Pokemon from Scratch

Chapter 312 Poké Ball Factory

In the back garden of the castle, Ivan looked at the stones on the table.

After some research, he still hadn't figured out what the stone was.

But it turned out that Du Beibi found it from the poisonous mud swamp, so it shouldn't be an ordinary stone.

After thinking for a while, he took out a wooden box from his backpack, opened the wooden box and saw a few things inside.

The mysterious water drop that represents Mana Fei's approval, the mysterious crystal discovered when the smelly mud was conquered, and now this stone, these three things are very special.

Ho Ho Ho ~

Seeing Aiwen close the wooden box, the armored Tyrannosaurus screamed a few words in a low voice.

Ironclad Tyrannosaurus is still very obsessed with stones. In fact, it wants to say, if it doesn't know what the stone is for, can it be eaten by it?

babe babe~

The figure of Shining Poison Baby sat at the wooden table, looking at the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus vigilantly.

Although it doesn't know what this stone is, it can faintly feel that this stone is very important to itself.

Ho Ho~

The armored tyrannosaurus smiled awkwardly, and set his eyes on Aiwen.

The main purpose of its coming this time is to tell Aiwen to go to the blacksmith shop, and Master McGinn has something to do with him.

"Okay, I'll be there right away." Ivan stood up.

Afterwards, he held Du Beibi in his arms, and followed behind the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus with Miss Qun'er, Snow Fairy and Kirulian.

Soon they came to the North District of Chunbai Town, which is the industrial zone of Chunbai Town, and many factories have been established at this time.

The largest factories are the elf food processing factory and the chemical fertilizer processing factory. The two factories continue to produce a large amount of elf food and fertilizer for the entire territory, which makes the territory develop rapidly.

At the same time, the Pharmacist Association is also located here. Every day, a large amount of pharmaceutical materials are transported to the Pharmacist Association, and then they are formulated into various medicines and sent to various places in Lizhi City.

Especially after the establishment of the Elf Alliance, elf cultivation houses will be established in each territory, and then elf food, fertilizers and medicines will also be shipped out of the elf territories.

The current North District of Chunbai Town can be said to be the busiest place in the entire Chunbai Town. As long as it is time to go to work, a large number of workers will come out of the residential areas in the South District of Chunbai Town and come to work in the factory.

All these workers had smiles on their faces at this time. Once they found a job in Pure White Town, they would be able to continue to make money and their lives would become better and better.

In addition, the schools in Chunbai Town have also solved the problem of taking care of children in these families, freeing more women who originally needed to take care of their children from their families.

They can send their children to the supporting schools in the residential area in the morning, then go to work in the factory, and go to the school to pick up the children in the evening.

In this way, after the family has an extra labor force, these families can also earn more money, and the residents become richer, and they have the ability to consume, which promotes the development of territorial trade.

At the same time, with the continuous development of the trainer profession in the territory, it has already become the most popular profession in the Elf Territory. Many civilians are already accumulating savings to prepare for becoming a trainer.

After all, the job of a trainer is not limited to fighting now. Many working elves can play a very good role. If you can cultivate a specific elf, your salary can be doubled several times.

And the money they earn now is enough to raise their own elves. Although it is difficult to breed a powerful elf, it is relatively easy to just raise them.

The current elf collar can be said to have entered the period when all the people raise elves. Humans and elves have achieved harmonious coexistence, and all aspects of human life are still inseparable from elves.

"It seems that it is indeed time to start promoting the Poké Ball." Aiwen walked on the street, feeling the prosperity of Pure White Town, and his heart was filled with a sense of satisfaction.

After passing through half a block, his figure stopped at the junction of the trainer area in the east area and the industrial area in the north area. At this time, there was a huge building that had just been built here.

"Your Highness Aiwen, you are finally here." Master McGinn stood at the door of the building.

After seeing Aiwen, his whole body immediately became excited. The recent experience in the elf collar was really too dreamy.

Not only did he learn the method of turning stones into gold here, but he was also fortunate enough to come into contact with the elf ball, a magical creation that can seal elves in it!

