Without continuing to recall, Old Man Noah thought for a while, picked up a piece of paper, and quickly wrote down a space-time coordinate on the paper, CU665, and handed the coordinate to Mark.

Mark: "This parallel space-time?"

Old Man Noah: "I remember that Qian Cheng said that martial arts and the like have some requirements for the environment. If you want to practice martial arts, you can go to this parallel space-time. Qian Cheng often goes to this parallel space-time to practice. I heard that the forest environment is very good. As for which forest it is, I don’t know. You can ask Qian Cheng in person when you meet him."


Mark nodded and put away the coordinates that Old Man Noah gave him.

In fact, his practice of martial arts and immortals has long passed the stage of needing an environment. No matter how good the environment is, it will not help him, but it is Dr. Noah's heart after all.

Old Noah patted Mark on the back: "In that case, I will help you arrange it. By the way, speaking of the Natural Balance Society, I remember there is another you in the Natural Balance Society."

Mark raised his eyebrows: "Me?"

Old Noah smiled and said: "After all, you are the 'Son of the Forest' Mark. In fact, most of us know about you. In various parallel time and space, you have a small probability of being adopted and raised by a Salud. The Mark of the Natural Balance Society was raised by a Salud, and he is much more powerful than ordinary Marks."

Mark nodded gently: "Is he still with that Salud?"

Old Noah shook his head: "Then I don't know. I only met him once, and then heard Qian Cheng mention it. He seems to have some origins with Qian Cheng. It is said that he is from the same parallel time and space."

Mark was thoughtful.

Qian Cheng is the grandfather of Uncle Qian San, who is the village chief of Qingxi Village, and he is a baby who was once rescued by Uncle Qian San.

I just don't know what Mark of the Natural Balance Society has experienced.

Without thinking further, Mark nodded and said, "In that case, please help arrange a meeting between me and Qian Cheng. I really want to learn from him about martial arts training, and I am also very curious about Mark. Then, Dr. Noah, I will leave now."

Dr. Noah nodded: "Then I will help you contact Qian Cheng. By the way..."

Old man Noah said, and walked to the back of the crowd again, pulling Lan Run over: "If you leave this time, you don't have to worry about being targeted by those people, but you will inevitably encounter troubles. Let Lan Run follow you."

Mark looked at Dr. Noah's expression and finally did not refuse: "Okay."

Without further delay, let Dr. Noah help look after Dr. Huo Sen and Chihuo, Mark waved goodbye to everyone, took Lan Run out of the passage of the ideal country, and came to the remote beach of the Emerald Islands.

Did not leave immediately, Mark squeezed the Poké Ball of Xerneas on his waist and looked up at the sky.

Although Xerneas has obtained the authority of the parallel universe of the Rainbow R Organization headquarters, it seems that it has little impact on this world, at least the Wujitai in the sky has no reaction.

Lan Run: "Dr. Mark, where are we going next?"

Mark retracted his gaze and turned to look at Lan Run: "The place I'm going to next, if you want to follow me, you must join the Qingxi Gym, otherwise, you don't have to follow me for the time being."

Lan Run frowned: "Join the Qingxi Gym, how to join?"

After some consideration, Lan Run decided to explore what this Qingxi Gym is.

Mark: "I am the owner of the Qingxi Gym. If you are willing, I will directly approve your joining."

"That's it?" Lan Run said: "Then I will join!"

Mark smiled and shook his head.

Unlike Chihuo's straightforward personality and not good at lying, Lan Run is very good at lying, and he is not sincere when he says he wants to join the Qingxi Gym.

"You have to really want to join the Qingxi Gym."

Mark waved to Lan Run. It seems that he is not walking fast, but in a blink of an eye, he has walked dozens of meters.

Lan Run was slightly stunned, and suddenly took a deep breath and shouted: "Okay, then I sincerely join Qingxi Gym!"

"Mark, he doesn't seem to be lying this time!"

"Meow meow~!"

The spiritual messages of Jirachi and Menghuan appeared in Mark's mind one after another.

Mark raised his eyebrows slightly and returned to Lan Run.

"Then, welcome to Qingxi Gym." Mark: "Since you have joined Qingxi Gym, I won't hide some things from you. I plan to travel through time next to improve my immortal practice.

Dr. Noah and Dr. Jia Lan both praised you for being smart. I have also checked your information and know that you are a thoughtful person.

In fact, with your personality, you can just be my assistant.

You can take on some assistant work during this time travel. If you are here, you may be able to find some details that I haven't noticed."

Lan Run looked confused.

Although Mark's tone was very ordinary, the information contained in his words was really a bit outrageous.

After a long while, Lan Run came back to his senses: "I will become your assistant, and then... travel through time?"

Mark nodded: "Well, it is basically impossible to watch the birth of Xerneas again, but we can go to witness another Pokémon, Mewtwo.

Don't worry, the node we traveled through is not the date when Mewtwo was actually born, but the date when Mewtwo was born spiritually, or it can be said that it was the date when consciousness was born. There will be no fighting situation. "

Mark's explanation did not make Lanrun's confused expression disappear, but made him more confused.

"Time travel back to the past, and then... witness the birth of Mewtwo? "

Lan Run whispered softly.

If he hadn't seen Mark punching Xerneas with his fist not long ago, he would have thought Mark was joking.

Lan Run was still thinking when he saw Mark grabbing his arm and moving him at an incredible speed to another more remote beach on the deserted island.


The speed of movement was too fast, and Lan Run felt a little nauseous. As a result, before he could vomit, he found a ring in front of him, and Mark pulled his arm into the ring.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...

In Hoopa's [Different Dimension Space], continuous red light appeared, and Jirachi, Dream, Hoopa, Victini and other phantom elves appeared one after another, and a small-sized heterochromatic Rayquaza also appeared.

The many phantom elves were very noisy, and there was a feeling of a vegetable market.

Unconsciously, a bottle of Coke appeared in Lan Run's hand. .

The coke was given to him by Jirachi, and it was chilled by Menghuan, so it felt cold to the touch.

Lan Run twisted the bottle cap absentmindedly, and was splashed with the gushing coke.

Then, Lan Run saw Mark pressing Menghuan's head to apologize to him. It was also during Menghuan's apology that another ring appeared.

As he passed through the ring, the scenery changed, and Lan Run found that he seemed to have come to another parallel time and space.

Jirachi put his hands together, and a silver starlight fell and enveloped him. Lan Run found that the space had shifted again.

There was no time for Lan Run to think.

The golden Celebi danced, and a colorful halo enveloped him again.

In just a few minutes, time and space shifted several times. When Lan Run came to his senses, he seemed to have returned to the past.

Is this how the time travel mentioned by Dr. Mark began? (End of this chapter)

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