Pokemon from Scratch

Chapter 303 Lily root doll, evolution! !

Iron armored tyrannosaur looked at the three king-level monsters opposite and became excited.

Stretching out his hand to fasten the white ribbon on its head, its body began to surge with rock attribute energy.

This is the original power move, which can improve the elf's physical fitness in all aspects, and push its combat power to a stronger level.

Nido King and Dragon King Scorpion looked at each other, and purple light burst out from the bodies of the two elves. The poison attribute has always been an expert in leapfrog fighting, and they will work together to fight against king-level monsters.

Biting Lu Shark's eyes narrowed slightly, his body exuded a dangerous aura, and he had already recognized the opponent's identity from the black aura on the opposite Warcraft's body.

It was captured by these people at the beginning, and it was also eroded by the black air. Now is the time for revenge!

In the distance, the three ghost attribute elves are also accumulating energy, and the black energy on their bodies is constantly surging, making their eyes become more scarlet.

"Then get ready!"

"Bite land sharks, Nido kings, and armored tyrannosauruses use quicksand hell!"

After hearing Aiwen's words, the ground attribute energy on the three elves kept surging.

While they were running fast, the entire ground suddenly began to turn into sand, quickly sweeping away in all directions.

In an instant, another gust of wind and sand quickly swept away, covering the entire field, filled with powerful ground attribute energy.

This is the quicksand hell move of the ground attribute, which can trap the opponent in the overwhelming sandstorm, making it impossible for the opponent to escape the shackles of the sandstorm!

At this time, the three ground-attribute spirits simultaneously activated the ground-attribute energy. Relying on the power of the earth to control the energy, the sandstorm directly enveloped the three king-level monsters on the opposite side!

"That's it, let's trigger the sandstorm!" Ivan clenched his fists.

Sandstorm weather is the same as sunny weather and rainy weather. It is also a special weather environment, which makes the field full of rock and ground attribute energy.

Compared with sunny weather and rainy weather, sandstorm weather and snow weather are undoubtedly much easier to create, especially sandstorm weather, where powerful ground and rock attribute energy can be easily aroused.

Aiwen has always attached great importance to the mastery of the weather environment. Except for rainy weather, the other three weather environments have greatly improved his elf strength!

At this time, Bite Land Shark, Nido King and Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus used the sandstorm rolled up by Quicksand Hell, which directly caused the sandstorm weather. Countless winds and sand swept across, covering the opponents in the field.


The sand and stones kept beating on the elves in the field.

The figures of Bite Land Shark, Nido King and Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus remained motionless in the wind and sand.

In sandstorm weather, it can cause damage to elves in the field, but it is invalid for rock, ground and steel attribute elves.

Therefore, the three elves with ground attributes will not be affected by sandstorms, and the rock-attributed Ironclad Tyrannosaurus can even use sandstorms to improve their special defense.

On the other side, the Dragon King Scorpion was also injured in the sandstorm, but the Dragon King Scorpion itself is what is called a desert devil, so it can bear this damage completely.

But the three ghost-type elves on the opposite side don't have such a strong defense ability. For the weak ghost-type elves, the frontal attack of wind and sand is not a good experience.

Therefore, the three ghost attribute elves radiated their ghost attribute energy and turned it into an energy shield to continuously resist the erosion of wind and sand.

But this will undoubtedly weaken their combat power to a certain extent, and their consumption will increase as time goes by!

Ho ho ho!

Bite Lu Shark, Nido King, Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus and Dragon King Scorpion all roared and rushed towards the opposite side.

"Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus, you come to deal with the Crystal Lantern Fire Spirit, and use your primitive power!"

"King Nido, Dragon King Scorpion, you come and deal with the Snow Demon Girl, use your poison!"

"Bite Lu Shark fiercely, and the Geng Ghost will be handed over to you. Your speed will not be slower than the other party!"

After hearing Aiwen's words, the armored tyrannosaurus roared, and the energy already condensed on its body turned into a beam of light and shot out!

Nido King and Dragon King Scorpion also ran out quickly, and it could be seen that while Nido King was running, the ground began to corrode continuously, and traces of poisonous gas continued to diffuse out.

After this period of training, King Nido's stinger characteristics have been developed to a new height. At this time, the terrifying poison is exuding from all over his body, and he is constantly blending into the wind and sand.

