Pokemon from Scratch

Chapter 302 Yaknom VS Darkrai

Gradually, the whole sky dimmed.

Ghost attribute elves are the darlings of the night, which can make their combat effectiveness stronger.

Groups of will-o'-the-wisps floated on the battlefield, devouring all the enemies who stood in front of him, annihilating all vitality.

At this time, the battle in the arena was still going on, and as the night fell, the knights retreated steadily, and they had already retreated to the gate of the city.

Although the knights and elves were already desperately resisting, they still couldn't stop these monsters eroded by the gray mist.

The gates of the entire frontline fortress were always open, and knights and elves continued to join the battlefield. The originally tightly guarded fortress had become much empty at this time.

Earl Ruize's hand grasped the long sword tightly, and his whole body began to tremble uncontrollably. These are all his accumulated team members, but they are constantly falling down at this moment!

"My lord, reinforcements have arrived!" The scouting knight came back quickly to report.

And as the knight's voice fell, a large number of armored rhinos suddenly appeared on one side of the battlefield!

Boom boom boom!

The whole ground was shaking.

You can see the knights riding on the back of the armored rhinoceros, and their figures seem to be integrated with the armored rhinoceros.

You can faintly see that the bodies of these armored rhinos are emitting white light, and they are connected to each other, like a sharp knife directly inserted into the battlefield!

Immediately, I saw that all the ghost monsters that were resisting in front of this sharp knife were blown away, and it was difficult to resist the common charge of these armored rhinos!

The situation that was already faintly uncontrollable, with the sudden appearance of knights joining in, the pressure suddenly eased a lot!

Jie Jie Jie Jie~

A large number of ghost attribute elves gathered.

They were eroded by the fog and didn't have much sanity left.

Seeing the enemy at this time, they immediately flew up, but their movements must be moths to the flame, and they were constantly being bombarded!

"Which territory's reinforcements are these?"

The knights looked at these knights who suddenly appeared, all with surprise on their faces.

"Wait, look at the armor on these knights"

Suddenly, some knights showed surprise on their faces, and what caught their eyes was blood red!

"The Iron-Blooded Knights! It's the Iron-Blooded Knights!"

"How? Didn't they die with the destruction of the Iron-Blood Fortress?"

After reacting, these knights let out a low voice, but it seems that the current Jagged Knights seem to be on their side?

The knights in the distance quickly passed through the battlefield.

After crossing the entire battlefield, the Knights stopped in the distance and quickly turned around.

"Elf-leading knights come to support!"

Xuehou, the former head of the Jagged Knights, yelled at the audience.

At the same time, the chess players of the Knights also showed off the banner of the elf leader, fluttering in the wind!

"Are they the Elven Knights?"

The commander on the city wall stood at the lookout angle, his gaze fell on the fluttering flag.

Although it was already dark, he could still clearly see the pattern on the flag, which was the symbol of the elf collar!

The nearby knights all heard the roar of Blood Howl, and at this moment their faces were full of astonishment. They had already recognized the identities of these knights.

After a while, they all realized that these knights were indeed Iron-Blooded Knights, but at this time these knights had all joined the Elven Leader!

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect my Blood Howl to step on the battlefield again."

After Xuehou finished shouting, he looked at the knights behind him, and laughed loudly: "How do you all feel when you set foot on the battlefield again?"

After hearing the leader's words, the knight immediately shouted, "It's really cool! Leaders, let's lead us to charge again!"

"Hahaha, good!"

"Elf-leading knights are ready to charge!"

The knights urged the armored rhinoceros under them one after another, and charged towards the enemy again!

Accompanied by bursts of roaring sounds, the Knights rushed into the enemy again, with an indomitable momentum.

Hoo hoo ~

At this moment, a gust of cold wind suddenly rose in front of the Knights.

Immediately afterwards, a powerful blizzard appeared, rushing directly towards the rushing knights!

The cold ice kept blowing the ground, covering the messy battlefield with ice, and the sound of freezing kept ringing, covering the body of the armored rhinoceros rushing to the front with ice!

But with the actions of the armored rhinoceros, the ice was quickly shattered. Although the speed of the armored rhinoceros has slowed down, it is still moving forward!

