Pokemon from Scratch

Chapter 296 The Poké Ball Appears on the Stage of History

Among the rocky mountains, Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus and Big Rock Snake are wrestling.

Although the huge rock snake has a huge body size of more than ten meters, it is not stronger than the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus at this time.

Even faintly suppressed by the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus, his figure was constantly retreating, leaving a deep mark on the ground.

"What an amazing power!"

"As expected of an elf who has reached quasi-king level purely by relying on physical strength!"

After watching this scene, McGinn showed emotion on his face. He rarely saw that his big rock snake would suffer in terms of strength.

"Your big rock snake is not bad either. As long as you complete the evolution, you will definitely be able to step into the quasi-king class."

"Even with further cultivation, it is not impossible to rely on a strong body to directly step into the king class."

Ai Wen smiled slightly, and it can be seen that in order to complete the touch, McKim has done a lot of exercise on the body of the big rock snake.

Among them, the big rock snake has swallowed a lot of iron ore, relying on the steel attribute energy contained in the iron ore to strengthen its body.

And this kind of training method is exactly similar to the next evolution method of Iron-clad Tyrannosaurus that he thought about before, which shows that this kind of training method is indeed effective.

After having a common language, the conversation between the two became much more harmonious. At this moment, Master McGinn only had the feeling of seeing each other late. The knowledge of this lord lord exceeded his imagination.

Especially in terms of understanding of the elves, in addition to knowing the existence of the big steel snake, the other party also knew much more about the big rock snake than him.

Ho ho ho!

The figure of the big rock snake kept retreating.

Then, I saw white light flashing suddenly on the body of the big rock snake, and immediately resorted to a slamming move!

On the opposite side, the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus was burning with flames, and immediately saw waves of terrifying high temperature emanating from it, distorting the space.

As it stepped out, the entire ground trembled violently. The advantage in weight made the heavy pressure contained in the armored tyrannosaurus step, and a shock wave swept in all directions in an instant!

"So strong, is this the high temperature and heavy pressure move?"

"If you use this high temperature and heavy pressure for forging, you can indeed create perfect ironware!"

The master blacksmith gasped in admiration. He could only create this high temperature and pressure with an iron furnace and an iron hammer.

But Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus just stood there, and at this moment, the whole body exuded high temperature and heavy pressure. To some extent, Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus was indeed a perfect blacksmith!


In the field, the two elves collided fiercely.

Accompanied by a roar, the huge body of the big rock snake was directly knocked out.

In front of the armored Tyrannosaurus who used high temperature and heavy pressure moves, the big rock snake has no ability to resist at all!

"The battle is over." Ivan smiled.

Afterwards, he also took out the healing potion and walked towards the field to restore the strength of the two elves.

McGinn nodded, "The Big Rock Snake lost. With the high temperature and heavy pressure, it's hard to imagine how Master Aiwen's Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus was trained."

"Well, it was also an accident to discover this exercise method."

"I can't help it. At that time, the Elven Territory was still a small territory, and I couldn't even find a blacksmith, so I had to let the Iron-clad Tyrannosaurus try to forge iron."

"Unexpectedly, Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus was very talented in blacksmithing, and also used it to master the power of fire, creating a unique training method."

After hearing Aiwen's words, McKim also showed admiration on his face. This armored tyrannosaur was indeed a natural blacksmith, and he was able to perform the task of a blacksmith relying on his own strength.

He has also seen the ironware made by the armored tyrannosaurus before. Although they still look very rough, they can be compared to a master blacksmith in terms of iron purification and calcination.

Thinking of this, his face showed firmness, and he stroked his chest with his right hand and said, "Master Aiwen, leave the iron forging in the territory to me in the future."

"Although I haven't forged iron for a while, my technology is not behind at all in order to study the touchstone into gold. I have even improved in the method of iron ore purification."

He has not forgotten the reason Caesar Cavaliers came to him in the first place. The elf leader needs a master blacksmith. Now that he has chosen his allegiance, he will naturally take on his responsibilities!

He also has full confidence in Mr. Aiwen. Here he will be able to realize his dream, touch stones into gold, and let the big rock snake successfully evolve into a big steel snake!

"I just wanted to see your forging skills."

"There is a blacksmith shop in the rock mountain, we can forge iron here."

