Chapter 9 Nibi Gym Finals Mode

After both sides stood back on the sides of the field,

"Now begins the main competition mode of the Nibi Gym Challenge. Two Pokémon are available. The challenger Xiaofeng has the priority to attack. The game begins. Please send out the Pokémon first."

"It's been a while since we started the real game mode. Let's fight with all our might. Go, Iron Rhino."Xiao Gang took out another Poké Ball from his waist and threw it towards the battlefield.

【Name: Armored Rhino lv35]

Number: 111

Attribute: Ground Rock

Features: Hard Head (HP will not be reduced when using moves with counter-damage)

Skills: Rock Blast, Horn Slam, Stomp, Magnitude

Race Value

HP: 80

Physical Attack: 85

Physical Defense: 95

Special Attack: 30

Special Defense: 30

Speed: 25

Total: 345

"Electric shock monster, go ahead, this is a rare opponent."Xiao Feng gestured to the electric shock monster.

""Beep, beep, beep!" the electric monster said loudly

""Electric Monster, use your shadow clones to approach the armored rhinoceros," Xiao Feng ordered the electric monster.

The electric monster in the field split into several clones, which kept approaching the armored rhinoceros.

""Iron Rhino, use Magnitude to destroy the shadow clones." Xiao Gang ordered the Iron Rhino as he watched the electric monster approach.

The Iron Rhino raised its feet high and dropped suddenly. Invisible waves centered on it and headed towards the electric monster.

Soon, several clones of the electric monster were destroyed.

""Electric monster, jump up and use tile splitting." Just when the clones of the electric monster were about to be destroyed, Xiaofeng's command arrived in time.

One of the multiple electric monster clones jumped out, and the other clones were destroyed by the magnitude. The electric monster jumped up and fell from a high altitude. With a silver-white light in its hands, it swung at the armored rhinoceros at a high speed and finally landed on the armored rhinoceros. With a roar, the armored rhinoceros' limbs bent into a huge arc, with a painful expression. Even if it was hit by four times the damage of fighting, it was not knocked down.

""Iron Rhino, hold on, fight back, use your horn to knock it out." Xiao Gang shouted loudly. The

Iron Rhino received the order and, with great perseverance, used its horn to knock the electric monster several meters away.

The electric monster landed on the ground and pushed its feet backwards, leaving a trail.

"Electric shock monster, are you okay?"Xiao Feng shouted


"The battle is not over yet, the opponent is very tenacious, haha. This is what makes it interesting"

""Iron Rhino, use rock blast." Xiao Gang's voice sounded, and the Iron Rhino gathered many sharp rocks around its body and shot them towards the electric monster.

"The electric shock monster dodged the lightning and continued to charge towards the armored rhinoceros, and finally used the tile splitting skill.

In this way, relying on the recovery power of super-speed regeneration, the electric shock monster was knocked away again and again, and then rushed to the armored rhinoceros again and again to use the tile splitting skill, like a fearless warrior, constantly charging, and finally the armored rhinoceros fell at the feet of the electric shock monster.

"Beep, beep, beep." The electric monster raised its hands to celebrate its victory.

"Well done, Electric Monster!"Xiao Feng gave the Electric Monster a thumbs up.

"Your electric monster is well cultivated, Xiaofeng, how are you going to deal with it next? Go, Boskodora"

【Name: Boskodora lv43]

Number: 306

Attributes: Rock, Steel

Features: Strong (Won't be killed instantly)

Skills: Destruction Ray, Headbutt, Slam, Harden, Metal Claw, Iron Tail, Hold

Race Value

HP: 70

Physical Attack: 110

Physical Defense: 180

Special Attack: 60

Special Defense: 60

Speed: 50

Total: 530

"Charmeleon, use jet flames.

Xiao Feng gave the order first, and Charmeleon, who received the order, condensed blazing flames in his mouth and headed towards Boskodora.

""Boskodora, use hold," Xiaogang hurriedly commanded.

Before Charmeleon's terrifying flames hit Boskodora, a yellow circular protective shield formed around it. The flames of Charmeleon were blocked, and no one could get close to it.

"Since long-range attacks don't work, then close combat. The Charmeleon flashed with lightning and kept changing its position around Boskodora."

After receiving the order, the Charmeleon left a trail of afterimages behind it, constantly circling Boskodora.

With Boskodora's speed, how could it see the Charmeleon's trajectory clearly? It kept turning around in a hurry, trying to find the Charmeleon's specific location.

"Right now, Charmeleon went behind Boskodora and used Iron Tail, then jumped behind it and used Flame Fang."Charmeleon quickly appeared behind Boskodora and used Iron Tail to attack Boskodora's kidney. With a bang, Boskodora stumbled forward. Boskodora covered his kidney, and before he could stand firm, he felt a pain in his neck. Charmeleon's mouth was burning with fire, and its sharp teeth pierced into his neck. Boskodora howled in pain.

"Boskodora, throw it down quickly and use the metal claws to attack it."

