"My dear brave man, you are back. How is the situation?" Fan Luo looked at Xiao Feng who had returned to the town and hurried over to greet him.

"Ah, I'm back. I'm observing from the edge, but I haven't found the location of their leader yet. Let me take a day off and go out to look for him tomorrow. Don't worry, I'll solve it as soon as I find it."Xiao Feng nodded and looked at Fan Luo with a smile.

"Yes, yes, thank you for your hard work, brave man. Please follow me, I will take you to a place to rest."Fan Luo looked like you have worked hard, then stretched out his right hand to make a gesture of invitation, and then walked into the town.

Xiao Feng followed closely behind, and soon after, Fan Luo brought Xiao Feng to a manor room not far from the city wall.

""My dear brave man, this is the resting place that I prepared for you early. Take your time to rest. I'm leaving first. If you need anything, you can ask the servants in the manor." Fan Luo opened the door, turned around and smiled at Xiao Feng.

"Haha, thank you. I'll rest first, you don't have to worry about me."Xiaofeng smiled at Fan Luo in front of him, walked into the room and closed the door.

Seeing this, Fan Luo turned and left.

After Xiaofeng entered the room, he locked the door, and then followed Fan Luo with the elves. Following her steps, they slowly left the manor.


After a long time, Fanluo Manor stopped at a loft not far away, turned around, took out the key, opened the door and entered.

"Tsk, what kind of hero did this broken treasure summon? He can't even do this. The elves beside him look strong, but I didn't expect them to be empty shells."Fan Luo, who came to the attic hall, looked at the milky white rock in front of him and kicked it with disdain.

"Haha, that's true. Those summoned here are not necessarily heroes, and I never said I was a hero!"A light laugh came from Fan Luo's ear.

Fan Luo turned around and saw Xiao Feng appear behind him, looking at him with a grin on his face.

"no……"Fan Luo wanted to say something else, but was interrupted by Xiao Feng's next words:

"You don't have to explain anything! I'm not interested anymore, give me the stick!" Xiao Feng walked forward to Fan Luo's side and looked at the thing in front of him, while Fan Luo's mouth was propped up by an unknown stick, and he knelt on the ground and retched.

"Oh, this should be the treasure that the giant vine mentioned. Isn't this a smaller version of that thing? Electric Beast, I'll give it to you to keep for now, and return it to the giant vine and the others later." Xiaofeng said to the electric beast beside him.

The electric beast nodded in response, then lifted Bai Shi up with both hands and held him in his arms.

Xiaofeng came to Fan Luo, squatted down and looked at her who was still retching, as if he was asking her herself, and seemed to be talking to himself:

"What should I do with you next?"

Xiao Feng took out the stainless steel pickaxe from behind, held the pickaxe handle upside down and pointed it at Fan Luo.

………Ten thousand words omitted here………

Uh... Actually, nothing happened.

Because the door suddenly opened, and a feminine-looking man walked in and asked in a hoarse voice:"Fanluo, how is the matter going?"


Afraid that the air would suddenly become quiet, the feminine man looked at Xiao Feng, who was gesturing with his stick at Fan Luo, and the iron stick in Fan Luo's mouth, with a blank look in his eyes.

Who am I, where am I, what are you doing, are young people playing so much now?

"Oh, there is an accomplice?" Xiao Feng blinked and looked at the man.

"No, who are you? And tell your elf to put down the rock, it's not yours to take!"The man reacted soon, looking at the rock treasure in the arms of the electric shock monster, and ordered with a gloomy face.

"Oh, is it something you can take? This thing doesn't seem to belong to you."Xiao Feng narrowed his eyes and looked at the man.

""Asshole, I said put it down, go ahead and grab it for me!" Seeing that Xiaofeng had no intention of returning it, the man took out a rock elf ball with a sinister look and threw it out.

Then a bipedal elf with giant sickles in both hands appeared in front of Xiaofeng.

【Name: Scythe Helmet lv58……】

"Want to fight? I leave it to you, Hakron."Seeing that the other party was ready to fight, Xiaofeng turned around and nodded to Hakron, letting him come on stage.

"Scythe Helmet, use Rock Slide!"

The man's hoarse voice came, and Scythe Helmet swung his two sickles. Six or seven large rocks instantly condensed and floated in front of him, and then suddenly smashed towards Xiaofeng.

""Hakron, Iron Tail! Smash them!"

Xiao Feng quickly gave the order to fight back. The Hakron whistled softly, and its tail instantly turned into metal, leaving several afterimages on the large rocks that were shot forward.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

The big rocks shattered and exploded in an instant, falling to the ground.

"Flash, then Water Tail!"

Haxoron, who had broken the Rock Slide skill, came to Scythe Helmet's side in a strange flash under Xiaofeng's instruction. The water element of the tail gathered and rotated and attached to it, and then it was quickly pulled out in an instant.

Scythe Helmet felt a flash of blue light in his eyes, and then he felt a fierce pain on his cheek.

""Pah" the whipping sounded violently, and the sickle helmet was pulled off the ground by the powerful force, gliding and flying in the low air, bringing with it bursts of whistling sounds, until it hit the inner wall of the attic and embedded in the wall with a bang. The painful howl of the sickle helmet reached the ears of everyone. He had been seriously injured because of the whipping effect of the water tail.

"Why is its damage so high!"The man's eyes trembled as he watched Hakron, who had severely injured Scythe Helmet with one blow, was horrified and made a final struggle:

"Scythe Helmet, use the freezing ray for me!"

After the order was given, the cold air continued to gather in the mouth of the Scythe Helmet.

"" Put it in your mouth! Then the Dragon God will swoop down and put an end to it!"

Xiao Feng gave the order, and an iron rod was inserted straight into the mouth of the sickle helmet, interrupting the skill he was about to release. Because he was embedded in the wall and could not move, and because his attack was interrupted, he could only make a"Mmmmm!" sound.

The sickle helmet watched the Haxorus fly high, and then his body was wrapped in blue dragon-shaped energy armor, and it rushed towards him at a high speed.


In the blink of an eye, the Haxorus wrapped in energy hit the sickle helmet's head hard.

The sickle helmet felt that the world was upside down, and everything in his eyes became blurred. Finally, his pupils were dilated and he lost his ability to fight.

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