Fortress, so that their waiting family members could reunite.


At this moment, the ground trembled.

After seeing this scene, everyone immediately became excited.

Looking over, the first thing they saw was a big rock snake with a height of more than ten meters.

Then they saw the armored rhino and the tank skunk following the rock snake, and the long convoy behind them.

"Here they come."

"I don't know if my family members have come with this group of people."

Seeing this, the civilians were all excited, but there were knights on the scene to maintain order, so they didn't rush forward rashly.

"Hey, what are so many civilians planning to do?"

On the big rock snake, a big man with a strong physique and wearing thin clothes asked.

Seeing this, Caesar, who was riding on the Iron Armored Rhinoceros, looked up and smiled, "They should all be waiting to be reunited with their families."

"Family." Master McGinn nodded, and then touched the big rock snake under him, "When can we see Lord Aiwen?"

"After the handover of Chengguo Village, we can go directly to Chunbai Town. Lord Aiwen is already waiting for you in the castle of Chunhe Town. We can go directly there."

As Caesar spoke, he glanced at Master McGinn who was in front of him, and he was slightly relieved.

At this time, he couldn't help but think of the time when he met Master McGinn just now. At that time, Master McGinn was very indifferent, and even felt that it would be a waste of time to say a few more words with him.

But after seeing the painting he took out, Master McGinn's expression was completely different, and he asked eagerly if he had seen the monster in this painting.

That eager look really formed a very sharp contrast with the previous attitude, and when he heard that it was handed over to him by Master Aiwen, he agreed to go to the elf collar without saying a word.

Now he is really curious about what kind of magical power Master Aiwen's painting has, and why it can make Master McGinn's face change so quickly!

The convoy drove quickly on the grass, and finally came to the outside of Chengguo Village. When the convoy stopped, a large number of civilians still couldn't wait to leave the carriage.

Seeing this, the knights who maintained the order of the convoy immediately came over to maintain order, and led these civilians to the grass outside Chengguo Village, allowing them to reunite with their families.

Master McGinn stared blankly at the scene in front of him. After a while, he turned his head and gently stroked the big rock snake. For him, the big rock snake was his only family member.

"Master McGinn, please wait here for a moment."

"I need to guide the family members of my companions. They couldn't come to welcome them for some reason."

Caesar spoke to Master McGinn beside him, and then quickly jumped off the armored rhino's back.

"Well, let's go." McGinn nodded, "Anyway, I've been waiting for so long, so I'm not afraid to wait a little longer."

After getting the response, Caesar quickly walked towards the open space in the distance, where some civilians were surrounded.

They looked at the reunited civilians in the distance, all of them showed envy on their faces, and at the same time, there was a trace of expectation and anxiety in their eyes.

These civilians belonged to the families of the knights. Although they heard the news that Lord Aiwen had forgiven the Jagged Knight before coming here, they were still uneasy at this moment.

"You don't have to worry, you'll know later if I've lied to you." Caesar came to these commoners and comforted him with a smile, "It's like me, even being retained as a knight."

Hearing that, these civilians felt a little relieved, and smiled in front of Caesar, followed closely behind him, and walked in the direction of Chengguo Village.

Jerry and Principal Chigurh are standing in a clearing.

At this time, Jerry's face was very complicated, with expectations and worries.

He was looking forward to reuniting with his family, and he was also worried that his family would not agree to go to the elfland.

After all, his original family ran a tailor shop in the Iron-Blooded Fortress. If he really came to the Elfland, everything may have to start all over again except for the unknown life.

Therefore, Jerry himself is actually very entangled now. He not only hopes that his family can come, but also hopes that his family can continue to live his own life.

"Jerry. Jerry!"

Suddenly, Jerry heard a familiar voice.

He immediately turned his head to look in the direction of the sound, and immediately saw the figure in the dream.

"Dad, Dad!" Behind this figure, there was an eight-year-old girl who was holding her mother's hand tightly.

"Susan, Lulu!"

Looking at these two figures, Jerry's eyes dimmed instantly.

The next moment, he finally couldn't bear it anymore, and ran towards the two figures quickly, hugging his wife and daughter into his arms.

"When I heard that the Iron Knights had lost and all the knights were taken prisoner, I was really terrified."

"It's great to see that you're fine now, great." Susan hugged her husband tightly into her arms.

"Father, I miss you too." Little Lulu's big eyes were full of tears.

Jerry quickly comforted his wife and daughter, "Well, I miss you too, don't worry, Master Ivan is very kind, I'm fine."

"Jerry, we are finally relieved to see that you are fine." In the distance, two old people came.

Hearing the gentle voice in his ears, Jerry suddenly knelt on the ground, "Mom and Dad, I have let you down."

"There's nothing to be disappointed about."

"You were our pride before, and so are you now."

"There is nothing shameful in teaching people to read and write. Work hard. We will settle down in Chengguo Village and wait for you to come back."

