"God Hunting Hall!"

Xiao Gang, who was standing beside Xia Fan, also saw the contents of the paper and exclaimed.

The shouts caught the attention of Ash and Hikaru, who hurried over, and when they saw the contents of the paper, they also snorted.

"What's wrong?" Miss Joy on the side wondered.

"That's right, Miss Joy, the people in this organization are all bad people, they..." Xiao Gang explained to her.

Ash took the paper in Xia Fan's hand and asked Dr. Kodama why he had the contact information for the God Catcher.

Dr. Kodama took the paper and scratched his head: "Well, a few people came to me a month ago when I was doing the experiment, and gave me a large amount of money, they called themselves the God Hunter Hall, and said that they were willing to provide financial support and all the other things needed for the experiment to help me carry out this experiment, as long as they used this technology afterwards, how, do these people have a problem?" Ash

then told Dr. Kodama about the fact that the Trapping Hall was classified as a criminal organization by the police organization, and the old man was immediately scared when he heard it, and he looked like I had explained it all.

"By the way, I remember that this morning a person who called himself the God Hunter Hall called me to ask how the experiment was going, and specifically asked me if I had experimented with a device that could make fire and steel Pokémon get lost."

"Fire and steel?"

The three of Ash looked at each other.

Ash said, "Then your answer is?"

Dr. Kodama shook his head: "Of course not, I only learned about the experimental results of the electric system and the water system just now."

"Oooh, you're right." Ash nodded blandly.

"Then they didn't say anything else besides this?" Xia Fan said at this time.

"Then I think about it, when I am old, I usually only remember the experiment firmly, and I forget many other things."

Dr. Kodama touched his chin in deep thought.

After pondering for about two minutes, he clapped his hands together.

"By the way, I remembered, before hanging up the phone, he said that if it has been researched in the past three days, then the machine will be sent to the nearby cool mountain."

"What cool mountain?"

Xia Fan and Xiao Zhi frowned.

"Dr. Kodama, do you mean to say Harsh Mountain?" Miss Joy said suddenly.

"That's right, that's right, it seems to be talking about this harsh mountain." Dr. Kodama nodded.

"What is the place of Harsh Mountain, Miss Joy." Ash asked.

"It's a big volcano located dozens of kilometers northeast of our town." Miss Joy said.

"Is it just a big volcano? Is there anything special there. Xia Fan frowned slightly, he felt like a player organization like the God Trapping Hall, if it weren't for some good things in it, or good Pokémon, he didn't believe they would be willing to run to such a place, after all, the harsh area of the volcano always makes people feel a little palpitating, in case of bad luck, just erupt then beep the dog.

"Something special exists?" Miss Joy folded her hands to her chest and her index finger gently poked her chin in thought.

After thinking for a while, her eyes lit up: "I remembered that legend has it that there seems to be a powerful Pokémon living there, named Sidoran.

"Sidoran? What kind of Pokémon is that?

The three of them wondered.

"I don't know much about this Pokémon, but I once heard an old man say that it was in ancient times, the god of time, Diya Luca, and the god of space, Palukia, once broke out a big war, under the collision of the power of that big war, many powerful energy fragments were dropped in the Shennoh region, and some of the fragments fused together to form a living body, that is, Sidoran, because he likes to swallow magma, so he generally lives in the deepest part of the volcano."

"Oh oh oh, it turns out that there is such a powerful Pokémon in the Sinnoh region." Ash exclaimed.

Xiao Gang said, "By the way, Miss Joy, do you know what kind of attribute Pokémon Sido Lann is?" Miss

Joy shook her head: "I don't know much about this.

"I know that." Xia Fan spoke up, "If I'm not mistaken, Sido Lann seems to be a Pokémon combining fire attributes and steel attributes, they called Doctor to study devices for fire attributes and steel attributes, I think.... It should be for Sidoran.

"How about that, Sidoranne must not fall into the hands of a criminal organization like theirs." Ash waved his hand.

In his worldview, anyone can own powerful Pokémon, but not criminal organizations, and the devil knows what hurtful things these criminal organizations want to do when they catch these Pokémon, and he has seen many things before.

"Well said, Sidorann must not fall into a criminal organization like theirs." Xia Fan quickly applauded.

He likes Ash, a good temper who punishes evil and promotes good.

Seeing that Xia Fan agreed, Xiao Zhi straightened his chest and said, "Since Mr. Xia Fan also agrees with my statement, then Xiaoguang Xiaogang, let's go to the Harsh Mountain together later, if there is really a God Hunting Hall, then investigate their conspiracy and destroy it."

Xiaoguang Xiaogang nodded straight.

Joy on the side said that she should not contact Miss Junsha first, after all, the matter of the criminal organization is the safest to leave to the police.

But Xia Fan reached out and stopped her.

"Miss Joy doesn't need to, the police are not easy, now this matter is still just our speculation, don't bother Miss Junsha on a hot day and work hard to run to the volcano to patrol, if we really find the God Trapping Hall in the end, we will immediately call the police, I have a mobile phone."

"But just a few of you are still too dangerous."

Miss Joy was still very worried.

Xiao Guang then held Bogaman and stepped forward and praised Xia Fan: "Miss Joy, you don't have to worry, Mr. Xia Fan is very strong, the God Trapping Hall and another criminal organization Galaxy Team, many of their actions are stopped by Mr. Xia Fan, if you don't believe it, you can watch one of Xia Fan's Pokémon..." Xiao

Guang looked at Xia Fan, Xia Fan shrugged, and threw two Poké Balls.

Red light flashed, respectively Deochisis and Creselia.

As soon as these two appeared, Xiaoguang began to talk: "Miss Joy, do you recognize this Cresselia, that is, the legendary Pokémon, the Dream God, and the other one is also amazing, once in the Fengyuan area and..."

This touting lasted five minutes, and after five minutes, the four left the institute and went to the Harsh Mountain according to Miss Joy's instructions.

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