Relying on its mastery of the wind and sand, it directly integrated its own poison into the wind and sand, and the purple light of the wind and sand swept directly towards the Snow Demon Girl, causing the cold air on its body to sway continuously!

Lie Bite Lu Shark rushed towards Geng Gui directly, and while running, he could see its figure disappearing into the wind and sand suddenly, which stunned Geng Gui on the opposite side.

Geng Gui's ghost-attributed energy is constantly radiating out, but the stealth ability of Biting Land Shark seems to be different from that of ghost-attributed elves, and it, an expert who is good at shadow stealth, has no way to discover it.

But when it wanted to be invisible, it was constantly hindered by the wind and sand. Even if it succeeded in stealth, it would be forced out by the wind and sand, and there was nothing to hide in the wind and sand!

Ho ho ho!

At this moment, the figure that bites Lu Sha has rushed to Geng Gui's side.

The ground attribute energy was condensed on the claws, and it directly grabbed at Geng Gui.

Geng Gui's reaction was also very fast, the ghost attribute energy on his body burst out and collided with the dragon's claw.

A strong roar sounded, and Geng Gui's figure was forced to retreat. When he stabilized his figure, he found that Lie Bite Lu Sha had disappeared again.

"Bit the land shark fiercely, that's it, turn into an assassin sneaking in the sandstorm!"

Outside the range of the sandstorm, Aiwen squinted his eyes. At this time, he was constantly communicating with the elves in the field through telepathy and Kirulian's telepathic ability.

Now what the biting land shark is displaying is its sand-invisibility feature, which can integrate itself with the sandstorm and rely on the power of the sandstorm to complete its invisibility.

The reason why the three ground-type elves in the field can easily trigger the sandstorm is that the sand-invisible characteristic of the biting land shark has played a very big role.

With the characteristics of hidden sand, it can easily sense the power of sandstorms, and thus guide the sandstorm weather through the sandstorms brought about by the quicksand hell.

During this period of time, Bite Land Shark's main training was the power of sand violence. Although its strength did not improve much, its strength has completed its transformation under the sandstorm weather.

"What's that? A sandstorm?"

On the short hill, the wizards were also stunned looking at the sandstorm in the distance.

They are not unfamiliar with the weather environment, but this is the first time they have seen such difficult-to-control weather as sandstorms on the battlefield.

But it was this kind of weather that actually restrained their ghost monsters. In addition to the restraint on the body, the restraint on the ability was also very strong!

"Hmph, so what if!"

"Only the biting land shark is a king-level monster. Even if it has the power of a sandstorm, how can the three quasi-king-level monsters be the opponents of the two king-level monsters!"

The ghost fire snorted coldly. Through the connection with the soul of the crystal lantern fire spirit, he discovered that the quasi-king-level Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus was planning to single out its crystal lantern fire spirit. He was really overwhelmed!

Boom boom boom!

The battle in the field is still going on.

Ironclad Tyrannosaurus is facing Crystal Lantern Fire Spirit, and Ironclad Tyrannosaurus has a very large advantage in terms of attributes.

In addition, in the sandstorm weather, Ironclad Tyrannosaurus was condensed with a layer of sand armor around its body at this time. At the same time, as a rock attribute elf, its special defense was also enhanced by the sandstorm weather.

Therefore, even if it is only a quasi-king class, it still firmly resisted the attack of the crystal lantern fire spirit. Although it was at a disadvantage, it could not hold on.

In an instant, the battle in the field also fell into a stalemate. Looking at the sandstorm still sweeping the field, the wizards looked solemn. If this continues, it seems difficult for them to complete the task!

"Block it!"

Looking at the long-lasting sandstorm in the arena, the knights in the fortress showed excitement on their faces.

"As expected of Master Aiwen, relying on one king-level elf and three quasi-king-level elves to resist three king-level elves!"

The knights of the elf collar straightened their backs involuntarily, feeling proud that they were able to follow such a powerful lord!

"Trainer, this is a battle for trainers." Blood Howl couldn't help clenching his fists.

During the period of living in the Elven Territory, they are naturally no strangers to the profession of trainer.

He had heard about the trainer's fighting style for a long time, and at this time, Lord Aiwen really fully exerted the trainer's power.

Even if there is a big gap in the strength of the elves, relying on the trainer's command can also make up for it, and the weak can defeat the strong.

Hee hee hee hee~

Kirulian's attention was now on the sandstorm.

