"I'm still using Haxorus! Go ahead, Haxorus, use Lightning Flash!" Xiao Feng saw the opponent's elves in position and immediately issued an attack order.

Haxorus rushed towards the moth like a sharp arrow.

""Moth, paralysis powder!" Ah Ju saw the Hakron coming quickly and quickly commanded the Moth.

The Moth received the order, flapped its wings, and yellow powder appeared around its body, blowing towards the rushing Hakron.

""Hackron, don't worry about the paralysis powder, get close to it and use your dragon tail to whip it!"

Xiaofeng's command came, and Hackron's body like a sharp arrow pierced through the attack range of the paralysis powder and came in front of the moth. Green energy condensed at its tail, as if it was wrapped in a thick and long layer of green energy armor, and it quickly and elegantly whipped towards the moth's head.

In the eyes of the moth, a thick and long green light flashed, and a severe pain came from its head. Then the world in its eyes turned upside down, and it flew towards the ground at a high speed.

The moth's head directly inserted into the ground, leaving only its body standing above the ground. It was obviously hit in the vitals and directly lost its ability to fight.

"Come back, Mothra! My problem is, I didn't expect the paralysis powder to have no effect on it, and the opponent's damage is a little beyond my expectations!"Looking at the Mothra that has lost its ability to fight, and then looking at the Haxorus that looks completely fine, Ah Ju frowned deeply and put the Mothra back into the Poké Ball.

"Next, there you go, Golbat!"

【Name: Big Mouth Bat lv38】


"Have you changed to Zubat? Haxoron, use Shadow Clone!"After Xiaofeng saw Aju change to a new Pokémon, he quickly started to attack.

"Ni!"After Haxlong responded to Xiaofeng, dozens of Haxlongs suddenly appeared in the field, gradually approaching the Zubat on the opposite side!

"Zubat, use air blades to attack indiscriminately!"Aju's order appeared in Zubat's ears, and Zubat's wings immediately shone with white light, and several air blades cut towards Haxorus's shadow clone.

"Bang, bang, bang."

One after another, clones were cut and exploded by the sharp blades of air.

Finally, the real body of Haxorus appeared not far from Zubat.

""Hackron, use the tight bind now!" Seeing that Hackron had already reached the vicinity of Zubat, Xiaofeng immediately issued further instructions.

""Ni! (Bind!)" Haxorus chirped excitedly, and flexibly wrapped around Zubat's body like lightning, and the huge force continued to gather and bind.

Zubat's body began to make a"crackling" sound of bone dislocation, and its expression twisted into a ball with pain.

"Zubat, use poisonous fangs! Force it to let go!"Looking at Zubat's painful expression, Ah Ju shouted loudly.

Zubat relied on his tenacious will, and his teeth in his mouth glowed purple as he bit the Haxorus that was entangled with him.

With a"crack" sound, all of Zubat's teeth fell to the ground!

Zubat's tears kept flowing, and then he witnessed his body being continuously shrunk by Haxorus, and the pain gradually increased until his eyes were dull and he lost his ability to fight.

"Ah, I lost. Come back, Zubat! Seeing that Zubat could no longer fight, Aju promptly took Zubat back.

"Ni? (No more?)" Hakron pursed his lips with a sense of unfulfilled desire.

"Okay, I'm back, Hakron, it's over." Xiaofeng looked at Hakron, scratched his head, and called him back.

"Xiaofeng, congratulations, this is the Light Red Badge, which proves that you have passed the Light Red Gym Challenge, please keep it." Aju came over from the opposite side and handed a heart-shaped pink badge to Xiaofeng.

"Thank you!" Xiao Feng thanked him and took the badge and put it in his backpack. Then he took out all the official badges he had won and showed them to Aju.

"Gym Master Aju, now that the novice mode of the gym tournament is over, I hope to continue with the gym tournament next!"

"Oh, Xiaofeng, you have actually won 5 official competition badges."Aju looked at all the badges Xiaofeng took out in surprise, and then said with a smile:

"Haha, in that case, let's fight somewhere else. This place is no longer suitable for the gym competition mode!"

With Xiaofeng and his party, there was an open space behind the gym. Ah Ju fumbled on the ground and pressed down with his fingers. An enlarged standard battle field rose from the ground.

The venue was full of huge rocks, which was very spectacular.

"Haha, come on, Xiaofeng, let’s continue the fight!" Ah Ju walked to the command area on the other side of the field and laughed loudly at Xiaofeng.

"Please give me more advice, Master Aju!"Xiaofeng also came to the command area and responded loudly to Aju

"Go ahead, stinky mud!"

【Name: Stinky Mud lv66]

Number: 89

Attribute: Poison

Features: Poison

Hand Skills: Garbage Shot, Sludge Attack, Mud Shot, Sludge Bomb, Toxic, Hold, Poison Gas, Stand

Race Value

HP: 105

Physical Attack: 105

Physical Defense: 75

Special Attack: 65

Special Defense: 100

Speed: 50

Total: 500

"He is worthy of being the future poison king of Chengdu. His level has exceeded 60." Looking at the panel of Chou Chou Ni, Xiao Feng whispered in admiration.

"It's decided to be you, Gengar!"

Genggui floated out from Xiaofeng's shadow and flew to Xiaofeng.

Looking at the floating Gengar opposite, Aju frowned. :"It seems a little different from the normal Geng Gui! Flash?"

Just then, Xiao Feng's voice came into Aju's ears again.

"Gengar, surpass yourself, mega evolve!"

"Gengga! (Jiejiejie!)"

Geng Gui screamed several times, and his body was covered by colorful light. When the light dissipated, a white elf that he had never seen before appeared in Ah Ju's eyes. Ah Ju's pupils dilated sharply.

"Gengar can actually evolve again!"

"Gengar, use will-o'-the-wisp!"

Before A-Ji could react, Xiao Feng's voice came, and A-Ji quickly calmed down and focused on the battle.

Gengar received Xiao Feng's command, and his body was wrapped in fire elemental energy. A dozen purple ghost fires suddenly appeared in front of him and shot at the opposite side of the stinky mud at high speed. (Salute to the silly Gengar, congratulations on winning the championship!)

""Chou Chou Ni, use Hold!" When the will-o'-the-wisp was shooting towards the opposite side, Aju's voice reached Xiaofeng's ears.

Then, there were continuous"bang bang bang..." sounds, and the will-o'-the-wisp hit the hold protective shield that Chou Chou Ni had put up in time, splashing waves.

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