The first thing he saw after he was buried by the Silver Water was to contact Diya Luca to send them back.

The purpose is to make Arceus feel guilty for not being able to find himself after he was restored.

Especially this guilt will last for thousands of years.

As the saying goes, since ancient times, affection cannot be retained, only routines win people's hearts.

He didn't believe it, after thousands of years of guilt, Arceus could not protect him as a treasure.

And at this time, the sky, Arceus's eyes were still blood-red, but unfortunately the distance was too far for Xia Fan to see.

Xia Fan turned his head to look at Xiao Gang and Xena, who were still stunned, and snapped his fingers to Dream, and Dream immediately floated to the two guys, and the two guys immediately passed out like Xiao Zhi Xiaoguang.

After they fell, Xia Fan appeared in the center of the sky battlefield with a teleportation.

Arceus and Lycon mount Latina in their middle.

Seeing Xia Fan's appearance, riding Latina was beaming.

"Master, have you got the treasure of life?" Riding Latina said excitedly, during the time of waiting, Arceus had been staring at them with scrutinizing eyes, this was really a psychological torture, for fear that it would not be angry, regardless of what he had promised Xia Fan before, rushed up and beat them violently.

So during this time, it and Palukia kept their heads down and did not dare to look directly at Arceus, for fear that it would become angry the more he saw the two of them thinking about it.

"Nope." Xia Fan shrugged.

"What, didn't get it! That's over, it's going to fight again. When

Riding Latina and Palukia heard this, they immediately panicked and began to prepare for another beating.

"What are you afraid of, look at your virtue." Liekong sat down and stunned the two guys.

It saw that Xia Fan was so breezy and thought that Xia Fan must have other solutions.

The truth was also as Liekong thought, and after Xia Fan patted Latina's head, he flew to Arceus.

"Lord Arceus, thousands of years apart, we have finally seen each other again." Xia Fan smiled like a flower and bowed respectfully to Arceus.

However, to Xia Fan's surprise, Arceus saw it for the first time.

"What do you mean? Give me back the treasure of life.

Xia Fan's smiling face immediately stiffened.

Like a robot, he slowly raised his head to look at Arceus.

Only then did he find that Arceus' eyes were still blood-red.

I feel that whoever dares to provoke it at this time, there will definitely be no slag left to be beaten.

"What's the matter, didn't I give it the treasure of life? How could it still be like this.

Xia Fan panicked in his heart: "Or did something else happen after I threw the Life Treasure Jade out, causing the Life Treasure Jade not to be integrated into Arceus' body?"

Xia Fan suddenly wanted to slap himself, pretending to be Nima's beep, why come back so soon, don't know how to accept it when it is good, need Arceus's guilt, it's better to stay there and see with your own eyes whether Arceus really obtained the treasure of life.

Well, now the devil knows if he made it or not.

Thinking of the three words 'ghost knows', Xia Fan suddenly looked at Diya Luca, who controlled time, in the next second.

To control time is to control history, and it should know what happened after it left.

"Diya Luca, after I threw out the life treasure, did Arceus succeed in being rescued." Xia Fan asked Diya Luca through the Spirit Sharing World.

"Rescued, Lord Arceus immediately recovered because of your life treasure, and after recovery, it asked Damus for your name, but Damus has never seen the owner, so he doesn't know, Lord Arceus is helpless, telling this town that if it were not for your relationship, it would not give humanity another chance, but make the entire town pay the price of betraying it, and make the entire town of Midina grateful to you as an unsung hero." Diya Luca Road.

"Grateful to me?" Xia Fan frowned slightly, "Then why is it still like this dead now." "

This just..." Diya Luca's voice became smaller and smaller, as if he was thinking about it himself.

Seeing this, Xia Fan bit his lip lightly, and could only think about the reason for himself.

"It won't be parallel time and space, am I making a wedding dress for my own in parallel time and space?" After thinking for a few seconds, Xia Fan thought of a possibility, muttered in his heart, and the more he muttered, the more flustered he became.

"What about the treasure of life!"

At this time, Arceus on the opposite side saw that Xia Fan was slow to speak, and the fierce light in his eyes became more and more cold.

"You trick me!!"

Arceus drank suddenly, and a shot of sanction light condensed in his mouth.

"No, no, Lord Arceus listens to me." Xia Fan was so frightened that he wanted to take out his replica life treasure.

And behind Xia Fan, sitting in the sky, riding Latina and these legendary Pokémon, they were also in a cold sweat, and they were startled by Arceus' sudden outburst.

But Arceus didn't want to listen to Xia Fan's explanation, and directly spit out the sanction gravel.

Countless light bullets struck Xia Fan in unison.

However, at this moment, a colorful dimensional cave suddenly appeared behind Arceus.

A colorful beam of light rushed out from inside, and the beam rushed into Arceus's body, and Arceus's blood-red eyes immediately restored their clarity.

At the moment of restoring clarity, an invisible wave of light erupted from Arceus' body, and where the light wave went, heaven and earth instantly stood still.

Countless light projectiles stagnated in mid-air.

Xia Fan, who was about to reproduce the treasure of life, was also fixed.

Legends such as Radina, Palukia and other legendary Pokémon also stood still in an instant.

Only Arceus is active.

In Xia Fan's pupil reflection, after the colorful beam of light rushed into Arceus's body, it not only restored his blood-red eyes to clarity, but also allowed Arceus to release all the sources of life, these sources of life surrounded Arceus, one second was eleven, the next second, abruptly completed, sixteen sources of life surrounded Arceus, Arceus recovered his peak, and his whole body exuded colorful light.

After the colorful light appeared, the world returned to normal.

All living beings can continue to move.

Only the sanction light released by Arceus disappeared in mid-air in an instant, as if it had never appeared.

Dark clouds shrouded the sky, and a golden light tilted out.

This shining light, all the land damaged by today's great war is restored as before.

Countless dead people and Pokémon have also been reborn from the dead under the light of light.

The Yandi Lei Gong lying on the ground, the Flame Bird, the Frozen Bird, these legendary Pokémon who were seriously injured because of the big war, also recovered from their injuries in an instant under the light.

The war that was about to be ignited was instantly reversed after the colorful dimensional cave appeared.

Arceus' eyes softened as he looked at Xia Fan.

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