Kacha Kacha Kacha~

The ice was still spreading, and then it suddenly turned into a huge ice wall and stood in front of the Knights!

The ice wall is covered with rich ice attribute energy, and at the same time it is shining with a light blue light, gathering all the power of this snowy sky on the ice wall!

If Aiwen is here, he will definitely recognize that this is the Aurora Curtain move, which can only be used in snowy conditions. It can concentrate all the power of the snowy sky on the ice wall, and has super defensive power!

Boom boom boom!

The figure of the armored rhino hit the ice wall.

The powerful roar continued to sound, and the pace of the entire knight order unexpectedly stopped for a while.

Kacha Kacha Kacha~

The next moment, a crack appeared on the ice wall, spreading in all directions like a spider web.

In the end, the entire ice wall was shattered under the impact of the Knights, and the shattered ice cubes shot towards the rear like arrows!

The ghost monsters approaching in the air were immediately hit by the crushed ice, and their figures kept falling from the air.

And the snow demon girl who condensed the ice wall was undoubtedly the first to bear the brunt. Under the dense ice blast, her figure was also thrown upside down!

But the figure of the knights also stopped. After losing their speed, the charge of the knights was interrupted immediately, and the light that united the armored rhinoceros gradually dimmed!

"Charge, charge, charge!" Xuehou shouted loudly.

huh huh~

But at this moment, a group of flames suddenly burned in front of the knight,

The figure of the crystal lamp fire spirit appeared in the flames, and then saw ghost-attribute energy condensed in its hands, turned into a shadow ball and shot out, directly smashing into the knights!

Accompanied by a powerful roar, the iron armored rhinoceros and the knight on it that were hit by the shadow ball flew straight out!

"Continue to charge!" Xuehou slightly closed his eyes, showing determination in his eyes.

They put down the pointers in their hands and rode the armored rhino to come here again, and they were already ready to sacrifice!

"Let's pay for the mistakes we made before with our blood!"

The eyes of the knights were firm, and the knight group launched a charge again, rushing towards the Snow Fairy in front of them again.

At this time, the Snow Fairy had slowed down, and after seeing the knight rushing again, her figure quickly burrowed into the ground.

The bodies of the knights rushed over quickly, and after losing the target of the Snow Fairy, their figures rushed directly towards the ghost monsters eroded by the gray fog!

"It's really the Jagged Knights!"

Earl Ruize's gaze kept flickering, and then he suddenly said to the horn player beside him: "Blow the horn, the Knights of the Northeast are ready to charge!"

woo woo woo woo~

Accompanied by the sound of the loud horn, the knights in the fortress rushed out quickly.

This is already the last guardian knight in the frontline fortress, and with the sound of the horn, the frontline fortress began a desperate fight!

"Huh? Is that the Knights led by elves?"

"Hmph, that guy Hill is really a waste, the strength of the entire Knights of Coastal City, can't hold back the Knights led by the elves!"

On the short hill, the wizard snorted coldly, "But it doesn't matter, it just so happens that the knights led by the elves have been wiped out here!"

Then he saw the shadow behind him squirm, and two figures emerged from the shadow, one left and one right floating and hitting his side.

One of the elves is the Night Demon, while the other elf looks somewhat similar to Ghost Stone, and it is Gengar, the evolution form of Ghost Stone.

Geng Gui is a dark purple elf with a round shape, with hands, legs and a short and pointed tail, a pair of red eyes and a big grinning mouth, which looks a little scary.

With the appearance of these two elves, a powerful aura spread out in all directions. There is no doubt that the strength of these two elves is king level.

"Geng Gui, go and end everything!"

After hearing what his master said, Geng Gui grinned, and his figure disappeared in a flash.

When it reappeared, its figure had already arrived at the battlefield in the distance, and its figure walked up like a ghost, harvesting lives one by one!

Geng Gui's speed is very fast, they can come and go freely in the shadows, and this kind of battlefield shrouded in darkness is its home field.

Without even seeing Geng Gui's figure, a large number of knights fell one after another, their shadows twisted and turned into deadly weapons!

"Something is coming, all knights be careful!" Someone noticed something wrong and shouted loudly.

But even if they found out, it would have no effect at all, the speed of this figure was too fast, the knights didn't even react, and their consciousness fell into eternal darkness!