The two old men shook their heads, helped up their son in front of them, and stroked Jerry's face with trembling hands, as if they couldn't get enough of it.

"Mom and Dad, the tailor shop in the Iron Fortress" Jerry opened his mouth.

"It's closed." The two old people smiled lightly, "As long as our family can be together, it's closed."

"In addition, we still have our craftsmanship. Maybe we can also open a tailor shop in Chengguo Village. Although it's our first time here, I already like it."

The old man's eyes looked around, looking at those happily embracing figures, his eyes softened, even in the Iron-Blood Fortress, they had all heard of Lord Aiwen's kindness.

"Jerry, don't worry, we are outside to help you take care of your family."

"Uncles and aunts all have craftsmen, and Master Aiwen takes care of the craftsmen the most. It will not be difficult for them to open another tailor shop."

"In addition, little Lulu has reached the age where she can go to school now. When the time comes, I will find a way to let little Lulu also go to Chengguo Village Junior School, and you will be able to see little Lulu often."

Caesar also came over at this time, and smiled at Jerry in front of him.

Hearing this sentence, especially the latter sentence where you can often see little Lulu, Jerry's eyes dimmed again.

"There is no problem with this. I will help little Lulu go through the admission formalities later."

"Since you have come to the elf land, you are the citizens of the elf land. Master Aiwen said that everyone in the land should receive education."

Principal Zieg also came over at this time, "As for the tailor shop, I just got the news that Master Aiwen wants to make a batch of school uniforms in a unified way, and you can just help."

Another piece of good news. Jerry and his family members looked at each other and nodded vigorously. They felt once again that life can still be so beautiful.

In the distance, the family members of the Jagged Knight watched the scene in front of them quietly, with smiles on their faces, the stone in their hearts finally fell to the ground, and anticipation appeared in their eyes.

"Families of other teachers, please come with me too."

"Your family members are already waiting at the school now."

Quickly following Principal Zieg, the flow of people began to move quickly, heading towards the school outside Chengguo Village.

"Huh, it's really great." Caesar said sincerely in his heart.

At this moment, he thought of what Master Aiwen had told him to bring back as many of the knight's family as possible, which he did.

Now, only the matter of Master McGinn remained. He looked at the big rock snake that was conspicuous in the distance, and walked over quickly.

"Is everything finished?" Master McGinn asked in a low voice.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Caesar felt that the voice of the master blacksmith in front of him seemed to be much softer.

"Well, it's done, let's go to Pure White Town now." Caesar nodded.

Afterwards, he took the goods that needed to be transported to Pure White Town, and the civilians who were going to Pure White Town and continued to move forward.

Soon, they came to Pure White Town. Looking at the spacious street in front of them, McKim stopped the big rock snake, "Let's make a detour."

"No, no, let's go straight through."

Caesar smiled and shook his head, "This is not the Iron-Blood Fortress. Master Aiwen is completely different from elves."

As he said that, he directly rode the Iron Armored Rhino into Pure White Town. The main road of Pure White Town is very spacious, even a huge rock snake can easily pass through it.

Mai Jin rode the big rock snake and looked around vigilantly. He could see people looking at the big rock snake from time to time, but they were just watching from a distance.

At the same time, he also saw that most of the civilians in the city were followed by monsters, and the relationship between these monsters and the civilians seemed to be very harmonious, following obediently.

"It's incredible, isn't it?"

"Many people who come to Pure White Town for the first time will be surprised by the scene in front of them."

"But as long as you live here for a while, you will understand that humans and elves can live in harmony in Pure White Town. For us, elves are our family."

After hearing Caesar's words, McGinn was startled suddenly, then lowered his head slightly, and touched the back of the big rock snake. Suddenly, the corner of his mouth drew an arc, and he muttered to himself, "Are you family?"

After quickly passing through the southern area of ​​Pure White Town and entering the trainer area in the eastern area, the number of elves became significantly more. At the same time, McKim also saw various shops related to elves.

"Is it the city of elves?" McGinn kept scanning his eyes, "It is indeed an incredible city, and I found myself falling in love with it!"

While speaking, he looked down at the parchment in his hand, even if he didn't get the Midas touch method he wanted this time, maybe he could stay here.

Soon they passed through Pure White Town, and after leaving the east gate, they could already see the shadow of the castle.

After arriving at the castle, Caesar was relieved, and after notifying the walking grass rooted at the door, they waited quietly for Master Aiwen's summons.

In the castle at this time, Aiwen was standing in front of a big tree. On the big tree, there were more than a dozen weeds hanging on the branches, and the figure of the gentleman moth was flying in the air, as if training the knots. Grass.


At this moment, Walking Grass quickly ran over to report the situation.

"En? Are you back?" Ivan picked up the walking grass and walked towards the castle.

At the same time, the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus, who had been waiting by the side, followed immediately, with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

"Master Aiwen!"

After seeing Ai Wen, Caesar immediately knelt down on one knee to salute.