After taking a deep breath, he quickly came to Ai Wen and knelt down on one knee, "His Royal Highness Ai Wen, luckily you have fulfilled your mission. The steel factory you explained has been established."

Ho Ho Ho ~

The armored tyrannosaurus also called twice at this time, indicating that the establishment of the steel plant also had its own credit.

"Well, thank you for your hard work, Master McGinn." Ai Wen stepped forward to help Master McGinn up, "And the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus, they did a very good job."

Then, under the leadership of Master McGinn, he entered the iron and steel factory. Looking at the field, he could see many blast furnaces. These are the forging furnaces that blacksmiths need for forging.

Compared with the bowl-type furnace that Aiwen made directly, the forging furnace here is much more advanced, and can meet the usual forging needs of blacksmiths.

The fuel is naturally the trees that have been cut down in the Dark Coast forest. Except for the buildings, most of these trees will be transported here as fuel.

The forest coverage area in this world is very large now, and a large forest can definitely burn for a very long time, and with the presence of grass-type elves, trees can grow quickly.

"His Royal Highness Aiwen, the outermost place is the most basic iron forging place."

"Now the Elven Territory has recruited many ordinary blacksmiths. By then, we can forge weapons and iron tools needed for life here at the outermost place."

On the way, Master McGinn continued to introduce that the layout of the blacksmith shop here is no different from that of ordinary blacksmiths in this world. There are also many forging rooms in the factory.

When the time comes here, a lot of ironware will be continuously produced to meet the daily needs of the common people in the elves. After having ironware, a lot of labor will be saved a lot.

"The next inside is the place for processing compact instruments."

"The craftsmen will make all kinds of compact utensils here."

When talking about this, McKinten paused, looking forward to it: "The parts needed for the poke ball will also be made here."

"According to the different parts needed for the Poké Ball, there will be more than ten different factory areas at that time. At that time, it will be produced together with ordinary utensils. There will be absolutely no problem with the confidentiality work."

The production of Poké Balls is very important. In fact, McGinn’s idea is to directly lead a few craftsmen to make them in secret. But what they are going to do now is to mass-produce Poké Balls. Small workshops are definitely not suitable for production.

Having said that, McKim still hesitated, "His Royal Highness Aiwen, do you really want to promote the Poké Ball so that all trainers can use the Poké Ball?"

In fact, he still doesn't understand that it's best to keep things like poke balls in his own hands. If they are promoted, it will be very difficult to manage them.

"Well, I have thought about it a long time ago."

"To make more people become trainers, the promotion of Poké Balls is essential."

"I also know what you think. At that time, I will set up a department dedicated to managing Poké Balls."

"At that time, only elf cultivation houses will be able to sell elf balls, and they must be registered trainers."

"In addition, the use of elf balls is actually time-consuming, especially the ordinary elf balls made of these berries, which can basically only be used for a few years and need to be replaced."

"In addition, a Poké Ball can only subdue one Pokémon, and it cannot be reused, and if the Pokémon struggles too violently, it will damage the Poké Ball."

"So even if the Poké Ball is really obtained by someone with a heart, the range they can use is very limited, and the risk is completely controllable."

"And even if there is no Poké Ball, there are Warcraft outfits. I think if Poké Balls can be popularized, they will definitely be able to replace Warcraft outfits to a large extent!"

Aiwen took a deep breath. Historical experience has already proved the importance of elf balls to trainers. It is the fastest thing to establish a connection between elves and trainers.

"I see. Since His Royal Highness Ivan already has a plan, there must be no problem." McGinn nodded.

Then they continued to walk towards the steel factory and entered the most core area, and this is naturally the place where the cones are forged, which is also the most critical in the process of making the poke ball.

In addition, the elf ball net device will also be made here, and only the net device can successfully restrain the elves.

At that time, all the cones will be transported here for forging. After the forging of the cones is completed, Master McGinn and his craftsmen will personally assemble and return to the furnace for forging.

After all the procedures, the secrecy work has been done enough, so that the production method of the Poké Ball will not be leaked so easily.

In particular, the final high-temperature remelting will fuse all the parts into one. Even if other forces obtain the Poké Ball, they will not be able to obtain effective information if they are completely disassembled.

