"That's right, but fortunately I escaped." Ash Road.

Xiao Gang sighed: "If I say so, I really want to see the reverse world and ride Latina."

"But that place is dangerous." Xiaoguang was speechless.

"Because Mi is here, everyone will be safe, and you should thank Mi." Jemi raised her head and said arrogantly.

When Xiao Zhi heard this, he suddenly became angry and pointed to Jiemi in Xiaoguang's arms: "But if you investigate the reason, it is because of you that this kind of thing happened, is it good to have a slight sense of responsibility!" "

He hates this kind of pot that is clearly his own, but he still wants to save the world.

"Mi just wants to go to the flower field."

Jemi snorted coldly and said disdainfully to Ash.

Ash's teeth itched when he heard this, if it weren't for the justice in his heart, he really couldn't resist the urge to punch people.

Seeing this, Xiao Gang hurriedly changed the topic: "Then what to do now, will riding Latina continue to attack Jiemi."

"Most likely, according to Mr. Mu Xuan, the character of riding Latina generally will not let go of Pokémon that offend themselves." Xiao Guang said, "If you want to continue to the flower field, then be careful that it attacks through the reverse world. After

Xia Fan listened, he began to have a little bit about riding Latina in his heart.

Since it has a vendetta against Jemi, it will definitely attack again, and next time he must follow Jemi to the side and be brought into the reverse world with him.


Just as Xia Fan was thinking, a large group of three-in-one magnetic monsters suddenly appeared above their heads, or dreamy reminded him that he reacted himself.

Xia Fan looked up, only to see a young pilot's personal flying machine floating above the four of them, looking at them condescendingly.

"Give me that Jemi." The contempt in the young man's eyes was palpable.

"How is it Jemi again." Ash said speechlessly, he found that it seemed that after meeting Jemi today, their troubles had not stopped.

"Don't give Mi to him, he wants to eat Mi." Jemi said nervously. In its eyes, it regarded this man as a subordinate riding Latina.

Xiaoguang saw that Jiemi was afraid, and immediately aroused his desire to protect Jiemi, and said to Xia Fan: "Mr. Xia Fan, these people must be bad people, we must not hand Jiemi over to him, we must personally send Jiemi to its flower field."

"Don't worry, leave it to me." Xia Fan smiled slightly. He could probably guess the identity of the person above his head.

Whenever Ash's protagonist Halo encounters legendary Pokémon, he must also encounter villains.

Now this, obviously, is.

In order to advance the big push of the plot of riding Latina.

So he must not destroy it and save it for the end to help him get the riding Latina out of the reverse world to the end.

Thinking of this, Xia Fan threw out the Spirit Ball.

"Come out and help us protect Jemi."

The red light flashed, and Daiochisis appeared.

According to Xia Fan's guidance, as soon as it appeared, it switched to an attack form, facing a large group of three-in-one magnetic monsters, and destroyed most of them as soon as it struck.

Frightening the youth above his head, he turned around and ran away with the remaining Pokémon.

As he came in a hurry, hurried away.

The young man fled, Xiaoguang thanked Xia Fan, and then said: "Let's all go quickly, send Jiemi to the flower field as soon as possible, otherwise there will be constant trouble staying here."

Xiao Gang nodded, Xia Fan also nodded, and only nodded after Xiao Zhi sighed.

For Jemi, he didn't like it very much, but his partners chose to help him, so he could only follow.

In this way, after the brief accident just now, the four of them stepped on a train under the guidance of Jiemi.

On the seat of the train, the four of them happened to run into a few people who happened to know Jiemi.

After they saw Jiemi in Xiaoguang's arms, they immediately recalled the scene where they had been lucky enough to see other Jiami.

And one of the couples happened to be holding a pair of Grasidian flowers that could allow Jemi to evolve into the sky form.

As a result, after they chatted for a while, Jemi evolved on the spot.

"That's also real."

The corners of Xia Fan's mouth twitched slightly after seeing this scene, and he could only throw the reason to Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang and Xiaogang, who were carrying the aura of the protagonist.

However, as soon as this Jiemi evolved from the ground form to the sky form, the problem of broken mouth was directly gone.

The personality has changed greatly, from an extremely easy to be afraid of personality to a heavenly boss, its second oldest personality, open mouth is that if he encounters riding Latina again, he must look good.

The three of Ash were truly convinced of the identity of its phantom Pokémon, and Xia Fan sneered.

This beep into the individualization did not even trigger his divine beast perception, and he still wanted to defeat the riding Latina, completely thinking of farting and eating.

His Geng Ghost Old Ancestor is afraid that he can slap to death.

Of course, having said that, Xia Fan still took the opportunity to ask where the couple flowers came from, because from the conversation just now, I learned that the flower field where the Jiemi flowers passed was where the Grasidian flowers were planted, after all, they could only migrate after flying form.

Therefore, if he wanted to subdue the patriarch of the Jiemi clan, it was best to rush there with that Jiemi before the Flower Pass began.

Finally, under the introduction of the couple, the four learned the specific location of the flower field.

You'll need the train to the next two stations, take the ferry, and then cross a forest.

Several people were grateful.

Two hours later, the four disembarked from the train and boarded the ship to the flower field.

Time passed, and it was four hours on the ship, and it was getting late.

"Do you still want it?"

On the board, Hikaru feeds Pogaman and Jemi the small bread he made.

"Boga Poga!"

Bogaman nodded repeatedly.

Jemi shook her head.

Xiao Zhi and Xiao Gang on the side watched quietly.

Only Xia Fanba snorted, looked at the sunset and then at the lake.

"Why don't you come out and catch Jemi and beat her, it's not that through the lake or glass, riding Latina can be captured from the reverse world."

Xia Fan muttered in his heart, and he began to stare at the lake from the moment he boarded the ship.

Ash they may have forgotten the habit of riding Latina, but he didn't, and Palukia specifically told him that the favorite place to attack enemies on riding Latina is the lake and the sea, because there is a large reflection area, which is most suitable for riding Ladina to sneak up from the reverse world.

Suddenly, just as Xia Fan thought like this, in his line of sight, the lake was finally not calm.

The ripples continue.

Two seconds later, a pitch-black dimensional cave mouth formed from the surface of the lake.

Ash also saw it and said excitedly: "It's the thing that sucked us in before."

Xiao Gang heard the sound and said nervously: "It won't be riding Latina coming."

Xiaoguang hugged Bogaman and said: "Let's hide, more is better than less, sending Jiemi to the flower field is the most important, Mr. Xia Fan, what do you think?" "

I..." Xia Fan understood that Xiao Guang wanted to pull him to the same front, that is, to hide.

"Mi won't run away, Mi isn't afraid of that guy now."

At this time, Jiemi, who was in flying form, flew in front of Xia Fan fearlessly and helped Xia Fan answer.

"Well said!!"

Xia Fan was overjoyed in his heart, and he couldn't wait to give a big praise to this Jiemi who was not afraid of death.

He didn't want to hide, what he wanted most was to follow Jiemi into the reverse world and kill all sides.

Now, you just saved yourself from talking.

At this point, that is, after two seconds of Jiemi proudly blocking Xia Fan's body, a strong wind blew through the mouth of the black dimensional cave, directly sucking the four and their respective Pokémon into the reverse world.

When everyone came back to God, they had already come to the world of reversal.

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