Aiwen's eyes lit up. The main purpose of his recruitment of blacksmith masters was to create elf balls. The evolution research of rock snakes and armored tyrannosaurus can only be regarded as a surprise.

"Okay, then I'll show off today."

"At the same time, I'm also very curious about how Iron-clad Tyrannosaurus made iron."

McGinn let out a hearty laugh, and then the two went up the mountain together and came to the blacksmith shop where the armored Tyrannosaurus was trained.

Since this blacksmith shop was used for the training of Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus, it looked very simple, but Master McGinn didn't care about it.

After he entered the blacksmith's shop, he checked everywhere. There were all the normal tools in this blacksmith's shop, and it could be seen that they had been specially prepared.

However, the forging tools such as hammers all look brand new. Obviously, when the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus rex forged iron, it did not use any forging tools.

Skillfully picked up the hammer, Master McGinn swung it twice with ease. This hammer, which Ivan struggled to pick up, seemed to have no weight at all in Master McGinn's hands.

Afterwards, his eyes turned to a round iron ball on the forging table, and suddenly he let out a light snort. After picking up the iron ball and inspecting it carefully, he faintly noticed that there was a special surface on the iron ball. texture.

According to his judgment, this iron ball was obviously tempered with special forging techniques, and only regular tapping could produce regular lines, but he couldn't imagine the effect of these special lines.

"Looks like you figured it out too."

"I was looking for a master blacksmith just to forge a special piece of iron."

Seeing Master McGinn's concentration in front of him, Aiwen smiled slightly, "I wonder if Master McKinn can also create this special pattern."

"As long as you tell me the forging skills, I should be able to do it." The master blacksmith said confidently.

"Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus, please demonstrate it to Master McGinn."

After hearing his words, the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus roared excitedly, and quickly came to the iron stove.

Then I saw it directly picked up the wood on the side, burning flames on the fist, and quickly ignited the wood.

Under the terrifying high temperature, the wood was burned red immediately, and then it was directly put into the stove by the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus, and then it punched out a raging flame, adding another fire.

Master McGinn next to him was a little stunned. The way the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus lit the furnace was really simple and rude, but the furnace was indeed lit, and the intense flames rushed out with waves of heat!

Ho ho ho!

At this time, the armored Tyrannosaurus also came to the forging table and picked up the iron ball for training.

During this process, it stuck its hand into the stove from time to time, directly using its body to feel the temperature in the stove.

At this time, the raging flames had no way of harming the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus. Seeing Master McGinn raised his brows, he sighed secretly that it was indeed a body that had undergone high-temperature training.

When the temperature was about the same, the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus put the iron ball in its hand into the furnace. As the flame continued to burn, the whole iron ball quickly turned red.

The Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus rex took out the burning red iron ball from the iron furnace with one hand, and then put it on the forging table. At this time, the other hand was also wrapped in flames, and it punched heavily.

Boom boom boom!

As the armored tyrannosaurus continued to wave its fists, the iron ball was immediately hit by sparks.

The powerful force continuously knocked on the iron ball, making the iron ball start to have a series of knock marks on it.

Constantly adjusting the position of the iron ball, the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus kept waving its fists, and with the constant beating, its whole body could be seen trembling constantly.

McGinn's eyes were fixed on the iron ball in the hands of the Iron-clad Tyrannosaurus. He didn't come back to his senses until the Iron-clad Tyrannosaurus was fired and put the iron ball into the pool beside it.

He looked at the iron ball on the forging platform, and then at the iron-clad tyrannosaurus that was slowly extinguishing the flames on his body. He was still in a daze. It was indeed because the forging method of the iron-clad tyrannosaurus was too shocking.

"Master McGinn, how do you feel?" Ivan asked in a low voice.

Although he often watched Ironclad Tyrannosaurus forging Poké Balls, he was also shocked every time he saw it. Ironclad Tyrannosaurus forging has a violent beauty.

"Well, there's no problem, I can try it." McGinn closed his eyes and recalled.

Although the forging method of Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus was very rough, he still noticed the forging method of Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus.

Afterwards, he also took the hammer to the forging platform. Since the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus had already lit the fire, he could directly forge it.

boom boom boom~

Not long after, Master McGinn waved the hammer in his hand,

Holding the hammer tightly with both hands, Aiwen could see that the master blacksmith seemed to have a special set of force-exerting skills.