Seeing that the Ironclad Tyrannosaurus had successfully resisted the pressure, it also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hold on."

"However, now is not the time to relax our vigilance!"

Aiwen looked at the distant sky, and the gray fog on the horizon was no longer visible.

Immediately afterwards, he turned his gaze to the short mountain in the distance. He was naturally aware of the existence of those wizards, and at the same time knew the existence of a king-level night demon.

Now, the dream demon is wandering around the wizards with the elf ball of the night demon to frighten them.

The real Snow Fairy is now controlling the gray mist through the yellow crystal, and is returning to Sending Spring with the gray mist and those ghost monsters.

After the other party reacted, the night monster also joined the battlefield, and the real crisis came. It was already difficult for him to resist a king-level monster with his current strength.

"Night Demon Spirit, have you found that monster yet?" Ghost Shadow said to the Night Demon Spirit beside him.

The figure floated in the midair, and the night demon suddenly looked at the distant midair, and the yellow vertical pupils radiated light.

The light swept across, directly sweeping out the dream monster hidden in the mid-air. At this time, the dream monster was holding an elf ball, and after seeing it was found, it quickly fled towards the distance.

"Is it just a dream monster?"

The ghost's eyes flashed, and the Snow Fairy was not hiding around them.

Thinking of this, his expression changed, thinking of the figure he had faintly seen before, he suddenly reacted.

Could it be that the Snow Demon was the one who took away those ghost monsters back then, that Snow Demon could absorb the power of the gray mist!

"Hmph, have you been put together?" He suddenly snorted coldly, looked at Ivan in the distance, "Night Demon, go and kill him!"

The current situation does not allow them to delay any longer, they must end the battle as soon as possible, otherwise the mission will fail, and they will definitely be severely punished by then!

While talking, several ghost attribute elves appeared beside them again, guarding their surroundings. Of course, the strength of these elves is only ordinary high-level.

dark night~

The night demon nodded, and his figure quickly flew towards the battlefield.

Immediately, one could feel a king-level aura emanating from it, making everyone in the fortress tense.

"Here we come, another king-level monster!"

The knights looked at the night demon slowly approaching in the sky, and their hearts fell to the bottom of the valley.

Their eyes glanced, and they fell on the grass-type elves around Aiwen. Can they really resist this king-level monster?

"Lily root doll, get ready to fight!"

Ai Wen's eyes were fixed, and he suddenly opened the backpack at his waist.

At this time, there were still a large number of elf balls in his backpack, and he directly shook the large number of elf balls and rolled directly to the ground.

With the continuous appearance of white light, one can see the figures of grass attribute elves appearing in the field, and there are hundreds of them in number.

After these grass attribute elves came out, all of them emitted green light, continuously blending into the green grass field, and gathered towards the lily root doll.

Whoa, whoa, whoa~

Lily root doll's body emitted a green light.

Life energy and natural energy are continuously mobilized by it and integrated into the body.

Under the current situation, they can only rely on them to stop the king-level monster, relying on the power of the grass-type elves!

In the distance, the night demon spirit has come to the battlefield.

Seeing this, Lily Root Doll directly used the energy ball, continuously pulling out the energy condensed in the green grass field.

Rich life energy and natural energy poured into the energy ball continuously, and it used the energy ball and natural force moves at the same time.

Powerful energy poured in, and the energy in the energy ball became more and more solid, turned into a green light and shot out directly, heading towards the night demon spirit!

In mid-air, the Night Demon Spirit faced the energy ball, and a shadow ball was formed in his hand, and he quickly shot it out.

The two attacks collided directly in midair, and then a violent explosion occurred, annihilating each other in midair.

Relying on the green grass field and the blessing of many grass-type elves, the Lily Root Doll is already able to confront the king-level elves in front of him.

Constantly absorbing the surrounding grass-attribute energy, Lily Gen Doll's body at this time has been completely enveloped in green light, and life energy and natural energy are washed over and over again.

At the same time, it can be seen that on the neck of the Lily root doll, the Orb of Life is constantly emitting light, and the purple-red energy wraps the Lily root doll.

In mid-air, the Lily root doll once again condensed an energy ball, and the dark red energy was entangled in the energy ball, making it even more powerful.

Of course, this is only temporary. As time goes by, Lily Gen Doll's power will continue to weaken. At this time, I can only hope that Lie Xue Yao will come back soon.

