Pokemon from Scratch

Chapter 311 The elf egg hatches, the legendary elf!

In the backyard of the castle, Aiwen gathered all the elves.

After this battle, the strength of his elves has been greatly improved.

Especially Miss Qun'er, with the help of life energy, solar energy and natural energy, Lily Gen doll successfully completed the evolution independently without relying on the sun stone!

After relying on this method of evolution, Miss Qun'er is obviously different from her normal evolution counterparts, the biggest difference being the golden flower on her head.

Moreover, Miss Qun'er's strength has also successfully broken through to the king level, even much stronger than ordinary king level monsters.

skirt, skirt~

At this time, in the courtyard, the energy of the sun condensed on Miss Qun'er's head.

Then I saw a round of sun being condensed by Miss Ji Qun'er, and quickly turned into a round of sun, covering a large area in it.

At this time, Miss Qun'er's sunny day move was much more powerful than Sakura's sunny day, and the original low temperature in the field was swept away.

Moreover, at this time, Miss Quen'er continuously integrated natural energy into the sun in the sky, making the sun last for a long time even without Miss Qun'er's control.

skirt skirt~

Miss Qun'er stood under the sunny sky, with a faint green light emitting from her body.

This is the chlorophyll characteristic of Miss Qun'er, which can greatly increase its speed of condensing energy and casting spells.

Of course, in terms of movement speed, it also has a huge improvement, its figure moves quickly in the field while the green light is flashing, leaving behind a green light.

skirt skirt~

It looked up at the scorching sun in the sky.

At the same time, it can be seen that the golden flowers on its head are suddenly shining with light.

A large amount of solar energy is rapidly condensing towards the flowers, making the rays of light become stronger and stronger.

Accompanied by a low shout, a milky white light beam was directly shot out by Miss Qun'er, and quickly blasted towards a rock in the field!


A violent roar sounded, and the rock was directly shattered!

Immediately, a powerful wave of energy emanated out, causing the surrounding elves to look sideways.

Miss Qun'er used the solar beam move, also known as the sun flame, which is a beam attack performed by collecting solar energy!

The power of this move is very powerful. According to the power standard of the move in the previous life, it has a power value of 120, but it usually takes a lot of time to collect sunlight before it can be launched.

But now it's a sunny day, and it doesn't take long for the Sun Beam move to gather enough solar energy to successfully launch the Sun Beam!

Especially Miss Qun'er is currently using the Sun Beam move, her ability to control the solar energy has directly raised the power of the Sun Beam move to the limit!

skirt skirt~

Seeing the power of her solar beam move, Miss Qun'er nodded in satisfaction.

Usually, it almost always exists as an auxiliary elf, and rarely participates in frontal battles.

Now that it has the sun beam move, its attack has been greatly improved, and it can show its king-level combat power as much as possible.

Ho ho ho!

In the distance, the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus had a look of envy on its face.

Its eyes also looked at the sun in the sky, the warmth was really very comfortable.

However, this energy can be condensed, and its power is indeed very powerful, especially the rich fire attribute energy contained in it.

Thinking of this, it involuntarily took a few more breaths of the heat floating in the air, and at the same time a strong flame burned on its body, and began to exercise its body.

High temperature and heavy pressure, this is the strength that Ironclad Tyrannosaurus has focused on training during this period, so as to continuously strengthen its body, and at the same time digest all kinds of iron ore it ate in its body.

By absorbing the energy in these iron ores, relying on high temperature and heavy pressure to integrate them into the body, it can clearly feel that its body is being continuously strengthened.

This process is like forging iron, constantly tempering the magazines in the body, and at the same time absorbing the energy in the ore, allowing it to combine with the body.

At the same time, in this process, it is also constantly using the original force moves to strengthen the body, making its rocky skin tougher and firmer, and the original force can cultivate and exercise the body under heavy pressure.

It's a pity that none of these iron ores seem to contain substances that can make it evolve, so it can only absorb more different types of iron ore to continue trying.

