"It seems that the elves and I are a little too strong..."

Looking at the night outside the window, Mark sighed again.

He was preparing for the World Elf League Championship three months later, but he became the award presenter of the championship.

But soon, Mark shook his head.

He and the elves are indeed stronger than ordinary trainers, but compared with countless parallel time and space, compared with the vast universe, it is actually just a drop in the ocean.

Not even a drop in the ocean.

Mark doesn't think the current speed of strength improvement is fast, and even feels a little slow.

"So, the strength I show is a little too strong?"

If he came to this world, like those novel protagonists who pretend to be pigs and eat tigers, he would hide his own and the elves' strength.

Hide Jirachi, Mew and other elves, don't let these elves appear in front of the world, and then control their strength during the game, and win every time with difficulty.

Then at this time, he might be able to sign up for the World Elf League Championship normally.


Mark shook his head.

What's the point of winning the championship in that way?

Even if they win the game, Jirachi, Mew, Victini and other elves can't happily lift the championship trophy, let alone cheer happily in the stadium.

And if they live in that way.

Not only Jirachi, Mew and other little guys can't participate in the game normally, these little guys will also obey his orders to hide and live a sneaky life.

Well, if it's not nice to say, such a life is like a rat in the gutter.

Thinking of this, Mark suddenly felt something, and then pinched his fingers...

After a long time, Mark showed a helpless smile.

Some things are destined.

If he is given another chance, he will still do his best to improve the strength of the elves like now, and when he has a certain self-protection ability, he will still show Jirachi and other elves and bring them to the stadium.

Then, he will still be like now, unable to become a world champion, but become the award presenter of the world champion...

No more thinking.

Mark looked at his fingertips, and at the same time, he was looking for what his fingertips had just touched.

Unfortunately, he didn't feel it.

After becoming an immortal, although he became able to calculate, he could only calculate some vague things. In some ways, he was far inferior to the eyes of the King of the Crown of Buds that were watching fate.

And just in that calculation, he seemed to have touched something that could not be described in words.

He seemed to have touched fate, and seemed to have touched something like cause and effect.

In a short moment, he seemed to have experienced a dream and returned to the world two years ago when he had just come.

In the dream, he forgot some things, and all the memories of getting along with Jirachi, Caterpillar and other elves were forgotten.

However, he also retained some things. In the past two years, he learned knowledge in various parallel time and space all over the world, and all the practice experience in dream cultivation was retained.

It was still the day after the rain. He woke up on the grass at the edge of the Qingxi Forest and saw the Caterpillar who depended on him for life.

Because of the experience of cultivation, the first time Caterpillar entered the dream world for cultivation, he comprehended 25 techniques of [Impact], and was only one step away from returning to the original state and comprehending the later [Hundred Styles].

And in the process of adding points for the first time, he re-comprehended [The Power of Waveguide] and constructed the waveguide core of his body, trying to become a martial saint in one step.

Unfortunately, due to the downtime of the Yuling panel, he was stuck at the half-step martial saint.

Then, there was the riot of the Arbok tribe in Qingxi Forest and the attack of the Thunder Group.

He met Butterfree again, and met the predecessor of the Shovel Cannon Bug, the Bug Electric Treasure, and then heard the call of Jirachi when Zhao Meisha used her relationship again to become the leader of the Qingxi Gym before Uncle Sanshu...

The two lives are generally similar, but there are also some differences.

That is, the latter his strength increased faster, and his encounters with some elves were also advanced, and then the speed of his strength improvement became even faster, and the name of Mark the Great Demon King became more widely known.

In this life, he also met a person he had never met in person, Mayo Meyers.

He was the president of the World Elf League, whom Mark had a video conversation with not long ago.

In this life, Mayo heard Mark's name earlier, and came to Qingxi Village to personally award Mark the certificate of the King Trainer.

Yes, the badge and trophy of the legendary trainer were obviously issued by Mayo's people, but the certificate of the King Trainer was issued by Mayo himself.

It is worth mentioning that every officially recognized King Trainer has a title, and Mark's title is the Great Devil.

Then, in this dreamlike life, Mark almost didn't even win the championship of the World Elf League Youth Trainer Competition.

Well, in this life, because of his strong strength and greater reputation, although the mainstream media and so on still reported his participation in the World Youth Championship, there were also many media voices of opposition, believing that Mark should not participate in the World Youth Championship to bully the weak, and should give more normal young trainers some opportunities.

Finally, in this life of a dream, he was told that he would be the award presenter of the World Elf League Championship more than two months earlier, and he didn't even have the chance to register...

"Mark, what's wrong with you?" A voice appeared, and Jirachi flew to Mark's shoulder and looked at Mark's cheek in confusion: "Jirachi feels that you don't seem very happy, what happened?"


What is this?

Dream also came over and looked at the golden trophy and badge in Mark's hand curiously.

Dream is not very good at dealing with electronic products. Not long ago, Dream was confused while playing "Elf Battle". At this time, the game ended and Dream finally woke up.

"Mark, number 003, what does this mean?"

Huppa looked at the base of the trophy and read the words on it. Dream, Jirachi, and the elves such as Victini and Celebi in the room also came over and looked at it together.

Mark touched the heads of the little guys nearby and sighed softly: "These are the trophies and badges of the legendary trainer. If you search the Pokémon Encyclopedia, you will find that our information has been updated."

"Legendary trainer!?"


Many little guys immediately picked up the Pokémon Encyclopedia to check the information and exclaimed repeatedly.

After becoming a legendary trainer, Mark's encyclopedia information column became more refined and he received a new ID number, which was 003... (End of this chapter)

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