As the ghost fire continued to bombard, cracks gradually began to appear on the protective cover and then shattered, revealing the stinky mud inside.

""Smelly mud, mud attack!" After the protective shield failed, Aju quickly gave the order to counterattack.

Smelly mud took out two balls of mud from his body with both hands, bent his arms backwards into an incredible arc and threw them at Geng Gui at high speed, as fast as a cannonball.

"Gengar, use the wave of evil to shoot it down!" Seeing this, Xiao Feng quickly gave Gengar an order.

Then, Gengar's copper coin eyeball between his eyebrows instantly condensed the power of the evil element and spun rapidly.

A huge wave of light blasted out and collided with the mud attack. The light column swallowed up the mud in the blink of an eye and continued to move forward, hitting the body of the stinky mud, followed by an explosion, and black smoke billowed, completely covering the stinky mud.

""Smelly! Now, use poison!"

Before the smoke cleared, Xiaofeng heard Aju's voice.

The slimy near the smoke had opened its mouth and spit a ball of purple liquid towards Gengar.

"Was it the Stand that was hit just now? When did it start?" Xiao Feng let the poisonous attack of the Chou Chou Mud hit Gengar without any instructions, muttering. The poisonous liquid hit Gengar's body, and then slid down his body and fell to the ground with a"click".

"Well……!"Ah Ju scratched his hair in confusion. Now he could only face the situation in silence.

"How could it be! Is it a special ability of Gengar after it evolves again? Is it immune to poison? Ah, headache! The information is not equal."

"Hey, Gengar, hunting time, Shadow Ball + Flash to the face, then air travel!" Xiao Feng saw Aju's expression, smiled, and then commanded Gengar

""Geng Ga! (Face attack!)" A huge shadow ball condensed in Gengar's mouth, and then his figure flashed, and he came to the front of the mud in an instant, and the shadow ball in his mouth hit the mud's face. Then Gengar flew into the void, and the shadow ball exploded violently when it touched the mud. The surrounding rocks continued to crack and explode, but Gengar did not receive any damage because he escaped into the void.

After a while, Gengar appeared in front of Xiaofeng. After the explosion, in a large pit several meters deep, the mud with circles in his eyes and no ability to fight appeared in front of everyone

"Come back, Muddy, you've worked hard! It's up to you next, Poison Frog!" Ah Ju took Muddy back with a heavy face, took a deep breath, and threw out another Poké Ball.

【Name: Poison Skull Frog lv66]

Number: 454

Attributes: Fighting, Poison

Features: Dry Skin

Skills: Digging, Brick Breaking, Inspiration Bomb, Cross Shears, Lightning Flash, Sludge Bomb, Venom Shock, Poison Attack, Hold, Poison Needle,

Race Value

HP: 83

Physical Attack: 106

Physical Defense: 65

Special Attack: 85

Special Defense: 65

Speed: 85

Total: 490

"You've worked hard, Gengar. Now it's up to the Electric Beast to take over!" Xiao Feng called Gengar back and gestured to the Electric Beast.

"Genga (Okay, Boss!)" Gengar nodded in response, canceled his super evolution, floated back to Xiaofeng, exchanged high fives with the Electric Beast, and dived back into Xiaofeng's shadow.

The Electric Beast patted Xiaofeng's chest and came to the battle field to confront the Poison Frog

"Electric shock monster, use bodybuilding!"Xiaofeng gave the order first

""Aoao! (I'm going to fascinate you to death!)" The electric monster screamed twice, raised its arms and clenched its palms tightly, the muscles on its body swelled instantly, there was a faint luster flashing between the muscles, a sense of power came over it, and then it kept doing bodybuilding movements to show its muscles to the poisonous skull frog.

Looking at the electric monster showing off its muscles in front of him, Aju quickly gave an order to the poisonous skull frog:"Poisonous skull frog, use digging!"

Upon hearing this, the spikes on the poisonous skull frog's fists glowed white, and it kept digging towards the ground, digging a hole and sneaking in at an incredible speed.

"Electric shock monster, use the tile splitting skill on the ground! Smash it out."Xiao Feng saw the poisonous skull frog hiding in the hole, and shouted to the electric shock monster that had already finished bodybuilding.

""Ouch!" The electric monster roared, raised its arms high, emitting a dazzling white light, and then slashed the ground with great force.

Starting from the ground hit by the electric monster, the ground began to shake violently, then broke into pieces, and then collapsed, with rocks flying around.

