Chapter 8 Nibi Gym Preliminary

After sending Celebi away and completing the mission to obtain racial value points, Xiaofeng took the two elves to Nibi City to challenge the Nibi Gym.

On the way, Xiaofeng said to the system:"Tongzi, help me add 40 points to Charmeleon's physical attack racial value, 20 points to its speed racial value, and 40 points to its electric monster attack racial value."

"Ding, the points are added successfully. [Name: Charmeleon lv31]

Physical Attack: 64+40

Special Attack: 80+40

Speed: 80+60

Total: 405+140

【Name: Electric Monster lv28]

Physical Attack: 63+82

Total: 360+82

"Haha, Charmeleon's three attributes are over 100 and its speed racial value is 140, and the electric monster has a physical attack racial value of 145, who else is there!"Xiaofeng laughed happily.

As Xiaofeng and his three companions walked out of the Evergreen Forest and came to Nibi City, they walked on the streets of Nibi City and saw many stalls on the street. There were rocks of different sizes on the stalls. Xiaofeng took the two little ones to watch curiously.

""Little brother, do you want to buy some stones? The stones here are the best in the whole city of Nibi. I once opened a fist-sized thunder stone. How about it? Come on, you won't be cheated! Only one thousand Elf Coins each," the stall owner tried his best to sell.

"Let me take a look first." Xiao Feng squatted down and looked at it carefully. After looking for a long time, he muttered,"Isn't this the same as the stones on the street?"

In his mind, he asked the system,"Tongzi, can you see any difference?"

"There is nothing different, they are all ordinary stones, street goods!" said the system

"I said it was just like when we were on the street. Wait, can Tongzi be sure that all the stones here are ordinary?" Xiaofeng suddenly noticed the tone of the system's confirmation and asked curiously.

"Of course, there is no energy fluctuation inside. How can it be good stuff!" The system said proudly

"Hey, Tongzi, no, Brother Tongzi, I have to trouble you for something. My future happy life is in your hands. Please help me see which stones have goods inside."Xiao Feng said flatteringly.

The system was full of black lines:"If you don't ask me for help, call me Tongzi, and if you ask me for help, call me brother, host, you are so realistic!"

"Hey, Brother Tongzi, just tell me whether you will help or not." Xiao Feng said shamelessly

"Help!" The system replied:"But even if I help you, do you have that much money?"

"Don't I have those Fire Stones? I can exchange them for money and make the interest compound. Hehe! But before that, Brother Tongzi, please help me see if it's worth it."

"Well, if each is 1,000 yuan, there is still some profit. For example, the stall on your left has two energy fluctuations, the stall ten meters ahead has one, and several other stalls have both. The stall with the most is the one at the edge. It has large goods and the energy fluctuations are a bit familiar."

"Really? Then I will go and exchange the Fire Stone for money now." After saying that, Xiao Feng rushed to the Elf Shop in Nibi City.

"Hello, do you sell fossils here?" Xiaofeng asked the clerk.

"Hello, brother, we collect fossils here. We need to inspect the quality first and set the price according to the quality. The general quality is 3000-5000, and the good quality is 10000-20000."

"Then can you help me see how much these evolution stones are worth?"Xiao Feng took out three fire stones and one water stone from his backpack and handed them to the salesperson.

After taking the evolution stone from Xiao Feng, the salesperson looked at it carefully, lowered his head and used an instrument to operate the evolution stone for a while, then raised his head and smiled at Xiao Feng and replied,"Sir, your three fire stones have been identified as top-quality products in terms of color, size, and internal energy saturation, and the price can reach 15,000 each. But this water stone is relatively ordinary, and I can only give you 3,500. What do you think?"

"Really? Then change all of them into Elf Coins for me."

"OK, a total of 48,500 Elf Coins, please keep them! If you still have Evolution Stones, you can consider our Elf Store. No matter how many, we can buy them. We are a chain store with a large demand. We have branches in every city and the price is fair!"After confirming that Xiaofeng was willing to sell the Evolution Stones, the salesperson quickly calculated the price for Xiaofeng and converted them into Elf Coins, and then advertised his store.

"OK, thank you. I'll come back if you need me. Goodbye, maybe we'll meet soon." After taking the elf coin, Xiaofeng said goodbye to the salesperson and walked out of the store.

"Goodbye, welcome back next time!"

Xiao Feng left the store and headed straight to the Stone Market.

"Brother Tongzi, it’s up to you!"

"Well, Xiao Fengzi, go to the stall at the edge first and take the most important one! Let’s go," Tongzi said to Xiao Feng proudly.

"" Okay, Brother Tongzi!" Xiao Feng said flatteringly. Then he walked to the stall at the edge.

The stall owner was a middle-aged uncle with a flashy slicked-back hair. When the uncle saw Xiao Feng coming, he immediately said enthusiastically,"Little brother, take a look. The stones here are all dug out from deep caves. The delivery rate is great. Do you want to have a piece?""

"How much do you sell the stones for?" Xiao Feng squatted down and looked at the stones on the stall and asked

"Brother, I'll give you a fair price, 2000 per piece. How about it?"