Miss Qun'er, who has successfully completed the evolution now, has really given Ironclad Tyrannosaurus a lot of motivation for training. Since Lily Gen doll can become fully evolved, it believes that it can definitely do it too!

Ho ho ho!

Ironclad Tyrannosaurus encouraged himself hard.

Then it tightened the white ribbon on its head, and quickly used its burrows to drill into the ground, continuously drilling towards the ground, intending to rely on the heavy pressure and high temperature of the ground for exercise!

skirt skirt~

In the distance, Miss Qun'er exhaled slightly, and then used the green grass field move.

A large amount of green grass appeared under its feet, quickly covering the entire site, and strong life energy surged, nourishing the surrounding elves.

Feeling that the fatigue on their bodies was swept away, the elves who were training quickly expressed their gratitude to Miss Qun'er, and continued to train happily after the fatigue was eliminated.

skirt skirt~

Miss Qun'er's figure began to dance on the grass field.

Immediately, petals fluttered around Miss Qun'er's body, which is exactly the petal dance move.

Its figure is constantly dancing, and it can be seen that Miss Qun'er is still very talented in dancing, and the green skirt on her body is constantly swinging.

At the same time, it could continuously emit green light from its body, and immediately saw flowers of various colors suddenly appearing on the green grass field, and bursts of flower fragrance wafted in the field.

"Miss Quen'er is indeed a flower decoration elf, born with a very strong affinity with all kinds of flowers, and masters the power of flowers." Ai Wen's gaze also fell on Miss Qun'er at this time.

Miss Qun'er's power over flowers is not limited to ordinary flowers, it also has a very strong effect on elves that can bloom flowers on their bodies, allowing them to develop better.

Just like the Smelly Flowers and Overlord Flowers, Miss Qun'er's power is effective for both of them, and can greatly improve the development of Smelly Flowers and Overlord Flowers, which naturally has a very big impact on the Smelly Flower Army led by the elves. benefit.

In the next step, Ivan even plans to let Miss Qun'er simulate the power of the Sun Stone, so that it may be able to help the Smelly Flowers complete their evolution.

The stinky flower can evolve into the overlord flower through the leaf stone, and if it is the sun stone, it can evolve into another kind of elf beauty flower.

Like Miss Qun'er, Meilihua is a pure grass elf that evolved through the Sun Stone, and can also control the energy of the sun and life.

At that time, it may be possible to form a flower army around Miss Qun'er and these beautiful flowers, overlord flowers, and stinky flowers. With Miss Qun'er as the core, it may really be hard to beat the legendary elves!

skirt skirt~

The figure of Miss Qun'er continued to dance.

Although it uses the petal dance move, it is also a special training method.

Through the dance of flowers, energy can be continuously condensed, and the natural energy in the field can be seen continuously converging towards Miss Qun'er.

"Miss Quen'er's dancing talent is really good."

"Next, maybe I can teach Miss Qun'er the other three dance moves."

There was a smile on Aiwen's face, and dance moves themselves were also a special type of moves, just like weather moves and venue moves.

Through a certain dance, a state similar to the unity of man and nature can be achieved, so as to attract different forces through continuous dance steps, just like Miss Qun'er's current dance of flowers.

At the same time, the Moon Dance is also similar. Although this is not a move, it has a special effect that condenses the energy of the moon. This is the state of harmony between man and nature borrowed from the special dance steps!

In addition, through the combination of dance steps and corresponding energy, it is possible to use more powerful dance moves, just like the petal dance move, which is a powerful move comparable to the sun beam!

In addition to the Dance of Flower moves, the dance moves that Aiwen knows include Sword Dance, Feather Dance, Shake Dance, Dragon Dance, Butterfly Dance, Crescent Moon Dance and Fire Dance.

A large part of these moves are dances that only certain elves can learn. This involves the special racial power of these elves, which can resonate with certain forces.

An elf like Miss Qun'er is also very good at dancing. There are four dance moves that she can master, namely the petal dance, sword dance, shaking dance and butterfly dance.

Now that Miss Qun'er's talent in dancing is very good, Aiwen naturally intends to fully explore it for this point, and I believe Miss Qun'er will be able to master it well.

