"What's going on, the skill that Arceus unleashed? But it is all like this, how can it still release thunder.

Xia Fan muttered in a low voice.

The tone was full of disbelief and unacceptance.

"Master, it should not have been released by Arceus, I feel as if the sky split itself."

At this time, Dream suddenly said.

"Chopped it yourself? Really fake, is there such a coincidence.

Xia Fan's eyebrows frowned slightly, and he didn't believe in evil, he took out five empty spirit balls and threw them at Qixin's feet.

Chisin picked up the five Pokeballs and threw them all at once at Arceus.

Boom, boom, boom!

When the Pokéball was about to land on Arceus, six thunderbolts suddenly descended from the sky.

Five of these six falling thunders split the five spirit balls into powder, and the sixth directly split the person Qixin into powder.

When Xia Fan saw this scene, he froze directly.

Directly denied his continued capture of Arceus.

One thunder he can still comfort himself is a coincidence, Nima's, now six thunders are falling, one of them is still facing Chi Xin, this does not mean that the capture is life-threatening, he killed him and did not believe it.

"System, I think well, I want to replicate the treasure of life."

"Damn, since I can't catch Arceus, then I must at least get the life treasure jade, otherwise with so much effort, I will take a Diya Luca, and I will not lose blood when I step on the horse."

【Ding! According to the host's needs, the system starts to replicate the life treasure, the replication time is five minutes, during which it must not be interrupted, once interrupted, the fork fails, and it needs to be carried out again after one month.

As the sound of the system sounded, the life treasure jade Xia Fan held in his hand began to float in the air, and his body projected a colorful light, and the colorful light wrapped the life treasure jade.

Under the light wrapped in light, the life treasure jade will soon separate into a circular phantom, and the phantom and the life treasure jade will begin to intersect with each other, and it will become more and more real.

Five minutes later, two identical life treasures fell into Xia Fan's hands, if he didn't remember which one was the original, Xia Fan really couldn't tell the real from the fake, and the dream was the same, because it was completely consistent, and even the energy fluctuations emitted were consistent.

However, when the replicated life treasure jade fell into Xia Fan's hands, the system prompt sound in his mind sounded again.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the life treasure, and now the host has opened the creation god Arceus capture plan. 【

Please collect the remaining sources of life of Arceus and give them to the system for reproduction, when the host collects all the sources of life of the replica, the system will help the host to fight against the will of the universe, and the host will be able to capture the creation god Arceus, if not collected for capture, the host will face the punishment of the will of the universe. 【

The reproduced life treasure jade is consistent with the real life treasure jade.

Xia Fan was stunned after hearing this.

What the hell is the will of the universe.

How can there still be such a thing.

Xia Fan suddenly recalled that just now Chisin threw the ball at the seriously injured Arceus under his instructions, and as a result, there was no slag left who was directly chopped in the end.

"Is that the will of the universe?" Xia Fan muttered, "his uncle, fortunately Laozi is witty, let Qixin help me go out and throw the ball, otherwise I will be the one left with no scum." When

the words fell, Xia Fan himself was stunned again.

Wait, why does the game world have a cosmic will?

Is it...

Xia Fan shook his head, not daring to think about it, the more he thought about it, the more he had a headache, and the more he thought about it, the more puzzled he became.

Taking a deep breath, Xia Fan set his eyes on the real life jade in his hand

, since he couldn't catch Arceus,

then hurry up now to return this real one to it and become a great hero in saving Arceus.

Thinking of this, Xia Fan peeked out from the void and looked at Arceus, who was really dying.

At this time, the water of silver had almost completely buried Arceus' whole body.

Xia Fan scratched his head, trying to make himself look very embarrassed.

Then he put away the replica orb, and when everything was done, he took the real life treasure jade and rushed towards Arceus with an excited face.

"Lord Arceus! I have the treasure of life in my hand, and I will return it to you!" You have to hold on, you can't die! You must not die!! But you are the benefactor of this world, the creator of this world, and you can't just die here.

Xia Fan roared hoarsely, looking extremely real, as if Arceus was his father or wife.

However, as soon as this roar was finished, he snorted, and directly fell a dog to gnaw shi, his head was still knocked on a stone, blood flowed, and when he stood up again, his whole face was covered with blood.

No one knew if he was a real fall or a fake fall, anyway, Arceus, who was having blood-red eyes, looked at this boy who had never seen before, and his eyes shook obviously.

Especially when this teenager walked towards it shakily with the Orb of Life after falling with blood on his face, he kept moving away from his own blood.

As if afraid of his own blood, he has defiled the orb of life.

Finally, Xia Fan came to the shore, and he was now separated by a silver water six meters away from Arceus.

He cried out sincerely, "Lord Arceus, wait a little longer, and I will return the orb to you intact."

After that, Xia Fan jumped into the corrosive silver water without hesitation.

First, he swam to a distance of three meters from Arceus with a hideous face, and then showed that he couldn't support it, threw it desperately, and threw the life jade onto Arceus' back.

And when he threw it, he shouted, please believe in the human again, and after shouting, he was drowned in silver water.

And after the life treasure jade fell on the back of Arceus, it immediately bloomed with a blue light, the light was dazzling, and then, this life treasure jade suddenly swelled, divided into five, divided into five pieces of life source.

The five pieces of life source were thus integrated into Arceus' body.

Three seconds later, a golden light suddenly emitted, and the light rushed straight into the sky, and Arceus slowly rose from this golden light, and the bondage of silver water was no longer there.

And the look of serious injuries just now no longer exists.

It returned to its holy and noble appearance, and its blood-red eyes returned to clarity.

The first thing Arceus did after the recovery was to look for Xia Fan.

It looked at the direction where Xia Fan had just been buried by the silver water, and stretched out its front hooves to wave, wanting to rescue Xia Fan and give life again.

However, with this wave, the silver water evaporated, but Xia Fan did not see a single bone.

Arceus' pupils shrank, full of disbelief, and at the same time a strong sense of guilt suddenly rose.

And in Midina thousands of years later.

Xia Fan and Ash are back.

Ash and Hikaru were still asleep, while Gang and Xena looked around in confusion.

Only the corners of Xia Fan's mouth turned up to look at Arceus in the sky.

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