"Two thousand a piece, so expensive, just now they were only 1000 over there, you are not looking at me because I am young, are you trying to rip me off? Forget it, I'll go over there and have a look." Xiao Feng heard the uncle's price, got up and wanted to go to other stalls

"One, two, three. After getting up and walking away, Xiao Feng silently counted for three seconds.

"Wait, wait, little brother, one thousand is one thousand, I also see that you are destined to buy it, so I will sell it to you at this price. Come on, take your pick and look at it freely."Seeing Xiaofeng's steps to leave, the stall owner hurriedly called Xiaofeng to stop

"Then let me take another look?" Xiao Feng whispered

""Let's take another look." The uncle nodded vigorously.

He squatted again and called the system:"Brother Tongzi, it's your turn, which ones do you choose?"

"The most important one is the one with a black stripe in the upper right corner, followed by the one with a red spot in the middle, the one with a yellow stripe in the lower right corner, and the one with moss under you," the system instructed.

"OK!" After receiving the prompt from the system, Xiao Feng pretended to pick up and put down the stones, and finally picked up five stones. He said to the stall owner,"That's all. Please pack them for me.""

"Hey, okay little brother, 5,000 Elf Coins."The boss showed a happy expression, as if he had met a fat sheep, and quickly wrapped up the stone and handed it to Xiaofeng, as if he was afraid of regretting it.

He took the wrapped stone and handed it to the two children, paid the Elf Coins to the uncle, and continued to go to other stalls.

The stall owner behind him muttered"a small profit of 4,500."

After that, every time he went to a stall with goods, Xiaofeng bought stones at the price of 1,000 Elf Coins each. In the end, he spent a total of 31,000 Elf Coins to get 31 stones.

"Brother Tongzi, can you tell what is inside these stones?"

"Except for the one with black lines, the others have similar energies to the Evolution Stone. The black one needs to be opened to see."

"Okay, Brother Tongzi." Xiaofeng divided the stones into many bags and went to more than ten professional stone-cutting shops. Each stone cost 100 yuan for cutting. A total of 3,100 yuan was spent to cut all the stones. There were 30 evolution stones in total, mostly fire and water attributes, including a moon stone, a grass stone, and the last one was actually a mega evolution stone.

"Brother Tongzi, mega evolution stone! Do you know what kind of elf evolution stone it is?" Xiaofeng asked the system happily.

"If nothing goes wrong, it's Geng Gui's."The system replied

"Gengar's? Then I have to keep it well. My future team is short of a ghost-type Pokémon. If I capture a Gengar Pokémon, I can use it."Xiaofeng happily put Gengar's evolution stone into his backpack. Then he took a large bag of evolution stones and the two little ones to the Pokémon store.

Xiaofeng was greeted by the same salesperson. When he opened the package, his eyes were dazzled. He saw 30 evolution stones of different sizes piled up together, flashing with halos.

"Here, sir, are these all what you want to sell?" the salesperson asked uncertainly.

"Yes, didn’t I say before that we would see each other soon?"Xiao Feng said with a smile

"I didn't expect it to be so fast.

Please wait a moment, distinguished guest.

I will identify them for you right now.

" After saying that, he immediately began to use the instrument to identify all the evolution stones.

After a while, he looked up and smiled at Xiaofeng, saying,"Guest, your evolution stones have been detected.

There are 22 of the best quality and 8 of the average quality.

The best ones are still 15,000 each, and the average ones are 3,500, a total of 358,000 Elf Coins.

What do you think?"

"Well, no problem. That's it."Xiao Feng responded

"OK, since the amount is large, please show me your bank card number and I will pay by transfer."Soon after, Xiaofeng bound his bank card number to���The picture book sounded that a transfer was received

"Not bad." Xiaofeng nodded with satisfaction after receiving the transfer and asked the clerk,"Do you have skill learning machines for sale?"

"Yes, please follow me!" The salesperson heard Xiaofeng's need again and hurriedly said.

After a while, the salesperson took Xiaofeng to the second floor of the store and introduced:"This is the skill learning machine product area of our store. You can see if you need anything. Each skill learning machine comes with instructions for use, and the operation is simple and easy to understand."

Xiaofeng looked at them one by one and saw several skill machines he wanted to buy, namely: Iron Tail 10,000, Hold 30,000, Tile Splitting 10,000, Shadow Clone 20,000, Lightning Flash 10,000.

Looking at the prices of the learning machines, Xiaofeng was silent for a long time.

"What's the matter, customer? Do you like anything?"The salesperson asked when Xiaofeng didn't say anything.

Finally, Xiaofeng made up his mind and said,"Well, it's nothing. Please help me hold two of them. Two shadow clones, one iron tail, one tile splitting, and one lightning flash."

""Okay, customer, wait a moment." The salesperson happily went to help Xiaofeng take out the learning machine. Then he took Xiaofeng to the cashier and said,"130,000 Elf Coins!"

Xiaofeng paid the bill tremblingly, walked out of the store, looked at the sun in the sky, and was speechless for a long time.