Especially the Butterfly Dance move can greatly improve the special attack, special defense and speed of the elf, which is very obvious for Miss Qun'er's strength, and can be used in conjunction with the Petal Dance.

skirt skirt~

Miss Qun'er's body stopped, looking at the flowers in the whole yard, her mood immediately improved.

Of course, Ivan would not have any opinion on this. After all, this is the back garden of the castle, and the decoration of these flowers seems to be more worthy of the name.

In the future, he can plant a lot of special flowers that can be used to prepare medicines in the backyard garden. He will naturally hand over this back garden to Miss Qun'er to take care of it. I believe that Miss Qun'er will naturally be able to take care of these flowers.

Hee hee hee hee~

Beside Aiwen, Kirulian made an envious voice.

Although it has been training very hard recently, there is still a big gap compared to Miss Qun'er and Snow Demon.

Before Miss Qun'er evolved, their combat power was actually very close, but now that such a huge gap has been opened up in an instant, it makes her feel depressed.

"Kirulian, don't worry."

"As long as you can successfully digest the power of Yaknom, you will soon be able to break through to the king level."

Aiwen patted Qi Lulian's head and comforted him, Yaknom itself possesses super power attribute energy, and its colorful energy contains powerful spiritual power and will energy.

Aiwen now contains the power of Aknom in his body, so when meditating, Kirulian can also constantly feel and absorb the power of Aknom contained in his body.

Hee hee hee hee~

Kirulian nodded solemnly, and immediately pulled Ivan to continue his meditation.

Originally, elves with superpower attributes could do meditation exercises with superpowers. Many superpowers in the future world will use this to improve their meditation efficiency.

Ivan and Kirulian have been doing meditation training together before. At that time, Kirulian had been helping Ivan with mental exercise, and now it was Ivan's turn to help Kirulian train.

"Okay, then let's continue." Ivan smiled.

However, just as they were about to continue to enter the meditation state, the elf eggs on the table did suddenly move.

Ai Wen showed joy on his face, "Huh? Recently, the reaction of elf eggs has become more and more frequent. It seems that the little life in it is about to be born."

Hee hee hee hee~

Kirulian also showed a strange color on his face at this time.

It closed its eyes and felt it, and suddenly felt the strong emotion emerging from the elf egg.

The elf egg kept shaking, and a wave of energy fluctuations quickly emitted from it, and it could be seen that the purple crystal that wrapped the elf egg began to emit a lavender light.

The next moment, I saw that the energy contained in the purple crystal suddenly poured into the elf egg, and the light of the purple crystal suddenly dimmed visible to the naked eye.

"The energy in the purple crystal is being absorbed, is it about to hatch?" Ivan narrowed his eyes.

This purple crystal has been wrapping the elf egg, and the energy contained in it continuously nourishes the little life in the elf egg.

After this period of research, Aiwen can basically judge that this purple crystal is to protect the life in the elf egg.

Now the energy in the purple crystal is being absorbed continuously, his first reaction is that the elf egg is about to hatch, and the current purple crystal is obviously useless.

skirt skirt~

Miss Qun'er in the distance was also attracted by the movement here.

It can feel that there is a strong wave of life emanating from the elf egg at this time, and it looks no different from a normal elf.

"Huh? It seems that the elf in the elf egg has indeed been fully born."

"Miss Qun'er, use life energy to help the little guy among them, and see if they can hatch the elf eggs."

Aiwen's eyes flickered. He was indeed very familiar with the scene in front of him. He had seen the hatching process of elf eggs countless times in the elf cultivation house.

skirt, skirt~

Miss Qun'er nodded, life energy poured into the elf egg continuously.

Due to the transformation of Miss Qu'er's life energy, it can be said to be the best nutrient solution in the world at this time.

Therefore, during this period of time, Aiwen did not continue to prepare the culture solution, and directly asked Miss Qun'er to integrate life energy into the water to prepare a special water of life as a nutrient solution.

As Miss Qun'er's life energy continuously merged into the elf egg, it can be seen that the shaking of the elf egg became more obvious.

