After determining the skill, a few seconds later, Xia Fan's mind had more skill options for the earth split.

A red light flashed, and it released the land cloud.

Land Cloud looked self-contained at this time.

"Go, I'll take you to understand the truth of the world and understand what kind of person your master is."

Xia Fan teased, flying towards the plane with the land cloud.

At the same time, showing his abilities on the way, and the tornado cloud and thunderbolt cloud were already his Pokémon before it.

Listening to Xia Fan's narration, Land Cloud's expression became more and more wonderful from autism.

Especially when you hear that Geng Ghost, Tornado Cloud, and Thunder Cloud are all its Pokémon things, it is the most exciting.

As long as the head is not stupid, it can wake up to the fact that when it is still on Sanyun Island, the Geng Ghost always has no pain or itch for the thunder cloud and tornado cloud skills, and when it hits itself, the skill hurts to death.

Nima! It turned out to be the cast of Dog Day.

And inside the plane at this time.

Under the strong coercion of Geng Ghost, the members of the Dragon Shrine wailed.

They looked at their mobile phone with a balance of 0 and looked desperate, extremely regretting why they signed up for this shit three-cloud god capture plan, not only did the three-cloud god not capture it, but also put all their wallets on.

Now the cute appearance of Dreamy is no longer cute in their eyes, but a devil with a kawaii face.

With Geng Ghost and Daiochisis, they had no room for resistance at all.

Especially when they watched other people under the hypnosis of dreams, decisively transferring all the balance of their mobile phones to the mobile phone held by Geng Ghost, they felt a pain in their flesh, and they could think that after being glanced at by it just now, they must have transferred the money out like this.

When everyone was over the transfer, including Dr. Seger, the plane of the Dragon Shrine was spared only by Bai Huan.

Geng Ghost looked at them with a smile, a look of joy, although it was useless to hold the money, but this kind of robbery, it was very happy.

Especially when I see the pained expressions on those guys' faces, it is even happier.

"How's it going?"

Xia Fan's voice suddenly sounded from outside the cabin door, and he walked in through the hatch with the land cloud.

"Except for the four of them, all of them have been robbed." Geng Ghost returned the phone to Xia Fan.

Xia Fan glanced at it, and the balance inside was more than 20 million more than before.

Just as he was about to say something, Geng Ghost took the lead.

"Master, do you need me to take it to talk about the rules?"

Xia Fan frowned slightly, and found that Geng Ghost was looking at the land cloud behind him with interest.

Obviously, this product wants to teach some private goods by the way through the position of teaching rules.

"No need, on the way here, I told it everything I should say." Xia Fan waved his hand, threw the phone back to Geng Ghost, and then pointed at Bai Huan and said, "Don't suffer from the few and the uneven, by the way, let's rob a few of them."

"They? Aren't they with us?

Geng Ghost looked at Bai Huan in surprise, and Bai Huan also looked at Xia Fan in surprise.

When Geng Ghost robbed just now, he didn't even look at them, so they were glad that their small vault escaped, but now, as soon as this Xia Fan returned, he actually pointed out that even they had to rob.

"What about the gang, in order to facilitate them to continue to be traitors in the future, how can everyone else rob and leave their small treasury intact?" Doubts about the Dragon Shrine? Xia Fan's righteous words did not tolerate the slightest opposition.

The members of the Dragon Shrine around began to gloat, they just didn't have stupid brains, and they also understood that Bai Huan's four people had something to do with Xia Fan and them, otherwise when they robbed just now, Geng Ghost didn't look at them, only robbed them.

To this, they only have two words, and they deserve it.

After listening to it, Geng Ghost floated towards Bai Huan and the four people, with an expression of understanding and obediently handing over money.

After a while, Bai Huan also transferred the money to Xia Fan's mobile phone with a painful face.

Xia Fan looked at Dream, snapped his fingers and smiled.

"Little illusion, you can modify your memory."

After that, he left through the hatch with Daiochisis and the Three Clouds God and Geng Ghost.

A hypnotism behind him brought everyone in the plane down and began to revise their memories of the operation.

Fifteen minutes later.

Dream flew back to Xia Fan.

"It's okay, master, their memories have been modified by me."

Xia Fan snorted and looked at Deochis.

Deochisis then uses his superpowers to send the plane to a small island in the distance.

Previously, the fighter had been stuck in mid-air under its superpowers.

And now the people in the plane are all in a hypnotic state, if the plane is not placed on the ground, then once Xia Fan and they go far, the people in this plane will have to GG immediately.

"Okay, you can go back to Sanyun Island."

After Daiochisis sent the plane away, Xia Fan took Geng Ghost, Dream and Mikumo God and flew towards Sanyun Island.

Five minutes later, they returned to Mikumo Island.

Ash, they were still standing in front of the Temple of Land Cloud at this time, because this was one of the highest places in the entire Three Clouds Island.

Seeing that Xia Fan successfully brought the Three Clouds God over, Ash, Tiantong, Alice, and Yut were all very excited.

"Everyone, fortunately." The moment he jumped off Geng Ghost's back, Xia Fan began to enter his acting mode.

In his description, his journey to save land clouds, tornado clouds and thunder clouds can be described as difficult and dangerous.

Inside that fighter, there were a large number of members of the Dragon Shrine.

They threw their Pokémon to attack his Geng Ghost, who was already seriously injured, but he still fought hard to save the land cloud, tornado cloud and thunder cloud to atone for his sin of always accidentally injuring the land cloud on the island before.

But in the end, they are outnumbered, and the seriously injured Geng Ghost has been in a weak situation against them.

However, at the moment of crisis, his Daiochisis finally rushed back from the universe and single-handedly turned the whole situation around, and dozens of Pokémon in the Dragon Shrine were all defeated by it and lost their ability to fight.

As a result, he successfully snatched the Mikumo God from the Dragon Shrine.

Therefore, the three clouds god also favored Xia Fan and resolved their contradictions.

Because during their detention, they were touched by Xia Fan's feat of commanding his Pokémon against the Dragon Shrine in order to save them, and felt that if they fought again, it would really not be a thing.

And after listening to the touching story told by Xia Fan, Ash and they exclaimed again and again, worshipping Xia Fan, especially Yute, who almost knelt down, calling Xia Fan their benefactor of Sanyun Island.

It's just that what they didn't see was that when Xia Fan made up the story, the three clouds gods in mid-air, each of them rolled their eyes and couldn't wait to jump down on the spot to refute, telling Ash that this turtle sun in front of them was lying to you, and it was he and that geng ghost who were bullying others from beginning to end, and no one could bully the two of them at all.

Among them, especially Land Cloud, he desperately wanted to jump in front of Yut and tell him that the reason why Geng Ghost always hit it with skills before was because they had long been a gang, they were all actors, and they were all playing it.

It's a pity that it has now become Xia Fan's Pokémon, and it is useless to want to get rid of Xia Fan, after all, even Diya Luca, Liekong Za, Phoenix King, Gaioka, Gurado, Riding Latina and other guardian god-level Pokémon have been caught, what qualifications does one of its small Three Cloud Gods have to resist, can only honestly obey Xia Fan's arrangement in the future.

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