It is this force technique that allows Master McGinn to continuously swing the hammer in his hand, and this is also the most difficult in the forging of the Poké Ball.

As long as the forging is started, it must be done in one go to form a special capsule-like structure in the cone. This is like blowing up a balloon, and it must be blown up in one go.

boom boom boom~

One after another, the same pattern appeared on the iron ball.

After watching this scene, Aiwen couldn't help nodding his head. He really deserves to be a master blacksmith, and he is completely qualified for the work of the elf ball.

Master McGinn was also constantly observing the iron ball while forging, and when it was about the same time, he directly picked up the iron ball with iron clips and put it into the water.


Amidst the billowing white smoke, the master blacksmith heaved a sigh of relief.

bang bang~

Seeing this, Ivan gave applause without the slightest stinginess.

He has been looking for the master blacksmith and finally found it, and the production of poke balls seems to be on the right track.

"Thank you, Mr. Aiwen." McGinn wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Huh, the difficulty of forging this iron ball is indeed quite high, even I have some difficulty."

While saying this, his gaze involuntarily looked at the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus who didn't respond at all.

Compared with the elves, the human body is still too weak. He heard that the armored tyrannosaurus can knock for a day without any pressure, and the gap is really too big.

However, the fine forging work still needs to be done by humans, which is also very difficult for elves to do.

"Indeed, the previous blacksmiths all failed." Ivan smiled helplessly, "Master McGinn seems to have a special set of force-exerting skills."

Hearing his straightforward words, the master blacksmith didn't feel disgusted, but instead smiled freely: "If Master Aiwen needs it, I can pass this set of techniques to other blacksmiths."

Seeing what he said, Ai Wen also breathed a sigh of relief. In this case, there will be several more blacksmiths in the territory who can make poke balls, so that the production of poke balls can be increased.

Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho!

Hearing that there was a special technique for exerting force, the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus immediately rushed forward.

It knows how powerful these special power-generating techniques are, and besides being used for forging iron, it can also be used for fighting.

Relying on its strong physical fitness and strength skills, it successfully defeated the quasi-king-level leader Nido King when it was at the advanced level of monsters!

Although there was a huge advantage in having attributes that time, the skill of exerting force also played a decisive role, so every time it saw a new blacksmith, it couldn't help but ask for advice!

"Okay, I'll teach you now." McGinn was also very interested in the training method of the Iron-clad Tyrannosaurus.

If he could get the Ironclad Tyrannosaurus training method, he could give it to his big rock snake.

Master Aiwen has clearly said that high temperature and heavy pressure can help the rock snake evolve. Thinking of the scene of the iron-clad Tyrannosaurus burning with flames all over his body, he felt hot in his heart.

Ho ho ho!

Ironclad Tyrannosaurus nodded happily, and then used his usual training method.

Flames were burning all over his body, and under the high temperature and heavy pressure moves, it could be seen that the high temperature and heavy pressure were constantly burning the body of the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus.

Then, it stretched out its fist and began to forge iron. It hit the iron block in front of it time and time again. While swinging the fist, you could see a gust of fist wind, and when the fist hit the iron block, the arm trembled uncontrollably.

"Is this the training method of Ironclad Tyrannosaurus?" McGinn frowned.

The flames continuously burned the body of the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus. It was the forging with high temperature and heavy pressure that made its body so dark and continuously burned the impurities in the body!

The process of forging iron is actually the same. After the pig iron is calcined and hammered, the impurities in it will be knocked out, and refined iron is calcined in this way.

What the Iron-clad Tyrannosaurus is doing now can be said to be a self-harming training method, but he vaguely feels that this is not the case. The Iron-clad Tyrannosaurus does not seem to have suffered any damage from the shock.

After a while, Ironclad Tyrannosaurus stopped his blacksmithing training, and looked eagerly at Master McGinn.

"I see, now I will teach you the special technique of exerting force." Master McGinn nodded, picked up the hammer at the side and walked over.

Looking at Master McGinn and Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus who were blacksmithing together, Ivan smiled slightly, and then came to the big rock snake and began to observe this big guy.

The big rock snakes themselves can absorb the substances contained in them by devouring minerals to strengthen their bodies. Due to swallowing a large amount of iron ore, the bodies of the big rock snakes also undergo some changes.