At this time, the surrounding elves had gathered, looking forward to this scene, they didn't know what elves would be hatched from this elf egg.

oh oh oh~

Dragon King Scorpion looked at this scene, but his figure kept wandering in place.

The entire territory of the Dragon King Scorpion can be said to be built around the poisonous quagmire, and it instinctively feels close to this energy fluctuation.

Seeing that the elf egg was finally about to hatch at this moment, Dragon King Scorpion's emotions were also very complicated at this time, and he had the illusion of an old father waiting for the birth of his child.


Looking at his old partner, the leader of King Nido scratched his head.

Its eyes also fell on the elf egg, and the situation of the poisonous quagmire appeared in its mind.

During this period of time, its improvement is undoubtedly very huge. With the help of the power of the poisonous quagmire, it feels faintly that it is about to reach the king level.

How can poison attribute energy and ground attribute energy be integrated?

The leader of King Nido thought about this question for a long time, and finally got the answer on the poisonous quagmire.

Isn't the poisonous quagmire a fusion of poison attribute energy and ground attribute energy? As long as he can create a poisonous quagmire, he is confident that he can successfully step into the king class!

Now, seeing that the elf egg that made the poisonous quagmire in front of it is about to hatch, its mood is also excited, and it feels like it may be able to find its own way in this elf!


Nidorino and Nidona looked at each other.

They looked at their father, and then at the elf egg in front of them.

At this time, most of the poisonous elves in the field are very curious. Only after going to that poisonous quagmire can they feel how powerful that power is!

That is the power that belongs to the poisonous king. Now the elf that has been conceived in the poisonous mud swamp for an unknown amount of time is finally about to hatch!

"What will it be?"

Even Aiwen, who has already seen the hatching process of countless elf eggs, is looking forward to it now.

It was also the first time he had seen the pattern on this elf egg, plus the amethyst that wrapped the elf egg, this elf egg obviously had something special.


Suddenly, there was a clicking sound.

Then I saw a crack suddenly appeared in the purple crystal that wrapped the elf egg, and it continued to spread on the purple crystal.

Kacha Kacha~

There were two more broken sounds.

The cracks on the purple crystal became more and more, and finally shattered suddenly!

Then I saw the white elf egg with golden patterns completely exposed, lying quietly on the ground.

At this time, the lingering green light above the elf egg, life energy continuously entered into the elf egg.

And as the elf egg broke away from the seal of the purple crystal, the elf egg suddenly began to quickly absorb life energy.

skirt skirt~

Miss Qun'er was obviously taken aback, and quickly gathered more life energy.

At this time, in its eyes, the elf egg turned into a bottomless pit, constantly devouring life energy!

Even if Miss Qun'er has mobilized all her strength to condense life energy, she still can't keep up with the devouring speed of the elf egg!

After watching this scene, Kirulian immediately used the healing wave, and the life energy was integrated into the pink light beam and into the elf egg.

But this is still not enough. Seeing that Miss Qun'er can only gather all the life energy through the green grass field, you can see that the green grass begins to shrink rapidly, and all the energy is poured into the elf egg.

Finally, the elf egg seemed to have absorbed enough life energy, and the whole thing became quiet, and a faint white light began to emit from the elf egg.

"This is... going to hatch!" Ivan exhaled.

The formation of this elf egg is really unusual. Fortunately, Miss Qun'er has successfully broken through, otherwise she really wouldn't be able to satisfy the little guy in the elf egg.

It's just that I don't know what the elf in it will be. Could it really be the elf egg of a legendary elf?

Under the expectant eyes of Aiwen and many elves, the white light on the elf egg finally burst out, enveloping the entire elf egg.

Immediately afterwards, just like the process of elf evolution, the white light continued to surge and turned into a vague figure, and a powerful wave of energy emanated from this figure!

skirt skirt~

Miss Qun'er kept her gaze on the elf egg.

At this time, through the induction of life energy, it can feel some special life energy changes.

This wave of life energy is somewhat similar to the wave of elf evolution, but it is very different, which is very strange.

