Lucario bent down and broke through the wind barrier and ran at full speed, avoiding the attacks of Miss Lip and quickly approaching it.

Just when Lucario was only a few steps away from Miss Lip, Zhulan's voice came again:"Now, exert your strength!" Lucario received the order and took two steps forward. His right palm, which was glowing green, was placed on Miss Lip's abdomen.

Then he vibrated his hand and exerted force, and the light instantly penetrated Miss Lip's body.

Miss Lip felt a sharp pain in her internal organs, and then in her eyes, Lucario's body gradually shrank and flew behind her.

""Lucario, now is the time to use the energy missile!" Seeing the rare opportunity, Zhulan quickly connected with a combo.

Lucario then stood in an eight-shaped position, holding his palms back, and a huge energy bomb condensed in an instant, and then launched it towards the flying Missy.

Just when it was about to hit Missy, a golden energy wall blocked the energy missile, and Missy fell to the ground without suffering any secondary damage.

"Oh, this Lipstick reacts very quickly. It actually quickly put up a wall of light to block the attack of the wave missile."Xiaofeng sat on a small stool nearby, eating melon seeds and watching the fight between the two sides with interest.

Zhulan also looked a little surprised, but soon regained her emotions and issued the next command:"In this case, Lucario, go up and fight in close combat! Use Godspeed first!"

Lipstick landed and quickly adjusted her body. She watched Lucario approach her again, exhaling and breathing out with her mouth, and a gust of wind and snow blew towards Lucario, trying to slow down Lucario's offensive pace.

With the blessing of Godspeed, Lucario's body quickly deviated to avoid the attack of the wind and snow, and got closer and closer to Lipstick.

At this moment, Lucario heard Zhulan's order from behind:"Use Comet Fist!"

Lucario responded quickly, gathered strong cyan energy around his right hand, and punched Lipstick's face not far ahead.


Lucario's powerful Comet Fist hit the head of Missy Lip with a deafening sound.

Under the blessing of inertia, Missy Lip was violently smashed to the ground by Lucario's fist. She howled in pain, and instantly splashed dust and rocks all over the ground.

When the dust dissipated, Missy Lip's face was swollen like a watermelon, her eyes were round and she lost her ability to fight.

""Well done, Lucario!" Zhulan praised Lucario in front of her after winning.

Then a subtle expectation flashed in her eyes, and she looked at Xiaofeng with a smile:"Okay, Xiaofeng, my mission is done."

"Beautiful, you are worthy of it!"Xiao Feng put away the small stool and praised Zhu Lan with a smile on his face.

"Hehe, let's go, let's keep moving forward!"As if getting what she wanted, Zhulan glanced at Xiaofeng, smiled and ran up.

""Wait for me!" Seeing this, Xiaofeng hurriedly led the elves to follow Zhulan's pace.

Soon the group came to the last staircase leading to the tower.

Just like the previous floor, an elf was waiting for someone to come early. It had a huge mouth, purple all over, and several yellow holes on its head and tail.

At this time, the other party was beating his chest with both hands, making an irritating sound.

Looking at the elf making the noise in front of him, Xiaofeng immediately recognized it:"This is a sonic boomerang!"

"Then let me do it next, here!" Xiaofeng immediately took over the battle with the Explosion Monster, then took out a handful of melon seeds from his pocket and stuffed them into Zhulan's hand, signaling Zhulan to continue to be a spectator.

"Go ahead, Haxlon, it's you!" Xiaofeng pointed his index finger at the Sonic Boom monster opposite and nodded to Haxlon.

""Ni!" Haxorus responded and flew in front of Xiaofeng.

Seeing the newcomers, the Sonic Monster immediately turned his gaze towards Xiaofeng and his group.

Then he quickly slapped his chest, raised his right foot high and dropped it.

In an instant, the ground began to vibrate violently, and cracks continued to appear towards Haxorus.

Then... well, a crow flew by...

Haxorus was flying in the air, and the earthquake skill was completely ineffective. The Sonic Monster was stunned.

""Hakron, use high-speed movement to catch the iron tail!" Xiaofeng didn't care about fairness and justice, and immediately ordered Hakron to attack. Hakron left several afterimages in the air, flew towards the sonic monster at high speed, and approached the sonic monster a moment later. The tail instantly flashed with metallic luster and whipped towards the sonic monster.

Seeing this, the sonic monster quickly crossed his hands and instantly propped up an energy shield.

""Whoosh! Bang!" There was a sound of breaking wind and collision, and the iron tail hit the energy shield, making a heavy collision sound.

Seeing this, the Sonic Monster immediately mobilized the tubes on its head and tail, which kept vibrating and making sounds, forming sonic damage to attack the Haxorus in front.

""Hacklon, use the slide!" Xiaofeng's voice reached Hacklon's ears.

A hint of curiosity flashed in Hacklon's eyes, and he activated the slide skill. After all, it was his first time.

Then a human-shaped phantom quickly shoveled under the feet of the Sonic Monster and disappeared.

The Sonic Monster fell face down, and because he was confused for a moment, he stopped guarding the protective shield and the sonic attack at the same time.

""Good opportunity, Haxorus, hit him with your tail!" Xiao Feng's eyes were full of satisfaction with the effect of the new skill, and then he quickly gave orders to Haxorus.

Haxorus grinned happily, and his tail instantly put on green energy armor, and quickly raised it to hit the head of the fallen Sonic Monster.


A huge knock on the head was heard, and the entire head of the Sonic Monster was hit by Haxorus and smashed into the ground, leaving only its limbs outside, struggling and swinging constantly.

"The skin is quite thick, Haxlon, fly into the air and use Dragon God Dive!" Seeing that the opponent still had the ability to fight, Xiaofeng continued to give orders to Haxlon.

""Ni!" Haxlon responded, and flew into the air at high speed, aiming at the Explosion Monster with its head stuck in the ground below. With a blue dragon-shaped energy body all over its body, it rushed straight towards the Explosion Monster.

"With a loud bang,

Haxorus's skill hit the Sonic Monster, smashing its entire body except for its head into the ground, and it reunited with its head.

The Sonic Monster finally stopped moving and lost its ability to fight.

"Xiaofeng, what was your skill just now? It was so magical, a shadow flashed by, and the Sonic Monster fell to the ground!"Zhu Lan came to Xiaofeng and asked curiously.

Xiaofeng scratched his head:"How should I put it, you can understand it as a skill I created for Haxorus using my superpowers."

"What a unique skill! Your superpower is so convenient!"Zhu Lan exclaimed with stars in her eyes.

"Well, don't worry about these details. The next step is to go to the tower and stop the city as soon as possible."Xiao Feng quickly changed the subject.

Zhu Lan nodded seriously and said,"Well, let's go!"

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