"By the way, Mr. Natsuya, you said that the Sidolan you are with is looking for a new volcano as a place to live, so will it run to the harsh mountain." Xiaoguang stretched out his finger to the harsh mountain in the distance.

Conservationist Xia Ye's face suddenly turned pale when he heard this: "If you go to the Harsh Mountain, it will be troublesome, Xidolanen does not like to live in groups, but likes to be alone, if two Xidolanen appear in the same volcano, it will definitely fight for the territory."

I know that the one in the Harsh Mountain, in our conservator's data, that Sidolan has been in the Harsh Mountain for at least a thousand years, and there have been many trainers who have gone to try to subdue it, but without exception, all of them have failed, and it is said that there was also a migrating Sidolan who went to the Harsh Mountain and fought with that Sidolan, and almost died there, but..."

Speaking of this, the conservator Xia Ye's expression suddenly became excited again: " However, the fire-breathing Sidorann I followed would definitely not be defeated if he ran into the one on the Harsh Mountain. The

four people on the opposite side were directly speechless.

"Uh... This man is really nervous. Xiaoguang looked at the nurse Xia Ye, and couldn't help but push Xia Fan's arm and complained to Xia Fan.

Xia Fan shrugged his shoulders and didn't speak, because he didn't know what to say about this guy with big nerves.

As a conservationist, what I said just now should not be suitable for these people.

After being excited, Xia Ye asked Xia Fan and them: "By the way, what are you doing here?" Accept Sidorann of Harsh Mountain? "。

Xiaoguang stepped forward and told Xia Ye the purpose of the few people coming.

"Criminal organization God Hunting Hall?" Natsuya hugged his chest with both hands, touched his chin with his right hand and fell into deep thought, "This name sounds a little familiar, I feel as if I have heard it somewhere, is it the group of people who once stole the King Kong Orb in EMI City."

"That's right." Xiaoguang nodded.

"Ah, their words, that must not be forgiven." Xia Ye clenched his fists and said, "In that case, how about we work together?" Let's go down with the criminal organization, find that Sidorann together and take it to the natural park.

"Yes, if you don't dislike it." The enthusiastic Ash immediately responded.

"Of course don't dislike it, let's go now, come on!" Xia Ye waved his big hand after speaking, and ran directly towards the harsh mountain.

I didn't think about whether the four of Xia Fan would keep up or not.

"The hands and feet are so fast...," Xiaoguang sighed.

Xia Fan, Xiao Zhi, and Xiao Gang looked at each other and sighed before trotting to follow.

Half an hour later, several people came to the foot of the harsh mountain.

Except for Xia Fan, the rest were panting.

"I'm so tired, can I rest?" I can't run. "

Run to the sweaty little light to the crowd.

The rest glanced at each other and then stayed in place to rest, only the conservator Xia also walked back and forth at the foot of the mountain, and touched the ground with his hands.

"What are you doing?" Xia Fan asked.

"I'm measuring the temperature of the ground." Natsuya, a nurse who was squatting down, closed his eyes.

"The temperature of the ground?" Xia Fan frowned slightly.

"In addition to eating when Sidorann likes to go deep into the volcano to swallow magma, the rest of the time is usually near the crater, so I think it hides in warm places." Xia Ye stood up after saying and pointed out the direction to Xia Fan, "The temperature here is hotter, wait for us to go this way."

"Uh..." Xia Fan felt that for the first time he felt that his brain was not enough, and he did not understand the measurement principle of this person, but since he was a professional, he could only follow the words of this professional, and he said that wherever he went, he would go.

Ten minutes later, several people rested and followed Natsuya's instructions.

Every few tens of meters up the mountain, conservationist Xia would crouch down again to measure the temperature and look for the hottest direction.

After climbing like this for about an hour, when the conservationist Xia Ye measured the temperature and stood up from the ground, he excitedly pointed to a cave dozens of meters away: "It's close, the geothermal temperature near here is very high, if I'm not mistaken, we should be able to see Sidolanen through that hole." Hearing

this, Ash's fighting spirit ignited: "Very good, then let's speed up and take a look." Several

people continued to move forward, and as soon as they came to the entrance of the cave, Xia Fan paused.

Because his divine beast perception already had a faint hint.

The meaning is obvious, there is definitely a divine beast in this.

"What's wrong, Mr. Xia Fan." Xiao Guang saw that Xia Fan suddenly stopped and asked.

"It's nothing, I'm just wondering where the people from the God Hunting Hall are, and why haven't I seen any trace of them until now." Xia Fan blurted out, "Could it be that they are hiding inside now."

"Also, let's all be careful." Ash Road.

The rest nodded and began to slow down.

Xia Fan deliberately walked behind several people.

When passing a bend, Xia Fan and the dream on their shoulders split into a stand-in at the same time, and the avatar took over their task and continued to move forward, and the body entered the invisible state and moved forward quickly.

About two minutes later, Xia Fan and Dream passed through the cave entrance to the interior of the harsh mountain and saw a hot world full of magma.

At the same time, we also saw mechanical facilities that clearly belong to humans.

Next to these mechanical facilities stood the group of old friends who had been repeatedly robbed by Xia Fan several times.

One of these people was holding a mobile phone and seemed to be receiving some command.

Xia Fan leaned over, and the man's mobile phone just hung up. He is humane to the rest.

"Just now, the boss said that the Galactic Team has found a gun gate that can summon Diya Luca and Palukia, which means that the day when those two divine beasts come to the incarnation will not be far away, so just now the boss asked us to take Sidolanen as soon as possible at all costs, otherwise when the Galaxy Team starts to act, it will be too late."

In addition to the people who had just spoken, there were fifteen members of the God Hunting Hall here, and they all had bitter faces after listening to the order.

There is humanity: "Brother Ming, I feel a little difficult, yesterday you don't know the result of our dozen Pokémon hitting that Sidolan, you can't beat it at all, it almost wiped out a lava storm, you said how to catch this, the gap in strength is too big." "


-The author has something to say:

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