Pokemon: I'm really a civilian trainer

Chapter 745 The Unattainable World Championship

Yes, after returning to Qingxi Village from Hack City, Mark suffered from insomnia for the first time in a long time.

In fact, Mark had stopped sleeping for a long time, and basically used meditation to replace sleep.

After becoming a fairy, he no longer needed to meditate.

The so-called insomnia is actually a feeling.

In the Qingxi Gym, many little guys were chattering and playing "Pokemon Wars" with Bulbasaur.

Among these elves, there were two strange elves.

One was Lugia who always secretly looked at Mark, and the other was Necrozma who was hiding in the corner.

Normally, Mark should stop the many little guys and then ask about the origins of Lugia and Necrozma.

But Mark now really didn't have the mood.

In addition, Mark didn't know how to tell the many elves what happened not long ago.


Looking at the clear night sky outside the window, Mark sighed lightly.

In a trance, time went back to two hours ago.

Regarding the upgrade of Qingxi Village to Qingxi Town, Mark actually did not encounter any difficulties, and the progress was relatively smooth.

It was just that the process was a bit cumbersome.

As the village chief, Uncle Qian, was absent, Mark, as the acting village chief, needed to complete a lot of procedures.

In addition, due to the historical legacy of the chaotic elf tide and the unknown identity of the registered population in Qingxi Village, Mark needed to supplement a lot of information.

So, for a whole day, Mark basically filled in the information with the Urban Management Center of Hack City and the Elf Alliance Branch of Hack City.

In order to get these things done as soon as possible, the Urban Management Center of Hack City also sent a specialist to follow Mark to assist Mark in handling the upgrade of Qingxi Town.

With the help of the specialist, Mark's efficiency was greatly improved, and the things that originally took about three days to complete were shortened to one day.

Finally, as the sky darkened and time came to night, Mark finally got everything done smoothly.

At this point, Qingxi Village was upgraded to Qingxi Town.

Qingxi Gym has also gone a step further, from the original gym affiliated with the academy to a large city-level gym. The gym area covers nearly a quarter of the area in the north of the Skyfall Forest, the Desert of No Return, and the Maple Leaf Mountains.

City-level large gyms have many permissions.

For example, gym trainers can be registered, and the trainer level can be registered as senior at most.

Another example is the badge upgrade and gym assessment. Specifically, the trainers challenged the gym in the Pokémon games and animations before Mark traveled through time. The original Qingxi Gym was not qualified, but now the Qingxi Gym has the qualifications to be challenged by trainers.

Of course, reality is not a game.

In the game, trainers need to defeat eight gym leaders before they can embark on the road to championship, and finally beat the four kings to become the champion.

In reality, trainers do not necessarily have to challenge gym leaders, and gym leaders cannot do nothing and squat in the gym every day waiting to be challenged.

As long as you show a certain level of strength and get the recognition of the gym, you can get the badge given by the gym, and then with a certain number of badges and points, you can sign up for the National Championship and the World Championship.

Not only that, as a large city-level gym, Qingxi Gym also has a recommendation quota, three places for the Shia National Championship, and one place for the World Championship.

In other words, Mark doesn't even need to sign up.

Relying directly on the recommendation of Qingxi Gym, he can participate in the World Elf League Championship three months later.

Of course, Mark is also enough to rely directly on points, after all, he has won the World Youth Trainer Championship and is recommended to enter the World Elf League Championship.

In short, after handling the upgrade of Qingxi Town, Mark did not delay.

There are only three months left before the World Elf League Championship, and it is already possible to sign up, so Mark decided to sign up directly.

As a result, it failed.

Yes, it failed...

While thinking, Mark sighed again, and then took out an exquisite golden badge and an exquisite golden crystal trophy from his pocket.

The golden badge has the logo of the Pokémon League, and his name and number 003 are printed on the back of the badge.

The trophy is matched with the golden badge, and his name and number 003 are also printed on the base of the trophy.

The trophy and badge are nothing else but the trophy and badge of the legendary trainer.

As for number 003, it does not mean that he is the third legendary trainer in the world, but the third legendary trainer in history.

Although the news on the Internet always says that a certain trainer is a legendary trainer, and that a certain trainer has stronger strength than the champion-level trainer, such as Arthur the Great 150 years ago, who was recognized as a legendary trainer by people, these legendary trainers have not been recognized by the World Pokémon League.

Since the establishment of the World Pokémon League, there have been only two legendary trainers recognized.

Both of them are from the Land of Grace, one is 3,000 years ago, and the other is 7,000 years ago. Due to the long time, even the Land of Grace does not have much information.

One of them is a trainer who has a bond with Arceus and possesses the power of super-conquer, and the other prevents the battle of the twin dragons in time and space.

Mark is the third legendary trainer recognized by the World Pokémon League.

In fact, the approval of legendary trainers like this often takes a lot of time and is difficult to pass.

However, there are too many legendary elves and phantom elves around Mark.

In addition, there are the deeds done by Mark.

Including but not limited to crushing the R organization, stabilizing the chaotic elf tide worldwide, destroying the assassination and conspiracy of 23 medium-sized evil organizations such as the Ocean Legion and the Lava Legion, and preventing the invasion of the cross-time and space Rainbow R organization...

As Mark conquered more legendary elves, and various deeds were constantly known by the World Elf League.

When these things exceeded a certain threshold, even if the World Elf League was full of corruption, Mark's process of becoming a legendary trainer continued to advance.

To be precise, it was implemented faster.

Not only did the speed of implementation accelerate, but a large number of corrupt league officials also restrained themselves and became honest.

After all, Qingxi Village is a forbidden area for all evil organizations in the world, and the rumors are too exaggerated. These corrupt league officials are worried that they will be caught.

In short, Mark became a legendary trainer.

Then, when Mark got the trophy and badge of the legendary trainer and signed up for the World Elf League Championship, he had a remote video call with the chairman of the World Elf League.

The other party's tone was very tactful, and he did not explicitly refuse Mark to participate in the World Elf League Championship.

If Mark really wanted to participate, he could participate.

In general, according to the other party's implicit meaning, it was as if he was bullying a child by participating in the World Elf League Championship, saying that he did not need to participate and there was no point in participating, and invited him to appear as the award presenter.

The other party had already said such words, so Mark naturally did not pretend not to understand, and finally agreed not to participate... (End of this chapter)

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