Bloodhowl led the knights to charge for three rounds, and after successive battles, the armored rhinoceros under them had already started to pant heavily.

At this moment, Xuehou only felt a blur in front of his eyes, he turned his head subconsciously, and saw a dark light beam flashing by, making its ears rustle.

Slightly narrowing his eyes, he finally saw the figure clearly, and could not help but narrow his eyes, "This is Geng Gui?"

In order to deal with these ghost attribute elves, Elven Leader specially sorted out the information of ghost attribute elves in the elf manual written by Aiwen.

"A king-level monster, another king-level monster, everyone be careful!"

There was commotion again among the knights. Due to the sudden appearance of this king-level monster, the situation on the battlefield was rewritten again.

The elusive figure of Geng Gui put a lot of psychological pressure on these knights. The three king-level monsters and a group of ghost monsters eroded by the gray mist cast a cloud over everyone's hearts again!

"Three king-level monsters."

"The Front Fortress has really tried its best"

A knight on the wall broke the bowstring in his hand, and his hands were covered with blood.

"Hold on for a while, we will definitely have reinforcements."

A knight next to him said, he pulled the bowstring in his hand with all his strength, but with a bang, the bowstring in his hand broke.

Weakly lowering his hand, the knight looked at the dark sky, "Who else, who else can save the front fortress and Lizhi City."

The gate of Lizhi City is closed.

The guarding knights in the city guarded the city wall, looking solemnly at the distant battlefield.

There, the guardian elves of Lizhi Lake are fighting fiercely with the enemy.

boom boom boom~

In the arena, the battle between water attribute elves and ghost attribute elves is very fierce.

The wizard organization took the initiative to come outside Lizhi City, so it was naturally well prepared.

"The will, the will of the citizens is still weakening."

Mira looked anxiously to the northeast, just feeling the trembling of her soul, she knew how tragic the battle in the distance was.

The illusory figure of Yaknom was floating beside Mira at this time, and it was also anxious in its heart, but at this time it did not dare to act rashly.

It can feel that a vague sense of crisis is covering the city behind it, and the only one who can make it feel threatened is a patron saint of the same level.

At this moment, it suddenly looked at the sky in the distance. The sky was completely dark, and it could clearly feel that the whole world was falling into darkness.

Mira's eyes were also looking at the sky, and suddenly, she felt a sense of trance, and a strong drowsiness suddenly hit her, completely submerging it!

The next moment, she felt that the whole world had fallen into a strange silence.

But it was only for a moment, and the colorful light suddenly appeared in the ocean of her consciousness, driving away all the darkness!

Mira quickly opened her eyes, and suddenly found that the real world was equally quiet. All the water-type elves and ghost-type elves who were fighting fiercely had fallen into sleep at some point.

And in the distance, there is only one figure standing, holding a black crystal in his hand, and black mist is continuously gushing out from the black crystal at this time.

These black mist kept churning, and gradually turned into a figure whose whole body was as black as a shadow, with white hair rolling like a turbid mist covering most of his face, only a pair of bright blue eyes were exposed.

"Guardian God Darkrai!" Mira murmured.

At the same time, it can be seen that her body also emits colorful lights, causing the space around her body to continuously twist.

The legendary Aknom lives in another space. At this time, through her connection with Aknom, Mira began to call Aknom to the real world.

There were waves of ripples in the space, and colorful rays of light suddenly shot out from the space, turning into a vortex that rotated continuously, and finally turned into the blue mushroom head figure of Yaknom.

"According to the legend, Yaknom among the three lake gods created by the creation god Arceus!" The great wizard showed excitement on his face.

He came to the Sinnoh area from his hometown of Almia, the goal is to capture Yaknom, so as to complete the task of the Super Demon God Temple, and now the goal is in sight!

"Come on, Darkrai!"

As his voice fell, a bright light radiated from the black crystal.

The rays of light continuously gushed out and then entered Da Kelai's body, causing Da Kelai's body to continuously emit powerful energy fluctuations.

It raised its head, looked at Yaknom with blue eyes, and quickly condensed a shadow ball in its hand and shot it out!

"Aknom, please." Mira said softly.

【give it to me】

Yaknom greeted him head-on, with a flash of blue light in his eyes, and a beam of light directly penetrated the shadow ball in the air.