Ho ho ho!

Seeing Aiwen approaching, the big rock snake twisted its body.

"Relax, I'm just helping you check your body." Ivan patted the big rock snake's body.

Constantly beating the stones that make up the body of the big rock snake, his figure suddenly paused at the tail of the big rock snake.

From the strength of the tail and the marks left on the stone, he could easily tell that this big rock snake should be very good at attacking with its tail.

Slightly closing his eyes, he directly mobilized his mental power and began to sense, and immediately felt waves of familiar steel attribute energy fluctuations on the tail of the big rock snake.

"It seems that the big rock snake hit the tail with all the energy of the iron ore it swallowed."

"Maybe it's a subconscious behavior. This can indeed strengthen the tail and thus enhance your attack power!"

Aiwen's face showed contemplation, and then he said to the Big Rock Snake, "Big Rock Snake, do you feel a wave of energy in your tail?"

After hearing his words, the big rock snake was stunned for a moment, and then nodded immediately. It could indeed feel an inexplicable energy in its tail recently.

Since it didn't feel any discomfort, it didn't care too much, and now it doesn't know why Ivan suddenly asked this.

"That's it, do you want to try to control this energy?" Ivan continued.

This time, the big rock snake was stunned for a moment. After looking at its master in the distance, it pondered for a while and then nodded. It had a faint feeling that as long as it could master this energy, it would become stronger.

"Okay, then you can drink this." Ivan smiled and took out a bottle of potion, "This is a bottle of steel mixture, which contains steel attribute energy."

As the potion bottle was opened, the big rock snake immediately felt a wave of energy fluctuations, which was very similar to the energy it sensed from its tail.

After hesitating for a while, the Big Rock Snake couldn't control the longing in his heart at first, and stretched his head over to let Ai Wen pour the medicine into his mouth.

After drinking the steel mixture, the big rock snake immediately felt a wave of energy surging in its body, and then a voice appeared from the bottom of its heart—concentrate all this energy on its tail, and then burst out!

Subconsciously, the big rock snake chose to obey, and mobilized the energy that entered the body, and mobilized it directly towards the position of the tail.

It was like dry wood meeting a raging fire, and all the energy condensed at the tail of the big rock snake also boiled. Seeing this, the big rock snake quickly condensed all the energy on its tail.

Accompanied by the complete explosion of energy, its tail was completely wrapped in a bright white light, and a powerful wave of energy radiated out in all directions.

Ho Ho Ho Ho!

The armored tyrannosaurus, which was still forging iron in the distance, stopped the movement of its hands for an instant, and looked over.

At this time, McKinn's eyes also fell on his big rock snake, with a look of surprise on his face, not knowing what had happened to his big rock snake.

Ho ho ho!

The big rock snake let out a roar, and its tail slammed down heavily.

The whole ground trembled in an instant, and the place where the ground was hit by the tail of the big rock snake instantly shattered, and cracks like spider webs spread in all directions!

After a full half a minute, the smoke and dust in the field slowly dissipated, revealing the big rock snake looking at its own tail, still a little stunned.

"Master Aiwen, are you okay?" McKim also quickly ran over to ask about the situation.

At the same time, he looked at the Big Rock Snake with a puzzled expression. He didn't know why the Big Rock Snake would attack suddenly, and what was the reason for such a powerful attack?

"I'm fine, I just taught the Big Rock Snake a new move." Ivan waved his hand at McGinn.

Afterwards, he came to the big rock snake, patted the big rock snake's tail and said with a smile: "Big guy, congratulations on successfully learning the iron tail move."

At this time, McKim also reacted, and the bright white light wrapped around the tail of the big rock snake that he saw before sounded. Has the big rock snake learned a new move?

"Well, this move is called Iron Tail, and it's a steel attribute move."

"Actually, you let the big rock snake eat the iron ore energy, which has been accumulated in the tail position. I just used the steel mixture to guide it out."

Ai Wen simply told what happened just now. The steel mixture was prepared by him with manberry fruit containing steel energy in order to assist the armored Tyrannosaurus rex to master the energy of the steel attribute.

"Thank you, Mr. Aiwen." McGinn quickly expressed his thanks.

"However. What exactly is the energy of the steel attribute you mentioned?"

"Is the iron contained in those iron ores the energy of the steel attribute?"

