"Is this the world reversed? It's really completely upside down.

Xia Fan, who had returned to his senses, opened his eyes and was shocked by the upside-down world in front of him. Although I already knew it, I was shocked to see it with my own eyes, especially when I saw the mountain upside down.


Xia Fan turned his head and helped them up

one by one, "Are you here again?" Ash got up and looked around.

"It's a reversal of the world, it's not something to see, it's really incredible." Xiao Gang sighed after getting up.

"What about Jemi?" After Xiaoguang got up, he looked around and found that Jiemi was no longer there, a little nervous, "Mr. Xia Fan, have you seen Jiemi?"

Xia Fan shook his head: "No." When

the words fell, the divine beast perception in Xia Fan's mind sounded.

He turned his head to see a huge centipede-like Pokémon flying quickly overhead.

After spinning twice, they finally stopped, their eyes staring at them without waves.


"It's riding Latina!"

Xiaoguang and Ash panicked.

"Is that that? It looks a little..." Xiao Gang swallowed his saliva, and was stared at by the riding Latina in his heart and panicked.

Among the four, only Xia Fan was ecstatic in his heart, ready to find an opportunity to turn his head and teleport them to the Flame Sky, and then accept them in the name of the Temple of the Gods.

"Huh?" Xia Fan raised his eyebrows.

Just then, a ball of energy came from a distance, hitting it on the waist while riding Latina to pay attention to Xia Fan.


There was an explosion in the waist of the riding Latina.

Immediately afterwards, the sky form of Jiemi appeared in everyone's sight.

It flew very domineeringly to the opposite side of the riding Latina and said his challenge speech very domineeringly.

"Ride Latina, let's fight the winner!"

"Jemi has yours!" When Ash saw it, it was rare to praise Jiemi.

In Ash's cognition, the Phantom Pokémon are also very strong, and they should be able to compete with riding Latina, even if they can't fight, they won't lose badly.

"I feel like it's going to get beaten." Xia Fan was blunt.

Can Jemi defeat the riding Latina?

He didn't believe it was good or not, judging from the energy ball just now, Ash they may not have seen it clearly, but he saw it clearly, the energy ball hit the body of riding Latina, riding Ladina but did not frown, you said, just such an attack, you still want to defeat riding Latina? If you want to fart and eat, more importantly, you still rely on sneak attacks to hit others...

In the face of Jemi's challenge, riding Latina did not respond, just watched it quietly, like an adult watching a little fart play acrobatics.

"If you don't respond, I'll accept it!" Take it, ride Latina! When

the words fell, Jiemi confidently threw another energy ball away.

Merely... This time, the energy ball disappeared when it was about to hit the riding Ladina, and suddenly disappeared from everyone's sight.

Jiemi's expression was stunned and full of shock.

"Is it riding Latina's exclusive skill, Shadow Sneak Attack?"

Xia Fan below raised his eyebrows, guessing the sudden disappearance of riding Latina, in his memory, riding Latina should not be invisible This skill.

At most, it should instantly sneak into the space of another dimension, and then suddenly rush out and attack.

That is, its exclusive skill 'Shadow Sneak Attack'.

Two seconds later, riding Latina finally reappeared.

Suddenly appeared behind Jiemi, Xiaoguang hurriedly reminded in panic, and Jiemi returned to her senses.

As soon as he turned around, he was lightly slapped by the riding Latina with his tail, and flew a long way, and it took a lot of strength to stabilize his figure again, looking at the three of Ash thrilling, for fear that this guy was destroyed by riding Latina.

"Mr. Xia Fan, go and help Jiemi." Xiaoguang looked at Xia Fan.

Xia Fan waved his hand, asking Xiaoguang not to be too anxious; "Don't you think, riding Latina doesn't seem to have any thoughts of harming Jamie, just bumped lightly, if it was really attacked just now, Jemi might have fallen to the ground."

In Xia Fan's line of sight, after riding Ladi and using Shadow Sneak, the original correct attack should be to give Jemi a heavy attack after coming out, rather than the kind of random scraping past the body and gently pumping with the tail.

Is this harm?

This is a good joke.

The three of Xiaozhi paused, thinking carefully, Xia Fan seemed to be right.

Holding her figure, Jemi continued to attack towards the riding Latina.

However, every time no matter what attack is launched, hitting the riding Latina feels like itching, there is no feeling, at first I will stomp a little, and finally I will not hide directly.

Instead, quietly let Jemi hit and set his eyes on the eyes of the reverse world.

"What the hell is it trying to do?" Xia Fan wondered, and began to be a little unable to understand the behavior of riding Latina.

Didn't it mean that it was very angry with Jemi to pull her into this world? How come it is pulled over now, but it feels like a father with a child.

Alas, I don't move, let you hit, let you play.

"Xiaozhi Xiaoguang, what happened to you, how did you come back here."

At this time, shouts came from behind several people.

Xia Fan looked back and saw a middle man carrying a travel bag behind him, with a shield armored dragon at his feet.

"Mr. Mu Xuan!"

Xiaoguang was pleasantly surprised to see the person coming.

When Xia Fan and Xiao Gang heard this, they immediately remembered that this was the researcher that Xiao Zhi had saved them in the reverse world that he and Xia Fan had talked about.

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