Then I saw a transparent protective shield suddenly appearing around Yaknom's body, and he rushed directly towards Darkley on the opposite side!

It can feel that the will of all living beings is constantly weakening, and it must rush to the rescue to defeat the enemies in front of those living beings before they die!

Boom boom boom!

The battle between the two legendary elves is bound to be unprecedented.

It's just a simple breath collision, and the whole space is constantly roaring.


Another head-on collision of powerful energies.

Darkrai's shadow ball was directly shattered by Yaknom's concentrated mental force!

A powerful beam of light passed through, and directly hit Darkrai's body.

But there were only waves of ripples, and the figure that Darkley was relying on was able to resist this powerful superpower attribute move from the front!

"Psychic thoughts really don't work."

Mira frowned, thinking of Aiwen's explanation to her in her mind, if Aknom and Darkley faced each other, don't use super power attribute moves.

【Evan is right】

Yaknom's heart moved, and then the water attribute energy on his body condensed.

Although Yaknom is an elf with superpower attributes, as a lake god, he is naturally very familiar with water attribute moves.

A large amount of water attribute energy was condensed, and was quickly compressed into a water polo, which directly shot toward Darkley on the opposite side.


The wave of water and the shadow ball collided in mid-air.

The powerful energy roared continuously, causing the entire space to emit an unbearable roar!

"Hasn't Yaknom's power been weakened to the limit?" The great wizard frowned.

Then he looked towards the direction of the Northeast Territory. As time passed, Yaknom's power would definitely continue to weaken!

The frontline fortress, the battle is still going on.

It's just that with the passage of time, the battle has shown a one-sided situation.

At this time, the knights of the elf leader had gathered together with the knights of the frontline fortress, struggling to resist the three king-level monsters in front of them.

Some of the ghost monsters in the air that were eroded by the gray fog attacked the knights in front of them, and the other part had already rushed to the fortress.

The impregnable city wall of the frontline fortress is useless in front of these ghost monsters at this time. The gray fog continues to sweep, and the ghost monsters climbed onto the city wall!

"Hey, just in time, you nasty monster!"

A knight threw away the bow and arrow that broke the bowstring in his hand, took out his long sword and went forward.

But how much strength do these knights have left at this time, their attacks are not the slightest threat to the ghost beast.

"Knights, retreat, retreat into the fortress."

Earl Rize and the lords commanded their knights to evacuate the city wall.

At this time, the eastern outer city of the entire fortress was completely empty, and the remaining knights and elves were working hard to guard it.

However, compared to the elves outside the city wall, the elves in the field at this time are very weak, and they are just a lot of stinky flowers and walking grass.

These elves, who are not suitable for stepping into the battlefield, have become the last line of defense of the fortress at this time, and the green light is constantly gathering on the stinky flower and the walking grass, and it is constantly lasing out!

"How is the evacuation of the civilians in the fortress?" Earl Rize said in a low voice.

"Lord Earl, these civilians have been dispersed and evacuated according to your order."

"With a large army composed of serfs to attract the attention of those ghost monsters, most of the civilians should be able to evacuate safely."

The clerk of the territory quickly reported, and when he mentioned the serfs, his face showed annoyance, but there was no other way.

In order to allow most of the civilians to evacuate to a safe place, these serfs must be sacrificed!

"Lord Earl, you should evacuate as well." The clerk hurriedly persuaded: "The frontline fortress can't stand it for too long, it's too dangerous for you to stay here."

"No, I am the lord of the Northeast Lord, and I am also the head of the Knights. We cannot leave here."

"We must buy enough time for the evacuation of the people, and at the same time support the arrival of reinforcements."

"Right now, all parts of Lizhi City are being attacked by wizard organizations, but I know that as long as we buy enough time, Master Yaknom will definitely come!"

Earl Ruize looked at the direction of Lizhi City. As a high-level executive in Lizhi City, he naturally knew about the conspiracy of the wizard organization.

This time it seems to be a battle against the front-line fortress, but their real target has always been Lord Yaknom, the patron saint of their city of determination!

Now, Lord Yaknom must be fighting the enemy, and what they have to do is to buy enough time for Lord Yaknom, he must defend the front fortress!

"But." The clerk's expression changed.

