"Please, all of you, stop!"

Ash couldn't see such a Pokémon battle scene, so he ran to the center of the battle and shouted.

It is expected that they will wake up in this way.

Xia Fan behind him saw it and did not stop it.

Mouth cannons are such a thing, if he goes to say it, he is likely to be beaten up, but Ash goes to say it is different, because the protagonist's mouth cannon is often the most awesome thing.

However, this time Xia Fan thought more.

After Bosco Dora in the battlefield knocked the big steel snake down with one punch, he heard Ash's shout, and directly condensed a destructive death light and was about to vomit over.


Xiao Guang and Xiao Gang exclaimed.

Xia Fan was also shocked, and hurried to rescue.

However, just as he was about to leave, a figure appeared next to Ash one step ahead of him, taking Ash away from the attack point that destroyed the death light.

At the same time, a Lucario ran out and used his skill to hit hand-to-hand when Bosco Dora froze after casting the destructive death light.

Grabbing Bosco Dora's head is a blaster, and after the beating, a wave of missiles ends and knocks Bosco Dora to the ground.

"Are you all right?"

The princess holding Ash was a young man wearing a blue top hat and a blue suit.

"I'm okay." Ash jumped out of the young man's arms with some embarrassment.

"It was really a shot just now." The young man said with a smile.

Xia Fan and the three ran forward and just opened their mouths to say something.

But the young man told them not to speak and to follow him quickly.

In this way, the four of them followed the youth and finally came to a place far away from those steel Pokémon battles just now.

Lucario, who knocked Bosco Dora down, jumped onto a rock and got down on one knee with his eyes closed.

A second later, its two big ears inexplicably crossed, and blue ripples spread from its eyebrows.

"What is it doing?" Xiaoguang wondered.

"Is it using the waveguide to investigate the situation around it?" Youth Road.

As he spoke, Lucario opened his eyes and nodded towards the youth.

"Thank you Lucario!" The young man said with a smile, and then turned his head to look at the four people, "It seems to be safe around here, you can rest a little." The

three of Ash, who were tired from running, immediately slumped to the ground when they heard this.

Xia Fan, who didn't sweat much, looked at the young man with a curious expression.

"Thank you for saving me just now." Ash said gratefully, "My name is Ash.

"My name is Yaxuan, and I'm a trainer specializing in steel." The young man said, "I have been practicing on this island where there are many steel Pokémon living in.

"Always been here?" Ash wondered.

Ya Xuan said: "Yes, as you can see, this island is full of icy rocks, so it is a place where you can strictly train yourself to train yourself to be as strong as a steel Pokémon, and Steel Island can be called the home of souls for us.... And now, our hometown is in crisis, and I'm investigating the mutation here for the Steel Pokémon. "

Train yourself to be as strong as a steel Pokémon?" Xia Fan muttered in his heart.

At this time, Xiaoguang interjected: "However, Lucario is also made of steel."

"Yes, it has both steel and fighting attributes." Yaxuan said with a smile.

"Then why is it okay?" Xia Fan said.

"Because it surrounds its body with the power of the waveguide." Yaxuan said with a smile.

As soon as his words fell, Lucario's body on the side briefly glowed with a blue light.

"Are you the brave of Waveguide?" Xia Fan said suddenly, because he remembered a very awesome Lucario.

"No, no, I can't afford the title of Waveguide Brave." Yaxuan quickly waved his hand, "I'm just a steel trainer who can use the power of waveguides?" It's too far from the name of Waveguide Brave.

Xia Fan raised his eyebrows.

This product is really modest enough, can use the power of waveguide and call himself an ordinary steel trainer, then when he throws out the divine beast in the future, he simply claims that he is just an ordinary trainer with legendary Pokémon.

The five of them rested in place for five minutes, and five minutes later, Xia Fan and the four followed Yaxuan on the road to investigate the truth of the matter together.

"According to my investigation and that of Lucario, there seems to be a special low frequency that only affects steel Pokémon, covering all areas of this island."

As he headed towards the depths of Steel Island, Yaxuan said the situation of what he had currently investigated.

"Low frequency?" Ash wondered.

Yaxuan nodded: "That will have a negative impact on the bodies of steel Pokémon, and it is precisely because of this that their feelings will become abnormal."

"So you don't feel pain and your master's instructions, indiscriminately attacking other Pokémon and self-harming?" Ash's sympathy exploded, "I think I should do something to help them."

Xia Fan glanced at Xiao Zhi, and then asked, "Mr. Yaxuan, where did that low frequency wave come from?"

"This is still under investigation." Yaxuan shook his head.


At this moment, Lucario, who was probing the way ahead, suddenly turned around and shouted.

Ya Xuan was surprised: "What, have you sensed the source of low frequency?" "

Yagen, who has the power of waveguides, can communicate with Pokémon and understand their meaning.

"Let's speed up." Yaxuan turned around.

The four of Xia Fan nodded after glancing at each other and began to speed up their pace.

A few minutes later, Lucario seemed to sense something again.

He shouted at Yaxuan.

"What, someone is there!" Yaxuan was surprised again, "And there are many people? "

Always feel a little foreboding?" Ash didn't say well.

And Xia Fan, who didn't talk much on the side, immediately had a bad premonition after listening to Yaxuan's words.

"It won't be the Galaxy team making trouble there again." Xia Fan muttered in his heart, if this is the case, he is afraid that he will be forced to be an actor again.

"Guys, I suddenly have a little stomachache, you guys go first, I'll arrive later."

Xia Fan decisively used shi.

"How can this work, this island is too dangerous now, it is too dangerous if you stay here alone." Yaxuan shook his head decisively.

However, as soon as the words fell, I saw a red light flash, and a Creselia was released from the Pokeball.

Yaxuan: Σ( ° △ °|||) _

Xia Fan looked at Yaxuan with a confused face, and he did not forget to pretend to be forced: "This is your Shen'ao region, known as Cresselia of Sweet Dreams, and I should not be in danger with it." Yaxuan

came without speaking.

It wasn't until he and Ash looked at each other that he sighed and patted Ash's shoulder to keep them up with him.

Before Xiao Guang left, he said to Xia Fan: "Mr. Xia Fan, if we are in danger, you must arrive."

Xia Fan covered his stomach and nodded.

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