In the fortress, the knights are ready to fight. If Master Aiwen is defeated, they will go up to the top immediately and use their lives to buy time.

Whoa, whoa, whoa~

Lily root doll's body is constantly surging with energy.

At this time, all the grass-type elves in the field used absorbing moves to absorb energy and pour it into the body of the lily root doll.

The power of nature is surging, and the figure of the lily root doll has become one with nature.

At this moment, the Lily root doll has entered this wonderful state again, it can feel that it can mobilize all the energy in nature and transform it into the power of nature!

"Is this a state of natural unity?" Ivan's eyes suddenly lit up.

The Lily Root Doll had only entered this state when fighting against the invasion of the Coastal City Knights, and they couldn't enter it again after repeated attempts.

And now, with the help of the pressure from the king-level night demon in the air, the Lily root doll has finally entered this wonderful state again!

Ai Wen's eyes were fixed, and he suddenly made a decision in his heart, and quickly ordered: "It's this time, Sakura's resorting to sunny days!"

ying ying ~

At this time, a large number of cherry blossoms gathered in the field.

After hearing Aiwen's words, they all quickly stimulated the power that had been condensed in their bodies for a long time!

Then I saw that on the dark ground, a ball of milky white light was suddenly condensed, and then gradually turned into a big fireball and rushed into the sky!

As the big fireball rose towards the sky, the night suddenly turned into day at this moment, and the blazing light even dispelled the severe cold of winter.

"This is the sun?"

Seeing the sun suddenly appearing in the sky, everyone in the arena was stunned.

This power that turns night into day is like the power of a god to them!

ying ying ~

After successfully using the big sunny move, the cherry blossoms emitted milky white light again.

Their flower gift characteristics were activated quickly, directly covering the lily root dolls in the field.

Whoa, whoa, whoa~

At this moment, Lily Gen doll is in a very strange state.

It felt as if it had turned into a part of nature, its body was wrapped in milky white light, it felt like it had turned into a round of sun!

Gradually, the milky white light merged into the body of the lily root doll, and the solar energy stimulated every inch of the skin of the lily root doll's body, and finally slowly merged into the leaves on the lily root doll's head.

At the same time, the life energy and natural energy in the lily root doll also surged and merged into the other two leaves of the lily root doll.

There are three leaves on the head of the lily root doll. At this time, they respectively carry the energy of the sun, life energy and natural energy. The three energies are constantly surging, but they appear very harmonious.

"Lily root doll, this is the time, let's evolve!!"

Looking at the lily root doll exuding powerful power in mid-air, Aiwen suddenly said!

And as his voice fell, he saw a sudden burst of bright white light on Lily Gen Doll's body!

In an instant, you can see the green grass in the field quickly withering, and all the energy quickly gathers towards the lily root doll!

咔咕咕~ Nana Nai~ Man Man Man ~

The cherry blossoms, overlord flowers, and giant vines in the field all involuntarily aroused their power at this time, and rushed towards the lily root doll!

At the same time, the sun in the sky emitted a brighter light, penetrating from top to bottom, and all of it was integrated into the body of Lily Root Doll like a rainbow piercing the sun!

At this moment, an energy storm suddenly blew up in the entire space, and the natural energy constantly engulfed other energies, all of which converged on the Lily Root Doll.

"Lily root doll has evolved?"

Seeing the earth-shattering changes in the arena, everyone opened their mouths in surprise.

On the field, a shadow ball quickly condensed in the hands of the night demon and blasted out!

But with such a powerful attack, it suddenly began to dissipate while flying in the air, and all the energy was integrated into nature!

At this time, the surroundings of Lily Gen Doll's body seemed to be transformed into an energy forbidden zone, all the energy was swept away, and spread out quickly to the surroundings!

Whoah, whoah, whoah!

Suddenly, a deep cry sounded.

The next moment, I saw the white light in the sky suddenly shatter, and a ray appeared in the white light.

On the head of this figure is a golden flower that looks like a crown. Below the flower are long dark green leaves, and below that there are light green leaves, one of which is draped behind the body like hair.

It has dark green long leaf-shaped arms, a circle of golden calyx around its neck, and its lower body is wrapped in light green tulip-shaped leaves, like wearing a skirt with golden calyx-shaped feet wrapped in it!

"The lily root doll has evolved into Miss Qun'er!"

Ivan raised his head, his eyes fell on Miss Qun'er, and finally fixed on the golden flower on its head.

