"I think the only way is to wait for Kodama's old man to develop a device that is fascinating against fire and steel Pokémon, and against legendary Pokémon, head-on confrontation is not feasible, only technology is king."

"That's right."

The rest nodded.

The God Hunter Hall called Brother Ming said angrily: "Yes, didn't you listen to this morning's call?" He doesn't even have a finished product now, and when he really studies it, the devil knows how long it will be, and you can't see the shadows of Diya Luca and Palukia. The

crowd was silent.

After a while, someone slapped the machine on the side angrily and said angrily: "Mother, the culprit is still to blame for the previous action to capture Cresselia, if it weren't for the inexplicable loss of so many Pokémon, this time the capture of Sidorann would definitely not be so passive."

After saying this, everyone, including Brother Ming, became even more silent.

They will never forget the capture of Cresselia on Full Moon Island a few months ago.

Because at that time, they basically took out two-thirds of their strength, and they didn't know what happened, they didn't have any memory of the action at that time, and the elves they brought at that time died more than half, and what was more terrifying was that when everyone woke up and checked their mobile phones, they found that the balance of mobile phones was only a hundred yuan, and all of them were poor.

After this incident, they were forced to hibernate and recuperate, and recently received the news that Sidolanen was in the Harsh Mountain.

Seeing that everyone was down, Brother Ming clapped his hands and said: "Don't think about it, the matter has come to this, thinking too much is tears, no matter what, today we must launch another subduing operation." With

that, the man took out the Pokéball and released a platypus beast, an evolution of the platypus fire beast, a powerful fire Pokémon that also likes to live in volcanoes.

Brother Ming walked to the edge of the cliff and pointed to the hot magma below: "Platypus beast, spray flames." ""


The hands of the platypus beast are like bazookas, and when the owner gives the order, it raises its right hand to spray the hot magma below, and it is a continuous spray that turns the jet flame into a fireball with a high temperature of 2000 degrees.

The fireball fell on the hot magma and immediately caused violent turmoil.

Brother Ming turned around and said, "You guys release your respective Pokémon soon, and Sidolan will come out soon." The

rest looked at each other and, although unwilling, threw their respective Pokéballs as ordered.

Let them follow the platypus beast and wait quietly near the magma mouth.

About a few tens of seconds later, a Pokémon that looked like a turtle, with brown and orange spots on its body and a metal bracelet structure on its legs crawled out of the cliff deep in the magma.

"Finally out." As soon as Xia Fan saw that Pokémon, the corners of his mouth involuntarily rose.

Because the divine beast perception has helped him lock, this is what he needs, only the god-level strength of Sidolan.

As soon as Sidolan appeared, he stared at the leading platypus beast on this side of the God Hunting Hall, obviously recognizing it as an intruder.


It condensed flames in its mouth, ready to attack.

"Start the subjugation operation." Brother Ming also hurriedly ordered.

Everyone around them nodded and began to give instructions to their respective partners.

However, at this moment, a picture that surprised everyone appeared.

At the other end of the magma mouth, an extremely hot flame suddenly rushed out, aiming directly at Sidoran, who was condensing the flames and preparing to attack.

The flame was hot and huge, as if it could melt everything.

Wrapped Sidorann in an instant.

Xia Fan and the people of the God Hunting Hall were directly stunned.

They looked in the direction where the flame had just struck, and as a result, they saw a Sidorann with residual flames in its mouth on the cliff of the crater.

"Sido Lenne! How can there be another one here. Everyone

in the God Hunting Hall was directly shocked, full of disbelief.

"The skill that this Sidolan just used is the most powerful fire special attack skill Spitfire, is this a skill it can learn?"

"I don't know, I just want to know why there are two Sidorannes here, not only one in a volcano?"

"This is what Na Xia also said about the fire-breathing Sidoran, right?" Xia Fan, who was invisible on the side, raised his eyebrows, and his eyes switched back and forth between this Sidolanen and the Xidolan who was now wrapped in flames, "Two Sidolan, are they now fighting for territory?" Xia

Fan was interested, wanting to see the scene of these two Sidolan fighting, one is a god-level strength, and the other is a gifted Sidolan who has learned to breathe fire.


Just when everyone was still shocked why there were two Sidolan, the Sidolann at the mouth of the magma walked out of the flames, and his body was not only unscathed, but also inhaled the flames through the markings of his body.

It looked away from the group of Pokémon in the Hall of God Catchers and instead looked at the crater, and looked at the Sidoran, with a hint of anger in his eyes, the anger of the invasion of the realm.

In this way, two Sidolan went up and down, one in the crater and one in the magma crater, and their eyes collided.

The members of the God Trapping Hall who were watching from the sidelines began to feel dark in their hearts when they saw this picture: "Brother Ming, what should I do now, two Xi Duolan, which one should we catch?" Or take them all?

Brother Ming suppressed the urge to laugh and waved his hand: "Don't be in a hurry, these two are obviously incompatible, at a glance, it is the rhythm of the war, and then we will hide to the side and watch, who loses and catches whom."

Some people wondered: "What about the one who wins?" Brother

Ming said: "Win first is not in a hurry, see how it is, if it is hit hard, then it must also be caught, if there is still a strong combat effectiveness, then take the losing one first and go back to the boss, the winning one will be caught later, now the Galaxy team's affairs are the most important."

"Makes sense, then we'll do it."

The people of the God Hunter Hall began to take their elves back again, so as not to be accidentally injured by the two Sidoran.

After a while, the people of the God Trapping Hall hid next to their mechanical facilities and waited for the two Sidolan to fight.

A minute later, Sidoran, who had been glaring at each other for a long time, began to fight.

Perhaps because of the burning of the brain in the extreme environment of staying in the volcano all year round, these two guys fought a big battle to spit flames at each other, but they refused to use the skills of other attributes, and Xia Fan was quite speechless when he saw it.

Because if he remembers correctly, Sidoran's characteristic is ignition, which is a characteristic of immunity to fire skills, and it is still the ability to absorb the damage received by the fire into the body and increase its own strength.

That's why the first spit of fire was sucked into the body unscathed by this Sidolan at the magma mouth.

"Ah~ Xiao Phantom, who do you think will win if the two of them fight like this?"

Xia Fan yawned directly.

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