"Now, hurry up and leave with the civilians!"

The clerk subconsciously refused, if the Earl does not leave, he will stay here.

Earl Ruize's face was serious, "This is the lord's order, do you want to disobey it?"

The clerk's expression changed again and again, and finally he quickly knelt down on one knee and saluted: "I see, Lord Earl, please be careful!"

"Go, help me protect my people." Earl Rize patted the clerk on the shoulder, then quickly turned and walked towards the battlefield.

At this time, the knights outside the city wall are constantly evacuating towards the city, and those monsters of returning to the ruins have entered the fortress, and they must rush back to support them!

jie jie jie~

In the arena, Geng Gui saw that the ghost monsters had entered the city, and after a sinister smile, his figure slowly blended into the shadows.

When it reappeared, its figure had already arrived on the city wall, and the shadow ball in its hand kept blasting out, blowing away the defending knights and elves again.

As it opened the way, these ghost monsters drove straight in.

The body wrapped in gray mist floats in mid-air, and the figure of the ghost monster quickly enters the city.

Their scarlet eyes looked at the distant sky, and they could vaguely feel that the place was exuding a strong breath of life and soul.

Without the slightest hesitation, the ghost monster attracted by the breath of life and soul ignored the humans in front of it, and quickly floated towards the north!

"Those ghost monsters are moving towards the north."

The knight's adjutant lowered his head slightly, looking to the north with a complex and unbearable expression on his face.

That direction is exactly the direction in which the serfs are moving, and as bait, they will try their best to lure the ghost monsters to the Lizhi Mountains.

In this way, the pressure on the front-line fortress can be greatly reduced. It can be said that these serfs went out from the northern city gate, and their life and death were already doomed.

Although I can't bear it, this is the last resort. Behind the front fortress is the entire Lizhi City. If the front fortress is breached, the entire rear may fall.

The current frontline fortress gathers most of the citizens of this territory, and they themselves are to gather the ghost monsters, so as to prevent these ghost monsters from entering Lizhi City.

Those serfs are the bait, so why are they knights? But in order to protect Lizhi City, they all stick to their beliefs and don't take a step back!

"Captain Bloodhowl, I didn't expect that we would fight side by side one day."

At this time, the knights on the front line had retreated to the fortress, and Earl Rize commanded the knights to fight with a sharp sword in his hand.

Looking at the former leader of the Iron-Blooded Knights who was covered in blood beside him, Earl Rize showed emotion on his face. He could feel that the leader of the Knights had changed a lot during this time.

"Ah, I really didn't expect this day to come!"

"However, I am now a knight of the elf collar, don't make a mistake."

Xuehou grinned, and when he talked about the elf collar, he had an uncontrollable smile on his face.

He will never forget his time in the elf collar, he was ordinary but extremely satisfied, this feeling he has never had since he was born.

As he spoke, he suddenly took out a letter from his chest, stroked it carefully, and solemnly handed it to Earl Rize.

"This is... your suicide note?" Earl Ruize was a little stunned.

"Hey, what a suicide note, it's really unlucky, I never thought I would die on the battlefield!"

Xuehou snorted coldly, and then his expression gradually softened, "This is a letter from Master Aiwen."

"When you see Master Aiwen, return this letter to him, and tell him, don't forget your promise!"

"From the moment we set foot on the battlefield, all our crimes will be wiped out. From now on, we will all be knights of the elves!"

When he said the last sentence, Bloodhowl showed a heartfelt smile on his face, and he will never forget the tears left on the faces of his companions when they heard the contents of the letter.

Afterwards, they resolutely took up their weapons, and led the knights onto this seemingly impossible battlefield. They are the knights of the elf leader, and they want to fight for the elf leader and Lizhi City!

"Knights of the elves."

Earl Rize closed his eyes slightly, and when he opened his eyes again, his eyes showed firmness, "I will definitely bring this letter and what you said to Earl Ivan for you!"

"If I also die on the battlefield, I will pass this letter and this sentence to the person I trust in the next moment, believe me, and this is my promise to you!"

Seeing this, Xuehou grinned, and finally said nothing. He took the knight's long sword and walked towards his companions in the distance, riding on the armored rhinoceros at the front of the team.

"Elf-leading knights. Charge!"