"What the hell is it?" Ivan blocked the dazzling white light with his hands, waiting for the white light to disappear.

Soon, the white light gradually dimmed, all the energy gathered towards the center, and finally everything turned into a white figure.

This figure, which is close to human shape, has short arms and feet, and a long tail.

It is white all over, with a very large head on top of which there are three tubular poisonous needles, and the face and needle tips are golden.

"This elf is..." Ai Wen slowly widened his eyes, and after a while, he spit out a name, "Du Beibi?"

Dubaibi is a kind of Ultra Beast found in the Alola region. They come from another world and come to this world through the Ultra Cave.

As an elf breeder, Aiwen is naturally very interested in all kinds of elves that appear in the world, so he has specially learned about the special elf of the Ultra Beast.

But at this moment, the Poison Bepi in front of him is a little different from the one in Iwen's impression, mainly in the color of the body, which makes him suspect that it is a flashing Poison Bepi!

"A flash poison baby hatched from the elf egg?" Thinking of this, Aiwen's tone was still unimaginable.

You know, the ultimate beast can also be called a legendary elf to a certain extent, and now a legendary elf really hatched from the elf egg?

In addition, the Ultra Beast came to this world through the Ultra Cave, and the Ultra Cave will only be opened in the Alola area, and there is no record of the Ultra Cave being opened in other areas.

Why did those elven eggs of this ultra beast appear in the Sinnoh area? This reminded him of the traces of the battle where the elf eggs were found.

Could it be that Dubby's parents ran all the way from the Alola region to the Sinnoh region, and then a battle broke out near the Black Forest, and finally this Ultra Beast Elf egg fell into the Black Forest and has been preserved until now?

However, this poisonous baby turned out to be a flash, is it because it is a flash elf, or was there some accident when it was born?

Perhaps it was because of this accident, or even some defect in the elf egg, that the egg of the Shining Poison Baby was sealed in the purple crystal, which matched his original guess.

This was also reflected in the hatching process of the elf egg. If Miss Qun'er hadn't held the life energy, this elf egg might have continued to be sealed, and I don't know when it would be able to hatch.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, nidonido~

Both Dragon King Scorpion and Nido King had serious expressions on their faces at this moment.

They actually felt a sense of oppression belonging to the superior from this elf.

This sense of oppression does not just refer to the oppression of strength, but a kind of oppression that belongs to the level of life.

Obviously, the elf in front of him is not an ordinary poisonous elf, and this further confirms Ai Wen's guess.

babe babe~

Just as Aiwen was guessing about Du Beibi's origin, the newly born little guy opened his eyes and yelled a few words in a low voice.

Afterwards, its eyes fell on Miss Qun'er, perhaps because it often absorbed the life energy condensed by Miss Qun'er, it felt a natural sense of intimacy.

skirt skirt~

Seeing the little guy in front of her, Miss Qu'er happily went up to him.

Some life energy condensed from its body again, making it merge into the newly born little guy.

The familiar life energy fluctuations and the comfortable feeling from her body made Du Beibi narrow her eyes happily, and gently rubbed her head against Miss Qu'er.

Hee hee hee hee~

Seeing this, Kirulian also surrounded her.

The red horns on its head trembled, and its mental power came out to communicate with Du Beibi.

When Du Beibi was still in the elf egg, it communicated with Du Beibi in this way.

There was another familiar feeling, Du Beibi narrowed his eyes happily, stretched out his head and rubbed Kirulian to show his closeness.

"Du Beibi, nice to meet you, come over and drink some milk first." Ai Wen smiled and handed over a glass of milk.

This is made with the milk squeezed from the cows raised by the serfs of the elves and the fruit. It is very suitable for the newly born elves to eat.

Baby, Baby~

Du Beibi took a sip of the milk carefully, narrowed his eyes happily, and quickly finished the milk.

Seeing this, Ai Wen took advantage of the situation and hugged Du Beibi, and began to check the newborn's body.

"The development is very good. It seems that Miss Qun'er's life energy has indeed produced an effect." Ivan praised.