Under normal circumstances, if the Lily root doll wants to evolve into Miss Qun'er, it must rely on the Sun Stone as an item.

Now, with the help of solar energy, life energy and natural energy, Lily root doll successfully completes the sublimation of life in another way!

However, it may not be because of the normal method of evolution. At this time, the flowers on Miss Quer's head are not the bright red of the normal Miss Quer, nor the purple of the different-colored Miss Quer, but golden!

The golden petals look so noble, like the real king of flowers, highlighting the extraordinaryness of Miss Qun'er.


There was a crisp sound, and Miss Qun'er's figure landed on the ground.

In an instant, you can see grass growing again under Miss Qun'er's feet, and unknown flowers grow out in an instant, and a hundred flowers bloom!

Afterwards, Miss Qun'er's eyes fell on the night demon spirit in the air, and when she slowly raised her hand, an energy ball was condensed, emitting strong energy fluctuations!

In the air, the night demon waited for Miss Qun'er to appear and launched an attack as soon as Miss Qun'er appeared, and the shadow ball shot out quickly!

Seeing this, Miss Qun'er also threw out the energy ball in her hand. The energy ball kept spinning in the air. It looked unhappy, but as it moved forward, the whole space roared.

The next moment, the energy ball and the shadow ball collided, and the energy ball was seen slowly rolling over, smashing the shadow ball to pieces!

Everyone who watched this scene widened their eyes. Miss Qun'er, who had just completed her evolution, showed a fighting power that left everyone dumbfounded!

With the help of the state of natural unity, after absorbing the energy of the sun, life energy, natural energy and the power of all the grass attribute elves present, Miss Qun'er has already stepped into the king class!

Moreover, Miss Quen'er is obviously not the ordinary king class. If the king class is also divided into three, six or nine classes, Miss Quen'er must be in the middle or even the upper class at this time!

"Is it at the level of a king?"

"No, it should be much worse, but it is much stronger than ordinary master-level elves."

There is a smile on the corner of Aiwen's mouth, all the hard work is for now, the Lily root doll has finally completed its transformation!

The king level in this world is equivalent to the master level, but above the master level is the heavenly king level, and some legendary elves are at the heavenly king level!


Miss Qun'er also sensed her strength at this time, and looked at her hands in surprise.

Closing its eyes, it felt its own energy, and the next moment, it saw the golden flowers on its head suddenly emit a milky white light.

In mid-air, with the sound of a violent explosion, the figure of the night demon reappeared. The golden eyes on its head radiated light, and it shot out a beam of energy!

Opening her eyes suddenly, Miss Qun'er looked up at the dark beam of light, the light of the golden flower on her head was absorbed, the energy of the sun and the energy of the grass attribute condensed, and instantly turned into a beam of light!


The two beams collided in mid-air.

Then I saw the golden light rushing past, directly suppressing the dark light beam, directly pressing down and blasting towards the night demon spirit!

Facing Miss Qun'er's attack, the Night Demon Spirit had no ability to resist, and was sent flying upside down, falling from the air!

At this moment, the audience fell into a strange silence. No one thought that after the evolution of the Lily root doll, its strength would increase so much!

Hoo hoo ~

At this moment, the sandstorm in the distance gradually stopped.

Two weather environments cannot appear in the same venue at the same time. The sunny weather in the venue is too strong, completely covering the sandstorm weather.

Ho ho ho!

Panting heavily, the armored tyrannosaurus revealed its figure.

At this time, it looked scarred, but there was a look of excitement on its face.

Even if it is the attack of a king-level monster, it can rely on its body to resist it. It has a feeling that it will definitely be able to enter the king-level!

Ho Ho Ho ~

Excited growl to express their joy.

But the next moment, the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus saw the scene where Miss Qun'er blasted the Night Demon Spirit away with an energy beam in the distance, and couldn't help but fell into a daze.

what's the situation? What is that elf? What happened to that powerful beam of light?

Its eyes kept scanning, and it landed on the energy fluctuations emanating from Miss Qun'er's body, feeling faintly familiar.

Wait, isn't this a lily root doll? Has it evolved?

Suddenly his eyes widened, and the armored tyrannosaurus felt a little unacceptable. The energy fluctuations emanating from the Lily root doll at this time were really too strong!

