After they left, Xia Fan decisively took Cresselia back into the Fairy Ball.

Then the white light flashed and turned into a dreamy look.

Entering invisibility with True Dream, he quickly flew in the direction Ash was heading, and used several teleportation movements in succession.

About a minute later, Xia Fan and Dream saw a huge deep pit in midair.

Inside there is a huge ruins palace, and two huge statues.

The statues are Emperor Luca, the god of time, and Palukia, the god of space.

The two statues were much larger in size than the statues in the previous ruins, and the materials were different, some suspected to be metal meteorites that Xia Fan had seen from Curtain City a month earlier.

And after watching for a moment, Xia Fan saw the traces of the galaxy team again, and they surrounded the two statues with an iron fence, as if to prevent collapse.

After watching for about a minute, several Pokémon Armor Birds of the Steel Flying System suddenly flew behind Xia Fan.

At the same time, many Coco Dora and Codora crawled out of the ground, as well as the big steel snake that Xia Fan saw not long ago.

They were all frantically rushing towards the pit at this moment.

But after a while, it was suppressed by the Pokémon of the Galaxy team.

"Huh? What is that? During

their battle, Xia Fan suddenly saw a huge pillar standing in the center of the statues of Diya Luca and Palukia.

The giant pillar was engraved with ancient texts that people could not understand.

And below the giant pillar, Xia Fan saw another captain of the galaxy team.

A woman with short red hair who is directing Pokémon to suppress the rioting steel Pokémon.

Teleporting, Xia Fan and Dream appeared beside the woman.

"Lord Star, it's time for the final stage."

At this time, a subordinate member of the Galaxy team came to the woman with short red hair.

When the woman heard this, she handed over the suppression to the others, and she turned and walked towards the depths of the pit.

Xia Fan followed her and saw a console with a gold key-like thing placed on it.

"Master, the low frequency that makes the steel Pokémon problematic should come from this relic as well as this golden key and that console."

A dreamy voice suddenly sounded from Xia Fan's mind.

"Is that so?" Xia Fan raised his eyebrows, and his eyes began to switch back and forth from the golden key and relics and the console.

"That's right, I also sensed an uncomfortable energy, but it didn't affect me much." Dreamy and said.

While Dream and Xia Fan were talking, the woman called Lord Gangxing by her subordinates picked up the golden key floating on the console, and walked to the bottom of the giant pillar with strange runes, and as she got closer a little, the golden key seemed to be attracted, and a golden light floated towards the giant pillar.

It floated towards a pattern in the center of the giant pillar.

The pattern is not like a key and a lock, when the golden key is put into the pattern, the giant pillar instantly seems to unlock something.

A blue halo blooms.

And immediately followed by the statues of Diya Luca on both sides, Palukia also bloomed with a blue halo.

It's as if coming to life.

"No, this is the summoning ceremony." Xia Fan was surprised, but the next second he shook his head.

Because the person who came was not right, if this is to summon Diya Luca and Palukia, then the galaxy team should not only send a leader over, it should be the boss Chiri himself.

Thinking of this, the spire of the giant pillar that bloomed with a blue halo suddenly shot out a huge blue energy ray, and the light shot towards a certain place in the Shen'an region.

"Headquarters, this is G2, which is currently shining high-energy beams towards the destination."

The star of the Galaxy team immediately picked up a talker and said.

After a while, a reply came from the intercom.

"I understand, the beam of light has been detected towards Tianguan Mountain, and the headquarters has also sensed that Tianguan Mountain emits the same high-energy reaction as Steel Island, the gun column should be within the range of this energy distribution area, and it is now detecting a more correct position, please continue to maintain the beam illumination and wait for the next instruction."

The guy said: "Understand, the guy star will maintain the status quo and wait for the next instruction." At

this moment, there was an explosion overhead.

Xia Fan and Dream looked back.

The next second, teleportation appeared there.

It's Ash them.

I don't know what happened at the moment, that Agen's Lucario seems to have also begun to get out of control under the influence of the low frequency, and is launching wave missiles to attack his master and Ash.

"What's going on, isn't it protecting itself with a waveguide?" The little light that was attacked was somewhat unacceptable.

"It should be that the power released by the entire relic has exceeded the limit of its protection with waveguides." Yaxuan was unwilling.

As they spoke, the rioting Lucario turned the power of the waveguide into a stick and smashed it to the ground, and several small fist stones that were dormant underground were directly injured and smashed away.

"Lucario stop!"

Yaxuan said excitedly, and then put his hand on his waist, ready to take out the Spirit Ball and take it back.

But just as he was about to take it back, his Poké Ball was smashed by Lucario's stick.

Lucario completed his self-release.

"Master, do you want to show up to help them?"

The dreamy telepathy should ring in Xia Fan's mind.

"Don't use it for now, if your life is in danger, you will help." Xia Fan shook his head, it would not be good if he helped out and let the Galaxy team increase the workload.

As he spoke, the Lucario broke through Ash's barrier and rushed towards the pit.

And both hands condensed wave missiles, and the target was the console with the golden key before.

It seems that that thing is the key to everything.

Unfortunately, its power as a Pokémon is still limited.

As soon as the wave missile in his hand was released, it was offset by the shadow balls of dozens of large-mouthed bats of the Galaxy team.

This was followed by a series of shadow balls smashing at it.

Lucario fell to the ground with serious injuries in less than three seconds.

But his eyes kept staring at the console.

Ash above worried, "Lucario, what's wrong with it?" Why rush to that machine!

Yaxuan gritted his teeth and said, "I guess that machine should be the key to affecting the steel Pokémon, although it can't be confirmed, but Lucario cares so much, it should be worth our help to destroy it."

"Okay, so let's destroy that machine." Xiao Zhi clenched his fists, and then turned around: "Xiaoguang, you go to Mr. Xia Fan and ask him to come and help us."

"Okay, I'll go find Mr. Xia Fan."

Xiaoguang nodded, hugged Pogaman and turned to leave.

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