The shouts of Goreroar continued to echo in the fortress, and accompanied by the footsteps of the armored rhinoceros, they rushed towards the distance.

Everyone's eyes fell on this knight group, looking at the back of the knight group, their vision was hazy.

In the distance, the ghost monsters were attracted by the life and soul breath of the knights, and rushed over quickly.

Compared with the overwhelming gray fog monsters, the figure of the Knights seemed so weak that they plunged into the gray fog in a blink of an eye!

"You are real knights." Earl Rize muttered to himself.

He closed his eyes in pain, but before he could calm down, he suddenly heard an exclamation.

Opening his eyes suddenly, he suddenly found a figure shrouded in gray mist suddenly appeared in the sky at this time.

And with the appearance of this figure, the gray mist in the field rushed towards this figure in an instant, driving all the ghost monsters to fly into the sky involuntarily!

Originally, the eastern part of the frontline fortress had already been shrouded by these ghost monsters, but in just an instant, all these ghost monsters rose into the sky, making the ground suddenly empty.

At this time, the ghost monsters gathered together rose into the sky like clouds, and turned into clouds floating in the sky again!

"What happened? What's going on with these ghost monsters?" The knights looked at each other, their faces full of doubt and astonishment.

But looking at the situation, it doesn't seem to be a bad thing. It would be great if these ghost monsters could ascend to the sky and disappear immediately.

And when they had this idea, they saw the gray mist clouds condensed in the sky suddenly move, slowly drifting towards the east, and that direction was the direction of Guixu Cave!

As the gray fog moved, the originally dark sky without any light gradually became brighter. I don't know when the snow stopped, and a round of moon hung on the horizon, shedding pure white moonlight.

"These ghost monsters and gray mist have really left?" The knights' eyes showed surprise, "Could it be that the tide of beasts returning to the ruins is over?"

On the short mountain, the wizard's eyes also fell on the clouds that were floating in the sky. Their faces were full of astonishment, doubts and disbelief at this time, and they didn't even know what happened!

"What's going on? Why did the ghost monster leave?" Gui Xue's face was about to twist into a ball.

Obviously they are about to capture the front-line fortress, and obviously they can enjoy the delicious life and soul, so why don't they want the delicious food?

"Boss Ghost, what should we do now?" Ghost Fire frowned.

His eyes looked at the gray fog in the air, and he faintly felt that something seemed to control the gray fog.

But this kind of gray fog comes from the sending spring. Even Darkley, the great wizard, can't control it. How can he really control the gray fog?

"Forget it, forget about the gray fog."

"The current front-line fortress is already a dying candle."

"We have four king-level monsters in our hands, enough to capture the front-line fortress!"

The ghost shadow stared at the gray fog for a few seconds, then retracted its gaze and looked at the fortress in the distance.

He had a vague feeling that if he rashly prevented the gray mist from leaving, something unexpected might happen.

Now, their plan has already started, whether it is Wisdom City, Xinqi City or the Great Wizard, they should have started by now.

And what they have to do now is to capture the front-line fortress, and then slaughter all the creatures in the city, and their mission will be completed.

"Okay, we got it."

Guixue and Willow Fire looked at each other, black mist poured out of their bodies, they closed their eyes and began to communicate with Snow Demoness and Crystal Lantern Fire Spirit.

In the field at this time, the figures of Geng Gui, Snow Demon Girl, and Crystal Lantern Fire Spirit quietly floated in mid-air, with black mist constantly surging around their bodies, spreading towards the surroundings.

Originally, they were waiting outside the fortress for the gray fog and ghost monsters to invade the fortress. After receiving the order, their figures moved and rushed into the fortress quickly.

The knights of the elf leader were also a little stunned at this moment. Did their enemy run away?

However, before they could breathe a sigh of relief, they saw three king-level monsters entering the fortress in the distance.

Although there are no gray fog and ghost monsters now, the three king-level monsters in front of them still make people feel a little hopeless. It is indeed difficult for the current knights to compete.

But even so, so what, they are knights led by elves, so why not be afraid of a fight!

"Elf-leading knights. Charge!"

Xuehou yelled, and the Knights re-targeted the three king-level monsters!

But just when they were about to charge, there was a burst of spatial ripples in the midair.