Nidonido, oh oh oh~

The scarred figures of Nido King and Dragon King Scorpion appeared, looking a little miserable.

At this moment, they all looked at Miss Qun'er in astonishment, and were also stunned by the scene where the Night Demon Spirit was blown away.

Then, they suddenly felt a warm current flowing through their bodies, and the injuries on their bodies recovered almost instantly. This healing effect is really too strong!

Ho ho ho!

Biting Lu Shark lowered his head and looked at his body. At this moment, its body was emitting an unhealthy purple light.

This is a sign of being in a poisoned state, but only for a moment, its poisoned state and the injuries on its body disappeared!


Miss Qun'er felt the life energy seriously and let it out.

After successfully evolving, its control over life energy became stronger. With a light wave of its hand, a large amount of green light floated out and merged into the bodies of Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus, Nido King, Dragon King Scorpion and Biting Land Shark.

This energy contains life energy, and at the same time, it also carries a growth energy, which makes the energy fluctuations of the four elves rise steadily!

This is a growth move, which can enhance the attack and special attack of the elves. At this time, Miss Qun'er cast it, and the effect of the growth move blessed by the sunny day is even more terrifying!

At the same time, the cherry blossoms in the distance also moved, and the gift of flowers blessed the elves in the field, making their attack power increase again!

Ho ho ho!

Feeling the soaring power on his body, the body of the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus began to burst into flames at the same time.

On a sunny day, the fire attribute energy in the field was raised to a very strong level, and the flames rose and began to scorch the earth!

Ho ho ho!

The armored tyrannosaurus let out a low growl, and the target locked on the crystal lantern fire spirit in the distance again.

Its whole body was burning with flames, and it quickly rushed towards the crystal lamp fire spirit, and every step it stepped on the ground could make the ground black.

The Crystal Lantern Fire Spirit in the distance was also a little confused at this time, watching the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus rushing, and used the shadow ball again!

Faced with this strong blow, the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus directly clenched its fist and punched it heavily, and the flames surged out and directly hit the shadow ball!


There was a violent roar, and the shadow ball was blown up by the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus directly!

At this time, after the armored tyrannosaurus was blessed, it was able to blast out the power of the king level with one punch, temporarily raising its own power to the king level!

On the other hand, the crystal lantern fire spirit on the opposite side, the long-term battle has already consumed a lot of its physical strength, and the battle at this time has also become powerless.


The situation with the leader of King Nido is similar.

After originally fusing the energy of poison and ground attributes, it is one step away from the king level.

Now Miss Qun'er's powerful blessing directly helped it cross this bottleneck, and its figure rushed out, directly using the straight drill!

The ground attribute energy surged, and at the same time its poisonous stinger feature was also activated, and the poison attribute energy began to continuously integrate into the straight drill!

yo yo yo~

In mid-air, ice was emitted from the Snow Demon Girl's body, quickly driving the power of the ice, erecting an ice wall in front of her!

The next moment, Zhi Chong Dian hit the ice wall by himself, and with a crackling sound, Zhi Chong Drill directly sank into the ice wall. Amid the roar of energy, the ice wall continued to shatter!

After successfully smashing the ice wall with the direct drill, King Nido raised his hand and called out a sandstorm, mixed with poison and ground energy, turning into a tornado and sweeping towards the snow demon girl!

The powerful force directly lifted the Snow Demon Girl away, and at the same time, the figure of the Dragon King Scorpion could also be seen rushing forward, and the claws of the tail of the scorpion had a faint light, and they grabbed it directly!

yo yo yo~

The Snow Demon Girl kept dodging attacks, tired of coping.

At the same time, the scorching heat continuously sprinkled in the air made it feel uncomfortable all over, and the battle quickly fell into a disadvantage.

The battle on the side that bites the land shark is the easiest.

Originally, it had the upper hand in the battle, but now the battle began to show a one-sided situation!

With the successful evolution of Lily Root Doll into Miss Qun'er, the situation in the arena has undergone earth-shaking changes, and the four king-level ghost-attribute spirits have begun to retreat steadily!

"Damn it, what the hell is going on with that lily root doll?"

The wizards in the distance watched the battle in the distance, and they all fell into astonishment, faintly becoming a little unbelievable.

In this way, the Lily Root Doll completed the evolution in front of them, and defeated the Night Demon head-on, and also helped the injured elves to complete the treatment.

With the sudden appearance of this elf, the battle that they thought was a sure thing, now started to develop in the opposite direction!

