"Very good, everyone is back to normal."

The crowd rejoiced.

But as soon as the words fell, they seemed to be affected by something again, and they hugged each other tightly again.

"Is this a man-made experiment?" Xia Fan muttered, in his impression that there were always some strange doctors in the Pokémon world who liked to study things blindly.

"Artificial?" Xiao Gang heard Xia Fan's muttering and fell into deep thought.

At this time, the owners of the Jeni turtle and Raichu began to accept this phenomenon.

"However, it also has such benefits." Raichu's master said.

"Why do you say that?" Ash had a hard time accepting.

"Because my Raichu and his Jeni turtle always get along very well before they start fighting, and they don't get along at all." Raichu's master said.

The owner of the Jeni turtle scratched his head: "That's right.

Raichu's master said, "They start quarreling as soon as they come out, and they often can't fight properly, so I think maybe it's better to do so."

After Xiao Gang listened, he clapped his hands and thought of a key point: "I think the same as Mr. Xia Fan, if this is really a man-made phenomenon, then this person is likely to have two Pokémon that get along very poorly, in order to make its Pokémon feel better, I don't know what method was used to cause this phenomenon."

"Miss Joy, do you have any researchers who like to do research?" Xia Fan asked to Joey.

Joy frowned slightly, and said directly: "In this case, there is a doctor named Kodama who lives not far behind our elf center, he is a doctor who specializes in Pokémon, and he is always doing some strange experiments. "

Solved the case." The corners of Xia Fan's mouth rose and snapped his fingers.

"So Miss Joey, does that person have two Pokémon with very bad feelings?" Xiao Gang asked.

Miss Joy nodded: "Yes, it's the little magnetic monster and the swamp king, I heard that they often don't deal with each other."

"It's electricity and water." Ash said excitedly, "Then Miss Joy, can you please take us over to meet him."

"Okay, go this way."


Ten minutes later, the four of Xia Fan and Miss Joy arrived at a laboratory located behind the elf center.

As soon as they entered the laboratory, several people saw an old man with gray hair recording data in front of a machine, and a large pile of discarded paper recording data was full of his feet.

"What are you doing, Dr. Kodama." As soon as Miss Joy entered the door, she said to the old man a little angrily.

"What's wrong, Miss Joey." Dr. Kodama wondered.

Ash and Hikaru held Pikachu and Pogaman and stepped forward: "Dr. Kodama, look at this, the two of them have not been separated since the beginning, we came here to confirm whether you are doing experimental research here."

When Dr. Kodama heard this, he carefully observed Pikachu and Bogaman, his eyes gradually brightened, and finally he was directly excited: "My experiment was successful." "

So that's true..."

Before Ash could finish, the Doctor interrupted him with a proud look.

"That's right, they are like this now, because of the experimental device I studied that can make Pokémon's feelings better, my years of research have finally borne fruit, hahahaha..."

"Isn't this old man afraid of being beaten..." Xia Fan looked at Dr. Kodama who laughed, and couldn't help but complain, he believed that if the person who came in was replaced by some grumpy guy, this old man would now be lying on the ground.

"Doctor, what is the research principle of this experiment of yours?" Xiao Gang suddenly said, looking very interested in this research.

Dr. Kodama laughed and explained, "This device is a Pokémon move." Charming' converts into a digital signal, and then transmits that signal from the radio tower installed on the roof, so that no matter how bad the relationship is, Pokémon can get along very well, and the most epochal feature of this experiment is that it should only work on Pokémon of different genders charming, can cross this limit, and can also affect other Pokémon of the same sex, at first I thought it had not been successful, but now it seems that my experiment is right, hahahaha..."

Xiao Gang asked, "But why does it only have an effect on water and electricity Pokémon, just because of your little magnetic monster and swamp king?"

Dr. Kodama nodded: "Of course, my original intention is to make the two of them have a good relationship, so at the beginning, it was specifically for the electric system and the water system, and I will also study experiments on other attributes in the future."

His words fell, and in Xia Fan's mind, there was a boiling voice of Geng Ghost.

"If you want this, the best master in this world, please let him do this experiment for me and Cresselia, I am willing to sacrifice for love..."

Before he finished speaking, Xia Fan blocked it.

This guy yelled at it and his brain hurt.

"You said that it was specifically for the electric system and the water system, so why don't you look so harmonious with the little magnetic monster to me."

At this time, Ash reached out and pointed to a swamp king and a small magnetic monster next to the experimental device, and the two Pokémon did not hold tightly like Pikachu and Pogaman, but looked at each other with hatred.

Dr. Kodama scratched his head: "I was also thinking about this, so before you guys came in, I kept wondering if my experiment failed, and now it seems that the experiment did not fail, but I have other factors that I did not consider."

Xiao Gang stood from the perspective of a bystander and said directly: "Could it be that you didn't consider that the little magnetic monster is a Pokémon with steel attributes in addition to electrical attributes, and the Swamp King is also a Pokémon with ground attributes in addition to the water system."

Dr. Kodama's eyes lit up: "It makes sense, I really haven't thought about this problem, no, I have to add this factor to modify the experimental device as soon as possible."

After that, he turned around and began to work, rummaging on the ground for some useful waste paper for data deduction.

Ash couldn't help but step forward at this time: "That Dr. Kodama, can you turn off the machine before the new experiment, our Pokémon can't always be like this."

"This problem is easy to solve, you just need to keep your Pokémon away from here for about five kilometers, and the machine will probably fail." Dr. Kodama looked up, but got up and turned off the experimental setup.

But he got up and was on the way to turn off the experimental device, and a piece of paper fell out of his pocket.

The piece of paper floated to Xia Fan.

He picked it up and looked at it, and what was recorded on it surprised him.

Because the title above says the three words of the God Hunting Hall, the content seems to record the contact information of some people.

Seeing this, Xia Fan suddenly realized that it seemed that he hadn't seen the people of the God Trapping Hall for a while, and he hadn't seen them since he had robbed them once the last time he captured Creselia.

Now their trail appears in this not-so-well-known laboratory.

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