When checking the energy fluctuations contained in Du Beibi's body, his face showed surprise again. At this time, Du Beibi's body actually contained energy at the level of an intermediate monster!

A newly born elf possesses energy fluctuations at the level of a mid-level monster, and Aiwen has to sigh with emotion at this time, he really deserves to be the infancy of the ultimate beast, a legendary-level elf!

Skirt ~ Ji Gu!

After hearing Aiwen's words, Miss Qun'er and the Qiluli Security Department were both surprised.

They recalled their journey, they were really too weak when they were just born, the gap is really too big!

If Du Beibi hadn't just been born, they really wanted to fight Du Beibi at this time, to see how strong this newborn little guy is!

"It seems that this time it is indeed a treasure."

"If Du Beibi can be cultivated, it may really be able to compete against the legendary level elves by then!"

Aiwen's whole body boiled, and cultivating a legendary elf was definitely the dream of countless elf breeders.

Now that he has such an opportunity, he will naturally help Du Beibi plan a growth plan so that he can successfully step into the legendary level!

In addition, he remembered that Du Beibi was one of the few legendary elves with an evolutionary form, and Du Beibi seemed to need to learn the dragon wave move if he wanted to evolve.

Du Beibi's evolution form is the four-jaw needle dragon, which is an elf with dual attributes of poison and dragon, and the four-jaw needle dragon should be regarded as the real legendary elf, possessing powerful racial power to compete with the legendary elves!

"Dragon Wave. This is a little troublesome." Ivan frowned.

Dragon attribute elves can be said to be the most difficult to cultivate among all elves. After all, resources containing dragon attribute energy are the most expensive, and the requirements for learning dragon attribute moves are very high.

As a one-stroke wave-type dragon-attribute move, Dragon Wave is very difficult to learn. Even Aiwen has no specific learning method to master this move. It seems that he will have to study it in the future.

However, as an excellent elf breeder, he still has confidence in this. He believes that Du Beibi will grow up quickly under his hands.

In this case, the Elf Alliance can also have its own guardian elf. Although Lizhi City has the guardian of Aknom, the price of its coming is really very high.

In this case, a guardian elf who can guard the city at all times is particularly important. At that time, the little things will be guarded by the four-jaw needle dragon, and the big things will have the power of Aknom, so that it will be safe.

Baby, Baby~

The newly born Du Beibi is very lively.

Its eyes fell on Kirulian floating in mid-air, and it flicked its hands twice.

Then I saw that Du Beibi's figure actually floated up, and the figure turned somersaults in the air, giggling continuously.

Hee hee hee hee~

Kirulian was startled, and quickly floated to Du Beibi's side.


Miss Qun'er condensed a vine and pulled Poison Baby to her side.

Immediately afterwards, the three little guys also started playing, and the backyard was filled with laughter for a while.

Seeing this, Ai Wen also came to the desk, controlled the pen and paper to float into the air with his thoughts, closed his eyes, and recalled the few information he knew about Du Beibi.

At present, Du Beibi is a poisonous attribute elf, so it must be right to cultivate it according to the cultivation method of cultivating poisonous attribute elves. As a poisonous attribute beast, it can master almost all poison attribute moves.

Then there are the characteristics. The characteristics of the ultimate beast seem to be all about the ultimate improvement. This is a growth-type characteristic. It can improve its own strength by defeating the enemy and then absorbing the enemy's power.

Although this kind of improvement is not permanent, absorbing as much energy as possible from the enemy is definitely of great benefit to Du Beibi, just like the original force move.

"Next, let Du Beibi learn highly poisonous moves, which can greatly mobilize the poisonous energy in his body."

The first thing Aiwen thought of was to stabilize the power that Du Beibi now possesses. As an elf born with energy fluctuations at the intermediate level of monsters, the most important thing now is to master his own power!

As long as he can master a basic poison attribute move, Du Beibi can become an elf with the strength of a mid-level monster, and it is not difficult to steadily upgrade to a high-level monster.

"Now, I still want to take Du Beibi to the Poison Mire Swamp first."

"It is the place where Du Beibi was born, and the poisonous energy contained in it will definitely help Du Beibi."

