Seeing that the sickle helmet had lost his ability to fight, the man turned around and tried to run out.

But the moment he turned around, a figure was reflected in his eyes.

Seeing that the other party wanted to run, Xiaofeng had already blocked the door with a flash.

Seeing this, the man immediately clenched his right fist and swung it towards Xiaofeng.

""Tian Nai, forced to turn around, stick here!" Just when the man thought he could hit Xiao Feng, Xiao Feng grinned and blurted out two skills.

The man instantly felt a pair of invisible big hands pushing him, and he turned his back to Xiao Feng, and then an unknown object propped up and inserted into his mouth. A strong sense of discomfort came over him, and just as he was about to vomit, a burst of heart-wrenching pain came from both sides of his waist behind him again.

The reason was that Xiao Feng was holding a long object in each hand and stabbed the man's waist with his back to him.

After a while, the man collapsed to the ground.

Xiao Feng closed the door, held the man's right leg, and placed him side by side with Fan Luo in the horrified eyes of Fan Luo. On the way, the man's face became red due to constant friction with the ground, and his nose was bleeding.

"Done!" Xiaofeng put down the man's legs, clapped his hands, and looked at the two with satisfaction.

After Xiaofeng asked Charizard to watch over the two, he began to search in the attic.

After an unknown amount of time, Xiaofeng came back with a bundle of long ropes. Xiaofeng tied up the two and let Charizard fly high into the sky like a chicken to the outside of the town, allowing the two to experience the pleasure of high-altitude transportation. Xiaofeng and the elves took the rocks and flew out of the town.

Once again coming to the place where they fought with the giant vine, Xiaofeng saw the giant vine sitting on a rock thinking about life.

Then there were two"bang bang" sounds of heavy objects falling to the ground, which frightened the thinking giant vine so much that it shook and dropped the rock.

"Hey, are you a thinker? Here, this should be yours. I'll give you these two humans. They should be the culprits who stole your treasure."Xiao Feng pointed at the two people who fell and the rock, and spoke

"(Thank you, brave man!)" Looking at the returned treasure and the captured thief, the giant vine bowed in gratitude.

"Well, I've already said that I'm not a hero. You guys can handle these two. I'm leaving first." Xiao Feng waved his hand and left with the elves.

Two screams came from behind.


"Ah, I'm finally back."Three days passed in the blink of an eye. Xiao Feng and his party returned to the original cave.

The huge rock had disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

"Alas, the task is not yet completed. It gives me a headache!"Xiao Feng scratched his head and muttered.

""Roar", at this moment a faint roar seemed to come from between the cave and the ground.

"Is there a mezzanine? Let's dig a passage upwards! Let's go and take a look." Xiaofeng, in line with the principle of creating a way out if there is no way out, asked the elves to use their digging skills to dig a passage out.

Charizard danced with its claws, and the electric shock beast and the Hackron kept poking upwards...

After a long time, Xiaofeng and his group of heads popped out of a pit, looking at the underground mezzanine.

Then, they grabbed the edge of the pit with both hands and climbed up.

At this moment, Xiaofeng and the elves were covered in mud, looking like wild men.

"The sound came from inside!" Xiaofeng looked at the direction of the deep layer and touched his chin, then led the elves deeper into it.

Soon after, in a huge empty rock room, Xiaofeng and his party looked into the eyes of a pair of huge eyes in the sky.

"Well, fossil pterosaurs should also be considered fossils, I am such a genius!"Xiao Feng looked at the creatures staring at him, a brainstorm flashed through his mind, and he slapped his thighs with both hands and thought wittily

【Name: Fossil Pterosaur lv48

Attributes: Rock, Flying

Features: Hard Head (commonly known as Iron Head)

Skills: Destruction Light, Primal Power, High Speed Movement, Slam, Ultrasonic Wave, Scary Face, Wing Attack, Iron Head, Rock Slide, Ultimate Impact

Race Value:………

"Go Gyarados, this opponent is up to you, mega! Evolve!" Xiaofeng unilaterally decided the opponent for the fossil pterosaur.

As the colorful light shone, a new form of Gyarados appeared in front of everyone.

It had wings on its back, two dragon whiskers of the same length as its body, and red dragon scales on both sides of its body. It gave people a ferocious and brutal feeling.

"Gyarados, the battle has begun, use Dragon Dance!"

""Roar!" Gyarados roared in response, and then his entire body spun in circles in the air. After completing the rotation, Gyarados was surrounded by red light, and his attack speed was increased. The fossil pterosaur on the opposite side also roared, and dozens of rocks condensed on his body and shot at Gyarados.

"Gyarados, pull back your tail with the water stream!"

Seeing the opponent launch an attack, Xiaofeng immediately ordered Gyarados to fight back.

Gyarados' tail was covered by the water stream in the blink of an eye, and then it kept whipping forward, hitting the rock shot by the opponent. The rock flew back at a faster speed than when it came, hitting the fossil pterosaur in the air.

There was a bang bang bang...!

The fossil pterosaur that was hit had red eyes because of the pain, and then it was wrapped in a purple cyclone. Its wings flapped and it rushed straight towards Gyarados.

"Oh, Ultimate Charge? Gyarados, we'll use Ultimate Charge as well! Go for it, strength is your strong point!" Xiao Feng shouted at Gyarados.

After receiving the command, Gyarados was also wrapped in purple cyclones, and leaped out and rushed towards the approaching fossil pterosaur.


The two sides collided in a straight line.

In the end, the fossil pterosaur was thrown back by the powerful force of Gyarados, and hit the rock wall above heavily, embedded in it, and then let out a mournful cry, and fell heavily to the ground, raising dust. It was obviously seriously injured. The fossil pterosaur fell to the ground with its ancient and tenacious will, and condensed a destructive death light in its mouth and shot towards Gyarados.

""Gyarados, swap and finish it!" Looking at the destructive death ray that was shot at him at high speed, Xiao Feng shouted and gave the final order.

Instantly, Gyarados roared and activated the swap skill, exchanging positions with the Pteranodon. The Pteranodon was hit by his own skill with a confused look on his face, and then his eyes turned black and spun in circles, losing his ability to fight.

"Go, Poké Ball!" Seeing that the battle was over, Xiao Feng threw a blank Poké Ball from his backpack and hit the fossil pterosaur on the ground.


"After a few breaths, the sound of"ding" came into Xiaofeng's ears, and then the Poké Ball disappeared, apparently being sent to Professor Oak.

"Ah, the mission is finally accomplished. Change back, Gyarados"


After completing the task, Xiaofeng and the elves continued to dig the hole upwards and finally returned to the ground. The hole they dug was in a very remote location. No wonder no one had discovered the underground situation. Xiaofeng covered the hole and took the elves to a nearby hotel to change into clothes covered in mud. After completing the task, Xiaofeng and the elves continued to move towards Honglian City


"Wow, we finally arrived at Honglian City."Xiao Feng, who was now on the street of Honglian City, sighed.

At this moment, a familiar yet unfamiliar tangled girl's voice came from Xiao Feng's right hand side.

"Hello, please give me a hot spring ice cream, ah, it’s so difficult, I don’t know what to choose!"

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