The two came to the hexagonal tower. The whole tower is divided into three floors, each floor is about 9 meters high. The walls are covered with moss, and unknown pictures and texts are carved on them. It seems that due to the long time, the original texture can no longer be seen clearly, giving people a sense of mysterious decay and vicissitudes.

The two pushed the door open and entered, and an old breath came towards them.

The entire first floor is a library, densely packed with books neatly displayed, and spider webs are all over it. After looking around, the two did not stay for too long and went up the stairs to the second floor. The second floor was filled with large and small instruments, components and other metal objects.

Continuing to move forward, the two finally came to the top floor of the tower. An instrument of unknown function was placed on the center of the top floor. Below the hexagonal metal base, a four-sided bi-conical red crystal exuded a strong red glow, suspended above it and constantly rotating, and a ring similar to the celestial orbit around the crystal was constantly rotating around it.

"How to do this, should we dismantle it directly, or should we dismantle it directly?" Xiaofeng looked at Zhulan with a puzzled look. Zhulan looked at Xiaofeng helplessly:"Let's see if there is a switch first!"

Then the two of them stepped forward to check around the base. But after searching for a long time without any results, Zhulan also lost her patience. She kicked the base with an embarrassed look on her face, stepped back a distance, pointed at the crystal and said:"Hmph, Liebite Land Shark, dismantle it for me!"

A question mark popped up on Liebite Land Shark's forehead. It was agreed to see if there was a switch.

Although puzzled, Liebite Land Shark still obeyed the order to carry out the task, and energy began to condense in his mouth.

Xiaofeng saw this and hurriedly ran away to Zhulan's side.


Liebite Land Shark's Dragon Fury slammed into the instrument violently, causing the instrument to stop working instantly, and the crystal and ring suspended above fell down.

The red light of the crystal also disappeared

""Okay, I said we should tear it down!" Xiaofeng grinned, then looked at the scene outside through the window of the tower, and saw that the clouds in the sky and the forests and plants on the ground were still receding.

Xiaofeng looked at Zhulan with a hint of doubt in his eyes:"Isn't this the mechanism that controls the moving city?"

"What is the meaning of this mechanism?"Zhulan also saw the scene outside and frowned. Xiaofeng touched his chin, looked at the crystal stone on the ground that was still emitting a faint red light, a trace of uncertainty flashed across his eyes, and looked up at Zhulan:"Do you think this could be an instrument to control the elves?"

"So what should we do next?"Zhu Lan asked the key question

"Let's go to the first and second floors to see if there are any clues. We will split up, one person per floor!" Xiaofeng thought for a moment and turned to look at the stairs going up.

Zhulan nodded slightly in agreement:"Okay, then I'll go to the library on the first floor!"

After determining the target, the two people quickly walked up the stairs to the floors they needed to search.

On the second floor, looking at the large pile of metal instruments in front of him, Xiaofeng squatted down and checked them one by one!

After a long time, Xiaofeng, who had checked one by one, stood up, scratched his head and sighed:"Ah, it's just a pile of scrap metal, I have no clue!"

"Xiaofeng! Come down quickly, I found something useful!"Just as Xiaofeng frowned, Zhulan's happy call came from below.

Hearing this, Xiaofeng kicked away the equipment blocking his way and ran quickly to the first floor.

"Xiaofeng, look what I found!"Zhulan saw Xiaofeng coming down and shook a scroll in his hand.

"Could it be a treasure map?"The image of copper coins appeared in Xiaofeng's eyes.

Zhulan rolled her eyes at Xiaofeng, opened the scroll, spread it out on a nearby table and displayed it in front of Xiaofeng:"How is it possible? This is a construction map of the city. I found it in the corner of the library. It's all covered with dust!"

"Hey, is there a mechanism on it that controls the movement of the city?"Xiao Feng looked at the scroll curiously.

"Yes, look here!" Zhulan pointed to a spot on the scroll to signal Xiaofeng

"This is on the third floor, the place without elves guarding it!"Looking at the location of the city construction blueprint pointed out by Zhulan, Xiaofeng narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Yes, the Control City is in the third-floor wall! They are probably afraid that a battle between elves will expose the location of the Control City. Zhu Lan guessed the reason for the abnormality there.

"Yes, it seems that this is the reason. Let's go to the third floor and take a look!"Xiaofeng nodded and agreed with Zhulan's guess, and then planned to go and check. After confirming the purpose, Xiaofeng and the other elves came to the third floor.

According to the blueprint, they came to the wall where the control room was marked. There was no trace of any door here, but if you look closely at the wall, you can see an extremely small and difficult to detect crack.

"There is no key, Charizard Shadow Claw, tear it down for me!"Xiao Feng did not intend to waste energy to continue looking for any key. He and Zhu Lan retreated a distance, pointed at the wall, and gave orders to Charizard.

Roar! Charizard walked to the wall and raised his arms. The dragon claws moved slightly, and in a blink of an eye, a pair of shadow claws condensed and swung forward crosswise.

""Tear! Tear!"

The sound of tearing objects was heard, and the shadow claws broke a large cross-shaped hole in the wall that was passable, exposing the control room inside.

Just as Xiaofeng and Zhulan were about to enter, slow footsteps were heard from inside.

A low voice came into their ears and stopped them in their tracks:"Ah, you found me so quickly, you are really amazing."

As the footsteps got closer, a middle-aged man with a mustache wearing a white suit, a black tall hat, and holding a cane walked out of the control room and appeared in front of Xiaofeng and the others.

"Hello, let me introduce myself. You can call me Zangci. I am a collector!"The man took off his tall hat and put it on his chest, bowing slightly.

"Collector... uh, you didn't start it because you wanted to collect this city, did you?" Xiao Feng looked at Zangci in front of him, with a hint of speechlessness in his eyes.

"Yes, I consulted many ancient books before finally finding this unique city. Can you please give me a favor and don't hinder me, otherwise…"A warning word came from Zangci's mouth.

"Face, do you think you are the Four Emperors Shanks? You still want me to give you face, uncle, you are really good at pretending." Xiaofeng curled his lips indifferently when he heard Zangci's tone.

"Four Emperors Shanks... I don't know who he is, but it seems that you are planning to stop me?" Zangci narrowed his eyes, with a hint of coldness in his expression.

"Okay, uncle, stop talking, get out of the way, we are going to stop in this city. You have caused so many elves to lose their homes along the way because of your own selfish desires, don’t you feel guilty?"Xiao Feng really didn't want to say anything to Zangci and planned to stop communicating.

"Those elves losing their homes has nothing to do with me. They just happened to be on the route of this city. Since you want to stop me, don't blame me. Go, Nidoking, break their hands and feet for me. Don't let them stop me." Zangci looked indifferent to the elves who lost their homes, and then a cruel red light appeared in his eyes, and he threw a Poké Ball from his pocket.

"Oh, really? You seem very brave! Zhulan, I'll leave the matter of stopping the city to you, and I'll take care of it!"Xiaofeng narrowed his eyes, and a faint red light flashed in his eyes.

"Well, leave it to me!" Zhulan looked at Xiaofeng and nodded seriously, then took her elf to the side of Zangci, intending to bypass him and enter the control city.

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