Thinking of this, Aiwen also stood up, greeted Miss Qun'er and Kirulian, and planned to go to the Poison Mire Swamp first.

Only after finding out all about Du Beibi's situation can he formulate a targeted training plan. Now he can only formulate a general idea.

Skirt, skirt! Hey!

Both Miss Qun'er and Kirulian nodded.

Afterwards, the two little guys quickly came to Ivan's side.

Du Beibi floated around Aiwen, saw Aiwen stretching out his arm, and flew over subconsciously.

Aiwen hugged Du Beibi, touched Du Beibi's head, looked at the golden poisonous needle on its head, his eyes flickered slightly.

It is said that Du Beibi's huge head is filled with venom, which can be fired from the poisonous needle at the tip of the head. It is very special as the ultimate beast venom, and its toxicity is absolutely top-notch.

Carefully hugging Du Beibi, Aiwen led the elves towards the comfort of the Black Forest.

skirt skirt~

Miss Qun'er looked at the poisonous baby in Ivan's arms, then at herself, and sighed slightly.

It knows that after successfully completing its evolution, it will be very difficult to enjoy that embrace again, and this is the price of growth!

Baby, Baby~

Newborn babies are curious about everything around them.

When seeing a new elf appear on the road, Du Beibi will be happy to meet it immediately.

Judging from the information above, Du Beibi is an extremely emotional beast, and Kirulian's feeling for this is the most obvious.

Although he was just born, Du Beibi's emotions are already very rich at this time, and a faint emotional energy is constantly radiating out!

Fortunately, Du Beibi has not yet mastered the ability to spray venom, otherwise, if it randomly sprays out the venom in its own body, it will definitely cause very big trouble.

It didn't take long for them to enter the black forest. Except for the territory of the Dragon King Scorpion, the poisonous mist in other places was already very thin, and there were very few poisonous elves living around.

Gradually, this vacated forest has become the new territory of many stinky flowers. They have poison and grass attributes, and they can adapt very well no matter what the environment is.

This is also a very important part of pure river governance. The toxicity in the land must be clear, and the smelly flowers are the little experts in absorbing the toxicity in the land.

Passing through the outskirts of the Black Forest, they soon came to the territory of the Dragon King Scorpion shrouded in poisonous mist. Seeing this, Miss Qun'er resorted to aromatherapy and began to expel the surrounding poisonous mist, allowing Aiwen to enter it safely.

After arriving at the territory of the Dragon King Scorpion, Du Beibi obviously felt something. At this time, he was dancing in the forest excitedly, and the poisonous mist floating around was continuously absorbed into his body.

Afterwards, there was no need for Aiwen to lead it at all. Du Beibi flew in the direction of the poisonous quagmire. It could feel a sense of intimacy. After all, this is its sealed place!

Baby, Baby~

After coming to the sky over the poisonous quagmire, Du Beibi's figure kept wandering around the poisonous quagmire.

Hee hee hee hee~

Kirulian floated around Pompey.

At this time, it clearly felt the change in Du Beibi's heart, and at this time its mood became a little depressed.

Apparently, Du Beibi felt something around this poisonous mud swamp, which is a special induction in genes.

"It seems that something is actually happening around this poisonous mud swamp."

"It's even possible that Du Beibi's parents had an accident here, and this will cause Du Beibi to feel special."

Aiwen sighed slowly, stretched out his hand and hugged Du Beibi in his arms, "Du Beibi, now you have our companions."

He comforted him softly. Seeing this, Du Beibi couldn't help but look up at Miss Yanqu'er and Kirulian, then at the other elves gathered around, and nodded vigorously.

Immediately afterwards, Du Beibi's figure suddenly flew up, and then quickly sank into the poisonous quagmire.

This poisonous quagmire, which even poisonous elves couldn't bear, couldn't hurt Du Beibi at all, and the surrounding energy was still flowing into Du Beibi's body.

After an unknown amount of time, Du Beibi's figure floated out of the poisonous quagmire. At this time, it was holding a gray stone with nothing else in its hand.

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