Boskodora, who was in pain, heard Xiaogang's order, and it was like grabbing a life-saving straw. He kept shaking his body violently, and finally threw Charmeleon off his body, and kept using the metal claws to attack Charmeleon. But Charmeleon quickly dodged sideways. Charmeleon kept adjusting its position during the attack, and distanced itself from Boskodora. Xiaofeng's order came from behind,"Well done, Charmeleon, then use the jet of flames."

"Boskodora, use Destruction Ray." Xiaogang saw Charmeleon was about to use Flame Spray again. Since he might fail to defend the second time, he gave up and used Destruction Ray.

In the air, red and yellow beams of light merged into a sphere, which exploded instantly, and huge smoke filled the entire venue.

"Charmeleon, Boskodora is unable to move due to the aftereffects of the destruction of the death ray. Rush into the smoke to find Boskodora's location and use the tile splitting"

"Roar!"After receiving the order, Charmeleon rushed into the smoke and dust, found Boskodora, and knocked Boskodora away with a tile-splitting move.

""Boskodora, stand up quickly and use the Destruction Death Ray." Xiaogang shouted anxiously as he saw Boskodora gradually able to move.

Boskodora, who received Xiaogang's order, barely supported himself on the ground with both hands, and gathered the yellow power in his mouth, intending to launch the Destruction Death Ray at Charmeleon.

""It's a dying struggle! Charmeleon, hold on! Then give it the last jet of flame!" Xiao Feng issued the final order.

Charmeleon, with a yellow shield in front of him, blocked Boskodora's destructive death ray, and then a flame flashed in his mouth, and the jet of flame hit Boskodora, who was unable to move. The raging flames wrapped around Boskodora, and when the flames dissipated, Boskodora fell into a dark circle, his eyes were full of circles, and he lost his ability to fight.

"Boskodora can't fight, so the winner is the challenger Xiaofeng!"The referee saw Boskodora fall to the ground, so he raised the flag and said

""Huh!" Xiao Feng let out a long sigh of relief.

"Fire dinosaur, we win!"

""Roar!" The Charmeleon responded loudly, spitting out flames above its head.

"Xiaofeng, it was such an exciting battle. I lost. The young people nowadays are incredible. Haha." Xiaogang came over and touched his head with a smile.

"The battle with Gym Leader Xiaogang's Boskodora and Rhino was very enjoyable."Xiaofeng responded with a smile

"Yes, I haven't fought so seriously for a long time. By the way, this is the badge for winning the gym challenge. Please keep it." Xiao Gang sighed, and then handed Xiao Feng a badge similar to the previous rock badge. The difference is that this badge is surrounded by a circle of silver-white matte material, and the badge material in the middle is of higher quality and more finely polished than before.

"Thank you, Master Xiaogang. I will be honored to receive your gift." Xiaofeng took the badge and carefully put it in his backpack.

"This kind of badge, every time you go to a gym, if you want to challenge the competition mode, as long as you show this type of badge, other gyms cannot refuse your challenge. The same is true for other gym competition badges. Of course, as long as the gym owner agrees, even if you don’t have this type of badge, you can still challenge, just like our battle."Xiao Gang explained the role of this badge in detail.

"Okay, I will keep it safe."Xiao Feng nodded seriously.

"By the way, what are your plans for the future? Seeing Xiaofeng's serious attitude, Xiaogang asked

"Of course, I will collect eight badges and participate in the Quartz League Competition."Xiao Feng said without hesitation.

"Then I wish you good luck!"Xiao Gang wished

"Thank you. Goodbye then, Master Xiaogang. See you again if we are lucky enough!"


Xiaofeng said goodbye to Xiaogang and walked out of the gym with the two little ones. At this time, the system's voice sounded.

"Ding, complete the task to obtain the Rock Badge, be rewarded with 40 racial points, and get a skill lottery. Do you want to start the lottery?"

"It's harvest time, Tongzi, let me draw the lottery!"After hearing that the reward has been received, Xiaofeng immediately chose to draw the lottery.

"Ding, get the skill Vajra Indestructible: Skill Introduction: Invulnerable to swords and guns, invulnerable to all kinds of attacks (immune to negative status)..."

""Fuck, Brother Tongzi, do you want me to stack the thickest armor? And Immune to negative status, this ability is very useful! It means that Charmeleons will not be affected by other disgusting abilities in the future, just rush ahead." Xiaofeng said excitedly when he heard the new ability

"Quick, Tongzi, give Charmeleon and me the ability to be indestructible, and add 40 points to Charmeleon's special attack racial value."

"Ding, the points were added successfully, please check the host"

【Name: Charmeleon lv32

New Skill: Indestructible

Physical Attack: 64+40

Special Attack: 80+80

Speed: 80+40

Total: 405+180】

【Name: Electric Monster lv29

New Skill: Indestructible

Physical Attack: 63+82

Total: 360+82】

"Wow, Charmeleon can almost be regarded as a mythical beast in the skin of an ordinary elf. The racial value is only 15 points away from 600. When it evolves into Charizard, it will take off on the spot!���The Electric Monster is about to evolve."

After sighing, Xiaofeng took the two little ones to the Pokémon Center to celebrate the victory of the gym challenge. Soon, the two little ones and Xiaofeng were drowned in rich and diverse, fragrant food.

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