Pokemon from Scratch

Chapter 313 Promotion of Poké Balls

The east end of Pure White Town is the trainer area.

Walking through the streets, you can always see the figure of the trainer with the elves.

The tallest building in the center of the East District is the Trainers Association, and it can be seen that there are trainers coming in and out of the associations.

The first floor of the Trainer Association is a place to serve all trainers. Anyone who wants to become a trainer needs to register on the first floor of the Trainer Association.

As long as you can get the approval of an elf, you can become an apprentice trainer, which is not too difficult for the commoners in the elf realm.

However, an apprentice trainer is just the starting point for a trainer. If you want to move forward, you must continue to train your elves and improve the trainer's self-cultivation.

On the second floor of the Trainer Association is the Management Office of the Trainer Academy. Now that the education and popularization of the entire elves has started, the next thing to do is to carry out the training of trainers.

The third floor of the Trainers Association is the Patrol Management Office, the Knight Management Office, and the Ranger Management Office. These three positions have the same status in the elf collar, but the responsibilities are different.

Among them, the patrol team is responsible for the security work inside the territory, the Knights are responsible for defending the entire territory and fighting outside, and the forest rangers are responsible for maintaining the relationship between the elves in the elf cultivation area and the Black Forest.

Of course, due to the historical reasons of this world, the knight order should be the most popular, and at the same time, it is the most difficult to enter the knight order, which is the goal pursued by many trainers.

The last fourth floor of the Trainers Association is specially prepared for the top level of the Trainers Association. At this time, in the meeting room on the top floor, the first high-level meeting of the Trainers Association is going on.

Compared with the original patrol team in Chengguo Village, the scale of the current Trainers Association is really much bigger.

Aiwen hugged Du Beibi and walked into the conference room with Miss Qun'er, Snow Fairy, and Kirulian. All the senior trainers association present stood up immediately, "See President Aiwen."

Now they are in the Trainer Association here, so everyone present did not call Aiwen an adult or His Highness, but uniformly used the title of president.

"Well, you don't need to be too polite." Aiwen came to the chair and sat down. "The main reason for calling everyone here today is for the next development plan of the Trainer Association."

Hearing Aiwen talk about the development plan of the Trainers Association, everyone present couldn't help but sit up straight. After this period of development, it's time for the Trainers Association to get on the right track.

"First of all, Feisen, is the territorial population statistics table ready?" Ivan took a sip of the juice, and looked down at Feisen.

Thanks to the construction of the city hall in the recent period, Feisen was finally freed from the busy territorial affairs, and put more emphasis on the affairs of the Elf Alliance.

Now with the establishment of the Elf Alliance, trainers will definitely become the mainstream of the entire Lizhi City, and the Elf Leader, the birthplace of trainers, will definitely be busy for a while.

"Yes, Lord Ivan." Faison nodded and handed the statistics sheet he had prepared to Ivan.

The population of the elves in the statistical table has reached about 20,000 people.

Among them, the number of serfs is the largest, and this is because some serfs have been promoted to freemen.

This winter, due to the Warcraft Chamber of Commerce hoarding a large amount of food, there was a large part of the food shortage in each territory.

Under such circumstances, the lords did not have so much food to supply the serfs, so many lords chose to sell the serfs in exchange for food, which not only relieved the pressure on the food in the territory, but also supplemented the finances of the territory.

As for these serfs, the elf leader took over all of them and allowed them to participate in farming, land reclamation, and territory construction. As long as they worked for a period of time and accumulated enough merit, they could be promoted to freemen.

The next column is the civilians. These civilians are divided into three parts: aborigines, migrants from other territories, and serfs promoted. The number of civilians in this part is second only to serfs.

Most of the civilian jobs went to the factories and workshops in Pure White Town, and the other part participated in the construction and land reclamation of the Elven Territory, including the villagers in the surrounding villages.

Due to the existence of elves, many civilians have now been liberated from the farmland, and it is an inevitable choice for these civilians to participate in industrialization.

The third part is craftsmen, including merchants, craftsmen, blacksmiths, carpenters, etc. Their number is not large, but they are definitely the core existence of the entire elf collar, promoting the development of the elf collar.

With a quick glance, Aiwen fell into the category of trainers. From the data, the number of trainers has reached about 30% of the total population of the territory, which is already a very terrifying number.

Except for a large number of serfs, children, and the elderly, almost every household now has elves that are cultivated. Although most of their elves are elves that do not have much fighting power, such as walking grass and knotting grass, this is undoubtedly a trend.

Among these trainers, although all of them are trainee trainers registered with the Trainer Association.

But the number of real trainers, including patrols, knights, and rangers, accounted for 10%, and the remaining 20% ​​were ordinary civilians.

"It seems that the next trainer school, in addition to cultivating professional trainers, also needs to set up elf auxiliary courses." Aiwen touched his chin.

Even in the future world, there will not be too many professional trainers. Most of them are amateurs. Some of their elves are just as companions, and some will participate in daily work.

"Feisen, this statistic is very good."

"The next thing I want to discuss with you is how to divide professional trainers and amateur trainers."

Aiwen was relieved of the statistics table in his hand, and looked at the high-level members of the Trainer Association again, "I think the formal trainer assessment can begin."

After hearing his words, everyone in the field was stunned, their eyes lit up, they had been looking forward to the official trainer assessment for a long time.

According to their previous plan, as long as they can become an official trainer, they will be able to get the resources of the territory and improve their strength faster.

"Master Aiwen, do you already have a complete assessment plan?" Peter's face showed eagerness to try.

"Well, that's right, you should have known before that the formal trainer assessment is divided into two parts: written test and actual combat."