Not long after, unable to withstand the damage caused by the vibration, the poisonous skull frog drilled out of the hole with a painful look on its face.

Aju frowned as he watched this scene, and then said,"Poisonous skull frog, use the true energy bomb!"

The pale-faced poisonous skull frog obeyed the command, clenched his hands, and a yellow energy bomb gradually condensed in his hands, and then was pushed out by the poisonous skull frog and shot towards the electric monster.

Xiaofeng looked at the incoming true energy bomb and ordered the electric monster:"Electric monster, watch the opportunity and use replacement!"

After receiving the order, the electric monster waited for the true energy bomb to hit itself, and instantly activated the replacement skill, swapping its body with the opposite poisonous skull frog in space.


The replaced poisonous frog was hit by its own Qi bullet, and was covered with wounds.

"What's going on? They actually switched positions!" Ah Ju's pupils dilated instantly, and he looked at the injured Poison Skull Frog in shock.

Before Ah Ju could come back to his senses, Xiao Feng continued to issue new instructions to the Electric Shock Beast:"Charge forward, use the Flame Fist!" The

Electric Shock Beast obeyed the order, leaped up, clenched the five fingers of his right hand into a fist, and the flame instantly burned on his fist, and he punched the Poison Skull Frog with all his might.

At this moment, Ah Ju's shout came from a distance:"Poison Skull Frog, use the defense to block it!"

Then, with the Poison Skull Frog as the center, the yellow energy shield tightly wrapped it.


The electric shock monster's flaming fist hit the protective shield, and the protective shield emitted a huge���The sound, followed by a violent shaking

"Electric shock monster, break it for me, use the sky punch. Seeing that the flame fist was blocked, Xiao Feng's voice once again reached the ears of the electric shock monster.

""Ah! Ah! (Experience flying, brother)" The electric shock monster received the order, shouted twice, put his left arm at his waist, and was covered by a fierce white light. Then he suddenly punched the poisonous skull frog in the protective cover from bottom to top.

"With a"crack", the protective cover shattered, and the fist hit the poisonous skull frog's chin fiercely.

The poisonous skull frog only felt a sharp pain in the chin, and then the wind whistled in its ears, and its feet left the ground and flew towards the sky.

"Good opportunity, Electric Beast, flash and use flying knee kick to the waist!"Seeing this, Xiao Feng shouted to the Electric Beast without hesitation. The

Electric Beast flashed to the same height behind the Poison Skull Frog in an instant, bent its right knee, and fiercely kicked the opponent's waist with a knee.


The poisonous frog in mid-air had its kidneys sunken, and its face instantly turned red and blue.

"Frog (fuck)!" The poisonous skull frog wailed.

The poisonous skull frog flew higher in the air again due to the force on its waist. Then it fell and hit the ground heavily.

"With a"bang", the poisonous skull frog was embedded in the ground in the shape of a"big" character. The poisonous skull frog looked at the sky with a dazed look, as if it had seen its grandmother, and then its eyes became round and round, and it lost its ability to fight!

"Ah, what are these? I don't recognize the elves, I haven't seen the skills before, and the positions where the skills are aimed, can you please not attack those places! Come back, Poison Frog." Ah Ju rubbed his temples and painfully took back the Poison Frog that had lost its combat ability, sighing and muttering.

""We won, well done, Electric Beast!" Xiao Feng praised the returning Electric Beast.

After the game, Aju came to Xiao Feng and took out a scroll and handed it to Xiao Feng. After opening it, inside was the official badge of the Light Red Gym.

"Congratulations, Xiaofeng, this is yours."Aju congratulated Xiaofeng.

"Thank you, Master Aju!" Xiaofeng took the badge and nodded in thanks

"Now that I have achieved my goal, I will take my leave, Master Aju, and Ayako! Goodbye!"

"Okay, bye!"

Xiao Feng, who received the badge, said goodbye to the two and left the gym.


After leaving the gym, the system voice sounded in Xiaofeng's mind:"Congratulations to the host for completing the task, and obtaining 40 racial points, and one chance to draw a skill."

"Tongzi, let me draw the lottery!"After hearing the reward arrive, Xiaofeng silently recited the lottery

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill: Insert into the mouth! (Skill effect: The void summons an indestructible iron rod of any size, inserts it into the enemy's mouth, interrupting the casting of mouth-related skills)"

"Oh, a skill that interrupts spellcasting? Not bad, very durable." Xiao Feng nodded in satisfaction as he looked at the new skill.

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