Pokemon: I'm really a civilian trainer

Chapter 766 Taile Bagos, an encounter seven thousand years ago

The reason why Momojilang went to snatch Ergui's mask was that the culprit was actually Momojilang's own toxin.

The reason why the absolutely chaotic space of CDF1876 parallel time and space is more dangerous than other parallel time and spaces is that the culprit is Jirachi's time travel on a whim.

Jirachi took Momo from the future back to seven thousand years ago, and accidentally made Momo cry, causing the poison to spread.

When the four little guys Jirachi, Xiemi, Momojilang, and Celebi rushed back, the entire Jue Zero chaotic space had been covered by the spreading purple poisonous mist.

The ground inside the chaotic space was dyed purple, and thick smoke emitted.

The space where the ancient region and the future region were originally distinct became unstable, and at the same time, the ancient paradoxical elves and the future paradoxical elves began to riot continuously.

Jirachi half-opened his mouth: "Is this... a toxin that we didn't purify at that time?"

Xie Mi: "Yes, I felt that leaving would cause problems at that time, but Tao Jilang cried very sadly. After thinking about it, I thought it would be better to coax Tao Jilang well first, but I didn't expect that Tao Jilang's toxins were so toxic. interests."


Momojiro looked at the disaster scene in front of him with a blank look on his face.

Could this be all caused by it?

Unlike Jirachi, Shimei, and Momoji who were stunned, Celebi had already started to take action.

Not far away, a roaring tail that turned purple all over and walked crookedly fell to the ground. Upon seeing this, Celebi immediately took action to treat it.

As the pale golden light fell, Roaring Tail's poisoning symptoms soon eased and he became lively.

Jirachi and Semi realized something when they saw this, and immediately rescued the poisoned ancient and future elves nearby.

Among the three elves, Semi has the highest detoxification efficiency. One [Seed Flash] can relieve the poisoning symptoms of dozens of elves. Jirachi and Celebi detoxify a little slower, but they are actually very fast.

However, this only treats the symptoms but not the root cause.

The three little guys kept busy, and the number of poisoned elves not only did not decrease, but became more and more, because while the three little guys were being treated, many elves were being infected by the poison.

Some elves were even detoxified by the three little guys one moment and were poisoned again the next moment.

After being busy for a while, Xie Mi was the first to notice something was wrong: "No, we have to purify the toxins here first, otherwise there is no point in continuing to detoxify these elves."

"Yeah, this detoxification can't be completed at all!" Jiraqi also realized something and sighed: "It's all Jiraqi's fault. If only Jiraqi hadn't been in a hurry to leave at that time."

"Beep, beep~!"

Celebi shook his head. It wasn't entirely Jirachi's fault, it didn't think of it either!

Xie Mi thought about it: "My purification ability is quite difficult to deal with the toxins here, so I think I have to rely on Tao Jilang."


Momojilang looked puzzled. Although these toxins flowed out of its body, they were different from its original toxins, and it didn't know what to do with it.

Xie Mi thought for a moment: "Taojilang, you inhale the toxins here. You don't have to absorb them all, just leave some behind, and then purify them later."


Tao Jilang nodded seriously.

Although he didn't have much contact with elves such as Jirachi and Shimei, Momojilang has obviously matured a lot.

At this time, Momojiro has realized that his toxins caused all this, and he wants to make up for his mistakes.

"Too happy~!"

Momojiro was just about to try to absorb the poison when he suddenly noticed a blue crystal turtle moving over. This elf seemed to be planning to help!

"You want to help too?" Jirachi blinked: "Aren't you the elf who was treated by Jirachi not long ago?"

"Too happy~!"

Talebagos nodded and thanked Jirachi.

Not only Jirachi, but also Talebagos came to Shemi and Celebi one after another to express their gratitude to the two elves.

The next moment, a spar bead appeared on the top of Tailebagos' head.

The crystal beads shined and divided into four energy streams, which were injected into the bodies of Jirachi, Celebi, Shimei, and Moojilang.

Jirachi's appearance remains unchanged, but a layer of silver crystals condenses on the surface of the body. The steel power is strengthened, and healing moves such as [Prayer] are also strengthened.

A layer of pink crystals appeared on Celebi's body, and his super power was strengthened.

Emerald green crystals condensed on the surface of Xie Mi's body, his attributes changed to grass type, and his purification ability was greatly improved.

The same goes for Momojiro. A layer of purple crystals condensed on his body, and the poison power was strengthened. Moreover, Momojiro found that he could control the toxins spreading on the earth.


Tao Jilang flew up.

Its body was like a whirlpool, and large swaths of purple poisonous mist rose from the ground and poured into Tao Jilang's peach shell.

Normally, Momo's behavior would definitely cause Jirachi to exclaim.

But at this time, Jirachi did not pay attention to Momo, but flew directly in front of the crystal turtle. It finally remembered the appearance of the crystal turtle.

This little crystal turtle is no ordinary paradoxical elf, but Talebagos.

Jirachi: "Are you... Talebagos?"

"Too happy~!"

The crystal turtle responded, yes, it is Tai Lebagos.

Jirachi blinked: "Is it really you? Have you been here all this time? Why didn't Jirachi see you before?"

"Tai Le, Tai Le~"

Tai Le Bagos responded that it was not here before.

It was in another space deep here, and due to the spread of the poison, it finally woke up from its slumber.

Because the original injury had not healed, it was helpless against this poison for a while.

Then, while it was trying to find a way to detoxify, Jirachi happened to appear, detoxified it, and also healed part of its body injuries.

"Tai Le~"

Speaking of this, Tai Le Bagos bowed to Jirachi again to thank him.

The latter's face gradually flushed as Tai Le Bagos thanked him.

Jirachi scratched his head, looking embarrassed: "Tai Le Bagos, actually... Actually, your poisoning was caused by Jirachi and Tao Dailang. Jirachi should apologize to you."

Tai Le Bagos was a little puzzled, but still thanked Jirachi.

Jirachi continued to explain, but he still couldn't explain it clearly. Finally, he changed the subject and said, "Let's not talk about this. Tao Dailang has absorbed some toxins, Xie Mi has also started to purify, and Jirachi is going to rescue the elves here!"

"Tai Le~!"

Tai Le Bagos nodded.

The crystal turtle touched Jirachi's body with its head, and the turtle's body was covered with a layer of the same steel Tai Crystal as Jirachi.

After obtaining this steel Tai Crystal, Tai Le Bagos also learned Jirachi's [Prayer] move... (End of this chapter)

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