"The content of the written test is the Elf Illustrated Book. The attribute restraint table and sufficient understanding of elves are necessary to become a formal trainer."

"In terms of actual combat, you need to master a low-level monster in the hands of the trainee trainer, and successfully pass the command and pass the assessment in actual combat."

Aiwen explained the rules of the formal trainer assessment, which he formulated based on the standards of his previous life and the reality.

Among them, according to the comparison of the strength of the elves in the two worlds, he concluded that a knight with a low-level warcraft-level combat power is equivalent to an official trainer.

Knights with mid-level Warcraft-level combat power are equivalent to elite trainers. In their previous lives, they had the qualifications to successfully challenge gyms and participate in the Elf Alliance Competition.

The high-level monster-level combat power corresponds to the gymnasium level, and has a powerful force to protect one side. Even in the elf alliance, it can be regarded as the most backbone combat power.

The combat power of a king-level monster is similar to that of a master-level elf. It has the qualifications to participate in the masters competition to compete for the position of king, and has the top power anywhere.

"Possesses the combat power of a low-level monster." Everyone nodded slightly.

This is also the minimum combat standard for entering patrols, knight orders, and forest rangers. It seems that these people can all have the qualifications for formal trainer assessments.

It's just that the written test and the actual combat assessment are the most difficult among them.

Especially the written test, just the attribute restraint table is enough to give them a headache, but they also know how powerful the attribute restraint table can be in battle!

"Next is the issue of the benefits of becoming an official trainer." The corner of Aiwen's mouth slightly raised, "In addition to being able to obtain the official trainer badge, the most important thing is this."

While speaking, he took out a few elf balls from his pocket and put them on the table, which immediately attracted everyone's attention again.

They are naturally very familiar with this special tree fruit that can seal elves. Many of them have seen Master Aiwen release the sealed elves from the tree fruit, and then seal the elves back into the tree fruit.

In particular, this special tree fruit has also sealed Darkrai, from which we can see how powerful this sealing technique is.

"This is an elf ball, a special item that can subdue and release elves." Aiwen looked at the crowd below, "As long as you can become an official trainer, you can buy this special item."

At this time, everyone in the field was very confused about what Aiwen was doing with this special tree fruit. After hearing what he said next, everyone present was stunned for a moment, and then their eyes widened. .

What have they heard, they can also buy this kind of props? Does that mean they can also use it?

When thinking of this, everyone's breathing became short of breath. At first, they thought it was just Lord Aiwen's exclusive sealing technique, but now it doesn't seem to be the case?

"Well, this kind of elf ball can indeed be used by everyone." Ivan nodded with a smile.

Afterwards, he also gently pushed the elf ball in his hand forward, "You can try it now and put your own elves into the elf ball."

Although his request was that only formal trainers could use the Poké Ball, the high-level members of the Trainer Association in front of him naturally met the requirements.

Some of them have even reached the level of elite trainers, and they can easily pass the official trainer assessment.

"Use this to subdue the elves."

Peter took the elf ball in his hand, and then looked at the big wolf dog crawling at the door, "Big wolf dog, come here."

Hearing what the trainer said, the big wolf dog nodded obediently, then quickly entered the meeting room, and stood beside Peter.

"The button in the center of the poke ball is the switch."

"Just press the switch, and then touch the elf, and you can put it into the elf ball."

Ai Wen explained, with a smile on his face at this time, as he exposed the poke ball in front of everyone, a new era is about to begin.

"Okay, press the button." Peter was a little nervous.

As he pressed the button in the middle of the poke ball, he saw the poke ball suddenly expand.

At this time, the capsule structure in the poke ball has been fully opened, and the pokemon can be collected into the poke ball.

Looking at the magnified elf ball in his hand in amazement, Peter lightly pressed the big wolfhound's head.

Immediately, a red light suddenly shot out from the elf ball, completely enveloping the wolf dog, turning it into a red light and being included in the elf ball!

Seeing the big wolfhound and the poke ball in Peter's hands that disappeared from the field, everyone in the field widened their eyes, and then became excited.

As long as they have the elf ball in their hands, they can actually seal the elf into the elf ball, so do they also have the ability of Master Aiwen to seal the elf!

Thinking of this, they took the elf ball on the table into their arms short of breath, and kept stroking it like a baby, planning to try to put their own elves into the elf ball later.

"It's really incredible!" Peter also reacted at this time.

He first praised it, and then pressed the button of the elf ball to release the big wolfhound from the elf ball.

woo woo woo~

After coming out, the big wolfhound looked surprised.

Just now it suddenly found itself in another space, that kind of change is really too strange.

Peter quickly asked his partner, "Big wolf dog, how do you feel?"

woo woo woo~

The big wolf dog thought about it carefully, and felt that staying in that space seemed quite comfortable.

In this way, everyone in the field relaxes, and there seems to be a space in the poke ball, which is really incredible.

"Master Aiwen, in addition to subduing your own elves, can the elf ball also seal other wild elves?" Peter continued to ask.

He has seen the scene of Aiwen sealing wild elves with elf balls several times. After those wild elves were included in it, they did not come out of it.

"Indeed, poke balls can also be used to subdue wild pokemon."

"But if the subdued wild elf struggles, it is very easy to break free from the elf ball."

"So if you want to collect the elves into the elf ball, the elves must not resist. You can use the elf balls to collect your own elves, or make the subject lose the ability to struggle through fighting."

Aiwen explained to the knights present how to use the Poké Ball, "So, when using the Poké Ball, it is best to subdue those recognized Pokémon."

"If the elf struggles, it is likely to damage the elf ball, and just because the elf ball contains the elf does not mean that you have successfully subdued the elf. In the end, you still need to be recognized by the elf."

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