He thought of what Ai Wen had said before, and he faintly felt that this might be the key to turning stones into gold.

"Iron ore does contain steel attribute energy, but it's very weak."

"As for the real steel attribute energy, you will know when Emperor Nabo comes over."

Ai Wen smiled slightly. Steel-attributed elves are very rare, especially in the ancient world of elves. Historical experience told him that many steel-attributed elves evolved slowly later.

Especially after humans entered the industrial age, when the steel attribute elves appeared the most, this relatively fixed attribute was formed.

"Lord Aiwen, what do you want us to do?" At this moment, Kalei's figure came from a distance.

At this time, the former lord of Binhai City was wearing very ordinary civilian clothes. If he walked on the street, he would not be conspicuous at all.

This is because he wants to experience the life of civilians in Pure White Town, which may play a role in the governance of Binhai City in the future.

After seeing the happy life of the civilians in Chunbai Town, he couldn't wait to lead the development of Binhai City on the right track.

"Well, there are indeed some facts for you."

"This is the master blacksmith McGinn. He wants to see the steel attribute energy of Emperor Nabo."

Aiwen smiled, and now according to his popular science, Kalei has a very good understanding of steel attribute energy.


After hearing his words, Emperor Nabo also waved his wings happily.

Then I saw steel attribute energy condensed on its wings, and the bright white energy fluctuations kept shining, emitting powerful energy fluctuations!

There is a sharpness in this energy, it can feel the strength of steel attribute energy, this energy can enhance the strength of the slash, it really fits its fighting style.

"Is this steel attribute energy?" Master McGinn's gaze was completely attracted by this energy at this time.

This reminded him of the big steel-covered snake he had seen in the mine back then, and this bright white energy fluctuation also radiated from his body.

There is also the energy wrapped around the tail of the big steel snake, which is also this kind of bright white light.

"Emperor Nabo, how is the metal claw training going?" Ivan asked with a smile.

During this period of time, he also formulated a series of training plans for Emperor Napoleon.


Emperor Nabo nodded, and the steel attribute energy condensed and wrapped the claws.

The faint steel attribute energy spread continuously, faintly turning into a giant energy claw!

The next moment, its figure rushed out, and directly grabbed the rocky mountain in front of it fiercely. After touching the hard rock, its claws penetrated into it without any hindrance!

After using the metal claws, Emperor Nabo waved his wings in satisfaction. Of course, learning the metal claw moves is just the beginning, and his next step is to integrate the metal claw moves into his slashing!

"This is steel attribute energy."

"If you want to complete the evolution of the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus and the Big Rock Serpent, they may need to master the energy of the steel attribute."

Aiwen turned around and explained to Master McGinn that the conspicuous bright white energy fluctuations had clearly demonstrated the existence of this energy.

Thinking about it this way, turning stone into gold has become easier. As long as the energy of the steel attribute can be integrated into the rock, it seems that the rock can be slowly transformed into metal.

"Master Aiwen, can we really achieve the touch of stone?" McGinn said with a trembling voice.

He never thought that he would be so close to turning stone into gold, but now thinking about it, he suddenly felt unreal.

"Well, it's not too difficult for Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus and Big Rock Serpent to master steel attribute energy."

"However, it is still somewhat difficult to transform the rock bodies of the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus and the Big Rock Serpent with steel-attributed energy."

"Of course, being difficult doesn't mean it's impossible. In fact, besides turning stones into gold, there are many ways to turn other substances into metals."

Ai Wen smiled slightly, and this time Master McGinn was even more stunned. Apart from stones, other things can also be successfully transformed into metals. Is this really possible?

"It seems that you don't believe it, so I'll prove it to you."

"Karec, Emperor Nabo, you guys should also take a look, maybe it will be helpful for you to practice steel attribute moves."

With that said, Aiwen walked towards the backyard of the castle. At this time, on the big tree in the backyard, more than a dozen weeds were wrapped in leaves and were resting.

After seeing Aiwen coming, these weeds opened their eyes one after another, and uttered a sound of insects to say hello to Aiwen.

"Jiao Cao'er, are you ready?" Ivan asked with a smile.

Seeing this, Jie Cao'er looked at each other, nodded very seriously, and jumped down from the tree one after another.

"Let's go to the rock mountain first, so that Jiecao'er can first grasp the energy of the rock attribute."