"Retreat, let's retreat first." At this moment, Ghost Ying suddenly said.

The other two were taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly turned their eyes to the direction of Guixu Cave. They could faintly feel a powerful force approaching.

"That snow demon girl is back." Their hearts sank.

Now, the opponent's strength has surpassed them. If the snow demon girl whose strength has reached the king level also returns, it may be difficult for them to leave.

"Mission failed." Ghost Fire frowned.

Guixue also nodded, and then looked in the direction of Li Zhicheng, "I don't know how the battle over there is going."

"I can't control that much, let's leave here first."

Ghost Shadow shook his head, and at this moment, four ghost attribute spirits could be seen flying back quickly in the distance.

Immediately afterwards, Ghost Shadow took out a crystal containing ghost attribute energy from his pocket, and as the crystal floated up, a crack in the spiritual world suddenly appeared in the air!

A few ghost attribute elves in the distance flew back, engulfed their masters, and quickly sank into the crack in the spirit world. As the crack closed, everything returned to calm!

The moment the crack in the spiritual world closed, Aiwen and the other figures appeared not far away, but it was too late to stop them at this time, and they could only watch the enemy's figure disappear in front of him.

"No matter what, this battle is over." Ivan exhaled slowly.

At the same time, to the east of his gaze, a figure was falling quickly, it was the Snow Demon Girl who had lured away the gray mist and the ghost beast.

Obviously, the Snow Demon Girl successfully brought those ghost monsters back to the Guixu Cave, and then passed through the mysterious lake back to the spirit world.

"Snow Demon Girl, thank you for your hard work."

Hearing Aiwen's praise, the Snow Fairy's face relaxed, and then she became a little flustered again.

But after a while, it suddenly froze for a moment, and looked at Miss Qun'er standing beside Ivan.

Faintly, it could feel the familiar feeling emanating from Miss Qun'er, and it yelled twice in confusion, Lily root doll?

skirt, skirt~

Miss Qun'er raised her head and nodded triumphantly.

After a period of hard work, it finally successfully completed the evolution, and now it is very strong!

yo yo yo~

Snow Demon Girl nodded, looked at Miss Qun'er, then at Ai Wen's chest, covered her mouth and thought for a while, then suddenly let out a giggle.

skirt skirt?

Miss Qun'er was taken aback for a moment, and followed the Snow Fairy's gaze to Ai Wen's chest.

Suddenly, its face changed, and it sensed a very serious problem. Will Ivan have no way to hold it in the future?

Miss Qun'er: (﹃), how did it become like this?

"Congratulations, Miss Qun'er."

At this moment, Miss Qu'er suddenly felt a warm touch from her head.

It raised its head and met Aiwen's eyes, then all the expressions on his face disappeared, and gave Aiwen a sweet smile.

That's right, as long as it can be by Ivan's side, it is already very satisfied.

Hee hee hee hee~

Kirulian looked at the Snow Demon Girl, and then at Miss Qun'er, feeling the roller coaster-like mood changes of the two elves for some inexplicable reason.

In the end, it could feel that both Miss Qun'er and the Snow Demon Girl exuded joy from the bottom of their hearts, and couldn't help but become happier, and their figures floated over.

Miss Qun'er, Snow Fairy, and Kirulian, three elves of similar size surrounded Aiwen, and they looked surprisingly harmonious.

Ho Ho Ho Ho ~

The Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus looked complicated, and the one in front of him was actually the Lily Gen doll.

Knowing that the Lily root doll has successfully completed the evolution, it is really envious.

I don't know when it will be able to complete the evolution. Will it be stronger than the Lily Root Doll after evolution?

Thinking of this, Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus also slowly clenched its fists, and it will have to work harder to train after returning!

It has been decided that he will super super double the next training task, and must complete the evolution in the shortest possible time, so that he can keep up with his companions!

"Let's go back first."

Aiwen watched the elves around, and then looked at the fortress in the distance.

But just as he took a step, his whole body was shaken suddenly, and his consciousness was in a trance.

The next moment, a picture appeared in his mind, the figure of Yaknom quickly fell from the sky!

Irwin Irwin Irwin

A deep calling suddenly sounded in my mind, echoing constantly, accompanied by bursts of painful feelings, which lasted for a long time!

ps: On the 28th day in a row, 1,500 monthly tickets have been added.

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