This point has been repeatedly verified during the production process of the Poké Ball. Even in the future world, the production method of the Poké Ball is kept secret and will not be easily leaked out.

"Your Highness Aiwen, did the elf ball we made before really seal Darkrai?" McGinn rubbed his hands together.

The elf ball was able to seal Darkley, he felt a little unbelievable now thinking about it, that is the legendary patron saint!

"Indeed, the Poké Ball we made sealed Darkrai away!"

"However, the main reason why the Poké Ball can subdue Darkrai is that it didn't struggle."

"Otherwise, with the power possessed by the legendary elves, even the special elf ball we made might subdue Darkrai."

Ivan nodded with a smile, and then took out the black elf ball that subdued Darkley.

The color of this poke ball is black, not because the ball itself is this color, but because of the magic beast metal incorporated into it!

When forging, the monster metal is integrated into it for high-temperature forging, so that the monster metal is integrated into the cone, which can greatly improve the hardness of the poke ball.

In addition, with the addition of a mesh device made of monster metal, this special poke ball that can successfully seal Darkrai was created!

"Even so, it's still an incredible creation!"

"If this kind of poke ball is used on ordinary pokemon, it will definitely be difficult to break free."

McGinn nodded, his eyes were a little bright, and at this moment, the picture of using the Warcraft Ball to quickly subdue the elves appeared in his mind.

"Well, that's true."

"So, we have to strictly control the production of this special poke ball."

"Too powerful Poké Ball will break the relationship between the trainer and the Pokémon to a large extent."

"Although it is very important for the trainer to subdue the elves with the elf ball, the premise is defeat and approval."

"This is the same for trainer certification. If you don't get the elf's approval, you can't subdue this elf."

Ai Wen seriously explained that in the previous life, there were actually many powerful elf balls, and there were even master balls that were 100% subdued, but they were all banned by the alliance later.

These elf balls can only be effective on special occasions, and must be strictly controlled. Naturally, he will not take the initiative to break this rule.

"I see, Your Highness Aiwen." Master McGinn nodded respectfully.

He is a master blacksmith himself, and is not interested in subduing powerful elves.

Now that His Royal Highness Aiwen has explained, he will naturally abide by it. Now he just wants to stay with Aiwen and study the Poké Ball well.

"Well, I believe you will be able to complete this task that must be recorded in the annals of history." Ivan encouraged with a smile.

Then, he continued: "Now that everything is ready, we still need some blacksmiths and craftsmen."

"I will recruit as many blacksmiths and craftsmen as possible, and I also hope that you can help me cultivate some craftsmen."

"Especially in the production of Poké Ball parts, in fact, many civilians are also competent. The number of craftsmen must be limited, and those ordinary workers are the main force."

Speaking of this, Aiwen couldn't help but think of the Poke Ball Factory in his previous life, where almost all Poke Balls were made by machines, and the production efficiency was very high.

It's a pity that he is not familiar with the assembly line in his previous life, and he doesn't know much about how to make machine tools, but if he can make some molds and give them to the workers, it shouldn't be very difficult.

In addition, the workers can also rely on the power of elves to complete the manufacturing together. Whether it is elves with steel attributes, fighting attributes, or fire attributes, they are all very suitable for working in factories.

"I see, Your Highness Aiwen!" McGinn nodded.

If he wanted to be included in the annals of history, he felt that his whole body was full of strength.

Then he continued: "In spring, we can go to Meteorite City. I have some friends there, and we can call the elves to lead them."

"Well, it's better to be so natural."

"I'm also going to Meteorite City. I can find some fire attribute elves there, which happens to be what we lack."

Aiwen nodded. Now that the Elven Alliance has been established in Lizhi City, what he has to do next is to pass on the influence of the Elven Alliance to other cities.

It's a bit busy to do the report at the end of the month, so let's make sure.

Starting tomorrow, it will be a double monthly pass, let's start a new round of upgrade plan!

Now the monthly ticket is 1400 chapters, and the update has been delayed for a few days, so we have settled the balance.

The next step is to add 100 monthly tickets, double is equal to 50 monthly tickets, absolutely conscientious!

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