"Tongzi, one third of it is gone before it’s even warmed up." Xiaofeng stared at the sky absentmindedly.

"Charmeleon, Electric, you two have to fight for me in the gym match." Xiao Feng said to the two little ones earnestly.

""Roar""Beep" guard the two little ones and the shadow clone, one elf each, and give the others to the Charmeleon. This makes the two little ones' skills greatly updated

【Fire Dinosaur lv31]

Skills: Hold, Lightning Flash, Shadow Clone, Iron Tail, Tile Splitting, Flame Jet, Flame Fang, Smoke Screen, Split, Shout

【[Electric Monster lv28]

Skills: Guard, Shadow Clone, Lightning Flash, Electric Shock, Charge, Tile Break (Inherited)

The day passed quickly, and early the next morning, Xiaofeng took the two little ones to the Nibi Gym.

"Hello, is anyone there? I'm here to challenge the gym." Xiao Feng shouted while standing at the gym entrance.

Suddenly, the door opened automatically from the inside. Xiao Feng walked in and looked at the dark surroundings, feeling helpless."Is it necessary to be so mysterious and have such an atmosphere?"

Suddenly, the light from the top of the head illuminated the entire gym. A squinting-eyed man was sitting cross-legged on a high platform. Telekinesis - Nibi Gym Leader: Xiao Gang

"Are you the challenger? My name is Xiaogang. The gym match uses two Pokémons. The match ends when one of the Pokémons loses all their combat capabilities. Are you ready, challenger?"Xiaogang stood up and announced the rules of the challenge.

""I'm ready, Gym Leader Xiaogang, you can call me Xiaofeng." Xiaofeng nodded.

At this time, a referee holding a flag came out and said,"Now, challenger Xiaofeng challenges Nibi Gym Leader Xiaogang, and the competition officially begins.""

"Okay, then this is my first Pokémon. Come out, Geodude!"Gon took out a Poké Ball from his waist and threw it toward the competition venue. Then he said,"The challenger attacks first!"

【Name: Small Geode lv15....】{ps: If the level is too low, no value will be written}

"Then I won't be polite, go ahead, Electric Monster." Xiao Feng sent the Electric Monster next to him to the field.

"Beep beep! The electric monster moved forward, shaking its arms.

""Electric Monster, use the tile to kill it!" The

Electric Monster received the order and quickly rushed towards the Geodude. Before the Geodude could react, it used the tile to hit the top of the Geodude. With a loud bang, dust flew up everywhere. The Geodude was knocked to the ground by the Electric Monster, half of its body was stuck in the ground, and it lost its ability to fight.

"The gym leader's Pokémon has lost its ability to fight. Please change your Pokémon." The referee announced.

"Come back, Geodude!"Gon looked at Feng deeply, used the Poké Ball to retrieve Geodude. Then he threw another Poké Ball.

" Come out, Onix!"

【Name: Rock Snake lv18】

"May I ask if the challenger Xiaofeng would like to exchange elves?" The referee looked at Xiaofeng and asked

"No need to change it," Xiaofeng replied.

""Electric Monster, keep fighting!" With a flash of lightning, he jumped onto Onix and used the Claymore on its head."The electric monster received the order and quickly used a flash of lightning to speed up, jumped onto Onix's body, and ran towards its head.

""Not good! Onix, throw it off," Xiaogang ordered quickly.

After receiving the order, Onix kept shaking its body, trying to throw the electric monster off. But the electric monster was too powerful, and its claws were extremely sharp. It penetrated deep into Onix's rock body, tightly grasped Onix, and then used its claws to climb up and reach the top of its head.

""Electric Monster, put an end to it, split the tiles." The electric monster on Onix received the order, grabbed Onix's head, and attacked Onix with a split tile. Onix's head was deeply sunken, and its eyes rolled up. It fell to the ground with a bang, losing its ability to fight. The electric monster jumped off Onix and returned to Xiaofeng.

"All the gym leaders lost their ability to fight, and the challenger Xiaofeng won. The gym competition challenge was successful."The referee watched Onix lose its ability to fight and announced the final result.

"You are very strong, Xiaofeng, this is what you deserve, the Rock Badge".

Xiaofeng took back Onix and walked to Xiaofeng, handing Xiaofeng a gray stone-like badge and exclaimed.

After taking the badge and winning, Xiaofeng looked at Xiaogang seriously and said,"I wonder if Gym Master Xiaogang can let me have the honor of witnessing a real gym challenge, rather than this novice mode competition.

My old man told me that each gym has two challenge modes, one is the novice mode, the purpose of which is to select outstanding novice trainers, and the other is the main challenge mode.

The first echelon of Pokémons who challenge the gym master"

"Who are your elders?" Xiao Gang asked curiously.

"My grandfather is Professor Oak." Xiao Feng replied

"In this case, I will not say anything. I accept your challenge. Then, let me confirm again: Challenger Xiaofeng, you���Are you sure you want to start the Nibi Gym Challenge?"

""Confirmed" Xiao Feng replied

"Okay, referee, I'll trouble you again." Xiao Gang said to the referee.

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