Then I saw a figure in white clothes suddenly appearing in the air, and at the same time, there were berries floating quietly beside him.

"Master Aiwen Aiwen!"

Seeing the figure that suddenly appeared in front of them, the elf-leading knights all stared wide-eyed.

"Well, thank you for your hard work."

"Leave the next battle to me."

Ivan turned his head and showed a reassuring smile to the knights in the field.

At the same time, the elf ball beside him was quickly opened, and as the white light continued to pour out, the figures of elves appeared one by one.

"These elves... are really Master Aiwen!"

"Great, Master Aiwen is fine, Master Aiwen is here!"

The knights became excited one after another, and it was always reassuring to have Lord Aiwen around.

"Lord Aiwen!" Xuehou raised his head, his eyes suddenly blurred.

Master Aiwen is such a person, his appearance can always bring hope to people.

Taking a deep look at his lord, Blood Howl led the Knights back slowly, leaving the battlefield.

At this time, the knights and soldiers in the fortress also found Aiwen, and in the brief silence, warm cheers broke out.

They were really afraid that Master Aiwen would just die in the Guixu Cave, and it is really great to see that Master Aiwen is fine now.

"Grey fog, do you think Master Aiwen solved the gray fog?"

At this moment, a knight suddenly whispered, Master Aiwen entered the Guixu Cave to completely solve the gray fog.

Now that the gray mist and the ghost monsters have gone away, Lord Aiwen appeared here at the same time. All this is really a coincidence, which makes people have to doubt.

"I also feel that Master Aiwen solved the gray fog." The knights agreed one after another, looking at Aiwen with admiration.

"Phew, with Lord Aiwen here, there should be no problem, right?" The lords also breathed a sigh of relief.

"It was really a relief."

"However, we cannot let our guard down."

"The evacuation work cannot be stopped. Now that the threat of the gray fog and ghost monsters has been lifted, it is a good time to evacuate."

Earl Rize's face was still heavy, and his eyes fell on the three king-level monsters. Can Earl Aiwen really deal with three king-level monsters at the same time?

On the dwarf hill, the eyes of the wizards also fell on Aiwen. This was the first time they saw Aiwen.

"He is Earl Irwin?"

Guixue showed interest on his face. He heard that there seemed to be a king-level snow demon girl beside this nobleman?

His eyes kept scanning. At this time, the other party did not know how to summon a large number of monsters, but there seemed to be no Snow Demon Girl.

"Is that biting land shark the same as before?"

"It's really a pity that such a powerful elf was subdued by the other party."

Will-o'-the-wisps smacked their lips. Although their main forces are ghost monsters, who doesn't like such a handsome and powerful monster.

"Get rid of him as soon as possible, our mission cannot fail."

At this moment, Ghost Shadow spoke, and at the same time, his eyes kept scanning the surroundings.

The figure of the Night Demon Spirit quietly floated beside the three of them, and its one-eyed eyes kept scanning, as if faintly feeling a breath of companionship.

"The snow demon girl didn't show up? It seems to be hiding around." Ghosting narrowed his eyes slightly.

He can feel that there is indeed a trace of king-level energy fluctuations in the surrounding space, like a poisonous snake hiding in the dark, ready to choose someone to eat at any time.

However, with the protection of the night demon spirit, their safety is still very guaranteed, and on the battlefield in the distance, three king-level monsters are enough!

On the battlefield at this time, Aiwen had already returned to the ground, Kirulian was floating beside him, and Cherry Blossom Treasure was standing on his shoulder.

Lily root doll immediately used the green grass field move. The originally dilapidated land was quickly covered with green grass, and green energy fluctuations filled the field.

At the same time, on the green grass field, the earth turtle, overlord flower, and giant vines also emitted green light, and they were continuously accumulating energy and blending into the green grass field.

The figure biting the land shark is standing at the front of the green grass field, and behind it are the iron-clad tyrannosaur Nido King and Dragon King Scorpion. The four elves exude powerful energy fluctuations all over their bodies, faintly contending with the three king-level monsters on the opposite side Go!

ps: On the 27th day in a row, 1400 monthly tickets have been added.

Finally finished.

Recently, because of the need to participate in epidemic prevention, I can only code when I go home at night.

So the time will be a bit late, and there will be a lot of typos, so please bear with me.

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