Regarding what Ivan said, McGinn and Kalei looked at each other, and they both recognized that everything seemed to be related to Jiecao'er.

But what is the special connection between this caterpillar, which can be seen everywhere, and turning stone into gold?

Ignoring the two people with inexplicable faces behind them, Aiwen brought the knot grass to the rocky mountain. At this time, in the midair, the gentleman moth also slowly showed its figure.

"Come on, let me see the results of your training during this time."

After entering the rocky mountain, he put the knot grass in the sand.

chirping chirping~

Jie Cao'er nodded, then quickly shook off the green leaves on her body, and buried her body in the sand.

At the same time, it can be understood that when Jiecaoer shakes off the green leaves on his body, there is a faint grass-attribute energy exuding from his body.

After its body was buried in the sand, it could be seen that the surrounding sand began to flow rapidly, wrapping towards Jiecao'er's body.

Their bodies exude a faint grass-attribute energy, and when the sand covers them, the grass-attribute energy on their bodies recedes slowly, and at the same time, a wave of brown-yellow energy surges out!

"Is this rock attribute energy?"

"Has the energy surging in Jiecao'er changed?"

Seeing the changes in Jie Cao'er, McGinn was taken aback. He was too familiar with this brown-yellow energy fluctuation.

"That's right, Jiecao'er can have three different states."

"When the grass is wrapped in leaves, it is in the form of grass and trees; when it is wrapped in sand, it is in the form of sandy coir raincoat; when it is wrapped in garbage, it is in the form of garbage coir raincoat."

Ai Wen explained to the two people in front of him that although their own attributes would not change when the grass formed, the energy contained in the body would indeed change.

And when the grasses evolve, this energy will change their bodies, allowing them to absorb the corresponding energy during the process of completing the evolution, so that they have this attribute.

chirp chirp chirp~

Just as Ai Wen's voice fell, the knot grass in the field suddenly let out a cry.

Afterwards, a few of them were seen emitting bright white light from their bodies, and their figures were constantly changing in the light.

In the process of Jie Cao'er's evolution, it can be seen that the rock attribute energy on its body is constantly surging, and it is constantly integrated into Jie Cao'er's body.

When the white light dissipated, I saw that Jiecao'er's body had become much larger, and the sandy coir raincoat on her body had been integrated with its body, and at the same time, some changes could be seen in its body.

"Successfully evolved the energy fluctuation of the rock attribute on the body is also stronger."

Looking at the lady knotted in front of him, Mai Jin stepped forward to observe carefully, and immediately noticed that the body of the lady knotted grass was covered with hard rock formations.

"This is the sandy-soil cape form of the weedy lady, with the dual attributes of insects and rocks." Ivan explained with a smile.

"It's really incredible that Jiecao'er has rock skin."

McGinn also showed amazement on his face at this time, and then he thought of the three forms that Ivan said before, "Can the trash raincoat make the lady with grass have the steel attribute?"

"That's right, the trash cape can make the grass-knotted lady evolve into steel and worm attributes." Aiwen nodded.

She picked up the grass knots in the sand, comforted the grass knot lady who had completed evolution, and took the grass knots to the previously arranged garbage dump.

In his previous life, he also cultivated Grass in his elf cultivation house. After all, this is a very common insect-type elf, so he has experience in arranging garbage.

Every grass knot will have its favorite coir raincoat and complete the corresponding evolution. Regarding this point, Ivan chooses to fully respect the opinions of these grass knots.

Soon, they came to the garbage dump. Immediately, a few of the weeds shook off the sand and gravel from their bodies and entered the garbage dump. Afterwards, they saw waves of steel attribute energy surging from their bodies. .

Relying on their own ability to adapt to the environment, they quickly condensed a trash cloak and put it on their bodies. From this trash cloak, one could see a burst of metallic luster.

With the blessing of steel attribute energy, even the coir raincoat made of ordinary garbage has good hardness, which greatly enhances Jiecao'er's ability to protect itself.

chirping chirping~

Jie Cao'er twisted her body, constantly observing the coir raincoat on her body.

After a while, its face showed satisfaction, and at the same time, it could be seen that its body began to emit white light.

Three consecutive white lights flashed, and the energy of the steel attribute was constantly exuding in the field, and three grass-knotted ladies with dual attributes of steel and insects appeared in the field in the form of garbage capes!