And Master McGinn looked at Aiwen up and down. The lord was really much younger than he believed.

It's hard to believe that it was this young lord who defeated the Iron-Blooded Marquis and successfully established a new order in the Iron-Blooded Fortress.

Then, his eyes fell on the iron armored tyrannosaurus next to Aiwen, and he was suddenly taken aback when he saw the dark body that was completely different from the ordinary iron armored tyrannosaurus.

Relying on the eyes of the master blacksmith, he immediately saw the traces of the iron-clad tyrannosaurus being scorched by flames, which caused some changes to the rock body of the iron-clad tyrannosaurus.

At this time, the dark body looked a bit like steel, which made McKinn's heart jump, thinking of the touchstone that he had been studying all along, could it be that Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus did it?

"Master McGinn, this is the first time we meet, I am the lord of the elves, Aiwen."

Aiwen didn't care about the disrespect of the master blacksmith, and stretched out his hand first with a smile.

Only then did Master McGinn react, and looked at Ai Wen's outstretched hand, his whole body was shocked. Instead of shaking Ai Wen's hand, he bowed slightly, "McGinn has seen Mr. Ai Wen."

"Master McGinn, don't be too polite." Ai Wen stretched out his hand to support the master blacksmith in front of him.

After seeing this scene, Nishizawa on the side quietly breathed a sigh of relief. This meeting was much better than he imagined, and he never thought that this proud master blacksmith would salute Mr. Aiwen. He really deserves to be Mr. Aiwen people.

"Cesis, this trip to the Iron-Blooded Fortress has worked hard for you, you should go down and have a good rest."

After hearing his words, Caesar hurriedly saluted, "It is my honor to be able to serve Master Aiwen!"

After saluting, he also knew that Master Aiwen and Master McGinn had something to say, bowed back and left the castle with the armored rhinoceros.

"Is this your big rock snake?"

"The cultivation is indeed very good, and the strength of the body is very strong. It can be seen that you should have been specially trained."

Aiwen's eyes fell on McKim's big rock snake. Now that Master McKinn is here, it means that his original guess was right.

"Thank you Lord Aiwen for your compliment."

"The monster in your painting. Have you ever seen it?"

McGinn finally couldn't help asking, and while speaking, he subconsciously glanced at the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus beside him.

He could feel a powerful wave of energy from the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus. Even though his Big Rock Serpent had reached the peak of the advanced Warcraft level, it still seemed to be inferior.

Not only the breath, but also the physical contrast is more intense, which makes him feel that Mr. Aiwen really knows the news of turning stone into gold.

"You mean big steel snake?"

McGinn's eyes lit up, and Master Aiwen did know the information about this monster.

"You should have seen the big steel snake, right? That's why you thought of turning stone into gold, right?"

"Well, what you think is not wrong, the Big Steel Snake is indeed the evolved form of the Big Rock Snake."

"Also, the Big Steel Snake is still of the steel attribute, changing from a rock attribute to a steel attribute is indeed turning stone into gold!"

This time, McGinn was stunned, and Mr. Aiwen actually spoke out his hard work all the time!

This was the first time he heard such affirmative approval from others, and he really heard that the big steel snake had evolved from the big rock snake, which confirmed his long-standing guess!

"Master Aiwen, do you know how to turn a stone into gold?" He stammered a bit.

"Well, I do know."

"The big rock snake has experienced the baptism of high temperature and heavy pressure underground, and there is a certain chance of successfully completing evolution."

At this moment, McGinn was a little stunned. He didn't expect that he could get the method to make the big rock snake evolve into a big steel snake so easily.

And this answer seems a bit too simple, it only needs high temperature and heavy pressure. Thinking of this, he shook his head again. It is simple to say, but it must be very difficult to actually do it.

"Of course, this is far from simple as we imagined."

"Under natural circumstances, it may take decades or even hundreds of years for the big rock snake to use high temperature and heavy pressure to complete its evolution."

McKinn showed such a look on his face, and then looked at the Iron-clad Tyrannosaurus once again. With the high temperature and heavy pressure, the Iron-clad Tyrannosaurus seemed to have traces of being forged by these two forces.

"You guessed it right, Ironclad Tyrannosaurus experienced high temperature and heavy pressure."

"Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus, like the Rock Snake, can use this method to evolve, but I'm still researching the specific method."

Aiwen looked at the master blacksmith in front of him, and through Kirulian's power, he was also observing the master blacksmith in front of him.

Seeing this, McGinn was shocked. He glanced at the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus, and then at his big rock snake, with a determined look in his eyes.

Then he suddenly knelt down on one knee in front of Aiwen, and performed a very standard salute of allegiance, "Master Aiwen, I hope to participate in your research and complete the Midas touch!"

ps: On the 20th day in a row, 700 monthly tickets have been added.

In addition, when I made a typo, I have already seen it once, and if there are still mistakes, please help me to pick it out, my head is a little dizzy.

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