Pokemon: I'm really a civilian trainer

Chapter 714: Immortal Path, Completely Completed (Part 1)

The parallel time and space of the Rainbow R organization headquarters is full of time and space interference. Except through the large time and space transmission machine near the headquarters mechanical fortress, it is impossible to travel to other parallel time and space by other means.

At least, Lan Run didn't know.

How did Dr. Mark do it?

Not only did he leave the time and space of the headquarters of the Rainbow R organization, but he also seamlessly connected time travel and returned to the past.

Lan Run has also heard about time travel.

In many parallel time and spaces, Flaming's son Mi Yang traveled back in time and space through Celebi, trying to stop Flaming.

According to Lan Run's understanding, Celebi consumes a lot of power every time he travels through time and space.

And Dr. Mark’s Golden Celebi…

At this time, Celebi was holding a Coke and drinking it, looking relaxed and comfortable.

Is time travel such an easy thing?

And there should be restrictions on time travel, so you can’t just take people with you, right?

If time travel can take people at will, then the organization will definitely continue to develop this, and it is impossible for him to know nothing about it.

Lan Run was still thinking, and suddenly realized something again, and once again looked at the many noisy phantom elves nearby.


His attention just now was only on the continuous travel of space and time, but he ignored the important point.

There are so many phantom elves around Dr. Mark?

Lan Run opened his mouth half-open: "These phantom elves...are they all your elves, Dr. Mark?"

"Jirachi came out of Mark's elf ball. Isn't it that Mark's elf belongs to you?" Jirachi said and flew to Mark's side: "Mark, Jirachi feels like he is a bit silly. As for Jirachi, Jirachi should be your assistant!"

"Miyo Miyo~!"

Not to be outdone, Mew also wants to be Mark’s assistant.

"Lord Hoopa, too!"


Put down the Coke and tighten the bottle. This time Celebi joins in, and he also wants to be Mark's assistant!

Unlike the mischievous trio with exaggerated expressions, Celebi's expression was extremely serious, and it was obvious that he really wanted to be his assistant.

Mark shook his head helplessly and gently touched Celebi's head: "The three of them just stayed in the elf ball for a long time and were a little itchy. They didn't really want to be assistants. The way of thinking of elves is different from that of humans. There are limitations, so it’s better to be a human assistant.”

Mark said, and once again grabbed all the three naughty people, put them in his hands and rubbed them together.

Lan Run looked blankly at the three little guys huddled together in Mark's hands.

Although these three little guys kept struggling and shouting in Mark's hands, they felt inexplicably happy.

Mark: "As you can see, they are indeed my elves. There are actually some secrets about the assistant of the museum owner that I didn't tell you just now.

The main reason is that time is limited. After all, I said I would try to go back in half a day.

We no longer have this worry now. We have gone back to the past. No matter how much we have experienced in the past, it will only be a moment when we go back, so we don’t have to worry about wasting time.

If you have any work that needs to be done, you can also do it here.

Okay, let’s talk about your assistant.

You should have heard Chi Huo say that I am the leader of the Qingxi Gym. In fact, I was not the gym leader before. I was just the deputy gym leader. Two days ago, the third uncle suddenly said that he wanted to settle in Tianqing Plain, and even said that he would come back in the future. Just counting travel, the gymnasium was also passed on to me.

My first assistant was Ling Liushu, and later he was replaced by Fleming. During this period, Fleming had a lot of work. In fact, he rarely did assistant work. Most of it was done by myself. This time I officially served as Qingxi Dao The gym owner took advantage of the situation and asked him to serve as the deputy gym leader of Qingxi Gym.

Therefore, I am considering arranging another assistant. It just so happens that in the future I will often travel back and forth between time and space at the headquarters of Rainbow R Organization. Your identity is suitable, you can act with me, and you have a good personality, so I chose you. "

Mark elaborated on the reasons for choosing Lanrun.

Lan Run didn't listen much.

He was still looking at the phantom elves around Mark, while scanning the surrounding environment.

Lan Run: "This... seems to be the Manzhou province of Shia?"

Mark nodded: "Yes, this is the Magic Wall Valley in Manzhou Province. In front of it is Dr. Felin's Magic Wall Research Institute. If the anchor point is correct, Mewtwo's consciousness should have been born in the past few days."

Lan Run murmured: "Are we really going back to the past?"

"Are you curious why you can travel through time and space with us?" Mark explained: "With exercise and practice, Celebi's ability to travel through time and space has been enhanced.

At the beginning, if you want to go back to the past, all travelers must have a strong desire to travel through time and space in order to synchronize with the anchor point and go back to the past together.

And as Celebi continues to get stronger, now all he needs is a main anchor point.

Not only that, the conditions for the anchor point have also been relaxed a bit. For example, the vague time of 'the birth of Super Dream Consciousness' can also be located, but it is not very accurate yet. "

"Peep beep~peep beep~!"

Listening to Mark's praise, Celebi nodded seriously, and he will continue to work hard!

Lan Run nodded blankly.

Mark continued: "Dr. Flin's Magic Wall Research Institute's defense power is not strong at this time. Although intelligent AI has been born, the virtual elf Porygon has not been introduced. We can directly use the invisibility power of Victini and Shemy to enter."

As he spoke, Victini and Shemy appeared.

The two energies fell one after another, and not only Mark, but also the elves around Mark disappeared from Lan Run's sight.

No, not only that.

Even Lan Run himself could not see his body until Mark reached out and held Lan Run's arm, and Lan Run barely felt himself.

Lan Run: "So what are we going to do after entering the institute?"

Mark: "My next attention will be on the Mewtwo embryos. In addition, I have to take care of these little guys. You should have seen their personalities. You will be responsible for patrolling around Dr. Filin's institute and notify me if you find anything worth noting.

Also, the most important point is that in order not to cause a time paradox, you must be as careful as possible when you act and don't be discovered.

But you don't have to be too nervous. Just let Victini and Shaymi exert their power on you every three hours or so."

While speaking, Mark took Lan Run to the Magic Wall Institute.

Since he had visited the Magic Wall Institute before, Mark was familiar with it. He easily entered the secret experimental base inside the institute and saw the Mewtwo embryos.

At the same time, Mark also saw Dr. Filin, who was a little crazy during this period... (End of this chapter)

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