"Mr. Xia Fan, this trip has been hard for you." After listening to Xia Fan's story, Yut said gratefully.

Xia Fan waved his hand again and again: "No hard work, no hard work, this is what I should do, when the Three Clouds God and I came back, they had already expressed to me that they were willing to restore this land to a fertile land that could cultivate the Resurrection Grass."

"Really?" Yut's eyes lit up and he looked up at the sky excitedly.

The three clouds looked at each other and sighed in their hearts, the masters had already spoken for them, what else could they say.

After a while, under the skill of the tornado cloud, Sanyun Island began to rain heavily, so that the trees of the entire island were moisturized.

The rain lasted ten minutes, and after ten minutes, the rain cleared and the sun's rays shrouded the moistened land through the clouds.

The land cloud moved forward, spread his hands, and threw the seeds of the Resurrection Grass on the island of Three Clouds.

The seeds grow rapidly under the sun's rays at a speed visible to the naked eye, reaching maturity in less than a minute.

Yut and Ash were pleasantly surprised, and were excited to get ready to pick, but the tornado cloud moved again, blowing a gust of wind.

The fierce wind blew the seeds of the Resurrection Grass after it matured to all corners of Mikumo Island, and at the same time caused all the Resurrection Grass to quickly wither.

"This..." Ash looked at Xia Fan puzzled.

Xia Fan shrugged his shoulders to reassure Ash, although he didn't know why they let the Resurrection Grass wither quickly after it matured, he believed that these three guys should not dare to hit him in the face openly.

Thinking of this, the only thunder cloud cloud that the Three Clouds God did not act acted, it roared, and the lightning between the opening and closing of its hands split out from the palm of its palm, slashing at those withered resurrection grasses, igniting them instantly.

"I see, they want to turn all those withered Resurrection Grasses into fertilizer, so that the land can become more fertile so that more Resurrection Grasses can be grown." The well-informed Tiantong looked at this scene and immediately explained.

His words fell, and Tornado Cloud once again used his skill to ask for rain, causing Sanyun Island to rain heavily again.

After the rain cleared, Land Cloud also threw a large amount of seeds of the Resurrection Grass on Sanyun Island again.

The seeds grew rapidly again in the sun, this time far more than the number of Resurrection Grasses the previous time.

It can almost be said that in this short ten minutes, the mountains are full of resurrection grasses that can instantly heal Pokémon.

"How much does it cost?" Looking at the resurrection grass that spread all over the mountains, Xia Fan muttered.

Although this thing tastes very bitter and is easy to make Pokémon feel disgusted, a single leaf can instantly heal a Pokémon in a severely injured state, so the general price is about five thousand pieces.

Even if he now has ten leaves in a grass, then one is 50,000 pieces, and now the resurrection grass that is all over the mountains must have a few thousand or so, just calculate it according to two thousand, that is also worth 100 million.

Gee, a hundred million.

Thinking of this, Xia Fan suddenly felt that he had found another plan to make a fortune.

Get the three clouds god to Guandu, Chengdu and Shen'ao, contract a large mountain in each area to plant the resurrection grass, and then let the members of the temple of the gods sell it.

Gee, there should be no problem with a monthly income of hundreds of millions.

The third of them only needs to take turns to release a few skills.

In this way, Geng Ghost doesn't have to rely on endorsements to feed them, they can feed themselves, and they are fed with bulging pockets.

"Gee, I'm really a big genius in the money-making world." Xia Fan thought happily.

"Master, can we go?" And at this moment, the voice of the land cloud sounded in Xia Fan's mind.

Xia Fan told them before that as long as the Sanyun Island side was properly handled, the three of them could leave and continue to live freely.

"You can go, it's just..." Xia Fan said the idea of letting them go to Chengdu, Guandu and Shen'ao regions to plant the Resurrection Grass.

After hearing this, Land Cloud looked at the tornado cloud and the thunder cloud, sighed, and agreed.

Then left with Ash Yut and their grateful farewells.

After Mikumo leaves, Ash and Yut and they begin to pick the Resurrection Grass.

And on a small island a hundred miles away.

A plane was parked and inside it lay many young men and women, waking up from their slumber one by one with mobile phones.

Eyes look around in confusion.

After a while, some of them started screaming.

It was a girl, the moment she lit up the mobile phone screen, she saw the picture with a balance of 0, and the whole person collapsed immediately.

The screams woke up the other men and women who were still asleep.

They began to scold the girls for not having a brain disease, what noise at night, and let people not sleep.

It's just that this scolding didn't last long, they began to wake up to the fact that they were in the plane, picked up their mobile phones to take a look at the time, and when they also saw the picture with a balance of 0, the whole person collapsed.

"What the hell is going on here?"

"Which bastard transferred Lao Tzu's money?"

"Wang Chao, did you do it? Lao Tzu has long suspected that you have a greedy heart for my little treasury.

"Greedy your uncle, open your dog's eyes and see, Lao Tzu's mobile phone balance is also 0, and even if Lao Tzu wants to grab it, you must know your payment password."

Inside the plane, the members of the Dragon Shrine were in a mess, and no one remembered what happened, not even why they came here.

And Bai Huan and the four are the same, after waking up, they looked dazed, and when they saw the balance of their mobile phones, they collapsed again, and the savings that they had saved up were inexplicably gone.

I can only viciously curse in my heart, which thousand-cutter king bastard did it.

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