"A noble lady with steel attributes."

"Ordinary caterpillars actually possess steel attributes."

"Turning a stone into gold, this is turning a stone into gold, even a caterpillar can complete its transformation, and a big rock snake can definitely do it!"

McGinn exhaled slowly, the confusion on his face had completely disappeared at this time, and he regained his confident look.

"That's right, the lady with steel attributes is our breakthrough point."

"The more we understand the energy of the steel attribute, and the more we understand the changes of the steel attribute to the elves, we can get closer and closer to the goal."

Aiwen hugged a grass-knotted lady on the ground. This is a research plan he has already formulated to strengthen the elf's body with steel attribute energy.

The easiest way is to devour all kinds of iron ore and substances containing steel-attribute energy, so that the steel-attribute energy can be integrated into one's body, just like the big rock snake does.

"Yes, Master Aiwen!"

"I will definitely study the energy of the steel attribute!"

McGinn suddenly knelt down on one knee, with a look of fanaticism in his eyes.

Now he is completely conquered by Ivan, expressing his loyalty from the heart!

Now Master Aiwen has helped him point out the path, as long as he follows Master Aiwen, he will be able to realize his dream!

"Well, I believe you!"

"Also, you can't stop forging."

"If the big rock snake wants to evolve into a big steel snake, in addition to the assistance of steel attribute energy, it still needs to go through high temperature and heavy pressure to make its body undergo qualitative changes."

At this time, Aiwen could also feel the sincerity of the other party, and nodded in satisfaction. This master blacksmith is indeed excellent, and he has also been recognized by him!

Thinking of this, he suddenly took out a white cone, "Now, help me forge this white cone first?"

Looking at the white cones in Aiwen's hands, the master blacksmith was a little stunned. Master Aiwen said, help him forge the white cones?

He looked up and down the white cone, and finally confirmed that it was an ordinary tree fruit. Are you sure you want to forge this kind of thing? Are you sure the tree fruit won't explode immediately after he goes down with the hammer?

"That's right, it's forging white cones."

"Since knots of grass can be converted from grass attributes to rock and steel attributes, why can't cones be used for forging?"

Seeing the mysterious smile on Aiwen's face, McGinn was shocked, then quickly lowered his head and said respectfully: "Master Aiwen, please teach me how to do it."

Returning to the blacksmith's shop again, Aiwen gave the white cone to the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus again, and asked him to demonstrate how to forge the white cone again.

Ho ho ho!

Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus nodded. It can be said that it is really proficient at forging poke balls and cannot be more proficient.

Watching the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus begin to light the iron furnace, and then put the white cones into it to roast at high temperature, McKinn held his breath.

At this time, this seemingly ordinary tree fruit was not directly reduced to ashes in the flames, but burned red like steel.

Afterwards, Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus placed the fruit on the forging platform, and began to strike the fruit like forging iron, sparks kept splashing out!

"The tree fruit... turned into iron ore?"

McGinn's eyes widened, feeling that what happened in front of him was so unimaginable.

Although he didn't know whether turning stone into gold could be realized, the iron ore turned from the tree fruit in front of him actually appeared in front of him!

zi la zi la zi la~

He didn't come back to his senses until the fruit was immersed in the water and white smoke came out.

"This is what the white cones look like after forging." Aiwen lowered the forged white cones, expecting: "Have you learned it?"

This is the first time he has shown the forging method of cones in front of the human beings in this world. For him, this is undoubtedly the prelude to the elf ball's appearance on the stage of history!

"Yes, Lord Aiwen!" McGinn nodded heavily, "I have learned it!"

"very good."

Ai Wen nodded, then looked at the sky in the distance, and a slight arc was drawn at the corner of his mouth.

"Remember, the thing you are about to forge is called a Poké Ball."

"And its function is to subdue the elves, and it can put the elves into the ball!"

As his voice fell, a poke ball appeared in his hand, and red light shot out quickly!

Under McGinn's unbelievable gaze, the figure of the armored Tyrannosaurus turned into a red light, and was quickly collected into the elf ball!

At this moment, the master blacksmith only felt a thunder in his mind, and a door to a new world slowly appeared in front of him!

ps: On the 21st day in a row, 800 monthly tickets have been added.

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